CNC Mill Retrofit: Mach3 to Masso G3 Touch

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since I finally got my super pro light all set up uh why not rip it all apart and start over again so uh I have a couple goals in mind one um I just really dislike using Mach 3. I've used that on several machines and it usually gets the job done but I just it's aggravating to me usually so I want to swap this out for a mazzo controller my second goal is I need to um get this in an enclosure man it just makes such a mess and I have Toddlers and I need to keep my workshop clean so um I have a number of upgrades I'm going to do while I'm doing this so here they are not in any specific order install the controller um while I'm doing the controller um I need a good place to mount it so I'm going to build some kind of enclosure where I can mount it to the side um give me a good mounting point and control all the chips while I have the control box open I'm going to go ahead and add two more motor drives that way if I want to play around with my uh uh fourth and fifth axis Training Table um it'll be ready to go for that um also I wanna hook up one of these hand wheels because um yeah it's just kind of annoying to have to click on the computer and go back and forth whenever you could just do it right there um I want to add a Miss coolant sprayer I want to add a um a more convenient button whenever I want to manually trigger the tool release you can do it now on the machine but you need like a little screwdriver because it doesn't really have a usable button um for the ATC part I want to add a tool setter so it can automatically set the tool Heights um whenever it changes uh also I want to wire up this uh probe all right I've got the machine all opened up so I can start taking out this Mach 3 controller uh to prepare for water in the meso I've also removed all of my pneumatic tool holder system that's not going to work with it so yeah I'm ready to get started here I get everything unplugged and remove the controller then I jump right into building the enclosure and get the extrusions cut to length okay here's what I have so far for the enclosure frame um I think I'm gonna try to do uh two pieces of acrylic that just sit in these grooves and I'll put sliders on them so I can slide them open from either side for access and then um I put these two cross beams right here where I'm going to melt the meso I get the mazzo controller in box so I can figure out the height that I want to mount it at oh I forgot to turn on the camera a bit I've drilled four holes here foreign I get the extrusions it adjusted to a comfortable height and then I get the controller bolted to it step one install the battery I remove the panel so I can get access to the battery compartment now I can install a CR2032 battery and put back on the cover panel now that I have space in my electrical box I'm going to get these stepper motor drivers ready to install off camera I got them mounted I need to install two of these Aviator plugs so that I can uh plug in the trending table and remove it whenever I need to I Mark the positions and drill pilot holes and then come back with a larger drill to finish up the holes here's what I'm going to do for the acrylic doors I've got some handles here I'll just put one here and one here slide it open for access on that side I marked on both these panels where I want the handles to go and I think uh since I have a CO2 laser I'm going to go ahead and use that to cut out the hole so I don't risk cracking the acrylic panel oh while trying to drill it I'm just gonna try to align this red dot pointer with a little marks that I put on here I know it's pretty good I removed the protective film and install the two panels now I can get the handles attached foreign plasts cut down to size to be the panels of the enclosure here's what I have so far I'm gonna wait on this side walls that way I can still have access to the machine while I'm working on it I got a db25 cable and a couple breakout boards so I can run uh all the wires from hook them up right here where the old controller was then run them around and through this hole here and then I'll Mount the other breakout board right here and so I can get it over to the controller because I don't have any good way to actually get this connector inside here it's too large I think I'm going to cut a little Notch right here it allowed me to pass the cord up through the bottom then once the cover is on you'll never even notice it angle grinder to the rescue did a little more cutting and then I felt it all smooth it should work pretty well I start by wiring up power to the controller I went ahead and added the the one amp fuse that the meso controller asks you to put in from the power line or from the power source so actually my power supply is coming through to this rail and then the four heads up to the controller I have a fuse in here I didn't show it but I've got I've gone ahead and got the x y and z motor wire is hooked up to this breakout board all right got all the motors wired up to this I've been making a chart as I go so I know what it is when I get to the other end okay I've got everything from this uh db25 connector breakout board up uh it was just the the five Motors and the spindle and oh I guess the power too um so yeah I somehow way miscalculated how many connections I needed so I'm gonna buy a second uh db25 cable and breakout boards to run a the rest of the inputs outputs um yeah everything else all right I got the two new motor drivers wired uh to the aviation plugs and yeah everything over here is what I have left to do when I get the other db25 connector I'm going to format my flash drive so I can load the software on there I log into my account on the Mazo website and download the latest software I've put the software on this flash drive I get it plugged in and then I can power on the controller for the first time and get it installed here I'm just setting up all the motors I went ahead and plugged in the trending table the A and B plugs right there so we could test it out make sure that it's working too I just got all the XC set up in the Mad Zone it looks like everything works X works well it works he works uh a works and the B works sounds like the spindle is working also [Music] um I've got the pendant all wired up I had to solder up all the wires to