Cliff View Church of Christ Sunday Morning Worship Service 09/19/2021

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is [Music] good morning good to see each of you coming to the house this morning to worship it's truly a blessing to be here and we also like to take this opportunity to ask each of you if you would please focus today on trying to worship and and fellowship after we worship today and and just have a good time with each other because we're looking forward to getting back into the building sometime soon i want to give the congregation an update as well that uh concerning the settlement with the insurance company it's finalized it's done it's done it's a blessing we got much more than we thought we was going to get so we're able to get some things done tuesday we will be meeting with two other contractors and perhaps we'll be able to choose one of the two this would be the third one this would make three so please keep the leadership keep all of us in prayer in terms of making the right decision of what we need to do to make this happen we're almost there and also i'm in front of you to ask that you will continue to pray for those that you know and those that i'm going to mention today as well and i said pray i may pray not just today or into morning tomorrow morning but pray tomorrow evening every day when you pray if you can because we should pray more than just in the morning or at night before we go to bed just think about those that's not with us today those are you to be with us in the building think about it give them a call and pray for them so i'd like to just mention a few today i know um brother and sister louis and us i'm sorry brother lewis continue to pray for brother lewis uh and and brother heard and and and wife and and taking care of brother her brother louis uh i keep getting this brother listen i just talked quite a bit all the time he was one of my favorites and a lot of respect for him so uh continue to pray that the family able to do what they need to do to take care of him and also sister vivian brother herd mother uh they got a lot on their plate you know you have to take care of yourself you got to take care of your family also you can't take care of your family if you can't take care of yourself first so let's keep that in mind so let's be that supporter let's support them let them know that hey we feel what you're going through and many of us in here have already gone through that so you be there to encourage them to stay strong stay focused on the lord and also keep sister rose in your prayer since rose is dealing with a lot on our new job when you take over this position there's a lot of obligation responsibility comes with it and we know sometimes that we're giving it our best but sometimes some people feel like that's not enough so i'm just going to ask you to pray for keeper in your prayers sister rich in your prayers sister john and your prayers brother um glenn and reba in your prayers they've gone through a lot and brother joe robertson also brother jimmy those two have lost loved ones there they love one this week so keep those two in your prayers as well and of course today denali family will not be with us today brother sister nala there the uh with us today so keep them in your prayers also church sisters sisters this announcement is for you only sisters please listen we need your support you know what i mean you know as they say we can't do nothing without the sisters you know and so we need assistance support i want you to reach out there look down the line up the line and invite them to the thing what i'm about to say so this is for you you have to pencil your faith and your time out because i want you to remember this i know you can remember but at the same time please this is a special announcement to all the cliff your sister please prepare now for the latest day activity and the brunch schedule for this coming saturday september the 25th the time is 10 o'clock from 10 to 12. just asking two hours of your time just two hours from 10 to 12. now if you get there at 10 you're late it's just that simple you need to be there at 9 45 or before anytime after 9 45 you're late but come on late anyway if you're in the lake come on come on in the door is going to be open for you and brother may and some of the other brothers will be there as well i know brother carson vehicle he got to unlock the doors he got to get things ready for y'all amen now okay so uh and we're gonna be at village two let me stay focused let me stay focused sister mate at village 2 village 2 y'all know the villa studios right now drive on down in park go to the king park we will have the park at the building and we will ask brother new house and sister cathy to bus y'all to the building and they'll be there at nine o'clock 9 15 waiting on you all right so you're not going to be late because they're going to be there at 9 15 waiting on you don't take them for three minutes to get there two minutes okay if you want to park and walk you can park and walk there so sister come on okay now that's that village too and uh dress i want you to be comfortable all right ain't worried about texas man don't mess with me now uh you know how these sisters do this here and that hey we're going to cut the sermon down because the announcement is important all right so whoever's preaching today stay get us out on time all right now but this is important right now this is at hand now i want you to understand that i want you to be comfortable because he got aggressive if you want to grasp that dress up come on wow there's nothing wrong with that but be comfortable we're going to have fun the lady's going to have fun and uh in fellowship and just have a good time we really thank you in advance for your cooperation this this announcement is from sister uh may and sister pouncer now there's another problem we'll be picking on sister pounds i just got through picking up sister mate is that all right mr sponsor amen thank you now so the thing the thing is recovering and process it take time to take time to get over anything we know that this can't happen we got to stay faithful and stay prayerful about things so that's the thing now it take you got to be patient it take everything you got to get there what you're trying to accomplish and you know that i was