Code Editors vs IDEs : Why you NEED to STOP using IDEs

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now when you're beginning to learn to code one of the biggest problems that people have is how can they create an environment okay so basically an environment is where you will run your code where you will write your code where you will test your code debug your code and all of those things that you do with code uh many people have this problem that they don't know where to start now there are multiple applications that you can use to run and to write your code okay these are called as uh code editors and the second is called as an ides okay ide stand for an integrated development environment these are really chunky and large applications which will have a lot of applications which will have a lot of features for you to use so that you can just create some great programs and so what the biggest mistake that i see a lot of people making is that they just go and they just install a big uh ide okay and id looks really complex okay like to be honest with you i started uh coding in in ninth grade okay i installed netbeans netbeans is an ide which is used for java that's what i used it for and to be honest with you the experience was really complex too for me i didn't know about anything i didn't know what a boolean was okay and i was supposed to look at that that complex infrastructure of netbeans id and feel as if i'm able to understand everything which is completely crazy okay and so i was definitely not able to understand most of the things that i was doing uh with java and with netbeans at that point in time but when i started again to code in you know in my last year of college the one thing that i did is that i did not install any ide okay so i was not having things like notepad or or you know pycharm or netbeans or whatever the the big large applications you use to run your code i did not use those instead i used lightweight applications like vs code or sublime text okay so if you don't know uh code editors are just very lightweight programs that you can use to write your code and to run your code these are really good because they number one are lightweight and number two they are simple to use okay so if you're a beginner this will really help you out a lot because when you go into an ide there will be there will be hundreds of features and it becomes overwhelming very quickly okay you're not able to remember what exactly does every single feature do and so the good part about vs code or sublime text or atom or these you know lightweight code editors is that they simplify everything for you so that you don't have to feel that you uh are learning something very difficult and in this video i want to talk about a few things a few uh languages that you are learning and then which are the best code editors or ids for you to run them okay so number one if you are doing python you should definitely check out sublime sublime is a pretty good you know lightweight code editor that i use you can also use atom okay and they pretty much work the same the only difference is in the in this in the ui of the both of the programs but basically you can just use sublime or atom to run your python code and it would be really simple for you to use so that's one thing to keep in mind if you're going into machine learning there is a important package for you to install and that is called as an anaconda distribution okay you can just look it up i'll put the link in the description so you don't have to worry about that so for all of you data science and machine learning uh you know enthusiasts out there you should definitely check out jupiter notebook uh basically jupiter notebook has a very you know a great approach for people who want to just run their machine learning code or they just want to experiment with the data or they just want to run their python code and see what results they are getting okay so uh do that use jupyter notebooks for running your python code and just for doing the data science and machine learning experiments and then if you want to get into let's just say web development one really good code editor that i myself have used is called as vs code okay visual studio code this is provided by microsoft and it has a really great looking ui number one and it is really easy to use you can install extensions which will help you out a lot with you know just writing code and making sure that everything is managed properly so that's one thing to keep in mind whenever you're going into web development you can also use you know vs code for python but that's just what i feel that's just my own my own way of writing code now if you're going into android development you can still use vs code and if you are going into let's just say uh competitive programming then i think still uh vs code would be a great option for all of you so yeah i mean like my personal choices are just using vs code and sublime or atom as well if you want to go over there right so just keep this thing in mind whenever you're starting off use code editors and not ides ides are not meant for you for a beginner even for me i'm like an intermediate developer and it is not meant for me i just don't use it you can also use visual studio this is uh this is a better version of visual studio code it has a lot more functionality than visual studio uh and yeah i mean you can run your code in visual studio as well and in sublime as well all of those come with extensions so that's just one thing to keep in mind uh so yeah i mean i hope this was helpful to you i will leave the link to all the ids in the description so all of you can check out but thank you so much for watching let me know what uh do you think about this what id or code editor do you use in the comment section below thank you so much for watching and subscribe to the channel like this video and i will see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Ishan Sharma
Views: 286,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: code editor, ide, integrated development environment, code editor vs ide, tech with tim, best python ide, best ide python, python best editor, top python ide, what is the best python editor, python code editor, top code editor, pycharm vs visual studio code, integrated development environment (software genre), why not to use ide, should i use an ide, ide coding, best coding ide, visual studio, pycharm, should you use an ide, dont use an ide, what is an ide, ishan sharma
Id: YXBhmlpJrc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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