CM Punk shoots on the Tony Atlas not knowing who he was

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/vwrestling709 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tony Atlas: Looks like you got two broken arms

All of Reddit: 😳

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_UR_ARTIE_BUCCO 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

The taker reaction at the end is clearly the best part

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/AGINSB 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/BrianMghee 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love listening to Punk tell stories about his time in WWE nowadays. It's like all of his anger has passed and what he has left now is just bafflement at how ridiculous everything was.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/PrinceRory 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Well fuck you!”

Hahahahaha hahah

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/BookerTeet 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

WWE's culture just seems so awful.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/AandWGuy 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is slightly unrelated, but this video recommended a video of Punk roasting Vince and HHH and it's pretty bizarre how all of his points against them are exactly how must of us feel right now, 9 years later or whatever.

edit: also, talks about WWE ruthlessly firing his friends which has gone into overdrive this year

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bryan_pieces 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so you go to WWE you go to developmental and OVW and there's a story that gets passed around I believe at this point you might have even been the ECW Champion in that wonderful resurrection sorry not you just their their perspective on it but there's a there's a story that floats around about at night with you and Tony Atlas backstage and OVW I wanted to I don't think you've ever told it from your perspective I'd like to give you that forum it's a funny story at the time it really wasn't I was the ECW Champion I was set free from my OVW obligations meaning they told me you don't have to live in Louisville anymore you can go wherever you want and I was just like cool I mean I might as well just stay here and hang out you know I would still go to the OVW shows every night just to watch and that day I believe Joey Mercury came up to me and he goes hey I'm gonna sign a TNA contract and I was like really I was like oh good for you so it turned into this is the last time we're ever gonna get to wrestle each other and I was like oh yeah all right so I went to Danny Davis and I said hey can I work a dark match and Danny was like do whatever you want kid I was like great I'm gonna work a dark match and it spirals out of control into this four on four tag I can't remember exactly everybody who is in it but it was literally like Seth you're my buddy you're in the tag match Oh Spears [ __ ] yeah let's do you know like so just trying to have fun yes just trying to have fun so I'm like I said I'm the ECW Champion whatever the [ __ ] that means and I'm I'm alone in the locker room and we talk you know we're all we're all going over this match like Mike cruel was in it he was so good I think Cody might have been it I can't remember I can't like I said I can't remember look it up and so I pull out my bag and I'm getting ready and I tape up and exit out my hands and I'm like ah this is gonna to be fun it's gonna be friends you know goofing off but having a you know having a good time and Tony Atlas walks in he's like hey and I look up and I'm like oh hey mr. atlas hi I'm Phil nice to meet you what are you what are you doing there I'm like let's put my gear on you know I'm gonna work a work a dark match you know he's like looks like you've got two broken arms and I just go yeah cuz I cuz I got no idea where he's going with this and I'm just like yeah okay and it's that awkward and he just says it again he's just like I mean all that tape it looks like you've got two broken arms and I just go well it's just the thing I do I tape up so I can draw the X's on my hands because I'm straight edge and I could see like this is just you know not it's not it's not registering I'm not getting through to him and and I after I get done explaining it and he's just like well you know what I think I think if you don't listen to your coach you're never gonna get called up to the big show and now I'm just like look I looked down in my bag or like the ECW titles there and I'm just like I said and I just went okay I'm alright sir thank you you know all right and he he leaves and I just go man that was [ __ ] weird but you always here's you know like this is the guy I seen on the MTV show hiding money from himself and having women step on his face with high heels on so I'm just kind of like I guess that's just how he operates so we have the match it's a tremendous piece of business it's great it gets over current OVW angles you know an old favorite Joey Mercury comes back CM Punk's back everybody's you know like we do we do good business baby faces go up everybody leaves everybody's happy remember I'm like Dante from clerks I'm not supposed to be here [Laughter] we're having the post-show meeting that they always do late Wednesday nights and I'm sitting up in the bleachers with all the other guys and I got the major brothers next to me and Joey Mercury next to me and I'm honestly kind of half paying attention because they're talking about the television show and what they can do better and like how they think it went and they're getting critiqued and blah blah blah so I'm like kind of zoning out and then all of a sudden Tony Atlas it's like well I think most everybody here was nice and I'm just kind of like sitting there just like that's cool you know and he's like but you