speaking sunday saturday i'm going to help you with that they're going to help you with this so that's why we want you we ask you to come out a part of this this is so important now the scripture the thing is psalm 18 2. so read over and get a feel for it it's psalm 18 2. the lord is my rock my fortune fortune of my delivery my god is my rock and whom i take refuge my shield and my throne of my salvation my script might get strong and hold on so sister pouncer stay strong and hold on since the pouncer until since probably walking through that dress this is pounding looking nice girl i'm about to call gene pounce on you please do you good morning everybody doing okay today it's good to see you guys it's good to be here and it's just it's just a blessing would you pray with me please father god let's start off just thanking you for being such a loving and wonderful father that you are and blessing us in the many ways that we are deserving of but you keep giving us chances to to get our lives right father god we just want to thank you for being the god that you are sitting high and looking low and touch each and every one of us father god that we may abide in your word and live a proper justified father god we want to thank you for bless those who are who are bereaved father we know that that is hurtful situation because you you suffer that too because you know you know the pain that we go through when we lose loved ones for god we just want you to be with each and every one of us and touch us for the gardening and to just let us comfort us because we only you and we lose someone for that's it's like a hole in your soul for the only only time and you can heal that father god that that we can come and to understand and have a better understanding of what with or what's good how on things what happens father we bless those who are sick in the shut-in father god bless the caretakers because they suffer and go through many challenges of um of life father god by taking care of themselves and also taking care of someone they love that's that's a hard job if no one's ever done it father god i pray that you don't have to do it but it's it is a hard job because you you spend many days and nights wondering father god cannot get through this but yet you can with the help of the lord father and we want to thank you for blessing them father god bless and care and bless each and every one of us that are here father god and the families that are here and blessing those who are workers uh the means of support that they can take care of their families and also take care of the business of the church by supplying funds as needed to operate their church father i want to thank you thank you for those who are traveling you bless them with troubling grace and arriving mercy for us god to be their will for god to to displace all their destinations where they're traveling too far be with you be with the ministers and their families that labor hearing father regardless i want to thank you for all these these me and the men of god and their families know why to stand beside behind them father god may they keep pressing on uh the leadership bless them and their families in their lives father god that they can stay with them and keep them making the right decision for this body of believers father god we just want to thank you for our god sometimes we pray and as you don't know there's so many things that's going on in the world father god we just don't know what to pray for and that's when we ask that the holy spirit intervene and grow unto you father god help understand we can sometimes just so much to pray for we don't have the words to save father god but cover all this father with your holy spirit and grant us these things and god does enthusiasm amen [Music] this time is now set aside for those who may have something on their heart to say to the church we may uh stand where you are and the microphone will come to you as we sing a verse of a song well i once was lost in sin but jesus turned me in and did a little life from heaven filled jesus makes me whole oh now let us have a little talk with you hey let us tell them all about our god he will hear our faith describe amen good morning uh this is sister booty i am asking for prayers for my entire family we're going through some struggles right now so in illness please keep my whole family in in your prayers we're really going through some trying times right now so please keep us all in your family and thank you so much for your prayers um yes good morning i'm janeth alexander and i want prayers for my mother uh and the rest of my family also myself and sister kevin and bo won't prayer [Music] um good morning this is a sister dog's mouth i was asking prayer for my two sisters and myself today is my mother's birthday she's gone on she would have been 98 today and we'll after church we're going to dfw to put some flowers on the grave my baby sister she's kind of having a hard time so it's been a hard week just keep sending us prayer in your prayers thank you good morning my name is ingram uh i want i've sinned i repent of that sin and ask the prayers of the church i also like to ask special prayers for my family marie ingram family uh she was finalized yesterday and the luther edwards family uh who will be funeralized today special prayers thank you um [Music] good morning my name is mary polk and i would like to ask each of you to continue to keep two of my sisters liz and claudia they're very ill and your daily prayers and also um we lost two cousins they were brothers one lived in california he had kobe but there are two birds they pass it within two days of each other so continue to keep us in your prayers thank you [Music] keep him in your prayers thank you good morning my name is cheryl adams i just want to say thank you for praying for me on last week when i was out of town for traveling grace i had a family member that i was blessed to retire after serving 24 years in the army so i'm so grateful that god kept her safe because she did like three or four tours in iraq and afghanistan and i would say to the young people to consider the military as an alternative everyone is not going to want to go to college so it's a great place um brother carson to uh lead us to the phone also ask some prayers for um my family as well the hall