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hello everyone welcome to my shop I'm Robin and today we're going to do a little mix of old-school and CNC this was a ductile iron spindle mount that I needed to make this is back from some archive footage that never edited into a video no rocket science here's don't get too excited about this video but it might be interesting and I'm going to try to show anything educational I can along the way as I voice over it this is all voiceover because I was recording these things with the shop at Full Tilt with my son working and you know high noise level so it's all going to be voiceover which which isn't necessarily a bad thing so let's get on with the show using the roll install to get rid of the excess material this is about two millimeters oversized on all three dimensions setting the z-axis to be zero at the vise base by resetting it at two inches on a two inch block using a piece of 3/32 welding rod on the rough cast face of the part to accommodate any irregularities as it crushes I have the saw on face of the block on the stationary jaw on the aluminum welding rod on the backside taking half of the total material allowance the two millimeters cut off here just using jog to cut these faces could write a program but jogs pretty quick and for a one of I just didn't bother using the paint brush here to keep the chips from going all over the shop take the part out knock the burrs off with a file clean the vise out well I have these vise shells and the actual vise bodies milled to the jaws stationary jaws leaned forward a little bit so that under pressure they're very square same procedure on side two which we are now making perpendicular to the first side we melt filing off all the edges taking the part out cleaning the vise out getting ready to put it back in to do the third side and still using the aluminum rod tapping it down and machining side three still using jog I was tapping the part down because this is actually taking the part to size in this case so it being tight to the vise bottom as our reference is important I warned you to not get too excited about this video filing the edges this is side three we just got done doing two dimension I'm gonna pop it out putting everything out this case we're not going to be using the weld wire because we've got two parallel machine faces to grip one grab it tapping it down with the brass making sure we're seated good going to our finished dimension and machining this face off you may notice that the resorting machine face that's because I took two passes on this and just cut out the initial pass save some time so there it is finished on the four sides on the sanding block we're now that's 220 silicon carbide paper that's tacked to the surface plate with 3m 77 spray just spray one side actually I just spray the paper on one side let it just tack one side only and then press it down on the cast iron very handy item using the square here knife edge square and one thing it's very careful here you'll see me tapping but I'm never tapping with the square touching on there I'm backing away slightly and anytime I'm touching and when you see me grab the top I'm actually flexing the blade usually to see whether I've got dragged at the top or not I'm feeling for the drag just a way to get a good feel in there without site by making sure you're tight at the bottom and then feeling at the top and then locking it up just mill on one end just taking off enough material to clean up just use my hand to keep the chips from spraying on me this is ductile iron so it does not chip out on the edges like great iron can this cutter would be okay you know because it has a 45-degree lead but something have to be careful of one on gray iron is edge chipping as you come out the edges this is ductile this is not a problem at all really nice stuff to work with has a nice unique smell yeah I know I'm sick chamfer Meister just not going to knock in the edges off here this my belt sander that I converted to be able to put adjustable size chamfers on very handy yes sooner or later I'll do a video on it but works real nice really needs an oscillation feature to use the full face of the belt to be ideal because he attends to wear a groove which you can compensate for but then after a while that group gets tired and you need to move that I just use the tracking to move over to another spot okay now we're going to sitting on the bottom we tapped down tight and we're just taking it to dimension on the other other end little chamfer Meister action on the end that we just milled there so now we're going to have all the edges deferred for proceeding on with the next operations Karen putting some dye come on just for a reference so that it's a double check to everything that's going on and I'm going to be just drilling a series of holes in here to remove that whole chunk of material out of there and I'm picking drill sizes that work out for the dimensions that I need to go to and leaving a little maybe a five thousands web mathematically between the holes so they don't actually run into each other while drilling drill sended drill oversize a little bit anyhow especially when you're doing a reasonably long depth so I just pick a drill size that works out for the for the width and and length is going on there and you can cheat on how much material you're relieved you're leaving on the walls to make that work out the one two three blocks are just in the vise against the stop for me to be able to edge find to get the effective location of where the stop is part in doing center drilling of the holes actually spot drill I used and then drilling with the actual drill ductile iron actually likes a little bit of lubrication you can do it dry but it's happier with it just a little bit of juice the bottles with the lower lock caps and little hypodermic needles is really nice for applying going on directly where you want it without having everything flooded and slinging all over on you the vacuum and air hose combination works well because the stuff shoots out of the holes all over the place but having the vacuum right there to grab it works well and cleaning the holes out taking the block over to the sanding plate to just knock all the burrs off the edges so that we've got a good surface that we're we're gripping on once you do one of those plates it's going to be like wow why did I not have this sooner now we're getting ready to do the center spot drill and holes for the bottom edge when we get to the part where we take this out it'll make more sense loan the loan the holes out there there's what it looks like getting rid of the one continuous web there on on the outside face with the hacksaw I'm only sawing through the top not through all the rest do all the rest on or just like a feather that's left in between there this is for you Tony no no special effects were used in the creation of this and there's what we were trying to accomplish getting all that material out sure he could have machined it all out with just plowing away at it with a with a insert cutter but just thought this would be fun then I'm doing CNC work here to actually finish the pocket there you see everything finished on the inside now I'm doing mounting holes and other things that are part of the actual spindle design obviously this is all program reaming there with some there's a dowel pin that goes in there another different face getting its holes put in counter bores keyless chuck is a handy quick change for these one-off jobs like this where you don't need a lot of rigidity more or less just drilling operations here I'm using a rougher finisher end mill to actually just whack out that hole shape in the end of the part there notice I've got the block 2 4 6 block in there to support this thing give that wall some stability and a clamp there holding that wall of the part up against there and then taking a finish cut here doing the hole pattern on that end of the part some drilled and tapped holes and clearance holes and I'm milling the bottom of the pocket there and that's done
Channel: ROBRENZ
Views: 40,988
Rating: 4.9564233 out of 5
Id: JoDEy5i59QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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