ClickFunnels Tutorial For Beginners 2021 (How To Build A Sales Funnel Step-By-Step)

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in this video i will show you step by step how to get started with click funnels so if you're looking for a complete tutorial showing you exactly step by step how to start building funnels using click funnels then keep watching this is the perfect video for you what's up this is simon from medics media providing you with the best tips tools and tutorials to grow your online business so make sure you subscribe to the channel to not miss any upcoming videos now i remember when i've built my first funnel using clickfunnels it actually took me a very long time from signing up to clickfunnels to actually launching my first funnel because there weren't any very good tutorials out there showing me every part that was necessary from signing up to clickfunnels to actually launching my first funnel so my goal with this video is to give you the most complete and most comprehensive guide for beginners about click funnels that's showing you step by step how to go from signing up as a new clickfunnels customer to actually launching your first funnel using clickfunnels so this will be a bit of a longer video but i promise you that if you watch this video all the way through you will know more than 99 of all other clickfunnels users and in the long run you will save tons of time if you actually decide to use clickfunnels for your business now i will also leave timestamps in the video description so that at any time in the future you can always come back to this video and re-watch certain parts so with that being said let's get into the video all right so the first step obviously is to sign up for a 14-day free clickfunnels trial that you can use to test out their software entirely for free for two weeks until you will have to choose a paid plan now i did create a very nice clickfunnels bonus package for everybody that uses my personal referral link to sign up for clickfunnels what that basically means is that if you use my link and you will become a paying customer after two weeks then i will get a commission which basically allows me to make all of that free content for you guys all of those tutorials so if you use my link i would highly appreciate it and kind of as a thank you for using my link um you will get um 991 dollars of my click funnels bonuses so here's exactly what you will get if you use my personal referral link by the way if you use my link nothing really changes for you it's not costing you any more any less you will not notice anything basically so um yeah you can't lose anything by using my link so um here's exactly what i'm giving away for everybody that uses my personal referral link so bonus number one is my complete affiliate marketing course where i show you it's like a three hour course where i show you step by step how it went from zero to five thousand dollars per month in passive income and while actually working full time so i did this that on the side and um i'm i'm not just showing you or explaining you how it works i'm also taking you inside of the software that i use like click funnels and showing exactly how i build affiliate marketing funnels for example so that's the first bonus then the second bonus is my complete email marketing course it's a one and a half hour course where i show you exactly how to build an email marketing system uh and automate that system so it will sell for you 24 7 which actually also contributes to this five thousand dollars per month in passive income online so with those courses alone you will you'll pretty much be able to kind of start building your own online passive income business and then as a bonus number three i'm giving away all my best converting clickfunnels funnels so i've been using clickfunnels for i think over a year now and i've tested a couple of different funnels i i split tested them against each other like i split tested different pages so i optimized it for the highest conversions and i'm giving away all of those funnels for free and so you can just click on the link and then it will import all of those funnels into your own clickfunnels account and which is very convenient to have so what do you have to do to get all of those bonuses all you got to do is go to your internet browser or go to the link in the video description and where it says like click funds bonuses or something or if you're watching this on a mobile phone or something just go to um forward slash cf bonus enter and then you will get to this page right here and you can watch this video as well where i explain exactly um how everything works what i'm giving away exactly then you got to just click on this link right here where it says claim free bonuses and then it will take you to the clickfunnels page to your official clickfunnels page right here and then just use this page to sign up for a 14 day free trial using this button and then after 14 days if you actually become a clickfunnels customer you will be eligible to all of these bonuses that you see here and all you got to do is send me an email to simon with your clickfunnels receipt so you'll get a receipt to your email address from clickfunnels send that to me and also with the email address that you have used to sign up for clickfunnels so that you can actually check that you're signed up as my referral and then it takes for me mostly like a couple of hours until you see that email and then i will respond to you um and send you all of those three bonuses that are um like 991 dollars in value so let's move on and actually go ahead and sign up for a 14-day free trial all right we're now on the homepage off clickfunnels where you can get started with our free clickfunnels trial so all you got to do is click on the start 14 day trial now button and that will take us to the sign up process for your clickfunnels account here all you got to do is type in your name and your email address and then also decide on a password so i'm just going to type in one of my email addresses to start a new account medics tutorials and also decide on a password and then click on start building my first funnel and that will take us to the second step which is where we have to decide on a plan that will start after our 14-day free trial if we don't cancel our account and the sneaky thing that they do here is they already pre-select the more expensive ones so they pre-select the platinum