The Most Legendary Programmers Of All Time

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i was building the next million dollar app and i wanted to speed it up i could just hire 10 developers right and it would go 10 times faster that's because 10 developers means 10 times the code right well unfortunately not and that's exactly what the famous book the mythical man hour focuses on it turns out the more developers you add to the team the less productive an individual developer gets also productivity isn't measured by lines of code but how impactful a developer can be with their limited amount of time but while a team of 10 can't make you 10 times productive sometimes a single one developer can and this is where the term 10x developer came from but what if there was a kind of developer that cannot just be 10 times but 1 000 times more productive in fact in this video we're going to talk about four different 1000x developers each of whom made billions of dollars and impacted the whole world with just their keyboard now you might be thinking i'm going to say oh it's mark zuckerberg it's bill gates and sure they've made billions and they've obviously changed the world with facebook and microsoft but you might say that their creations are just part of the natural flow of technological advancement if it wasn't microsoft someone else would have created the you know most popular operating system out there and facebook was already based on a very well fleshed out social media model where zuckerberg was just able to execute in a business perspective and dominate the market with thousand x developers though i'm talking more about creative genius these creations being doom bitcoin linux and minecraft so you can probably already tell who these developers are going to be anyway these are things we might have never had without these developers yet their creation absolutely changed our lives for the better so in this video i'm going to talk about these 4 000x developers what makes them legends in the tech world like on the level of kobe bryant or michael jordan and also how you can learn from their success and possibly apply it to your own life if you're new here i'm erin jack sf software developer turned freelance developer and founder of the freemote bootcamp let's start off with number one john carmack the creator of doom we gotta go back to 1992 when the most popular video games were platformers and side scrollers this is when john carmack pioneered his very own 3d engine and released wolfenstein 3d and with this release the gaming industry was forever changed in wolfenstein 3d you could now move in all four directions not just left or right and it established the fast-paced action of first-person shooters that we all know today this might sound trivial in 2021 but back then this was an insanely big deal wolfenstein 3d is actually considered the grandfather of all 3d shooters and it paved the way for carmack to create his greatest invention doom and doom was really the turning point for gaming it inspired developers to switch over to 3d a model which evolved into being the most popular game design today the first person shooter doom also pioneered online distribution it popularized the free trial strategy to sell copies and even had network multiplayer even though carmack didn't create doom alone his engineering talent combined with game engine experimentation and of course you couldn't revolutionize the game engine industry without having an insane amount of passion for tech this passion led to him being worth 50 million today which honestly i thought would be higher anyway carmack knew exactly what he wanted to do and got it done by starting his company id software which is why he's now known as the godfather of gaming developer number two is satoshi nakamoto creator of bitcoin no one really knows who the person or people behind satoshi nakamoto is or whether they're even japanese it is known though that their work in developing bitcoin is making waves through both the tech and even the global finance industries of course you know about bitcoin but did you know that the idea of cryptocurrency was around before bitcoin in fact the idea that bytes could have some kind of value goes all the way back to 1992 again the idea was created by cryptographers and just a few years later the first cryptocurrency prototypes were created b money and big gold which don't exactly have the same ring to them as bitcoin then it wasn't until 2008 that satoshi nakamoto released the famous paper bitcoin a peer-to-peer electronic cash system this kickstarted bitcoin and outlined what distinguished it from its predecessors it outlined that in typical transactions there's a buyer and a seller and to reduce the amount of fraud there's a middleman or intermediary institution between every transaction unfortunately though this system's even more prone to fraud because the middleman can just be used to reverse payments this fraud proof system and fact that bitcoin was outside of government's ability to manipulate has allowed cryptocurrency to become a valid challenger to traditional currencies when nakamoto released the source code and software in 2009 since then bitcoin's ballooned from basically nothing and being limited to use by hobbyists all the way to international recognition where in february 2021 bitcoin's value surpassed fifty thousand dollars for the first time as for nakamoto well he disappeared from everywhere in 2010 he owns over 1 million bitcoins which are worth over 5 billion dollars while quite obviously have made a huge impact but not only that they've inspired a new generation of developers such as vitalik voterin who created ethereum all the hype around blockchain technology which will have ripples far into the future in the increasingly digitized world 1000x developer number three linus torvalds the creator of linux back in the 90s linus torwalds bought a computer when he was in college but he didn't like the operating system so he built his own linux actually is not an operating system though it's a family of distributions that all come out of the linux kernel which is like the core of the operating system anyway it was tourball 2 first created this linux kernel and reduced it as open source for the tech community to play with and manipulate well with windows you just have 7 8 9 and 10. with linux you get ubuntu kali arch and hundreds of other linux distributions that programmers across the world can modify to fit their specific needs and run