Pro Wrestlers on How CM Punk is in Real Life - Backstage the WWE

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
awesome man I mean ever since I met that guy it's it's always it's like we clicked from from day one you know and who would have thought that later on down the road we were gonna be feuding together and having some of the best matches you know I have certain rivalries that I've had throughout my career psychosis and human tude that began in Mexico shamu way before I became Rey Mysterio as coal debris and Tijuana and here in the States you know it was any CM Punk the ones that really stood out and and lasted did you see something in Punk did you think he had the it factor back then I think I think he did I mean honestly uh but it was it was the Armenian was just so brief and so fast yeah that uh it was kind of like okay we're doing our own thing at that time you know we saw each other we introduced we met and then we parted ways and of course we went down the road again I didn't know much about him we turned out to be pretty good friends during the time you know he seemed like he was you know I I don't want to say it was the most happy-go-lucky guy on the roster because he just didn't know how he's gonna react to certain things but I think that most you know the some things I remember him telling me that the stuff and Diet Coca Cola's and stuff like that was bad for you and I learned to this day that it's very bad for you so but they you know just you know being around him you know is a good enough guy I guess you know and we had some good quality matches but what happened is I people know me for wrestling in a shirt and I still wrestled unassured back then and I still do to this day but I you know I had a singlet and Gabe before I started my mama told me can you wrestle just in the singlet because I don't want guys wrestling with shirts on my show even though homicide did and plenty people did Sarris on the singlet and that's fine but I didn't I don't know I just felt like the singlet wasn't me and I don't know why that's stupid but and you could say it's cuz I'm trying to hide the fact I'm fat but everybody knows I am you know that means so I don't know why but I just find the t-shirt looks better some people might disagree strongly but that's fine you know some people will agree like pwg I wrestled just with my singlet and PW before and they told me that can you wear the shirt like you look better with a shirt the singlet just doesn't this is just not you anyway so I after a couple months of wrestling without the shirt at Ring of Honor I asked game like can I just wrestle with the shirt on it's like I just feel more comfortable like I feel like he can be myself when I don't have the shirt I just feel like I'm this wrestler do and get was like yeah fine whatever but it wasn't yeah fine whatever because he went and told Punk what I said and then that afternoon before the show when I was gonna wrestle for doll Walker and I had already decided like on the way up there that I was gonna wrestle without the shirt because I figured I'd already started without the shirt at Ring of Honor so why would I just start wearing it on knowhere now so I'd already made the decision to just wrestle my singlet and gut it out but that afternoon Punk just made a crack about me wrestling in the shirt but whatever I didn't care you know I think punk and I we're on good terms was fine he just to me I took it as a joke you know I didn't I don't think he was trying to humiliate me you know I really don't think so other people probably saw differently but IRA I did the match in the singlet and I came to the back and I was blown to [ __ ] so I was blown up but punk was just it was a very small locker room and people were you know minding their own business and talking their stuff out and but Punk was just standing there looking at me and I was blowing it and I figured oh I'm gonna you know I'll joke with him I'll joke back and I said are you happy now back yes he took it like I was trying to show him up which I wasn't trying to I was literally trying to have a relationship with this guy and just joke around with him right but I guess I was blown so maybe my tone was off I don't know he got very upset he yelled at me and he said I was disrespectful and all this stuff and for what it's worth if I you know what I mean if I had been in his position maybe I would have thought the same and now I know punk a lot better and I think he knows me a lot better too and that's now it's just like a far thing it's like it never happened really but people still talk about it because there's a lot of people in locker room and everybody saw it but I ended up just saying okay I'm sorry you're right I'm sorry that was that was no big deal but it you know the next day online is being reported we almost came to blows and which is not true and that's probably the story that people were referring to CM Punk was straightedge and he has a no coke sign Pepsi on his sign on his arm and his like I don't know what the [ __ ] that means I don't understand what straightedge is or what that stuff is I understand