coding languages I would learn (if I could start over)

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hey Pirates PK here today I want to talk to you about the coding languages I would learn if I could start over with so many options like C C plus plus C sharp Java JavaScript python Swift Etc it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to focus on especially if you are a beginner but fear not because I've got you covered I also have a big announcement about code Coda an annual programming competition hosted by this video sponsor Agoda but more on that later just for context I'm PK a software engineer in Seattle I used to work at Microsoft Amazon and eBay the first programming language I would learn is python according to stack Overflow developer survey python was the second most popular programming language in 2022 after JavaScript with the rising machine learning Ai and data science It's Quickly becoming the go-to language for modern applications numerous conglomerates like Google meta Microsoft and Amazon have adopted python for years python is also one of the easiest programming language to learn for those starting to learn to code I recommend it as your first language its syntax is so simple and easy that it's considered the most beginner friendly language if you want to learn the code I recommend the crash course in Python offered by Google on Coursera you even earn a prestigious Google career certificate you can put on your resume and Linkedin after course completion use my link below to enroll for free python won't disappoint you if you want an easy to learn high career profile language if I could go back in time and learn to code from scratch again I would definitely Learn Python next we have JavaScript according to the stack Overflow developer survey it's been the most commonly used programming language for 10 consecutive years that's because JavaScript is virtually used everywhere for example most software Engineers are involved with web Technologies in one way or another and JavaScript is the dominant player and that space look at the most commonly used web Technologies list the top six are all JavaScript based you can pretty much say that everything you do on your web browser also runs in JavaScript JavaScript is also versatile for instance you can become a full-stick developer with JavaScript alone react.js is the most popular front-end framework node.js a back-end framework is the most commonly used web technology once more react native allows developers to create Android and iOS apps with Native capabilities using the react framework if I were to look for my first job again I would learn JavaScript to break into the industry C sharp comes in third on my list according to stack Overflow developer survey c-sharp is the second most commonly used strong type programming language after Java despite C sharp coming in second place I still recommend c-sharp over java because it's easier simpler more practical and more convenient on multiple locations for example you can build Windows applications back-end servers Cloud apps native Android and iOS app using summer in games with unity The Internet of Things Etc with c-sharp that's why that man a c-sharp based framework was voted the most popular library in non-web domains as a former Microsoft engineer I know that learning c-sharp will broaden my career Spectrum before we proceed I want to introduce this video's sponsor Agoda and it's the annual coding competition code quota code Gora is an annual programming competition hosted by Agoda it's one of the biggest competition in the region with over 20 000 participants joining across the globe coders from all levels are welcome to participate from anywhere in the world whether you are a beginner or an expert it's a great place to test your coding skills and have fun here are the game rules participants are given three hours to solve six algorithmic problems online the fastest person to submit the most accurate solution will get the top points there's a cash prize totally ten thousand dollars with we are taking three thousand and five hundred in addition the top female coder will win 500 and everyone in the top 100 will get a cool code t-shirt the nine hour programming competition will take place on April 1st register with my link below Java comes in fourth place according to stack Overflow it's the most popular strongly and statically typed language c-sharp falls behind Java in popularity mainly because Java has a log of Legacy code it's also worth noting that big guys like Google and Amazon use Java but only Microsoft uses c-sharp despite slowly losing its dominance Java's ubiquitous with over 3 billion devices running on it many server applications are written in Java using Frameworks like spring Java is no longer the official programming language for Android development but remains relevant in the industry nonetheless Java is still one of the core programming languages I will learn to deepen my computer science fundamentals the fifth of my list is C plus it's actually an essential programming language if I were to become a game developer again however C plus is probably one of the most convoluted and difficult to write programming languages in the world even the senior operating systems seniors at Microsoft with Decades of experience still confess they spend more time fighting in syntax than the logic that's how Bloody complicated C plus is I absolutely have no clue why some schools teach introductory programming courses with C plus it pains me to hear students give up on coding because they couldn't keep up with the language coding is not for everyone but C plus is the language with the steepest learning curve but then why C plus plus what is C plus plus four as I mentioned I would learn it if I were to become a Game Dev again C plus is powerful it's one of the fastest and most efficient programming languages out there most high-end games like Playstation Xbox and Unreal Engine rely on C plus plus pretty much any software that requires heavy computing power unlimited Hardware like virtual reality headsets and smart glasses is written in C plus having said that I wouldn't learn C plus as my first important language due to its complexity learning only if you are serious about it lastly I have sequel SQL stands for structured query language a program language used to communicate with databases it's also the language required for building the back end there are two types of databases relational and non-relational the latter is also called nosql both have pros and cons but if I must choose one I would learn nosql as it's easier and more flexible before I close off let me share my thoughts on c c is a great programming language it's after all the father of all programming languages I have nothing against it and I have used it before however I wouldn't learn it as a beginner like C plus hear me out C can be confusing for beginners due to the concept called pointers C is probably the only high level programming language with pointers still intact others like Java and c-sharp have abstracted them to make it easy easier for developers to focus on the logic in fact that's how Java was born one of Java's primary goals was to evolve into a c-like language with greater Simplicity by removing pointers learning c will indeed help you better understand low-level computer systems but at the cost of adding extra complexity if I could start learning to code over I would rather revisit C after mastering the fundamentals with easier languages like python so there you have it Pirates the coding language I would learn if I could start over if you're looking for a career with a high earning potential you might want to consider becoming a software engineer I recommend trying springboard if you're looking for an affordable online tech bootcamp with a job guarantee as a former springboard Mentor I can attest to the effectiveness of its programs you can also get a thousand dollar discount on any program with my coupon code very King if you have us work authorization and are struggling to find work in today's tough job market try pack Pathways is an online program designed specifically for Tech professionals like you with 101 mentorship training and expert advice path rights will guide you through every step of your job search and help to land your dream job pathrise believes in the line incentives meaning you only pay if you succeed in getting higher and start working at a high paying job first I used to work as a Pathways Mentor myself so I can personally vouch for its Effectiveness get started for free links in the descriptions whatever language you decide try to stick to it don't give up Midway as a software engineer perseverance is essential I promise you if you master one language you'll realize that all programming languages are virtually the same don't forget to check out code Goda and register for the competition comment like subscribe happy coding bye [Music]
Views: 32,681
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Keywords: Pirate King, pirateking, software engineer, joma tech, joma, frying pan, tech lead, coding, programming, coding languages, programming languages, coding languages i would learn, if i could start over, c#, java, javascript, js, c++, python, react, node, meta, faang, apple, amazon, netflix, google, facebook, microsoft, best coding languages, learn coding, practical coding languages, practical programming languages, programming languages i would learn, learn these coding languages
Id: OMp_ZqQr7N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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