family and also a maximum prayers for the homeless family and my mother-in-law as well of course well as each and every one of you heard we have a lot that we need to be praying for uh i went to a funeral saturday and the minister there brother paul day he's he said in six days he would be having four funerals there and we we can see that we must be about our father's business it's just but but also let me just also let you know through my own experience that god answers prayer my situation that was a couple weeks back it's turned all the way around only by the grace of god so what i think what i'm trying to get over to each and every one of us we got to be praying for each and every one of us on a daily basis i know this is a time for prayer right now y'all forget me y'all go to the lord in prayer and i was thinking about brother lewis this morning and and uh it was kind of funny he's that something was said about about that and i was just thinking what he always began his prayer was pray with me holy father [Music] we come in your presence once again with bow head and i'm a heart guard just thanking you once again father for just getting us up and getting this out father god we ask you to slow our minds down and let us understand that we can't hear you if we always in the mix of something that's keeping us away from you god we we're coming collectively for each and every one that stood this morning i'm not going to attempt god to uh call names because i know i'll miss miss somebody so god we just relying on you we know that you you knew us before we had a hair on our head you knew you knew us when we were in the womb you knew i don't have to explain to you god who asked for yes what god i know you already know you were just sitting waiting for us to come to you in prayer all because you're a prayer answering god and we believe that god you will answer our prayers god we thank you for just the opportunity to come into your presence this morning god i i i i i want to thank you for being so good not only one day but every day in our lives you look you you help us to get through situations that we don't even know that's occurring we come this this morning praying for those that are sick praying for those that are sick this morning god we ask god that you just if it be your will that you heal them and get them back up on their feet and god we come praying for those that have lost loved ones and father god we know that it's been many but we know god that you your arms are not too short that you can't cuff that you can't comfort each and every one of us god we just say comfort those that need comforting right now god well you know i wouldn't be asking you if i didn't know that you were all right now god i will ask you god that you will comfort as you only you know how god we said thank you thank you thank you for giving us this opportunity to come to you but most of all father we come thanking you for your son christ that went to yonder's cross and had no sin but died in our place so that we be able to get back home i'm thanking you god for jesus christ this morning thanking you for allowing him to go to yonder's cross and die and i thank you for him being so obedient doing the things that you would have to do that's the key to each and every one of us be obedient to the lord god we just want to thank you in the name of jesus we pray and ask it all amen and amen good morning church i'm before you to do your responsive reading this morning i'm going to take it from corinthians 13 verses number 11 and let me ask if you please repeat after me foundly brethren farewell become complete be of good comfort be of one mind live in peace and the god of love and peace will be with you amen church no tears in heaven will there be no sadness all will be gladness when we shall join that happy bear and there'll be no tears and pain will all have flown and there'll be no tears in heaven's fair no tears no tears up there no tears in heaven will be no oh this life has brought to you be dearer in heaven where all will be made new [Music] no tears no tears up there and sorrow and pain will all no tears no tears up there no tears in heaven will be no oh oh well glory is waiting waiting up yonder and though we shall spend an endless day we'll there with our savior who will be forever no tears up there and sorrow and pain will all have flown and there'll be no tear singing church no tears no tears up there no tears in heaven will be this morning's christian will be taken from psalms verses one through five and it reads make a joyful noise unto the lord all ye lands serve the lord with gladness come before his present with singing know ye that the lord he is god and it is that he has made us and not we ourselves we are his people in the sheep of his pasture enter enter his gate with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations that was taken from psalms 100 verses one through five would you please stand for prayer father you you came to live a perfect life you came to be the living word and you came to be our light you came so that we can be reconciled and to show your power and your might so this is why we praise you and this is why we while we sing and this is why we will offer you our everything and this is why we will bow down and worship you as king because you gave everything you also came to live again in us you came to be our conquering king and friend you came to heal and to show the love to those that are lost but you also came to prepare a place for us this is why we will praise you this is why we will sing and this is why we will offer our everything this is why we bow down and worship you as king because you gave everything with this understanding and as we are prayerful help us to be mindful that we need to give you our everything in the name of jesus we pray amen well i'm gonna trade my earthly home for a better one bright and fair christ loved to prepare us a mansion and force children in the air i'll join him in that land where tears no sorrows can be found when a crowd you know that there i know that peace and love will always up on forever let me be among the say to your throne surrounding lord please reserve a mansion and jump rope rope and crown well the weather there is always fair there's sunshine day and night no cold no rain will fall there for