reliability he was there on time he showed up he didn't miss his flights [ __ ] gives young punk [ __ ] kudos what else is playing the game when I saw CM Punk he said the [ __ ] you smiling at I said don't do the pull apart shut the [ __ ] up walk outside I said I'm not the toughest guy in the world but you want to talk about balls I'll challenge my [ __ ] up but I'll put my balls against any [ __ ] guy on earth balls of balls CM Punk is the only [ __ ] to man up and he has no idea how close he came to getting [ __ ] killed and I trained for years and I've been in enough street fights we're not playing wrestling games right you [ __ ] with me I'm going [ __ ] Hawk who Styles for your [ __ ] high so I'm going for your nose there you're both well I walk down the hill as hot-cha-cha need of mine did a shoot interview and he and it's you can hear him describe what happened in the fight and Sabu was there you can hear him describe what happened in the fight I can't take off my watch and take off my stuff my headphones and I had this idea that I better just say hey man let's [ __ ] shake hands it's not really worth fighting over I said dude I said this he said that I said it oh you said it I said dude I said this is a [ __ ] joke over a guy doing a couple backflips didn't I'd wasn't in your match didn't hurt you it's not like I put CM Punk on the top ropes and said stay wait for me and then double [ __ ] stomped his [ __ ] head right or hey and I turned his face put a chair over it and drop the [ __ ] leg drop it but my ass hits the chair not even this problem but he decided to be that guy so I offered my hand to him and like a dumbass wrestler gets when he does sucker punch tried to slap me across the face before he could drop his hand I'm lightning fast man and I don't care again put me on a speed bag or something and I'm trying to put saw myself but especially at this stage I used I boxed all the time and I was lifting taking steroids [ __ ] very strong very fast and light very strong I'm Blake pressing from squatting for plates aside for reps and I'm doing probably 12 plates aside on leg press and I could slam dunk a basketball so I mean I'm very at this stage that was the best shape I was ever in from and this is coming from a guy who's in pretty good shape now for 37 and he got [ __ ] two shots I hit him twice and that was he crumbled and he tried to go for a double leg and pull the story like five times but again it's one of those things and that my natural reaction was when he went to double leg I grabbed his hair and I spun around his face and I was gonna take my fingers and stick them as far up his nose and rip his [ __ ] nose off his face right and I would have you probably never hear about me having a fight again and Sabu I guess [ __ ] he must has he knew he knew punk was in trouble man he was on his back and I mean you're you're basically out on the ground no referee I'm talking [ __ ] stomps imagine how fast it's like [ __ ] you're it's you it's not like one of those movies you hit a guy four or five times in the face on the ground of his head against the concrete kill him he's [ __ ] done man and I'm smart I'm gonna drop both my knees on his [ __ ] face and [ __ ] grab that long hair and drop two [ __ ] elbows not that [ __ ] you have see where they got to kind of take care if I'm dropping two elbows right on your [ __ ] eye socket or on your spine right they ban those elbows to the spine for that reason because you can [ __ ] dislocate a guy's vertebrae right very very fast like this and this is one of those things when I'm you I'll take any bump in the ring you want to drop me off my [ __ ] head and do whatever you want to me or Jack you step into the street there is no game anymore it's [ __ ] do or die and you got one chance to make a reputation as an that was like so I was very mad and very upset and Sabu I think saved CM Punk's career because I was gonna [ __ ] kill him for that for doing that and I don't think you would have ever heard about CM Punk doing the MMA he would have never heard about him being one of the greatest wrestlers in WWE and I put him over as one of the greatest entertainers overall playing the game for the time he had while he was in there that guy was a [ __ ] king right and I give him this end this is you have to hear the whole video you can't just cut a part of it out and make it sound like I hate CM Punk I don't know he's a [ __ ] stud the guy turned out to be a [ __ ] stud had a lot more charisma than I originally thought he did took a [ __ ] weird little angle and niche and built it into a [ __ ] mega superstar that became a millionaire in wrestling and give him all the props in the world for being the first guy to have the balls to step outside and [ __ ] challenged me to a fight and [ __ ] after that he is in a room with me by myself and I remember thinking I'm gonna [ __ ] knock him out again he's still he so he's [ __ ] bruton you know and we're standing right beside each other and the Harris brothers are basically lecturing us about fighting at it what were you and we're just sitting there and this is the DNA