Client Onboarding Automation For Our Agency - Built with Zapier, Asana, Google Sheets & Forms

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all right ladies and gents welcome to today's video my name is taylor venture and we're going to go over a client onboarding automation to help you onboard your clients in a better fashion uh much quicker and much more efficiently so that you can spend more time working on the business growing the agency and your clients will be a lot happier because your onboarding process is a lot smoother okay when i say automation i do not mean that everything is push button done that's nearly impossible in a people-centric company people-oriented company like an agency or you provide a done-for-you service but it is as good as it's going to get at least for a version 1.0 so a lot of people wanted this on facebook i think over 63 people commented saying they would love to see this automation on youtube 20 people 40 people liked it like over 100 people liked and nearly over almost 100 people commented as well i didn't expect you guys were gonna want to see it that bad so great uh there's three zaps that we're gonna go over there is a ppc partnership agreement automation there's a ppc contract signed which is very simple and then this is the big one which is 22 steps long the ae va onboarding task assignment automation which is this is the primary thing but they all tie together so here's kind of the whole system in lucidchart before i go into building a system i like to build it out and map it out in lucidchart so before i just try to dive in the weeds in zapier i like to map out what is going to be done what needs to be done and then once it's mapped out go into zapier go into whatever tool is is that can be used to help automate this process and streamline it and you know start actually building the automation so the process here is pretty straightforward what happens when a prospect requests a partnership agreement from us right now is the sales rep will talk to uh one of our basically general manager director of client success and then the director of client success is going to talk to the sales rep and say hey what are all the client details i need all the client details so that i can create this partnership agreement and send it to the client super inefficient there's a lot of inefficiencies within our process of the communication between the sales rep and the person who's going to create the contract and so this was the first thing that we basically streamlined and to do that it was very simple all we did was we created this uh this uh ppc partnership survey which then feeds the data into this google sheet and then the zapier automation picks up this information and pushes it directly into panda dock and automatically creates a partnership agreement for that specific client so this was a beautiful automation that uh saved a lot of time in terms of communication back and forth and just manual clicking around creating a contract i'm sure you probably know what that's like when you have to create a contract with a client now i know this is all pretty high level don't worry i'm going to go through this step by step to the best of my ability but i'm just kind of explaining the high level before we go into the weeds and before we even go any further you got to understand that the value of this is so that you don't have to keep clicking and clicking and clicking and doing the same thing over and over and over and that less things fall through the cracks within your agency so here is um what the survey is now if a sales rep for example talks to a client and the client says great i want to work with you we're agreeing to thirty five hundred dollars per month with three percent of adrev or whatever the deal structure is that you have great uh the sales rep will then get off the phone and come to this survey and we'll start filling out this information so let's say that i'm the person who actually closed this deal let's actually go to preview and we're going to fill it out this is going to be a long video by the way you might want to put on 2x speed i might even speed it up because it's pretty hefty but it's gonna be a lot of explaining so i'm the one who closed it what's the date today's day is uh 18th who's the client let's say that the client is let me think of a cool name apple that'd be amazing to decide sign them the client's last name is uh cook his first name is tim and let's see the client email is tim client legal business address um let's just say california test address brand name is apple notice how it says brand names it's because some of our clients have multiple brand names so you can do multiple brand names if you want pretty simple start date we're going to fill this out now all this information ties into the contract that we are going to be sending them there's three contract types that we have if you've been following the youtube channel for some time you'll know that there's really only three ways that we will build clients and this is for our core service this doesn't include something we recently started offering which is called dsp but it's adrev only addref plus retainer or retainer only this is your classic flat fee this is a flat fee with a percentage of advertising revenue and this is just advertised w so we're going to say that it is a hybrid model ad rev plus retainer and we're going to say the deal structure here is ten thousand dollars per month um plus four percent of advertising revenue generated by better ams campaigns okay very simple retainer amount if there is no retainer you don't need to insert this but in this case we do have a retainer amount so we're going to insert it and notice how the description here says that you it specifically says how you need to enter it this is because when it goes into the database which is just a google sheet and it goes into zapier it needs to be kind of laid