CNC Mill Retrofit with Masso G3 Touch

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[Music] before starting any work on this benchman MX I jumped through some hoops getting this old Windows XP machine up and running so I could test out the machine with the original software the software works great um however um I'm a little apprehensive about moving forward with it as um if anything goes wrong with this old PC or the proprietary controller um I'm going to be out of luck getting any replacement parts probably so I'm going to move forward with doing a full retrofit so I took off the xais motor cover plate just to see what I'm working with here you can see it's got a DC motor and then it's got a separate encoder so uh the the motors I was going to use are these AC servos 400 watt and it actually it it fits in here quite nicely so I think that's going to be awesome I also uh took apart the spindle motor here I noticed it wasn't working whenever tried to test it I don't know if it's the motor or the driver or who knows what anyways um I think going to replace it with a 1 Kow uh Servo motor see how that works I've removed the pulley from DC motor I'm going to try to board it out to fit this new Servo motor I removed the bulk of the material on the mill so I can fit my boring bar on the lath all right it looks like that's going to fit all right let's get the Mazo controller installed uh I bounce around quite a bit in this project as sometimes I only have a small chunk of time to make some progress I designed a new top plight to hold the new spindle motor and the pneumatic cylinder and I get some time to get that machined out of aluminum here's the original top plate and the new one ready to install should fit right about here okay I've got that installed along with the new 1 KW Servo next I can get the pneumatic power draw bar installed uh check out my other video if you want to see how I built that then I have to do some disassembly so I can get access to remove all the old Motors and encoders I designed some new Servo motor mounts in Fusion 360 okay here's my uh Servo Mount I printed it out of a glass filled abs and it's extremely rigid I was going to uh Mill These out of aluminum but I don't know I think this might just be totally sufficient I also model up some temporary pulley and add some threaded inserts uh for the grub screw you can see I've put on a 3D printed 14 Toth pulley on here this is just a placeholder um I have some on order from China but they're going to take like a month so I'm going to go ahead and move forward with with these uh while I get everything set up and testing I get the y-axis motor installed and the cables routed that was kind of a pain but I managed to get all the wires Run for the servo motor uh back to the back of the cabinet so I can go ahead and close this part up then I install the x-axis Servo and get the cables routed I'm moving right along here I got the Z Servo motor all wired up all right with all the motors installed now we can move on to getting this stuff wired up I've got the back of the unit opened up and I need to start removing uh old electronics my Servo drives they fit but by the time I plug anything it's going to be too too uh too wide so I think I might Mount them over here like I got the four drives installed I think that's going to work fine I can easily access uh all the menus to change parameters and stuff I get files set up for some db25 breakout board mounts and and some washers for my Aviation plugs to be uh laser cut there are the parts they turn out fine um these are going to be mounts for these db25 connectors I get these two Aviation plugs installed they're going to be connection points for my fourth and fifth axis then I can get the two stepper motor drives installed I install one more power supply that can output 5 volts and 12 volts I get the hook installed for the hand pend it all right I drilled two holes here in the in the base here to run the uh cord for the touch 3D touch probe and one for the hand pendant and I'll I'll silicone those holes once I get them all set up I have 3D printed this mount for my tool Setter think I'm going to put it over on this corner for now all right that should work next I designed this piece to mount my bank of solenoids to the back of the machine right there you can see my laser cut part mounted to the back of my uh Bank of four solenoids uh that was also so I can mount it up here uh right on these two threaded holes cool I think it's going to work well all right I need to install some Den rail up here I'm going to try to use these existing studs here so I can install this uh terminal block now I'm going to replace all these uh Breakers with uh properly sized ones for my components all right I've started running power to all the devices and uh yeah all the power supplies are wired up uh all the servo drives and the stepper drives so yeah it's starting to come together I get the db25 cables routed from the Mazo back to the terminal blocks in the back all right I got both of those wired up and so now we can start uh actually hooking some stuff up I like this original front control panel but it doesn't have all the functionality that I need so I designed a new one in Fusion 360 you might have noticed this was my second attempt at cutting out this control panel the first one I left these micro joints to hold it in place but it really marred up the surface of the stainless steel anyways now I can get all the buttons installed all right well it's going to look something like that until I can get the graphics printed on it um or laser etched we'll see what I end up doing that will be the uh tool release button uh Program start and stop or feet hold uh Miss coolant on off flood coolant on off and two uh just auxiliary buttons for um whatever I want to assign them to and then EOP of course once I get my UV printer fix I'm going to try to print the graphics of like this emergency stop and some labels and stuff and I finally get some power hooked up to the Mao through a 1 amp fuse I load the software on a USB drive and get that installed and it's up and running all right I got my cables ready for the three uh Servo motors with the Gantry go Ahad and get those installed all right if I did everything right uh the motors