AI Just Got Crazy - Things Will Never Be The Same

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have y'all been seeing what's going on in the world of artificial intelligence Nvidia making strides powering basically everything Microsoft and openai continuing to make great things Google doing what they can to try to keep up and even more companies like Adobe implementing Ai and their own products with so much going on I wanted to make a video going over what you may have missed and in everything we discussed today let me know what you're most excited about and what you'd like to see a dedicated video on because frankly I'd like to make a dedicated video on each and every single one of these things but there is just so much going on which is why I'm kind of making this overview video here basically because I I can't decide so you all decide for me let's start off with Microsoft and open Ai and if you don't know why these two companies are being grouped together well then I recommend you watch my last video or I'm not sure if the video is out just yet it may be my next video or something like that but it's about the relationship and how it's culminated over the past five years four or five years years between Microsoft and open AI but the overall gist is the fact that Microsoft owns about 49 of open Ai and is taking 79 of profits until it gets its investment return yeah and gets early and oftentimes exclusive access to what openai is building yeah don't get me started again anyway you already know about open ai's most popular product chat GPT that's old news and we've already talked about the general idea and overview of it but open AI is doubling down on it on February 1st they introduced chat GPT plus a 20 subscription that gives you faster response times General access during peak times and Priority Access to new features and improvements like their new release of GPT which is their llm behind chatgpt gpt4 compared to its predecessor GPT 3.5 it's 82 percent less likely to respond to requests for disallowed content and 40 more likely to produce factual responses or in other words bigger number better GPT but it doesn't start there for all of you trying to harness the power of chat GPT in your own products they've introduced chat GP pi and Whisper API which is an automatic speech recognition system actually really cool stuff but obviously not as popular early users of chat GPT API include snap in the form of my AI for Snapchat Plus I think the idea here is to be able to access chat gbt on the go in a easy to use manner you know just open up Snapchat and you can use it because it's basically a chatbot and what do you do a lot in Snapchat you chat but really I don't know I I don't use Snapchat so I'm not sure how to figure out the exact use cases for chat gbt in SnapChat and something super cool chat GPT plugins which allows chat GPT to interact with third-party apis basically openai just introduced real-time data and internet connectivity and when you put it that way it sounds way sicker like that is something that all of us have always hoped for and wish Chachi BT can do and now it can kinda obviously you have to plug it in but it can't Microsoft is obviously stoked on this too so stoked in fact they fired their entire AI ethics and Society team and for some reason decide to refer to as her name anything related to AI as co-pilot soon enough they'll rename all of those things to Pilot because you won't be needed anymore it started with GitHub copilot the AI pair programmer which just leveled up to GitHub copilot X alongside the release of gpt4 this update includes context-aware conversations like how Chachi BT does by using context laid out previously in the conversation finding and fixing bugs helping generate tests facilitating learning which is exactly what I said to do if you use chat gbt to cheat so pretty cool to see that they included that in their announcement video and integrated into every part of your workflow which is something else I said in the video about AI probably most likely definitely taking your jobs within the next five to ten years oh and one more thing finally being able to center a div an absolutely insane announcement was made on March 16th another co-pilot being Microsoft 365 co-pilot which is completely tied into your Microsoft 365 tools obviously like OneNote word PowerPoint Excel that one will be crazy convenient Outlook and something that a lot of people are most excited about to my surprise the live meeting Recaps and summaries it's nice but I mean the meeting probably could have been an email anyway well no maybe that's why people are excited about it because they don't really have to pay attention they can just check out and get the summary of it after huh and Microsoft introducing your co-pilot for the web AI powered Bing and Microsoft Edge being is their search engine and Microsoft Edge is their web browser in case you didn't know and the AI power well that's just chat GPT baked into it but it's actually a lot cooler than it sounds because instead of going back and forth between your browser and copying things over to chat GPT you can do it all right in the edge browser or if you're looking for an answer to something Bing will not only search the web it'll also provide the answer itself or all of the information compiled together and linked to its source so while I'm a bit nonchalant about it it's incredibly well implemented and no doubt the next stage for all search engines moving forward and Microsoft provides a perfect segue into nvidia's AI work since Microsoft Azure is hosted using nvidia's dgx Cloud for AI super Computing look if you missed Nvidia spring GTC you missed quite a bit I will be making a full video on how on videos essentially the backbone for the entire AI world today so I'd recommend staying tuned for that one hopefully that'll be up within the next two weeks two weeks from now I think that's the video that'll be going live because the thing is what what they're doing is not going