plan that actually costs 290 dollars per month now i highly recommend to just get started with a regular click funnels plan which is 97 per month after your two weeks trial and the difference mainly is that you get more funnels you get um over 20 funnels with a platinum plan you also get actionetics or follow-up funnels as it's called now i believe and which is email marketing and um you also get the backpack right here which is if you want to have an affiliate program for your own product but probably over 90 of you are not going to use these features or if you do you can still upgrade later on to this more expensive plan so i highly recommend to just change this tick from clickfunnels platinum to clickfunnels and that will save you a lot of money right there so then just type in your entire address credit card information and you have to give them your credit card information but they won't charge it uh until after those two weeks so make sure you kind of circle the date on the calendar and when they would charge you so that you can cancel your account if you actually don't plan on um on on paying for click funnels if you only want to test it then you want to make sure that you cancel your account otherwise your credit card will be charged and then um you can also add this upsell right here add nine secret funnels training um in my opinion don't really need this you probably learn a lot in this tutorial anyway so um i wouldn't tick this right here then make sure you tick this as well this is just the terms of service and everything and then click on activate my account and then we get to the next page right here where you have a couple of videos that you can watch about um where russell brunson the ceo or the founder of clickfunnels explains to you what what a funnel is and kind of um shows you a bit about how to build funnels now you can watch all those videos and if you actually do watch all those videos you will get like a free t-shirt the one that he had that he's wearing right now where it says funnel hacker um so it's probably like 20 minutes or something you can watch those videos and then he will send you that t-shirt for free so for the sake of this video i'm just going to click on no thanks i can create my own funnels and then we just move on with the tutorial and then they want to know a little bit more about us and our business and you can fill it out if you want to i personally just like to skip this one so just go to the top right where it where you see that cross you can click on that and then you will not need to fill everything out and it will take you straight into your clickfunnels account cool so now we're finally in our clickfunnels dashboard where um this is basically what you see when you log into your clickfunnels account and here you see an overview of what's going on inside of your clickfunnels account with your funnels with the traffic that you're getting with your sales that you're making through your funnels and also if you're using affiliate marketing your affiliate marketing stats and all that kind of stuff this looks pretty boring right now but it will get a lot more interesting once you have launched a couple of funnels and once you get traffic to it and also a couple of conversions so um this is pretty self-explanatory once you get some data in your account here for example you see the funnel sales so if you sell a product through clickfunnels and you collect payments also through clickfunnels and then you will see how much how much money you make um today last seven days last four weeks and so on and you also um if you use uh if you promote affiliate products from clickfunnels you see your earnings on the bottom right here then follow-up funnels is basically if you use email marketing with clickfunnels um then you see all the stats right here and you also get like awards and stuff when you do certain things when you have launched your first funnel and all that kind of stuff you also have like funnel flicks training that you can just check out um kind of to learn new stuff about click funnels and all that kind of stuff so we're not gonna bother all too much with this dashboard right here what we're going to use mainly is um this funnels click funnels option right here this menu option and this is um basically everything you need um with the standard clickfunnels plan that we have signed up for right now which is basically to use to build funnels um what follow-up funnels is is basically email marketing so what most people do is they have an another like main email marketing software like active campaign get response convertkit and all that kind of stuff and they don't really use the email marketing tool of click funnels because that's not really what they spec what they specialize in they specialize in building funnels so you can easily integrate all those other softwares to click funnels and you don't need to pay for that and platinum plan for clickfunnels to be able to use their email marketing so that's follow-up funnels is email marketing we don't have access to it because we're on the standard plan then we have and the backpack right here which is for people who have a product and they want to promote that product through affiliates so other people who promote a product for them for a commission so probably for you it's probably not really um applicable and it's also part of the platinum plan so we're not going to look at backpack either um on the top right you have account settings and affiliates and also my profile settings um affiliates is if you want to promote clickfunnels products so they have courses they have ebooks and all that kind of stuff that you can promote um which is something for an other video it's it's really not um applicable for this video because it's only for people who want to promote clickfunnels products but account settings is something that we are gonna look at over the course of this tutorial so if you go to account settings um then you have like um by the way here's account billing and this is where you can cancel your account if you decide that you don't want to use click funds if you don't cancel your account then you have to pay after 14 days just remember that um then you have like uh digital assets which is if you sell digital products then you have to upload your digital ad sets right here um right in this menu option then you also have integrations where you integrate all of your um your integrations like