are all wired now so let's turn it on and uh see if I can put in a few default values and and get them to move you can see uh I can jog everything [Music] now cool now I need to uh adjust some parameters in the servo drives changing the encoder resolution uh since it's geared uh down by two with the pulley all right after that adjustment uh you can see it's uh it's jogging uh twice as fast [Music] now all right I'm ready to wire up uh this Servo driver for the spindle uh got it plugged in on the other side all right cool now I can hook it up on the front side all right last two wires here then the spindle should be good to go I'm going to control it uh using step and Direction signals so I can do clockwise or counterclockwise if I need all right let's see if we can make this spindle work because my Sero motor has a Max RPM of 6,000 and there's a wand to about7 gear reduction with the belt and pulley I have the Max RPM at 440 right now um I'll probably see if I can do something about that later and change the pulley ratio to get more RPM out of it um so let's try that all right let's try clockwise kind of clockwise awesome cool all right my actual uh 142 pulley came in so I'm going to swap out these uh 3D printed ones I go ahead and finish swapping out the pulleys and getting all the motors reinstalled next I solder up this connector to get the hand pendant installed all right the pendant all hooked up and it looks like it's working I put on x [Music] why these stuff works got my fourth and fifth X set up I need to make a hole for the cooling fan for the control cabinet these cordless drills just love 4in hole saws they've been through much abuse and it'll be fine after it cools down down but I have another one for now I know some people like to knock Ryobi tools but I've had these for years and they just won't die and that should move some air I also need to make a hole for air input on the door so I model up a quick cover plate 3D print it and get it installed that should work next I model up this adapter so I can get my M coolant sprayer mounted there's the finished piece I just have to tap a couple holes and get that mounted all right looks like that's going to work nicely I need to make some holes to mount my trunion T so I set up a file here to do the job here's my modified plate so now I got to get this back together I got the fourth and fifth ax installed on the side uh with the modified Mount so we'll try that next I model up this tool holder rack I'm going to laser cut the back panel and 3D print all the individual tool holders here's the finished panel Uh I deerred that one area and knocked out of the holes I'm going to mount it somewhere right about here and attach all the tool holders all right last tool holder cool I think that turned out pretty nice it turned out the original type of relays aren't going to work with a MAO so I bought this little breakout board with four relays and 3D printed this little mount for them all right I got my front control panel on ex said for printing the graphics on it uh EOP Works uh Mist on and off and the spindle release button right now I have this one for homing and I'm unsure what I want to assign this one to yet okay I'm ready to mount the Vie but there's this little lip on the chip tray that uh interferes with it so I need to make this little Riser plate for it to set on here you can see the little lip that's in the way all right I've got this plate mounted here and I'm just going to take and use a face Mill and um Mill off that top surface uh so that it's all level with the machine [Music] [Music] okay now we need some Vice clamps I set up this design in Fusion 360 uh just for Dimensions they're simple enough Parts I'm just going to manually Mill them [Music] [Music] all right I've milled out some uh proper Vice clamps out of steel this time so uh let me get those installed here all right those turned out really nice now I just need to uh trm in the vice and then I can start making some test cuts while I have the dial indicator out I go ahead and precisely calibrate all of the steps for the servo [Music] Motors [Music] on my super pro light Mill I started out with 3D printed clamps then I upgraded to these aluminum clamps for the vice and now as a first test job on the benchman I'm going to Mill out some new Vice clamps out of steel like I did for this machine all right I got my four pieces of stock cut off now I'm going to start manually bringing them down to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] menion all right and my four pieces squared up I probed the corner so I can calculate the position of the hole I need to drill for all right so far so good all right just one more step and then they're [Music] done all right they turned out pretty nice and the new machine was a real pleasure to use so let me get this cleaned up and installed I'll go ahead and get this trammed in for the new lucky owner of this machine at the time of editing this I've already sold this super Pro late uh it served me very well over the past year and I'm really going to miss the ATC but I'm looking forward for to using this benchman MX I got to the end of the video here and I realized I really never explained why the upgrade uh the super pro light was a great machine and I'm really going to miss the ATC part of it but um this machine has several things that I consider upgrades so one is obviously the enclosure um it's all set up for flood coolant uh I just need to get a pump and get that installed also this machine has uh 6 in of extra travel and the x-axis which allows me to set up the rotary and leave it there permanently which is awesome also um this machine has slightly beefier Square rails instead of the round rails on the super pro light that in combination with the servo motor as the spindle um I get much better low-end torque and I've noticed better surface finish which is awesome and also I just enjoy retrofitting these machines anyway guys uh thanks for watching and thanks all my patreons for all your support thanks guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Travis Mitchell
Views: 24,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ojRP2vu1XdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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