CLING | 1 Samuel - Ch. 19 | Come Study With Me

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[Music] david has become a national hero after putting the light to death and continuing to defeat the Philistines King Saul in his jealousy has plotted to put David to death but he's done so secretly he sent David to war against the Philistines hoping they would kill him but it didn't work now Saul is about to get more aggressive with his plan let's see what he's up to I'm in chapter 19 verse 1 reading from the new American Standard Version now Saul told Jonathan his son and all his servants to put David to death but Jonathan Saul's son greatly delighted in David no more pretense Saul puts his desire out there he wants David dead I don't know if Saul is aware that Jonathan made a covenant with David but surely he noticed that Jonathan had given David his armor his robe and his sword we've seen before that Jonathan is willing to speak up when his father makes an unwise decision like that oath saw made that said the soldiers couldn't eat giving Jonathan's covenant with David and his heart to honor God we know there is no way he's going to hear this latest foolishness and not intervene continuing verse 2 so Jonathan told David saying Saul my father is seeking to put you to death now therefore please be on guard in the morning and stay in a secret place and hide yourself I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are and I will speak with my father about you if I find out anything then I will tell you then Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him do not let the Kings sin against his servant David since he has not sinned against you and since his deeds have been very beneficial to you for he took his life in his hand and struck the Philistine and the Lord brought about of great deliverance for all Israel you saw it and rejoiced why then will you sin against innocent blood by putting David to death without a cause so Jonathan appeals to what's right from the standpoint of God's law they were not to shed innocent blood this would be a sin against God he also appeals to his father from a personal standpoint David had done nothing to him and in fact his deeds had been beneficial to Saul you have no cause to do this Jonathan says and soul has a moment of sanity verse 6 Saul listen to the voice of Jonathan and solve out as the Lord lives he shall not be put to death then Jonathan called David and Jonathan told him all these words and Jonathan brought David to Saul and he was in his presence as formerly nothing for me it would be hard to trust Saul again and be in his presence David could even be thinking back to those times Saul hurled a spear at him and say wait a minute he actually meant that but he goes back into Saul's presence ready to serve him once more continuing verse eight when there was war again David went out and fought with the Philistines and defeated them with great slaughter so that they fled before him now there was an evil spirit from the Lord on Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand and David was playing the harp with his hand Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear but he slipped away out of Saul's presence so that he stuck the spear into the wall and David fled and escaped that night I don't think it's a coincidence that we're told that David fought the Philistines defeated them with a great slaughter and the next thing we see is Saul being tormented again by this evil spirit we saw the same progression in chapter 18 in verse 7 the women are singing Saul has slain his thousands David his ten thousands verse eight Saul gets angry verse nine he looks on David with suspicion verse ten he's hurling a spirit David Ephesians 4:26 says be angry and yet do not send do not let the Sun go down on your anger and do not give the devil an opportunity Saul's anger and jealousy are opening a door for this evil spirit to gain a foothold this time David knows he's trying to kill him and he has to flee continuing verse 11 then Saul sent messengers to David's house to watch him in order to put him to death in the morning but Michael David's wife told him saying if you do not save your life tonight tomorrow you will be put to death so Michael let David down through a window and he went out and fled and escaped so both of Saul's offspring Jonathan and Michael are actively intervening to save David from their father God has put people in place strategically to guard David's life such an awesome God continuing verse 13 Michael took the household Idol and laid it on the bed and put a quilt of goats hair at its head and covered it with clothes when saul sent messengers to take david she said he is sick then saul sent messengers to see david saying bring him up to me on his bed that i may put him to death completely out of control when the messengers entered behold the household idol was on the bed with the quilt of goats hair at its head so saul said to Michael why have you deceived me like this and let my enemy go so that he has escaped and Michael said to Saul he said to me let me go why should I put you to death Saul calls David my enemy he's got a perpetual war going against the Philistines he's got a fearless warrior in David who has shown that he can defeat the Philistines but he calls David the enemy all because he sees God's favor upon him now David fled and escaped and came to Samuel and Rama and told him all that Saul had done to him and he and Samuel went and stayed in Niles I love the David went to Samuel and I would love to know what Samuel said when David told him all that Saul had done or maybe he was just speechless continue in verse 19 it was told Saul saying behold David is at nayeth in Brahma then Saul sent messengers to take David but when they saw the company of the prophets promising with Samuel standing and presiding over them the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul and they also prophesy when it was totes all he sent other messengers and they also prophesied so Saul sent messengers again the third time and they also prophesied God sent His Spirit to protect David they were caught up in clearing the Word of God praising God and could not execute the evil task Saul had sent them on so Saul says I'll do it myself then he himself went to Rama and came as far as the large well that is in Saku and he asked and said where are Samuel and David and someone said Behold they are at nya in Rama people seated there to nya and Rama and the Spirit of God came upon him also so that he went along prophesy continually until he came to nya in Rama the Spirit of God had departed from Saul but for this limited perk to protect David's life God's and his Spirit upon Saul once more incredible he also stripped off his clothes and he too prophesied before Samuel and laid down naked all that day and all that night therefore they say is Saul also among the privates in the notes and the margin of my Bible it says this word naked means without outward garments in other words that he wasn't completely naked but naked in the sense of stripping off his royal garb which would make him figuratively naked in the eyes of the people but no matter how naked he was this scene is remarkable I'm reminded of another song in the book of Acts who was intent on putting to death the followers of Christ and he had that Damascus Road experience with Jesus said to him it is hard for you to kick against the goads a goad is a rod with a sharp point that's used to pride oxen and steer them in the right direction if the Ox rebelled the goat would only penetrate further into its skin so it was a losing battle in acts Saul who became Paul was fighting a losing battle he couldn't stop the plan of God and the will of God as the gospel spread and we praise God that he became a follower of Christ himself this song is also fighting a losing battle he knows David is God's anointed and he doesn't like it Saul thinks he can fort the will of God by putting David to death you can't thwart the will of God as much as this chapter is about Saul growing increasingly murderous it's also very much about God's sovereignty do you worry about God's plans not coming to pass for your life I pray this chapter is an encouragement to you to know that if it's God there is nothing that will stop it you can't even stop it you know how sometimes we try to run from the plan of God we need to be fully assured that whatever God has purposed he will bring to pass and whatever we have to endure in the meanwhile we can say like David did in Psalm 59 and he wrote this after Michael helped him escape you have to go read the whole song he said this in Psalm 59 verses 16 and 17 but as for me I shall sing of your strength yes I shall joyfully sing of your loving-kindness in the morning for you have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress o my strength I will sing praises to you for God is my stronghold the God who shows me loving-kindness
Channel: kimcashtate
Views: 7,175
Rating: 4.8942733 out of 5
Keywords: cling, Clingbook, cling to God, cling to Him, kimcashtate, Kim Cash Tate, bible study, women's bible study, Frist Samuel, 1 Samuel, King David, King Saul, Saul v. David
Id: Pq9xIo5K1cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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