out in this way with the comma and the money sign the address percentage is four percent the marketplaces that we're going to manage this is basically just uh the country of amazon advertising that we're going to manage target a cost you don't really need to understand what this is it says for advertising cost of sale it's similar to roast which is return on ad spend and let's see what we got legal business name is apple hq let's just say and we got this done so now we're going to submit this okay cool that's done that's going to show up here you're going to see that pop in right here all that information that's great and now what we're gonna do let's see now that that is actually submitted what's gonna happen is that this automation let me see would actually run so ppc partnership agreement automation new response so the trigger of this first zap is this automation right is when someone submits that form okay so new response from better amos ppc partnership agreement request again that's this survey right here all right so the trigger of this zap is what i just did i just triggered it now zapier runs every five minutes so it's not instantaneous that this thing is going to run but what's going to happen when this runs and i'll run it here in a second is it's going to create a task within asana sonos our project management tool that we recently started using the last three to six months could be three months could be six months this year is such a blur because of covid but uh that is the tool that we're using so it's gonna show up in here but let me just actually click run on this automation and you'll see what happens and then i'll explain it after so ppc partnership agreement let's run this beast you gotta love zapier i know there's some people who commented on the facebook post and they were telling me that like there's a tool that's even better that does way more stuff maybe i'll get there one day i appreciate your guys suggestions uh in trying to give me better tools to build automations with but zapier i'm pretty new to it so i'm definitely not an expert okay so what we're going to see is this thing's going to pop up in asana send partnership agreement to apple right this is assigned to our director of client success um slash general manager i mean generally speaking director of client success won't really be dealing with client contracts or anything like that but alex does a lot within the agency so it'd be fair to say gm is also a role of his but um who is closing this deal taylor ventured see this is all the survey information so all the survey information pushes into this asana card which is beautiful let's come back to zapier here so what happened here is it it uh the the trigger happened where there was new information in the database okay now this would have happened automatically but i don't want to wait four minutes so we manually clicked run and then it is going to essentially cr add a task create a task into the asana sales contracts board in progress this is now a task it needs to be done today again all of this stuff is customized within this zap and then what happened is it actually created a document within pandadoc which let's go to right now i'm going to need to blur out some of the stuff that is here and let me pause this video someone is knocking on the door so here's the contract if we click into this contract you're going to get to see what a typical partnership agreement looks like um here but a lot of the information is also filled out give me one sec let me pause sorry someone was at the door so all the information that was put into that survey will automatically go into the different uh blanks or custom fields or variables here within panadoc and all that really needs to be done by whoever's coming in here is sign the contract and send it off to the client so just review it sign it send it to the client and we're done so that's very beautiful because what we used to do is manually input all this information and we also used to like the there was two people who had to go back and forth to get the the information now it's just all on the sales rep to just fill out the survey and the contract will automatically be created which is a beautiful thing um it's funny how how many small things there are in the agency just like this which could be automated so yes now let's go more to the specifics because i know that you're probably wondering well how did this actually get done so let's click into the zap and look at things and kind of go through things step by step so here we have the new response from the the the agreement request this is the uh trigger now you just have the spreadsheet um the url this is kind of the url in the worksheet then we created the task within asana very simple that pulls in the data from the spreadsheet or from the database ultimately but really it pulls it from the survey what's beautiful about zapier is that with every previous step the information is stored so um you can pull this information from the survey into this step of the zap which is nice so we have all of this is the asana card that got built out right so the name of this is sonic artist and partnership agreement two and then the brand name and uh that's very simple now if we come in here we're gonna see this is all that information very simple um moving forward the due date the assignee this is interesting maybe we'll get into how this was done and then the assignee status so that is that step then we have this where it looks up the spreadsheet row basically finds the um the data within the database so it looks up this spreadsheet row right here the one that was submitted and what is happening here is we're simply just looking it up so that we can call upon this data i don't know how else to really explain this but you're looking up a certain spreadsheet row within the database which is the row that was the most recent row that was submitted