the sunshine oh so bright you know i'll need no heavy garment i'll just wrap my robe around when i receive my mansion merger roll roll band crown a crown you know that there i know that peace and love always a pound forever let me be here run the same to your thrones around lord please reserve a mansion [Music] now from the work that i'm trying to do but one day i'll be rewarded with the crowns so bright and new well i'll wear a smile so bright for there'll be no call for a frown forever let me be [Music] crown led us together thou father and our god the great and merciful holy reverend master father we come before thee oh lord in childlike simplicity we come before your god saying thank you thank you for being a god that has watched over us down through the years the god that has taken care of us and has protected us from seeing as well as unseen dangers the god who is eternal in your faithfulness the god who is unchanging in your nature we come before the oh lord first of all admitting our faults and our sins and god we pray that you will not hold those sins against us against us in this world nor the world to come we realize god that you are the god that is able to help us in the midst of all of our trials realize god that not only america not only those of us here at clefview but those in the city of dallas and in the state of texas in the united states of america we need you now more than ever before the world is in dire need of you god of all of the sophistication of we realize god that we are powerless against this virus and god our hope is in you and we realize god that if you can't do it it can't be done and god now we come before you on behalf of all of the saints that are here that are dealing with our individual issues realizing god that we've all got something that we're struggling with and god we pray now that you would turn these obstacles into stepping stones realize god they can't nobody do it like you you're a god all by yourself and god we pray that when you bless according to your will and your way help us to realize god that we we don't own the right to keep quiet when you blessed us when you've answered our prayers when you made a way out of nowhere when you brought light to our darkness we don't own the right to be quiet about it and god we pray now that you would look down and bless the humble servant this morning with preaching power lord we pray that you allow the holy spirit to have his way and god we pray that you'll move michael out of the way so that the holy spirit may have his way to teach and to minister to his people and lord we pray that you will anoint these lips of clay allow me god to speak as an oracle of you we ask oh god that you will realize god that we do not glory in thy sight all glory is thine and dying alone we ask this prayer and the precious wonderful transforming magnificent name of the great i am that i am and the one who is the bread of life and the one who's able to say to the raising seeds in our lives peace be still we ask this prayer in his name let redeemed all the lord say amen let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer god is indeed a good god if you believe that say man yes he's good he's better than good and what i love about him he can do it all and i thank god for this opportunity i want to thank brother rose for his uh sharing this preaching place with us somebody to say amen we thank god that we are part of a prayer believing group of people am i right about that we believe that the factual fear and prayers when you say favorite prayers i'm talking about getting down with it fervent prayers of the righteous of daily mutts if you believe that say amen yeah am i in the right place yeah i want you to know that i believe in god i believe that god can do anything but fail yes god is a good god and i want to thank the brothers that have participated in the worship service and when we come before the house into the house of god we need to realize that we ought to be on a mission and that mission is to wish of god in spirit and in truth that somebody ought to say amen the scripture reading was taken from psalm number 100 some number 100 and i want to say that this particular week has been a very trying week for me i don't know about you but it has been a trying week for me when you uh get calls and people that you know have been called off this scene we call life used to be that it was somebody over yonder but i don't know about you but i'm getting calls about somebody that i know and it hadn't been that long ago i want to pray for the northcutt family a great a great preaching family brother norcup was one of my very dear true friends in the gospel i thank god for brother narcotic and his lovely wife and and when you're going through brother rhodes you need to be able to call somebody that understands what you're going through and can and and when you tell i'm going to stop and when you tell them something you don't have to worry about hearing it before you hang up the phone oh somebody ought to say man now yes i my heart goes out to that wonderful family and he brother narcotic and his wife were very very close and i can tell you that he was indeed a friend of mine and i thank god for he and his wife the scripture says make a joyful noise unto who y'all say it like you're scared to the lord all ye lands and i'm reading from schofield and i'm reading this is the king james version serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor somebody said with me we are [Music] his people and the street of his pastor somebody said like we are his people and the sheep of his pastor oh yeah yeah yeah yeah enter into his gaze with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good for the lord is good for the lord is good i don't care what you're going through when you say we are his people and then when you when you know that if it had not been for the lord who was on my side where would i be we are his people and the sheep of his pastor for the lord is good and his mercy is everlasting and it's in his true endeavor to all generations i want to talk to you this morning briefly not because brother mata might be short amen you know when you reach a certain age time will tell you stuff hey man somebody help me this morning and some of you young people don't know about it but some