um like maybe shopify maybe email marketing software's like activecampaign which what i'm going to show you in this video how to connect your email marketing software um you also have payment gateways which is something you need to add if you actually want to collect payments through clickfunnels so let's say you sell a course through clickfunnels or maybe also a physical product you need to add stripe or paypal or some other payment collector software and so you can actually get paid so i'm going to show you how to connect stripe because that's what most people use and that's like the easiest thing that you can connect to click funnels but i'm gonna do that over the course of actually building our funnel then you also have domains so you can connect your own domain um so you really have a professional looking funnel and not like a clickfunnels url you want to have your own url so for me it would be something like forward slash something and and that looks a lot more professional than so you really want to have your own domain and i'm also going to show you that over the course of this tutorial um cool so that's the main overview of the account settings another thing that you probably want to know sorry is that at the bottom let me let me drag myself over to the left side real quick and at the bottom right here you have this help chat box so whenever you don't know how to do something and maybe it's something a bit more complex and you don't find it through this tutorial or another tutorial then you want to go through this support box right here so all you got to do is type in your question and what will happen is they will first suggest some support articles to you and then if you still need a human to help you like support stuff then you can just tell them i need a human and then they will mostly get back to you via email i i think they haven't ever gotten back to me via chat right here which is kind of um not so cool i really like when people are instant they're helping me via chat because then i can solve my problems right away but with clickfunnels they mostly get back to you via email but they're fairly quick so it shouldn't be such a big problem all right so that's the overview of your clickfunnels dashboard all right so let's now dive right into the fun stuff which is actually building our first funnel so to do that we just go to the top menu where it says click funnels and then we click on build funnel right here and then we can decide on a specific goal that we have with our funnel so there are different kinds of funnels that you can use for your business there's like a lead magnet funnel that you can use to collect leads or email addresses and there's a sales funnel that you can use to sell products then there's webinar funnels that you can use to host webinars or membership funnels if you want to promote a membership site all kinds of different funnels actually if you close this page right here you can um you can just look through there and you see all kinds of different funnels that are pre-built for you so it takes out all the design work for you and you will get your funnel up and running a lot quicker than if you would build it from scratch if you want to build it from scratch you can just click on create a custom funnel right here and then you can build everything basically however you want to but as a beginner if you're just starting out i would highly recommend to just use their templates because it makes it a hundred times easier to build your first funnel um so these um options right here they just give you the pre-built steps so they don't decide on you what your design looks like but they do kind of give you a template for what the steps look looks like so if you click on collect emails then you see that the first step is email landing page which is an opt-in page where people can type in their name and email address which will go to your email list and then the second step is the thank you or download page where they get your email that you get your lead magnet that you were promoting so it's a very simple funnel it's only two steps um if you choose like a if you want to sell a product and you do you do a product launch then you see that you have an email landing page which also is an opt-in page then you have multiple steps with which is like free videos which kind of tries to pre-sell them on their on their launch and then you have an order page where you can actually collect um the payment and then you have a thank you or download page where you give them access to whatever you are selling so it's a bit more complicated funnel and what i want to show you how to build in this video kind of that you that you can learn as much as possible is how to create a sales funnel so i'm going to quickly show you i've sketched out this funnel real quick so that you can that so that you have a basic idea what we are building so this this one right here this is what you're building the sales funnel um obviously you will send traffic to your funnel so this is what this represents right here traffic from facebook ads instagram ads youtube channel blog post whatever you want to then this goes to an opt-in page right here where we collect an email address then after this when they have typed in their email address so we will basically give away something for free here to get in exchange for an email address so for this example i'm going to promote a free pdf document so a free youtube optimization checklist and then on the sales page um i want to like sell a youtube course so everybody that opts in here and they will get an offer right after it where they can buy a course and then if they decide to buy that course they will go to an order page and then they will go to a thank you page where they have access to everything and and the order page is where you actually make the money so they will type in their credit card information and then the payment will go through your stripe into your bank account um and also what's important that the leads that you collect here on the opt-in page or squeeze page or whatever you want to call it goes to your email list inside of your email marketing software and then you can retarget those people with emails for free basically so you can have a pre pre-made email sequence that goes back to your sales page so you can give them more tips about whatever you're selling and then you can always mention that you have a course available if they are