through the form and the reason why we're doing that is because in the next step i want to add in some information into this row the information that i want to add into this database was the asana task id and the pandadoc document id which is used in the next in the coming zaps um so you'll see this asana task id and looks like pandadoc document id isn't put in here let's see where that is done maybe that's the next one um yeah that's probably coming in the next one so first it just puts in the asana task id and then we move into this so this is a conditional one where if in that survey we selected uh the the contract adrev only address retainer it's going to go to the one which was selected so this is the one we selected was number two here and what we're going to see is that contract type exact partnership agreement so every single partnership agreement in panadoc is consistent the naming the nomenclature is consistent which is which allows us to filter it in this way again we're so in the weeds here that like part of me is just like oh my god i hope i don't lose people but i've probably already lost a lot of you guys so if you're still sticking with me i'm just like amazing that's fantastic but um it's explaining this i almost feel like doesn't do any justice if you want to learn this stuff you just need to freaking find the bottleneck or the tedious thing in your agency and just set a set aside a day to play around in zapier and learn how to do it i think it's quite fun naturally speaking i'm a builder i like to build things so i enjoy this process of building and figuring out things and learning things but that's really the best way to learn this and understand this watching this video isn't really going to do you a whole lot of justice okay how i learned to do this was to simply do it this is really is no no other way but if it if this is the contract type which it which it is then it's going to create the document in panadoc that's very simple so it's going to create the document name document name is simply partnership agreement dash whatever the name of the brand is and then the the template that we're going to create we have a template in panadoc sending the document no you can automatically send this document to the client if you want but i like to have a double check um done where the uh general manager slash director customer success will review the contract before it actually gets sent out just in case there's errors and this is all the information from the survey so and this this is custom information here because this is going to stay the same so pretty simple pretty straightforward really there's not a whole lot of else that i need to show you this is all very simple now the last thing we have is we add the contract id into that spreadsheet um this ties into future zaps which we're going to get into but the contract id is within panadoc every contract has a unique id it's kind of like a bar code and we wanted i wanted to have that in the partnership agreement database just in case for whatever reason we needed a zap that would utilize this kind of information which we we do have so um coming back that's the end of that zap very simple not too complicated automates the ppc partnership agreement uh you know the contract creation process and the communication between sales reps and whoever's creating the contract beautiful so the next stuff the next kind of bottleneck we had in our agency is when that contract gets signed and we're actually supposed to go in and do the work we had a digital brain a process for you know starting to actually do the work this is our digital brain i've talked about the digital brains before it's essentially what your agency does but listed out into a simple one pager and if you click on any of these specific uh you know boxes there'll be a video or it'll take you to a specific sop on how to do that process um and this is great starting out when you're kind of like it's just you there's there's maybe a couple team members and you really need to get what is in your head onto paper so if you want to learn about the digital brain you can just search the my youtube channel you search digital brain and i think there's videos there's a whole webinar i did on it i might have posted the webinar but in the we had the digital brain but we didn't really have it integrated into a sauna and so ultimately what this zap is doing the next step is just creating those initial deliverables that need to get done during the onboarding phase of working with the client within asana because asana is our project management tool we're going to be using that to track kind of you know what needs to get done when it's getting done and the deadlines for for for those specific deliverables so what happens with us is each of these little um i figure these this shape is called but each of these shapes here represents a task that needs to get done essentially this is a deliverable okay and let me show you first let's go through this zap once the client actually signs that document what's going to happen is it's going to send a slack message it's going to send a channel message into slack notifying us that like hey check this out the survey has been completed cool then it's basically we're going to go in and we're going to actually sign the document if we haven't already signed it but normally we would have signed it this just lets us know that great the client has signed and we are officially good to go um what happened previously is sometimes the clients on the document we would find out 12 or 24 hours later or because panadoc has notifications but they send them via email if you don't check your email when i was doing this i don't check i didn't check my email that often i always had have slack on i always check slack every single day um probably every single couple hours but um so that just notifies that that a contract has been signed right the