mornings you wake up stuff hurt you you didn't know you had to hurry [Applause] yeah i know y'all some of y'all don't know what i'm talking about but i'm telling you right i saw brother brother patterson her brother brother glenn down tomorrow we got to help these old folks all i can tell brother patterson keep waking up keep saying good morning yeah some of this stuff y'all hear me talking about y'all be saying oh that's what they meant amen somebody we are his people and we need to realize that being a being god belonging to god cost god something we are his people and then when you realize who it is that we belong to we belong to a god that is a spirit and we must wish of him high in spirit and in truth when we come to the house of the lord we ought to come and he'll rejoice i say when we come into the house of the lord we ought to come in here you never come in here like you sucking lemons [Music] ought to come in here rejoicing that we're here a lot of people would want will do everything give everything they have to be here right now like sister tabon said in one on wednesday morning bible studies she said there's a good thing to wake up and know you woke up when you woke up this morning how many of you told the lord thank you yeah thank you lord because you didn't have to wake up this morning i'm here to tell you when you look at it and i'm gonna move on and we have to realize that we this is serious business preaching the word of god ain't no play thing we have to realize that we as men of god are going to be held accountable to god you don't believe me let's go back to the book back to the book i go y'all know i'm old country preacher it's got to be in the book if it's in the book let's have another look at what's in the book let's go to ezekiel chapter three ezekiel chapter three that's in the old testament ezekiel chapter 3 and verse 18. ezekiel chapter 3 ezekiel chapter 3 and verse number 18. isaiah jeremiah y'all remember that right now see back in the day when our little boy we have to sing those how many y'all know what i'm talking about those old saints had to sing in the books of the bible am i right about it yeah somebody know what i'm saying say amen yeah ezekiel's chapter 3 verse 18 what does the bible say if i say to the wicked he said now and and when i say to the wicked or if we don't you shall surely die now this is god the man of god god has given the man of god what to do all right and then let's go verse 16 so i'm gonna back it up and and at the end of seven days the lord's word came to him so this man went out here preaching what he bought the how many of y'all believe that the word of god is here yeah he said the word of the lord came unto him saying what son of man son of man i have made you a watcher i have made me a watchman for whenever you hear a word from my mouth whenever you hear a word from my mouth you shall give them warning from me use when god tells the man of god [Music] [Applause] way in order to save his life to save his life that wicked person shall die that wicked man shall die from his sin in his sin but his in your blood where god is you cannot go how many of y'all believe here we're not just up here just looking good we're teaching what does that love yes sir yes he said if i tell you to say to these young people you need to obey your path that's what you need to tell them amen walls because it's in there that if children don't obey their parents they're in the same list of fornicators it's in the book you got to be obedient to your parents used to be here i'll hold your heart hold your horses over there used to be with grown folk told you something i'll tell you about my grandmother when she told you something if you didn't like it you better not act like you didn't your dad will tell you my dad had a little problem he tell you something he meant for you to do back in the day they had to own they had the amen corner y'all remember that on the front you remember that's enough the amen corner was here on both sides and then congregate and my daddy wore glasses so uh everything you know that and he would look at you like this he said like this every time i said about tommy wilson i got in trouble but you know what i had to learn to do not sit by tommy wills and you know what they did when he did like this i know y'all know about that that meant you were going to get it right then and all that holly about i ain't going to do it no more he said i know you won't i know you want i'll put this on you i know you won't what did he say now wicked what [Music] that's still the challenge we have we're still men of god have to speak what thus said yeah the law yes and i know that's not popular these days we're going along to get along it's still whatever god says is the way it ought to be that's just the way it is it's not up for discussion if god said thy shall not then it still means it right now let's go to the book let's go to first corinthians 6 and back to the book now best 19th state has a little more you stay there you move when i tell you i said stay there okay now now yeah if i won the wicked yeah really hold on yeah uh-huh uh-huh yeah if i won the wicked uh that wicked person shall die of his sin all right but his blood i will require at your hand right next but if you warn the world and he does not turn and what now he does not turn from his wicked ways or from his wickedness he shall die from his iniquity but you will have delivered your soul now what he said now your job is to tell him what thus said the lord now if you do that and when you do that if they die in their sins the blood will not be required of your soul you know what the only thing i have the only thing i have is a soul i got a soul to save and a hell of a shirt if you believe that say amen and i'm here to tell you the same god that's saying thou shalt not then it's still the same god said that has not changed i look at what's happening in the world with this corona violence this covert 19. the the people said wear a mask wash your hands people still don't want to get back that's your choice but i'm here to tell you right now if you look at have you looked at tv and those that said they weren't gonna get that shot what they saying i've said i sure wish that i had gotten that shot now that ought to tell you something i'm just saying you got to know