CohhCarnage's Thoughts On Baldur's Gate III (Mid-Playthrough)

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hi everybody Joe Carnage here with an early thoughts video on Baldur's Gate 3. now as most of you know I wait generally until the end of a playthrough to make a thoughts video that's because I normally like to know how long it takes to finish a game and also when I'm done with the game I have a really good idea about how I felt in terms of how that entertainment was distributed among the entire playthrough sometimes for instance as I've learned the end of a game can detract from the experience and leave a not so great taste in my mouth so you know I like to make sure what I generally make these videos I get to the the finality the final part of it before I make the video however motor Skate 3 is a different Beast as many of you guys know I've been playing this game voraciously over the last four or five days and I've been asked about three to five hundred times a day on what I think about the game so instead of just giving the you know two to three word answer that I have been I figured I should probably make a quick small video to let you know you know what my thoughts on botters K3 are Baldur's Gate three is one of the best games I've ever played it is relatively bug free although there are bugs it is incredibly deep it leads passion it is a joy to look at it is fully voice acted by phenomenal voice actors historian characters have been great so far and up until this point of 10 to 13 hour streams every day I can say that that the last time I have felt disconnected to a game was one of my previous games of the year Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous this game so far has done almost everything right for me there are some things that I would love to see changed and updated particularly involving the qol um there's some there's some things that I that now that I've done you know 50 60 70 times I can definitely think to myself you know this would be a lot smoother if but it is a great experience I can strongly recommend it and it is it is a a fantastic fantastic Feast for the senses I also really quickly want to want to cover a couple questions that I'm seeing all the time in chat um I'm playing a Bard on tactician I absolutely love Bard I highly recommend it and tactician is a great difficulty so far there have definitely been a few fights that I feel have been pretty rough and and I think some of that roughness lends into RNG um but I have not yet encountered any fight that in any way I feel is cheap like everything feels like something you kind of have to puzzle through which is one of the huge strengths of this game where there's so many ways to accomplish things that very rarely is there a right way there's just a collection of ways you can do it and I think the tactician really plays into that also I've been getting the question a lot do you think you can play this game as a first time DND or first time crpg player and the short answer is absolutely emphatically 100 yes there is a difficulty specifically designed for people that are either new to the genre or frankly just want to enjoy the huge cast of characters and story and you absolutely can play that difficulty and have a great time at this game another thing that I want to stress with this that I've been seeing a lot as well is people saying I'd love to play Baldur's Gate 3 but it is overwhelming I want to play Baldur's Gate 3 but I don't want to sit down and look through a three encyclopedias of stats and choose a class and a subclass and all this stuff and no I just want to play the game and have fun I have some very good news for you you absolutely can here's the big thing I want to stress about bg3 very similar to another game called Path of Exile you need to break out of this feeling of I need to know and understand everything about this game to have fun because you don't you absolutely do not you do not need to understand every class and fundamentally what it does you do not need to know all the Spells you don't need to play optimally you don't need to perfectly manage your stats none of that needs to be done on the easiest difficulty you can just have fun and play and most importantly you don't need to know everything to have fun some games you do don't get me wrong some games if you don't have the mechanics down if you don't understand how everything works if you don't understand the Parry system you're just not gonna have a good time this isn't that game you can understand 15 to 20 of this game and still just have a fundamental awesome time so keep that in mind if you're playing the game um it is it is definitely definitely worth checking out if this is your thing so anyway early thoughts let's wrap this up this game is amazing I'm just getting to the end I think of act one I can't wait to see what's coming up in it I have been 100 connected the entire time and I hope you'll join me either on YouTube or on Twitch as we continue this adventure I will be doing another thoughts video at the end to kind of sum up everything especially um at that point we'll be able to talk about the length the main story that kind of thing in a spoiler-free way but I hope to see you for that and as always thank you for watching find me Carnage maybe Co and check out our mobile app if you haven't if you want to follow along with the adventure at mobile all right see you guys later bye-bye
Channel: CohhCarnage
Views: 191,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, 1080p, 60 fps, cohh, cohhcarnage, youtube, cohh review, game thoughts, game review, BALDUR'S GATE III gameplay, BALDUR'S GATE III, BALDUR'S GATE III footage, RPG, Role Playing, Adveture, Strategy, Game, CRPG
Id: SOvPtQllTw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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