on any different type of machine and all of these have torvalds linux kernel at the core back then torwells was just a hobbyist coding a little toy project and there's no way he could have possibly known that linux kernel would be used in so much tech that we use today android for example is a modified linux kernel and it's in literally billions of phones worldwide all 500 supercomputers in the world run on linux nasa relies heavily on linux and the majority of servers in the world are running some distribution of linux even smart watches refrigerators internet of things everything almost is on based on some version of the linux kernel now the funny part is when you ask linus torvalds what he thinks of all this he actually he doesn't even care so really both both linux and git kind of arose almost as an unintended consequence of your desire not to have to work with too many people absolutely yes now now he said in ultimate program or fashion when creating this he was just making something that he needed and also just because he loves programming besides pretty much being a genius he has a lot of idiosyncrasies and it's all this plus a stubborn focus that makes him a different kind of developer however these idiosyncrasies have also caused him a lot of problems with people he cites a general dislike for people and a monastic focus on programming to be the cause of what he calls an inability to communicate with people in fact he's been known to send quite abusive messages to linux developers who did not meet his expectations and this is when they wrote code that in his opinion was in bad taste to me the really the sign of people i really want to work with is that they have good taste some people have also called him a misogynist but programmers having trouble with the ladies that's nothing new though he's apologized for his behavior he's also defended it in the past saying that it's critical for the success of linux here's a pretty interesting quote to give you an idea of his mindset the same way i'm not going to start wearing ties i'm also not going to buy into the fake politeness the lying the office politics the back stabbing the passive aggressiveness and the buzzwords because that is what acting professionally results in people resort to all kinds of really nasty things because they're forced to act outside their urges in unnatural ways now when you hear it put this way it's definitely an interesting perspective that it's hard not to agree with in some way besides all this torvalds has said himself that he's not a visionary that he's instead an engineer that fixes what's in front of him and by doing just that torvalds fix the road for the digital age we've got one more a controversial one marcus peterson aka notch who created minecraft minecraft one of if not the most popular game of all time was created by marcus peterson also known as notch released in 2019 minecraft grossed over 700 million dollars how much money do you have [Laughter] i would say i'm being humble but i actually don't know and notch basically became a god among indie game developers now i won't spend time explaining what makes minecraft successful if you haven't been living under iraq you know a thing or two about it and mainly that it's the most versatile sandbox game of all time that people of all ages can basically enjoy safe to say it's hard to ever anticipate this degree of success and notch kind of became the face of minecraft but he wasn't really equipped to deal with all the public attention that came with it he said that he just loves games and he never really had the end intention of one of his games becoming a hit but unfortunately for him minecraft became a lot more than just a popular game kind of reminds me the creator of flappy bird 2 the mobile game who created flappy bird and then actually took it down because he literally didn't want this success anyway for a really long time notch was the only person who worked on minecraft until 2014 that is it was then he sold minecraft to microsoft for 2.5 billion dollars now in his blog he wrote i don't want to be a symbol responsible for something huge that i don't understand that i don't want to work on anymore that keeps coming back to me i'm not an entrepreneur i'm not a ceo i'm a nerdy computer programmer who likes to have opinions on twitter and he really does like to have some strong opinions on twitter which ended up getting him into a bit of hot water specifically after leaving the company he helped found mojang he started sending tweets considered by many as racist homophobic and sexist which actually led to him getting cancelled and microsoft removed all the references to him within the game of minecraft he also didn't get any recognition at minecraft's 10-year anniversary can you imagine that and microsoft was forced to say that his comments did not reflect the views of microsoft or mojang so in the end unlike carmack notch was not really focused on building a company but he was kind of making minecraft for fun in the traditional basement programmer scenario mainly because he had fun doing so and loved making games as of today though he's cashed out with more money than pretty much anyone would know what to do with and minecraft's not going to be dying anytime soon so what exactly can we learn from these 1000x developers well if 10x developers can create really good products or help companies get to that next level then 1000x developers are companies of one on their own not only that but the top ones have created products and movements with massive effects across the whole world now the common denominator is not their business vision but it's a passion for programming and engineering this allows them to be on the cutting edge of their field and focus on the craft rather than trying to come up with something that's going to be a business success with all that said i hope you got inspired by these guys i certainly do and it kind of makes me want to start my next big project because that just might be the one with all that said i'm aaron jack and i'll catch you guys soon [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Aaron Jack
Views: 534,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, web development, javascript, react, learn programming, learn to code, coding, software development, become a software developer, software developer, freelancing, freelance developer, coding tutorials
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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