it for yourself and then when i look around we we've just celebrated 20 years with this 9-11 i don't know when you look at that it just hurts my heart when i see those planes going into that building and those people on that building know that i this is it my heart goes out to him then especially the one that sets him coming and they see that one's on fire and they know that they're here for that what do you do in a situation like that but i'm here to tell you you've got to know god for yourself what does the bible say i want to go to first corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 through 11 chapter first corinthians chapter six do you not know no you're not we don't that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god that means you're not righteous and you're going to hell it's only one way either you're going to be in the smoking section or the non-smoking section when you die i i i i'm not i'm just changing what does say the lord president is six i'm going back to the book now first don't get bad at me it's in the book he said the what the what unrighteous the what unrighteous the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god will not inherit the kingdom of god they say now what else do not be deceived don't be deceived neither fornicators neither fornicators nor idolaters look here look here that's what the book says fornicators making undercover thunder with somebody not your wife that's in here i and you know what idol is that's something that you wish some people wish of their children some people worship money some people wish a prestige they wish of all kind of things but when you put anything above god that's an idol if you believe that say amen amen we don't nor adulterers not that means mess with somebody not your husband or your wife it's in the book amen walls amen what is this curtain whatever this is here amen amen it's in the book read on nor homosexuals [Music] it's in the book because it's unrighteous women with women men with men and do you realize i want you to hear me saints that the more you engage in this the more depraved the society becomes yes sir the unrighteous not redone nor sodomites nor sodomites nor thieves nor things nor covetous not covenants nor drunkards not drunken nor revilers particulars nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god you better make sure you're not on this list you better make sure you're not on this list but read them and such were some of you and what such where some of you that lets me know you can change you don't have to go along with that yes sir he says such where some of you reap but you were washed reason you're not doing that anymore because you've been washed if the blood cannot cleanse you of all of your sin it cannot cleanse you of any of your sins yeah you go down in that water you leave everything down there you come up a new creature in christ jesus you believe that amen we are heals and we are here because he died for your sins as well as mine thank god for jesus this morning i'm here to tell you that uh jesus is coming back one day how many of y'all believe that just like he's left he's coming back again one day he left on a cloud and he's coming back again on a cloud the bible lets us know that that jesus doesn't know when he's coming the angels don't know when it's coming he said they're gonna come like a thief in the night a thief is not gonna tell you brother rose i'm coming rip your 35 inch atd tb off i'm just gonna get in there and take everything i can that's why jesus the bible says that at a time that jesus christ is gonna leave the porters of glory stop somewhere in the middle of the earth and say time that is won't be anymore yep that day i don't know when but i'm here to tell you that he's coming back again he's coming back again for those that belong to him those that have been washed in the blood of the lamb if you a member of the blood-bought institution if you can say that jesus is mine oh you can take this and you can take that but jesus is mine yes at that day i'm talking about the last day yes at that time men are gonna be you remember how when that plane was leaving afghanistan and those people were all clinging on that y'all remember that trying to get up out of there it's gonna be the same way but it's going to be worse when jesus come back again yes they're going to be running to the mountains say fall on us hide us from the face of the one they're coming they're going to want to die but they won't die they gotta go and stand before god after judgment boy cries you believe that i say amen if you are there and your name has been written in the lamb book of life he's to say well done thou good and faithful servant enter ye in you haven't been faithful over that much but i thank god that i know him for myself he gonna say well done thou good and faithful servant enter him but then there's gonna be those on the left he's gonna say depart from me i never knew you you said lord i did all this in my name depart from me i never knew you because you honoring him with your mouth but your heart is far from him but i'm here to tell you you've got a chance to make jesus your choice today how can i do it by hearing the word of god we got to hear first of all that the lord god is one he's the same yesterday today how many all believe that he's still god he called the world into existence just said let there be and there was he said let there be what light and there was light whatever you going through god can help you believe that say amen there's absolutely nothing that god can't do you got to believe he was 11-6 without what faith it is impossible to please god let me help you right now and when you pray i want you to remember that prayer is a two-way street never mind how many y'all hear them time when you pray to god you need to be somewhere what else how many are going to talk about when you're trying to god said well we walk by what we're saying [Applause] we want we call those things that are not as though they are and when you walk them from the lord and when the holy spirit gives you the answer stand on there i don't care what the doctors say stand on what the word says and it says you got to believe that you got to repent of your sin luke 3 3 means to what time you've been telling lies and i'm here to tell you the bible