building now he's saying the same night right after the fights over they pulled us aside and me to stand there and I'm never sitting there with him going under [ __ ] if I just he's because I knew he was a [ __ ] he wasn't [ __ ] so I would really wanted to get him again I'm saying I'm saying I really want to be in teen anyway what if I just [ __ ] sucker punch him right now and I just take him down and [ __ ] and grab that hair and [ __ ] start to beat the [ __ ] out of him again and get it over with this time and I was like man and I remember is looking at him and I was like and we're right it's awkward didn't even me after we fought just sitting there just waiting and there's no one really around the hair and we're waiting for the Harris brothers to come up and he's [ __ ] cry and he got tears in his eyes and [ __ ] he's got a little shiner and they end up firing CM Punk because they they asked who threw the first punch who started it and they said CM Punk did he punched Teddy first and said they said oh well he's gone Jeff Jarrett offered me a contract were you shocked well that's at first I was I didn't take the contract and actually goes your way this is the first time and I would again in retrospect I for for not having a job now and the way my life went and things maybe I should have taken that job in TNA when I had offered to me at that time it would have been a lot of great matches with AJ Styles why did matches with Kurt Angle because I looked at TNA as the CFL and I still thought I could play in the NFL right I didn't want to settle for the money yes I still always do and it breaks my heart that the W when I'm her a WWWE come back if you went to TNA at that time I think it would have been I would have got miles on my car that I wouldn't have got to be I mean it's retrospect I ended up wasting those [ __ ] miles on jersey all pro land and [ __ ] Mexico I got along with Punk backstage I had a good time talking with him he was a comic book fan so we had we had similar interests and you know we were wrestling fans so we had some of the interest there so we got you know we got an opportunity to talk a lot and and and be friendly and you know once we started doing this angle you know he and I would sit and talk about what we could do and how we could make it work and things like that and you know I I had a good time working with him could you see how driven he was to succeed in the business from day one yeah absolutely because well he was the first person that I'd ever met that uh he was the first person I ever met that was straightedge I didn't know what straightedge was until I met Punk and you know when he explained it to me and and you know made it known why he was and what he was and what that meant like you could tell that that that in and of itself is a characteristic of someone who's very driven and very you know a guy that would stick to his principles and so like I sort of saw like if he could do that with his life if he set his mind to do it in wrestling then it wasn't gonna it was just gonna be a matter of time before you know the the profit of that work was going to meet him was he hard to work with when it came to laying out matches in the ring nope I never had any problem working with him in that respect he was always very cool in the summer of 2005 you were announced to return to ROH and do a surprise return for the angle where Punk wins the ROH title turns heel and then bolts out the front door memories of that angle and gave trying to sell it as a shoot I thought it was cool man I wanted to do it differently like I had a different idea then what gave presented and in the end we went with Gabe's presentation of it but your idea well my idea was to to play like my music and get that pop and get the pop of me coming to the ring you know and and having that presentation but you know and I saw Gabe's point like me coming through the crowd and being that surprised and getting that and then cutting the promo the way that I did but yeah I I and I know I didn't know what Punk's situation was at that point I just knew that that like I didn't realize that he was already signed you know I hadn't talked to him for a while at that point so I didn't know that he was signed I didn't know that this was like a plan that they were gonna let him do the whole summer as the you know the guy that it's leaving to the nobody at any moment but I'm gonna take the belt with me like I didn't know any of that I just like got the second half of it like right you're gonna come in and you know Punk's gonna be the champ and you're gonna go for it and things like that what are your thoughts in your one-hour amount yeah what are your thoughts on your one-hour match without pumpkin Philly I thought it was great man that was the first it was either the first or the second time that had ever done a singles match for an hour and you know I I had a lot of fun I I was worried that it was funny because I remember saying something to Punk like at the end like a min do you want to do something so that you sort of gets your heat back and he was like I'm not worried about my heat man I'll