client is ready to go great once that contract is signed what is said in that slack message let me come back here the slack message basically has a call to action in it and it states the following you need to go to this specific onboarding survey right here and basically this is the form used to automatically assign the ae and va the onboarding tasks in asana to prevent communication of all drops and increase throughput so this is once a client is signed you put in the panadoc document id which is going to be inside that slack message then the person who usually this is destiny because destiny is the one who closes a lot of deals within the agency um destiny will assign this account to one of our account executives or account managers and then she's also going to assign a virtual assistant that's going to be working on that account with the account executive or the account manager this is a process that was done very manually and it was just like slack message to john hey john this is a new client that we signed you're going to be taking on this client hey uh sarah you're gonna be working with john on this client account there was again communication uh there was just communication between the people now this doesn't remove the communication completely it just helps uh streamline it a lot easier and so then there's an audit sales increase forecast when we go through our sales process with clients we tell them that we can increase their sales by a certain amount not all the time but usually because we have a tool that allows us to kind of forecast what we'll be able to increase our sales by so once this is submitted and i'm going to go ahead and probably submit this i think i'm going to pause this real quick i'm going to have to sign this contract and then actually go through this process with you all right so i'm just signing this fake document here and i'm gonna activate the automation cool annually run the ppc contract signed um zap here so that we can send this slack message and we can start running why isn't it interesting seems that this one cannot be manually run now we have the slack message uh showing up from the onboarding bot again this is part of this app that i was showing you previously i'm going to do my best to blur out a lot of stuff here because and i really don't want to ever make a video like this again because dear lord if the amount of stuff that i got to blur out in this video is going to be insane but this is the document id great i'm going to copy this i'm going to then go to this survey and here's the survey here the better ams partnership nope where is it right here the aeva onboarding selection there's the document id that is not the document id hold on let me go grab the document id this is the document id right now who's going to imagine this account i'm going to say hypothetically it is going to be alex and then the va is going to be lee and i'm just going to say the audit sales increase forecast for this was we're going to be able to increase their sales over 150 000 per month i mean it's apple apple's pretty big um increase in sales by around month two to three and expected a a cost is around let's just say 10 sorry 10 percent okay great so we're going to submit this and voila what is now going to happen is we're going to enter the third zap which is the big slash final zap uh that that everyone was kind of like oh my god i want to see that 23 steps but it's really not that many steps so let's go into the zaps here this is the ava onboarding so what just happened is we submitted that survey now this is the trigger for this zap okay the trigger for this app is when someone submits a survey from that survey notice the nomenclature in zap here it's very important that you make sure that the nomenclature is clean for example the name of this trigger is the exact name of the survey so it's very obvious what's going on here nomenclature is so important not just in your advertising campaigns but also in your zapier automations and also in the systems and processes you build and it's very crucial for allowing you to come back to your systems two three four months later or years later and understand what is going on and what it ties into so very simple fundamental tip there let's run this thing manually and you'll get to see what it does essentially what it does is it creates a giant sonic card with a ton of subtasks so it's going to pick up that panda pandadocid and the submission the form that was submitted when we submitted it so i'm actually going to show you what it's doing live right now what it is doing live is it created this asana card and now it pushed all the information of this deal into the description and now what it's doing is it's creating the subtasks okay see how these sub tasks are starting to populate that's because the zapier is running so if we look at this this thing is running and notice these are subtasks within the task itself that are being created right now through zapier so if we click in here it's going to show us three things need to get done add the app add apple to our bid management software add apple info into the ba dashboard that's better us dashboard notify candice who's our accounting person to send the invoice to apple great so all of these subtasks some of them have sub tasks within them some of them don't for example this one doesn't and this is a lot of like what goes into our onboarding process so when we sat down and we thought to ourselves okay what does our onboarding process what do we want to look like we kind of formulated this lucid chart right and it was kind of the idea cool we got it in lucidchart but really that's not enough because if you have it in lucidchart if it lives in lucidchart someone needs to think about it someone needs to remember that like every time a client is signed someone needs to go here and think okay this needs to get done then this then this and this person does