know one person in particular was an [ __ ] and I'm just like sitting there going [ __ ] man that's brutal you just call people out you know and I'm just sitting there and he's like you know some people listen to what the coaches have to say and remember you know and he starts talking about how he could benchpress more than Hulk Hogan and how he beat Hulk Hogan for real one time and I you know and I'm he's like you know a lot of you were really good you know and he would let go off on these weird tangents he'd be like you boy you were my Mia Tito but some of you are an [ __ ] and then that's when you know like Joey Mercury elbows me and I'm like and then I look and then I realized he's just staring right at me and I'm just like this is [ __ ] weird you know and he does it again you know everybody was great to work with you know and I'm gonna have a good report for everybody except for some [ __ ] and then I just I just start looking around and I realized my phone's buzzing I realized the major brothers are like texting on their phones like and then finally I just stand up and I go are you talking to me and he like wigs out he's like yes you're an [ __ ] and I was just like well [ __ ] you and I may have said see I didn't say do you know who I am I said you don't even know who the [ __ ] I am I said you don't know his name he called Spears mr. piers like he you know I was just like listen man like you come down here and you were I know why you were brought here you were brought here to tell people not to [ __ ] do drugs and to save your money because that's something you didn't do I go and you're gonna criticize me listen it's it's in the past I've buried the hatchet with Tony Alice alright I don't want this to [ __ ] be dug up or anything like that this is literally like over 10 years ago we do we [ __ ] talked and we hug it out but at the time I was like bro like I was like I'm the guy who just made it out of here surrounded by guys who are trying to make it out of here and you're attacking me and I don't know why and he started talking he's like I told you to take the risk tape off and you didn't and I was just like dude and he's just like will go to hell you'll never make it to TV and I was just like I'm on TV I was like I don't have to be here like I why am I being punished for coming back and trying to help that was the last time I'm W it turned it it turned into a big thing it turned into a big thing those those who politically didn't like me loved it cuz they went straight to vents and they're like literally we're gonna get you fired I was just gonna say what was the fun aspect of the story I've never heard is what was the fallout from WWE management itself after all that well to go back to a lot of archaic dumb toxic [ __ ] Pro Wrestling things that that's what it was everyone was like oh man you're gonna get [ __ ] you you better go talk to taker and I was just like [ __ ] for like what why you know like this guy [ __ ] attacked me like I'm not gonna eat [ __ ] just because he's [ __ ] Tony Atlas you know and I the next day somebody else who's very excited to tell the office was Nova Oh stooge I like Mike [ __ ] unbelievably excited about it they're like him and now they're like trying to get the major brothers fired because I guess there was some story that I didn't know about about the major brothers had risked a pond and you know al didn't like them so I was like oh it looks like you're doing a terrier fist match like just real stupid [ __ ] just to get mad and yell at somebody for no reason instead of maybe trying to explain you know and that's the thing about wrestling is like those in management aren't really good at managing like they should facilitate and they should help and they should be like hey you're gonna need questions what are you doing today you know what I see you got the risk tape on and you know there's kind of old school maybe it looks like you're doing a tape fist match but nobody's ever done one of those around here and I haven't seen it in 30 years explain some [ __ ] to people instead of being like no we're gonna get them fired there's way too much of that [ __ ] and so like me explaining at the journey the next day you know bunk what happened I got Tony Atlas sitting on the tarmac Tampa International so she's not getting off the plane until he gets paid and I was like what the [ __ ] does that have to do with me well he doesn't want to go to FCW and get yelled at by somebody apparently there was a problem I'm like yeah there was a problem and I told him what the problem was and we ironed it all out and you know I remember walking into a locker room somebody somebody ran and told told the undertaker because they were so excited because I thought the Undertaker would get mad about it and I would get fired I'm not gonna name who was and yeah that's it's in the past he wasn't was it Nova no no oh I did name John no name dropped him so ya know there's somebody it was somebody on the main roster who who never liked me and tried to get me fired in more than one occasion so I I remember I go to I go to the Undertaker I go so you hear any good stories lately and he just laughed and he was like yeah no look all right great we good yeah all right [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Starrcast
Views: 178,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conrad Thompson, Eric Bischoff, starrcast, conrad thompson podcast, Conrad Thompson Starrcast, starrcast 2019, AEW, Starrcast AEW, aew, aew wrestling, aewrestling, being the elite, the elite, pro wrestling, Starrcast convention, all in, dave meltzer, podcast, tony khan, wednesday night wars, CM Punk, Cm Punk AEW, cm punk starrcast, chris jericho, cm punk starrcast full interview, CM Punk WWE, cm punk returns, Tony Atlas, CM Punk Tony Atlas, Tony Atlas OVW
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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