says god hates a lot how many of y'all heard me already and when you don't want to be on board hey when i look over this i can't stand alive if you lie you'll then you got to confess christ whosoever confess christ and you do it every day of your life the only thing that we have we got to tell we got you know how we tell people about jesus it's the life that we live there ought to be something about the way we handle ourselves that said they belong to him they they those are his people yeah and i'm here to tell you then you've got to become these guys confess which i've professed me before me and him when i confess before my father which is in him and then you've got to be buried with him licorice baptism you belong to him you have somebody that when you're going through he's there with you how many y'all know what i'm talking about when you're going through and been diagnosed with it with an incurable disease you got somebody that's your wish just like he went through daniel in the last days yeah he went in there and changed the appetite of the ladder just like he went in there with the three evil boys they hated them [Music] looks like the son of man you got to realize that if god is with you he's more than the world against you believe that's amen how many of y'all depending on the lord right now how many of y'all know how many of y'all know that god can do it how many of y'all have seen people turn their backs on you how many times you see your loved one people that you think ought to be in your corner they turn their back on you but how many of y'all know that god is able to do it all all you gotta do is trust him proverbs 3 5 to trust the lord in all thy ways that you acknowledge him and he shall direct your past right now we're going through a difficult time but i'm here to tell you we got to trust in the lord know that he is gone know that the lord his son it is he that is what he has made up and not we are said we are his people you ought to know them you're going through it you don't know what's going on and i'm here to tell you that when you shed your tears he's somebody that can help you over the midnight hour you're standing here and you don't realize you say well i don't know if i if i know him i want to know him this is the time you can get it right right now yes that's only time we have ever stand to save his invitation today are you do you belong to him if you belong to god you belong to somebody that's able to do it all to receive the savings invitation pass me not on do not pass say we'll call oh oh [Music] thank god for that marvelous sermon this morning brother will burn thank you it was well needed right now and we have treatment oh okay we have one standing brother lawler and to come back yes sir yes sir yes sir oh thank you and we are praying for your wife sister yes yes ma'am yes ma'am is there any other if not we're going to go out heavenly father in prayer we're going to ask brother hall to carry us through the throne of god right now let's pray together almighty and righteous god which are in heaven fathers again that we are eternal grateful for this opportunity father baby just to come to you in prayer we thank you father for your grace and your mercy we thank you father for being with us this day father we ask that you continue to bless your manservant who stood boldly and proclaimed our truths continue the father give him what he need on this time side of life father giving his strength giving his help give him wisdom father father we can't praise you enough we thank your father for your son who died and shed his blood and made it possible came and lived and set the example instead of pattern that we must follow to give back father we thank you father for the holy spirit that dwells in us when we don't know what to do father we thank you father for the holy spirit father we come on behalf of your children this morning and father who have came down and requesting prayers father son don't know which way to turn or what to do they're in the storm father but father we know that you are right there with them because when they'll cry you're hurt as well father father we ask that you will give them the strength and give the courage father just continue to hold on father because father sometimes the devil can have a stronghold a stronghold sometime it can turn us away and sometimes we can never get back but we serve a righteous god that can do anything but fail he can bring us through when we struggling going through our trials and tribulations father we know that you're able but father we're asking that you would give us the strength and give us the courage father to stay faithful to your word when we're going through our storm father we just want to again pause and thank you for being so good because we could have been dead sleeping in our grave father but father you saw the need and we just want to say thank you and we asking father that you would be with each and every one of us who have requested prayers this morning be with them father and get them the strength and give them the courage and help them follow to hold on to your unchanging words because we know father that you're with us some are struggling with cancer diabetes all types of disease father but we know father we serve a god that can cure anything father and father we ask a special prayer for sister lawler she's been going through a lot father we know that that you're able strengthen that family right now father give them what they need and pray father that you would be with the doctors and the nurses and pray that they can find father what's wrong and we just pray for that you would give them the strength and the courage and the wisdom to do the right thing father father be with cliff you as we on this journey father but the good thing for you with us and father we just ask that you will just bless us in the mighty way keep us together keep us father loving one another being there for one another and trusting one another father that you're going to work it out and you're going to fix it in due time and again father we give you all praise it's in christ's name my prayer and acts at all amen [Music] come to another part of our service is where we give back a portion of what god has blessed us with god has been so good to each and every one of us and he give us this