this db15 connector and it needed five volts so I put in this uh step down converter here and yeah let's see if it works X [Music] m okay all right he stops registering on there that's good all right cool looks like everything's working I just cut the probe wired up real quick it was only three wires up here looks like it's working uh and the mats that you just assigned the probe to an input so you just select an input double click on it and then pick what you want it to be input 22 is the probe but it looks like here uh triggering it just fine um it has a nice probing wizard in here that it's one of the reasons uh I was excited about this um so yeah once I get this set up I'm gonna learn how to do this but cool now I'm ready to get my Mist coolant sprayer mounted I'm going to install a little bracket here to hold the tool release button okay I got the two of these but I'm not sure where these machines didn't come with a button I wonder if you just did it on the computer but so much easier than it's made this temporary mount for this tool Setter But ultimately sure where I'm going to put it and I'm going to build a smaller Mount um uh once I get the machine set up so I can make it out of aluminum but I think for now then they're just stick it right here so I can make sure everything works with it um basically right here I just 3D printed these two parts it's gonna sit like that sets to hold it in place then this kind of Pops over it okay there was just enough room to go ahead and mount another db25 breakout board here so I can run the rest of my wiring for all the limit switches and uh let's see for the relays and stuff Here's the final wiring of everything inside here uh it's not uh too pretty but it's not too messy either so I think I can finally close it up and get to setting it up I've moved this quick connect fitting from the regulator and I ran a hose and played it over here to the front so that I can just plug in right here you can see I got the Miss cooler hooked up goes down to here and I have two solenoid valves right there uh One controls the uh Miss coolant and One controls the tool height setter uh clean off blow right there and this hose goes down which is going to be some coolant and a jug there okay everything is pretty much done except for adding the tool rack which I saw the 3D model and figure out how to make that but uh Here's the final view before I go ahead and put the sides on this enclosure and close everything in all right enclosure is all done now I need to figure out my tool rack situation I've designed a new tool rack in Fusion 360. this one's much simpler the base part is going to be 3D printed and then it's going to have a steel plate on top to hold the tools I'm also going to wrap the front of the base with a galvanized steel sheet that way it will keep the hot chips from melting into it I really like that the base is 3D printed that way if I ever crash the machine into the rack it'll fail rather than something that actually matters I've also went ahead and modeled up a better mount for the tool setter this one puts it in the exact position I want it first I'll use my fiber laser cutter to cut out the galvanized sheet panel then I use it to cut out the top plate out of 16 gauge steel since I finished building my fiber laser engraver I'm going to go ahead and use it to etch in the tool numbers and my logo on the top plate I laid out this design in Adobe Illustrator all right I've got the file all set up and it looks like it's previewing right where I want it to Mark so let's try it all right looks like it worked I've got the tool rack holder 3D printed and mounted with this cover plate and then I've got the tool height Setter 3D Mount 3D printed and installed okay now I can start assembling this all right now I can drop in some tools and here's what we have ready to test it out the maso has several pre-built ways to set up the tool changer so let's go here I chose the linear tool changer type 2. then I set up my four positions for my tool rack and then I set up a fifth position to do my manual tool change now that I have the tool rack set up I'll show you what it the machine does on Startup first you have to hit the e-stop then double tap it to helmet and it does an air blast to clean the tool Setter then it automatically adjusts sets the tool height for the tool that's in the spindle [Music] now I can open up the MDI and have it change tools let's do 203 [Music] [Music] and now it's going to set the height of this new tool right now the mazzo has no logic for changing a tool that's not in the rack so if I have a fifth tool or I want to use a probe or something I have to have it drive to a dummy position and manually change it quickly there here's how that works first it's going to return the tool then I have to be ready to insert the probe when it pulls forward here [Music] this works okay except for whenever it needs to return the tool and I have to be ready to catch it so it doesn't just drop it in midair like this [Music] [Music] I'll show you the probing real quick I'll set it up to probe the corner of my device so we'll do this corner and I have it with a 10 millimeter offset on each side I'll just jog it into position here [Music] and we can start the probe side and it's done these two buttons on the Mazo controller can be programmed to whatever you want so right now I have them set up for to turn on and off the Mist coolant right now I have my Vise mounted with these temporary clamps that I 3D printed and then laser cut this steel top to uh so first job for this machine is going to be to cut out some proper clamps and that's what I've done however this video is getting kind of long and I hate to leave you hanging but I think I'm going to do a separate video uh showing how I cut out that job thanks for watching I'm super excited to finally have all of my machines ready to go and looking forward to the fun projects uh over the summer a special thanks to all my patreon supporters uh your guys amazing support really makes all this uh worth doing thank you so much bye thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Travis Mitchell
Views: 29,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zlLFRUym580
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Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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