that it's really not that sexy because it lives in a giant flow chart within lucidchart which is great but it's not as good as it could be and that's why we've introduced asana because this allows us to take all this which looks kind of complex it's not really that complex and simplify it into this which is a single asana card that has all the subtasks assigned to the proper people automatically through just submitting a survey and it has the due dates where we can put due dates for example this is a closer success check this is very simple the person who closed this deal i think it's 45 days after the deal is closed we want the person who closed the deal to get a hold of the client reach out get on the phone with them and just make sure everything is going good typically when you pass the baton from your sales rep to your account manager in most agencies i'm assuming that's it you never hear from the sales rep ever again and the client is more or less just the they never hear from that person again even though that person who closed the deal generally speaking is the person who built the initial bond between the uh between the brand your agency and the client themselves right so that person was kind of the face in the initial process and we don't want to kill that person and we want to make sure that person is still alive so we think that a 45 day success check pulse check will be a good thing to have and every person who closes the deal we'll need to do that and i think it's 45 days in if i'm not mistaken we can check this here yeah 30 to 45 days no it's 90 days in so after 90 days the sales rep has a check-in call these are client touch points after onboarding we'll have the director of client success who's alex checking on the initial account performance of the intro to the client as poc for any issue so 30-45 days once we're into the account management director of client success will come in reach out to the client say hey i want to make sure everything's going well i'm the director of client success let's try to hop on a call i want to make sure things are going good in the account with you and john and john is the account manager right and and just get some feedback this is a beautiful thing and you guys are getting a agency university video right now because this is there's been a lot of lessons that needed to be learned before these systems were kind of built and put into the agency but typically what's going to happen is that your client will never really give negative feedback to your account manager however if you put that client on the phone with someone else in your agency like say you the owner or your director of client success and you ask that client hey how's it going working with sarah sarah's your account manager that client may tell you things that he or she would have never told sarah just because they don't feel comfortable telling sarah but you know they'll feel comfortable telling you so long as you know you're not going to go just blatantly you know give that terrible feedback to sarah but you'll try to communicate to sarah in a way that's more positive etc whatever so what's really good is that you get feedback from the clients on how that account manager and how that account executive that's working on the account can actually improve maybe the client doesn't like their style of communication maybe the client is annoyed that the the email response times from your account manager is is taking over a week maybe the client is annoyed that he asked this person to do something three weeks ago and it never got done these are things that kill the relationship right so what you need is you need a buffer you need like not really a buffer but a checker like someone that comes in in the middle between the client between the account manager and is like a mediator that can get the feedback from the client on how to improve the relationship and communicate that to the account executive because generally speaking the things that the client is most pissed off about or is most irritated by generally will not tell the account manager or the account executive i'm saying generally here because some clients are very ruthless and they'll just say this you know you're doing a terrible job blah blah blah other clients are very quiet they're very nice they're so nice that they would never want to tell you that you're doing a bad job or they would never want to tell you that they're mad about this or that but they will be willing to tell your director of client success i've noticed this and learned this from first-hand experience when i hopped on calls with clients i'd say how's it going with sarah and the client would say you know what sarah's great but i'm annoyed because but i'm annoyed of x y and z okay so super important and that's why we end up doing this and then after that 30 to 45 day check-in we kind of said that we're going to do a six months after start repeated biannually where every six months there'll be a check-in so 30 to 45 days we have a check-in from the director of client success i think what we settled on was day 45 within asana so if we come into asana here we're going to see that the the manager onboarding or the success checks here day 45 day 225 day 405 so we got about a year and a q a and a third worth of check-ins that are put into asana i could put more but if alex gets to day 405 and completes that he'll just duplicate this task and create another one 180 days out so that is this zap here it does a bunch of stuff do i need to go into details on the rest of our process probably not all of this stuff i'm going to go super in depth on an agency enlightened if you want to check out agency enlighten it's not even available there's no website there's nothing you can do all i can recommend is you just subscribe to the youtube channel because i'll announce the website when it's launched i'll announce agency enlightened when it's launched