opportunity to give back to him i'll be reading uh second corinthians chapter nine verses six and seven and it reads but this i say heated source apparently shall reap also sparingly and he that saw it bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according as his purpose in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or a necessity for god love it a cheer forgiver let's give thanks father once again we thank you so much for the blessing that you give each and every one of us we thank you father for this opportunity to come back here today to give back a portion of what's already yours anyway father we pray that the money that we use here that we use it to up build and edify your kingdom thank you father for your word in jesus name we pray amen as we prepare our hearts and mind for communion this is where we focus on the death barrier and the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ i'll be reading first corinthians chapter 11 verses 23. for i have received of the lord that which i will also deliver to live unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he is betrayed he took bread and whenever given thanks he break it and then say take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me and after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sub sand this cup is a new testament in my blood this is as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and you drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him that eateth that bread and drink of that cup for he that eaten and drinking unworthily eat it and drink a damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body let us give thanks father once again we thank you for this time that we have today this precious time that that we have to reflect on all that you did for us at calvary cross and as we partake of this bread we humbly take this bread and we bless it and we break it and we eat it and we're members of you thank you father for the love that you showed each and every one of us and after the same manner also father we thank you for this cup that represents your blood help us to take this cup with love in our hearts and in the manner that pleases you in jesus name we pray amen my [Music] where i first [Music] it was there by faith and i received my sign and now i am happy all the day this conclude the lord's supper i would just like to i would just like to first of all give on and glory to god and as i was sitting there meditating and listening to brother we're burning gospel message and how powerful the word of god is and you you never question god because god has a plan and i was thinking there and just thanking god and realizing that god has chosen me to be the minister here despite in the midst of this pandemic but it just goes to show you that god is going to be with you no matter how the situation may look and i just thank god for this great opportunity to be able to feed god's people with god's word and i also thanking god for my wife and being able to look at her and see that she is not shaken by me being appointed a minister despite this pandemic looking at her strength and encouragement for her husband and being able to look in the face of my wife knowing that god is in control and i just want to publicly thank the clefview church of christ family here for your continued support and love and i can truly say that y'all love us here and we thank you as truly brothers and sisters in christ and thank you for the courts thank you for the phone calls and the words of encouragement see sometimes people don't realize that when the bible speaks of let us encourage one another daily exhort one of us daily don't realize how powerful that that that love and that concern and that commitment to have compassion for one another god's word is powerful and it helps you it helps it helps carry you along the way knowing that someone your brother and sister they genuinely they love you and i just want to say that and i also want to say that as the children of god here at the clefu church of christ family when brother may let us know about the insurance company brother just said thank you god is moving at clefu we don't have to fret or we don't have to wander god always gives us his people confirmation and when god gives his people confirmation it's already done trust in god he's moving but he's moving at his own pace i love you thank you god bless us [Music] uh before i dismiss uh brother may ask me to remind the ladies of your to meet at uh phase two at well he's at ten o'clock to twelve but i think it was probably nine forty five to twelve what i think he said nine forty five to twelve ladies are required at phase two this coming saturday shall we pray our father in heavens again we come before you dear god thanking you for this time and this hour you give us to come together to receive another portion of thy word we come dear god thanking you for the clefu church thank you for the leaders thereof thank you for the men servant who boldly taught thy word this morning dear god we pray that you give them all a long life they continue to do those things that we all must know to be saved we pray dear god that you'll be with those who need you not only of the church but other world do god pray that you would give them the things that you see they stand in need of now heavenly father we dismiss we pray that you'll go with us your god and you protect us all until the next point of time these are not blessings we ask in christ's name let us all say amen you
Channel: CliffView4Christ
Views: 120
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kenneth, Rhodes, Kenneth Rhodes, Cliff, view, Cliff view, GOD, Sufficient, Grace, Mercy, Sunday Morning, Worship, Service, Christ, jonah, whale, run, discipline, GOD will, purpose, mission, business, open, faith, obedience, power, grid, boat, forgive, forgiveness, storm, wind, Wilburn, Michael, Michael Wilburn, prayer, middle, intercedes, victory, compromise, risen, easter, first, day, week, lost, sheep, prodigal, redemption, rebuilding, house, clean heart, Robert heard, Quinton patterson, possible, Wednesday, night, process, greatness
Id: hN2V2kcobyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 3sec (5223 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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