interested and you will get a lot of sales through email marketing so what we're going to build again is this specific sales funnel right here so we're going to actually choose sell your product right here and then we're going to choose sales funnel we're going to choose this we're going to name this let's say youtube sales funnel just kind of as an example for this tutorial and i'm going to give this a tag let's say this is tutorial because this i'm building for this specific tutorial then i'm going to click on build funnel and then it will start building our funnel and you will just in a moment see all the different steps that they have already pre-built for us kind of as a template we can always change those steps kind of as we want to here you see you have a new badge because you always get kind of awards when you start using clickfunnels doesn't really matter thanks close window and now here on the left side you see we have the squeeze page which is the opt-in page then we have the sales page we have the order form the order confirmation and the thank you page which is exactly what i have sketched out here just that the order order page has two steps so this window here is where you will spend a lot of time um when you're actually building your funnel so it's very important that you actually understand um what each menu means and what if you change something what will actually happen and which menu applies to what so this is something that was very confusing to me when i was starting out but i will explain to you everything so that you don't make the same mistakes that i have made so on the top here you see this blue bar and everything that you change here is on a funnel level so everything that you change here will imply will apply to the entire funnel so to each and every step that you have here and then you see the next layer which is this gray layer which applies only to the funnel step right here so this is a funnel step squeeze page sales page order form these are all funnel steps and everything that you change right here will only change in the funnel step and then you also have a page step which you will see in a moment right here on the left side you always see an overview of all of your funnel steps and you also have like the launch checklist that you can check out which should try to help you to kind of guide you through to your first funnel launch which might be helpful but again this tutorial will show you everything that you need to know um so then when you want to add new steps all you got to do is click on add new step right here and then let's say we want to have an upsell step and um let's say upsell or up number one and then we can click on create funnel step and then it will add that specific step um after our thank you page and maybe this upsell step makes more sense after the order confirmation because then they have already given us the credit card information and we can just ask them if they want to have like a coaching as well after we sell them the course and then with one click we can just charge them more on their credit card so you can just put that upsell step on this step right here if you want to delete a specific step all you got to do is click on this cross icon right here and then you will delete that specific step so no matter what you have here based on your template you can always change those things around but we're just going to leave it at this for this tutorial and we're going to start building our first funnel step so here the first step obviously is the opt-in page or here they name it squeeze page so what we can do is we can choose a specific template a specific design template that is pre-built for us so that we can just change the text change the content and make it relevant for what we are selling or we are promoting so you can just go through all of these templates right here and maybe you find something that works very well for you and you don't need to build everything yourself normally that's what i do personally so we can just click on preview right here and see okay i could use this i can just change the video i can change the heading and everything like that and then you will work a lot quicker but for the sake of this tutorial i want to show you how to how the builder works so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to start from scratch so i'm going to scroll all the way down and i'm going to go to opt-in blank start um another thing i want to mention here is that for each and every step you want to make sure that you have the right and kind of funnel type so you want to make sure that if you have a sales page you click on sales page right here and then you choose either a sales page template or you just start from scratch but it is important that you actually choose the right funnel type here for example if you have an order form right here then you want to have an order form an order form funnel step because otherwise you won't be able to ask for predict for credit card details so that's very important as well but for now we're just going to click we're just going to create an opt-in an email opt-in um form so again i'm going to scroll down and i'm going to click on opt-in blank start i'm going to click on select template and then it will load up this blank template which is pretty much empty into my funnel step and again here you see squeeze page this menu right here only applies to the funnel step and not to the entire funnel so that's very important to know right here you see a very ugly url and we're going to change that over the course of the tutorial as well so let's go ahead and click on edit page right here so we can actually start building our first funnel step so we are now inside of the page builder off click funnels which is something that you should become really good at if you want to build high converting and well functioning funnels and because if you kind of don't really understand how it works and you don't really understand the settings and everything then you will have a lot of um bugs inside of your funnel or won't look good on mobile and all that kind of stuff and it will not convert and you will lose a lot of money especially if you um if you do paid advertising so make sure you pay close attention to this part of the tutorial because it is very important so we are starting with a blank template right here the only thing that's in here is some text that i'm actually going to delete real