to get as much hype as a consumer in product like chat gbt or something or Dolly 2 or mid-journey or even like the Microsoft co-pilots because it's a B2B thing but guess what Hardware is powering chat GPT and everything else that openai is working on that's right Nvidia and Nvidia is working to open it up more broadly via Nvidia dgx cloud in AI super Computing service that gives Enterprises immediate access to the infrastructure and software needed to train Advanced models for generative Ai and more Nvidia announced AI Partnerships with Amazon Adobe Google at T and so many more they'll be working and collaborating alongside each other and of course be the hardware they use again I'm going into full detail here in a dedicated video but I wanted to give you the overview of it but that video will go all the way back to when the founder and CEO of Nvidia Jensen Huang hand delivered their first dgx AI supercomputer to open AI in 2016 and making their transition from gaming focused to AI focused but most importantly what they're doing today and their plan for the future I'm pretty stoked on that video I'm not gonna lie one of the companies I mentioned there collaborating with Nvidia was Google Google it seems they've been called just sitting on their hands and now trying everything they can to catch up to Microsoft's open Ai and chat GPT but that's not completely the case Google has been working on AI for a while at least internally remember about a year ago when that one engineer left because he said the AI was sentient well just recently Google announced Bard their response to chat GPT it's an AI chatbot that is seemingly worse than Chad GPT but that may be on purpose to avoid anything even remotely close to what their former engineer had claimed he experienced but that's not the only area where they're playing catch-up Google also has a suite of tools just like Microsoft 365 Google workspace with Gmail docs sheets slides in and a lot more tools that could benefit from Ai and as Microsoft launched 365 co-pilot on March 16th Google announced their generative Ai and Corporation into many of their tools like Gmail and docs two days earlier where you can ask AI to catch you up on an email conversation help you write an email build a presentation and slides capture notes in summarized meetings and a lot more that's very similar to 365 co-pilot I mean it's an AI being integrated to basically what are the same tools so I'm not surprised that they basically do the same things it's just an interesting note that they were released within just a couple days of each other and Adobe unveiling their family of new creative generative AI Firefly I mean they are A Creative Suite they do have to have the cool hip and creative name like Firefly right and while it's effectively just generative AI art Adobe being who they are have actually taken it to the next level where you're able to work in layers and really drill down on the specifics of the image something where a tool like dolly or mid-journey even with its new update can't I mean it kind of came in theory but it's never worked out too well in in my experience but mid Journey overall is pretty good I like it better than Dolly too that's for sure but the coolest thing about Adobe AI some people may say the 3D renderings and things of that nature but for me it's the font I don't know why maybe it's just because this is something new and hasn't really been done before whereas all the other AI artist I just feel like it's saturated every time you see one you're like oh cool AI art awesome but the but the font oh no it's something about it I just like it and what's even cooler about this is that uh Adobe AI is completely trained on uh licensed or out of copyright work so no art or work has been stolen to train these models I'm sure there are many things that I missed and many more things that have come out since the time I recorded this to the time it's live on YouTube but hey I'm trying again if you want me to make any video in depth going over whatever AI mentioned here or something that I didn't mention let me know in the comments because again I want to make in-depth videos about all this but there's just so much I I need y'all to pick for me I already have a feel in the way like the Nvidia one and then the tools one if that one's not already out and then the untold story of open AI that's already out but the tools themselves yeah yeah there's a lot of cool stuff going on here this world of AI is absolutely insane right now and I am excited for it I haven't been this excited for something probably since I studied AI back in my computer science degree in 2016 17 18 sometime around there that's what I emphasized my CS degree in so it's so nice to actually be being able to see products and tools being released that are actually Ai and actually usable consumer friendly they're actually good enough because for the longest time they were just Theory AI Theory I've read a lot of research papers on the topic and aside from that anything that was trying to be released either wasn't actually AI or just wasn't good or there's no applicable use case for it so today is it's a fun day to be interested in Ai and to be able to use the AI and create content about the AI so I'm here for it overall I I'm stoked there's no other way to put it and uh I guess until next time you have a good one
Channel: ForrestKnight
Views: 22,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, will ai replace programmers, software development, web development, will ai replace coders, github copilot, artificial intelligence and machine learning, ai news, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, GPT-4, gpt4, openai, microsoft copilot, microsoft copilot 365, google workspace, google workspace ai, open ai, ai art, chatgpt, ai tools, ai generated art, ai images, open ai chat gpt, deep learning ai, ai, computer science
Id: 4_frwLFlOt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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