get my heat and and the point being that I figured like at the end of 60 minutes everybody's gonna be like oh what a fine wrestling that was you know it was tough too because like we were trying to piece for a 60 minute match you know cuz it wasn't an Iron Man match it was a it was just a match and so no one knew that it was gonna go an hour till it win an hour right and so like we were pacing ourselves for a match and I remember a lot of people want it wasn't enough like fire and anger and I'm thinking well yeah we're going an hour so like we paced it the way we would pace a 60-minute match and you know I know a lot of not a lot but I know that there was like outcry like you guys been having a blood for you why are you guys trading holds for the first ten minutes I was like well well because doing this for an hour guys so what are your thoughts on the entire CM Punk situation right now do you think he's retired for good do you think I'll ever go back to real honor or do you think he's just sitting out and eventually because you know for the love of the business I'll be back in WV that's a good question man I don't know have you talked to him since yeah look I haven't talked to him in two actually the last time I talked to him was the the 90 drop the belt that was the last time we've spoken I don't know I I think he loves the business and having said that that makes me think that he may want to come back during him honor cuz he certainly doesn't need to go back for the money he'll never need another dollar of intimate Vince McMahon's money if he doesn't want it right um so it's conceivable that he would come back to Ring of Honor you know out of just the love of the deal and and you know the the passion for what he built here at Ring of Honor but at the same time like you know he may feel that passionate about WWE and not look at at WWE as a paycheck but look at WB as where he went from being you know CM Punk to CM Punk you know best in the world right and so he may want to go back and add to his legacy or whatever I'm not sure you know I wrestled Punk a few times back in the 90s when he was first starting out and you know I I never took Phil as a tough guy I don't know what he's been doing recently how he's been training what his technique is gonna be but I see you know he has heart and and when he puts his mind to something the reason he walked away from WWE is because he didn't believe in the direction that he was going he had in his heart you know a desire to accomplish something which was to be the main event at WrestleMania and they took that away from him and he thought he deserved it so he will now you know he's not a you know a 22 year old kid anymore he's in his 30s and to jump to the UFC let's face it his career span isn't going to be that long so I think this is just something that he wants to try and see how well he can do and I only see it being he may have a 5 fight career if that but will he win will he lose I don't know I'm sure Dana White's gonna pair him up with a equal or less than equal opponent on his debut because it's going to be a huge pay-per-view by and we all know that so I wish him the best of luck I hope he does great I hope he flourishes I wish him nothing but the best but he never came across to me as a legitimate find her a tough guy but then again I don't know what type of training he's been doing or what sort of disciplines he's going into I know he was a fan of Muay Thai but I don't know if he's gonna go more for the striking or if he's gonna go more for grappling so I'll be interested to see the fight because I just want to see how he fares I mean I wish him well but again and I just never chose him as a guy that would actually try to go out and really fight but I wish him I wish him the best he you know what 20 I always say this but it's true he thought he was the best in the business and he wasn't but he ended up becoming exactly what he thought he was right yeah he's amazing when it really became Fanta he really became unbelievable what about his uh his transition in UFC did you see that coming I mean once he did it I was I was I was proud of him you know I'm not nothing Who am I to be proud of him but I mean you know I was proud for him that he was willing to you know do what he wanted to be happy right you know I was happy for him you know that look if this is gonna make you happy if you're not happy and you need to do something else then do it you know [Music]
Channel: Title Match Wrestling
Views: 932,748
Rating: 4.8798366 out of 5
Keywords: CM Punk, cm punk returns, cm punk pipebomb, cm punk wwe, cm punk wwe backstage, cm punk wrestler, aj styles, kevin owens, rey mysterio jr, raven wrestler, raven cm punk, christopher daniels, ROH, ring of honor, aew, tna, impact wrestling, teddy hart, shoot interview, wrestling shoot interviews, wrestling documentary wwe, pro wrestling shoot interviews, john cena, vince mcmahon, aj lee, cm punk real life, wrestling shoots 2020, cm punk ufc, wwe, wwe news, pro wrestling
Id: MqvhHETeMfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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