quick so we are starting with a complete blank canvas and the first thing you have to understand is how the page is actually built so the different layers of the page and we have four different layers we have or three actually we have sections rows columns and elements everything starts with a section so we have to have a section in order to insert a row and you have to have a row in order to insert a column and you have to have a column in order to insert insert an element so let's start off with a with a section so you can either click on section add section right here and then on the right side you can choose whatever section you want to build or you can just hover over whatever wherever you want to insert that element or that section and then click on add new section and then it will open up basically the same menu on the right side and then you can decide on how wide your section should be that's basically on how wide your website will look like um you can go with full width which will fill out the entire screen you can go with wide with medium or with small i usually just go with white or medium and um i i like to go with medium because then it will make it a bit easier to optimize it for mobile um in a later step so let's go with medium and as you can see here this is um not um full width let's say i'm just going to show you how it will look if we change it to white so you can click on the section you can always change each thing if you just hover over it and then click on the gear icon right here and then on the right side it will open up the menu specifically to your element so we can change the section width from medium to let's say small and then it will be a bit less wide or a bit um yeah and then you can go to full full width right here so it's really wide but let's stay with medium so um everything that's green is always a section so let's now add a row so we just hover over the section and then click on add new row and then we can do one column two columns three columns whatever makes sense for your page so let's let's choose two columns right here and then you have two different columns where in each column you can add an element so you can click on add element right here and then it will open up the element menu where you can start inserting your content so you can do a headline a sub headline images videos sign up forms surveys timers whatever you need so i'm actually for this landing page i'm not using i don't want to use two columns i actually want to use um one column so i'm just going to delete it as well whenever you want to delete something you just hover over the element so make sure that you actually hover over the correct element and when it's green it's the section when it's re when it's blue it's the row so and when it's orange it's the element so that's something you have to remember but it will become second nature once you are building um a couple of funnels so um i want to actually delete the row right now so i'm hovering over the blue one and then i'm going to click on the blue delete icon click ok and then i'm back with my section so let's add new row and this time i'm going to choose one column so let's now add a heading so i'm going to click on add element i'm going to click on headline and there we go we have a kind of example headline right here now when i want to change everything about this headline everything i'm going to do is i'm going to hover over it make sure it's orange because that's the element and then click on settings and then it will open up the setting on the right side so here's everything we can change so we can have we can change everything um we can change the font so we can change this to let's say let's choose this one and then we can also change the change your font size right here make it a bit bigger um then we can change the color as well or we can change like the bold color so we if you want to make the bold the bold color red then everything that we we bold will be um red so everything is actually bold right now if we click here and then we only select this make this bold then only this part will be red um you can also change that if you go to advanced right here you have a lot more options with in terms of design you can do a drop shadow and all that kind of stuff but i don't want to spend too much time here because it's really just go through there and test everything out for yourself and then you will see you will get a good overview of what's possible within clickfunnels so um let's actually change this to um rank number one on youtube step by step so basically with this opt-in page i'm giving away a free checklist an optimization checklist on how to rank videos on youtube um so and then let's make this ranked number one on youtube let's make this bold so it's actually red and it's actually also change in the font to let's take something a bit um let's go with it doesn't really matter actually let's go with this one and then so we have our headline right here now what i want to do is i want to add a new row and in this row i want to put in a an image so i'm going to click on add row right here i'm going to choose one column and then i'm going to hover over it again click on add new element and then i'm going to click on image then to add an image hover over the element click on the gear icon and then on the right side menu choose the image that you want to upload i've already uploaded an image right here but you can upload new images by clicking on upload on the top right and then choose whatever you want to upload here and then you have it in your in your content library click on add image and then it will add this specific image actually didn't work right now so let's do it again select it add image and then it will add that specific image to your page so there's no real um drag and drag icon that you can just make this smaller or bigger so you always have to go to the gear icon of the element and then change everything right here so um to change the width i'm just going to type in let's say 400 pixels to make this a bit smaller let's say 450 which is fine and then because this is an opt-in page we need to um we need people to be able to type in their email information so what we do is we go on the bottom so i want to have like a button right here so i'm going to go to add new row and then again i'm going to do one column and here i'm going to add an element and this time i'm going gonna add so you can either um