but this is more or less a chaotic preview to what you would get in agency enlightened which is a lot more structure on how to build these systems and how to and why we do certain things so that is the zap in a nutshell let me go through the actual zap so you can kind of see it here is the zap and here's why it's so many zaps why so many zaps is because you can only create one asana subtask within one zap okay so that's why you have all these asana subtasks taking up the majority of these 25s apps um in fact it's probably 90 in the beginning all we have here is four lookups this is why little spreadsheet databases are so cool and so important because in zapier you have the ability to look up for example a variable within us another spreadsheet and if you match up a variable from let me just show you what i mean this is really this is kind of hard to explain you kind of just got to build it and you'll you'll know what i'm talking about but uh we got a submission from this survey and then what happens is we look up the spreadsheet in the ppc partnership contracts database so ppc partnership contracts database you're never going to see me with this many tabs open but you are this is here now what this zap is doing is it's looking up let me x out of some tabs here this is getting insane what this zap is doing it's looking for the panadoc document id okay great so it's looking for that id and where it's going to when it finds that id which is actually this right here now it's it's not showing you the correct one because i'm this is from a previous test that i did but it would show you the correct one which would be this one once it finds that like if i was to run this zap what happens is once it finds this one little variable here you can now utilize all the information in this row for future zaps it's really cool so that is the power of these lookup google sheet lookups in zaps it's one of the most powerful zapier uh features you can do with google sheets in my opinion i'm sure there's others i have i'm not a master master of zapier but when i discovered this thing i was like holy this is amazing um because if you utilize a google survey it's always going to consistently put the information into the next row the next row the next row and if you merge the data from the surveys if you have like four different surveys and every survey has one key variable you can essentially link up multiple databases with just having one key variable that is shared across every survey i hope that makes sense so if in every survey i asked for the beginning question to say what is this client's email and there's four different surveys tied to information we want to pull from the client that we want to put into four different databases all i need to do is do one lookup spreadsheet row into each database and find the client email and now i can pull tons of different information from the client yes this is terrible to explain verbally you just need to learn how to do it then we look up information from the rest of our databases here now we needed to create a asana name and username id database it's very simple it's just the names of all of our team members in asana with their user id within asana and that way we can actually assign the task to the proper person that was that was assigned in the in in the survey if you remember in the survey we select who's the account executive who's the virtual assistant and this automation automatically just assigns all of these tasks to the right people how is that automatically done well it's because we built a simple little asana username and name database very very simple and then we have all the rest of the tasks so this isn't that complicated i'm not going to bother going deeper into what our onboarding process looks like the point of this video is to really show you kind of the automation and a few key parts of how to do this automation for yourself but at the end of the day you just need to start doing it that's the best way that you can learn it but hopefully this was insightful and this kind of showed you what is actually possible uh in terms of utilizing zapier and google sheets and asana and google forms and other tools that you might use like pan to dock there's so many cool things you can automate that is just these are just a couple few examples the contract creation um and the uh onboarding task uh creation within your project management tool these are all things that should be done in my opinion and a lot more detail is going to be provided on this process within agency enlightened and a lot more instructions on how to set this up for your own agency and create your own onboarding process that's custom for your agency i will be definitely putting this through the operations the week which is talks about the operations in your agency so hey if you found value in this video dear lord just hit the subscribe button it's the only thing i asked from you guys uh there's nothing else and let me know in the comment section below if you enjoyed this hit the like button because it helps boost the freaking algorithm for this video and uh yeah this is a our client onboarding automation version 1.0 this is all brand new to me i'm not an expert in zap here hopefully you guys enjoyed this much love hit the subscribe button thank you so much and let me know your thoughts in the comment section below ciao
Channel: Taylor Benterud
Views: 7,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Client Onboarding Automation, agency automation, agency owner, agency automation reviews, zapier, zapier & asana, zapier for agency, Agency, agency growth, scaling an agency, starting an agency, digital marketing, agency framework, agency principles, growing an agency, advertising agency, SMMA, social media marketing agency, client onboarding
Id: 3ChnL4WA_3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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