have people type in their information right on this page or you can have a pop-up form which is something that i usually do because i kind of found that it increases conversions so what i do is i add a button right here and then go to the settings of this button and click on set action and then make this open open the pop-up and then on this pop-up i will ask for their email information so and let's go back here we can change the text right here so let's say um download this free checklist let's make the font a bit bigger and let's make the background color let's make this a let's make this kind of green and then you can also go to themes and change the cut the theme of the button so you can just go through through there and find whatever looks best for you you can also go to advanced right here and kind of have a a more advanced design options you can maybe have an effect so you can do like rocking or something and then it will actually move which i'm doing on one of my pages which is kind of increasing convergence i found so you can use this as well and um you can also add like more text on the on the top here and all that kind of stuff another thing you you have to know is that you can increase if you want to maybe put this a bit if you want to have a larger um gap right here all you have to do is go to this row and hover over it go to settings and then increase the bottom margin right here and then it will just add some padding to your row the same thing with um this row you can just go to top margin and then increase the margin right here and then you can just space out your your page like this another thing i like to do is actually give my page a background so what you can do is go to settings and then go to background right here and then let's say i want to use a let's go to images and here you can upload an image or you can go to background and then you have some pre-existing backgrounds off click funnels and you can just choose one right here let's choose maybe yeah let's choose this one click on add image and then it will add this background to your page now obviously i want to make my specific page pop a little bit more my my kind of page on on the top here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to this section and give this section an other background so make sure you hover over the section so the green part again is the section go to settings then go to background color right now it's transparent and i'm going to change this to let's say white all right so now let's go back to settings i'm going to give it a bit of a top margin to kind of make this a bit of a gap and then i'm also going to go to advanced i'm going to change the corner radius to let's say 10 pixels and what i also like to do is i do a drop shadow of maybe let's do a 30 okay it's not that visible when you have a dark background but i think this looks pretty cool so let's move on and actually create the pop-up where we will ask for the email address so the pop-up is in a menu by itself so if you go to the top here where it says pop-up you can click on show pop-up and right now this is again an empty page so what we have to do here is add a row so we click on add row one column then we click on add element here we're going to insert a input right here which is an option where people can input their email address so here is the input then what we need also and then make sure once in a while you save your page um because otherwise when you have like something crashing then you will lose all that you've built so make sure you save it once in a while then we also need a um a headline so i'm going to click on add element right here add a let's say a sub headline because that's not as as big put it here and now you can also drag stuff around so if you click on this and you can drag it on the top right here let's say enter your let's say where can i send this free check list so that they know that they have to enter their email address and then i also want to give it a bit of a padding so we're going to go to settings go to um now let's go to this actually this element then go to top margin and then increase the margin right here cool so um now they can type in their email address right here you can also change the style of this obviously you can go to pop-up edit settings then you can do like a back or like a background color let's make this let's make this actually kind of gray you can change the the text color to white then and you can also make like a radius or like um a border let's say full border let's make this white kind of like this so just take some time and kind of build it however you want it to look like um and then we have to change this form here so we have to click on settings and then um here's the placeholder that you can also change right here but what we want to do is um you want to have an input type so we want to change that to um email address so that clickfunnels knows that what we're putting in here is an email address so make sure it's set to that and then we also need a button so that people can click on submit so we click on add element right here go down and click on button i'm also going to change the top margin a bit here and i'm going to change this to get instant or let's say send it to me now let's change the font size a bit larger also i'm going to change the theme to the green button or maybe orange looks also nice and then on the settings you want it always with buttons you always want to set an action so click on set action and then we will click on submit order so submit order submit form click on this one and click on back okay so now we have finished setting up our pop-up you can also ask for the name if you want to so you have just insert an other element and then change this element to the input to name so you can ask for more data not just email address so before we gonna add our email integration so that the people that actually opt in through this page will end up on our email list we're going to optimize our page for mobile because um most people nowadays actually use their mobile phone to browse the internet and click on ads and everything so you really want to know where your traffic comes from and if you get a lot of people from mobile you wanna it's very important that you optimize your page for mobile so when you click on this button on the top here where it says mobile you will see how your page currently looks like on mobile so right now it doesn't look very nice because this text is kind of too big and this image looks pretty good actually this button is kind of too big so you just want to go through your page on mobile and then change everything that doesn't look perfectly but you want to be careful so you don't change something that will also be changed on desktop afterwards so this is something that took me a long time to figure out but it's actually not that hard so the only thing so let's say you want to make this a bit smaller so let's hover over this element click on settings and then what i can do is instead of changing the font size here i go to mobile size and here on mobile size you can change it to let's say 32 um yeah 32 looks good and then it only changes on mobile and when you go when we go back to um back to desktop right here then the the font size will be still the same so this is the this is how you can change the font sizes just for mobile but let's say um you want to have and you don't want to have this image on mobile you want to have this image only on desktop but on mobile maybe you won't have a video so the way you do that is you want to go over the element you want to change go to settings and then you go to the bottom and you want to make sure that this element is only visible on either mobile or on desktop so let's say we want to only have this image on desktop so let's click on desktop only and then we see this is available on desktop and you also can always see this here desktop only and when we go in mobile this image is gone because we have set it to only on desktop so what we can do here is add an element drag in a video let's drag in a video right here and now for this element we go to the settings and we click on mobile only so this video will only be shown on mobile so when we go to desktop this is still the same when we go to mobile this is more um this is the this will show the video um and if you want to change something on mobile that is not the font size you will have to kind of create a separate element let's say you want to make this text not centered you want to make it align to the left what you have to do is just clone this element then make this only visible on mobile and then change this however click on it and then change it to left aligned and then make this one only available on desktop and then you have this one in the middle and then on mobile this one is left aligned so this is kind of how you have to play around and optimize everything for mobile with this button as well i'm just going to change the mobile size to let's say or let's say 20 19 okay so this looks better and yeah so just make sure you optimize it for mobile this is very important so now we have pretty much built out our opt-in page right here and obviously you can do a lot more here you can do countdown timers surveys you can do a lot more design stuff but i just wanted to show you the basics or the most important things of how to use the page builder because that's something that took me quite a long time until i figured everything out with sections rows um elements and all that kind of stuff or mobile optimization that's all the kind of stuff that's kind of if you know that then everything else will become a lot more easy because you can just click on settings and then you will see all the different settings right here or click on elements and then you see all the different elements right here and once you understand how the menu works then everything will be kind of really easy to build so the next important thing we have to do is um we obviously have to integrate um an email marketing automation software so that we can actually use those leads that we gain through this landing page so when people type in their email address right here we want to have that email address go to our email marketing software where maybe there it will trigger it will trigger this email automation sequence that you can build um with um your email marketing software by the way i have tons of tutorials how to use pretty much any email marketing software on my channel so um you can go to my channel and and watch and learn how to use email marketing as well um cool so let's actually save this real quick on the top right make sure you always save it this is something you also want to look at but i'm going to show you how to do this in a moment here so let's go to exit on the top left and then we are back in our funnel overview and what we want to do here is we're going to we're going to go to the top right click on account settings and then we scroll down go all the way to integrations on the left side click on add new integration and here is all the different softwares that are um that you can integrate with click funnels so obviously you want to integrate the software that you are using so if you're using aweber um you want to integrate aweber or convertkit or active campaign whatever you're using um i'm going to show you how to integrate activecampaign because and that's the software i use and also a software that's very popular and very um also very good actually it's one of the best so click on activecampaign or whatever software you're using you can give it a nickname right here so i'm just going to name it activecampaign active campaign and then you have to enter an api key which is basically if you have the right api key then it allows click funnels to um to be integrated with activecampaign so i'm going to quickly log into my activecampaign account and then i'm going to get this activecamp at this api key so i'm now logged into a new active campaign account that i've created a couple of days ago um so i'm gonna show you how to get your api key inside of activecampaign for your software maybe it's a bit different so you can contact support and they will help you get your api key so with activecampaign you go to you go to settings on the bottom left and then you click on developer on the left side and here we go here's the api access so this is what we have to copy let's first copy our api key right click copy go back to our clickfunnels account then paste this inside this box then we also have to copy our api url so let's go back copy our url right here copy and then paste it right here and then we click on add integration and as you can see this one this activated our active campaign integration right now so what we're able to do now is we can um put leads from our landing page form our funnel inside of our of our active campaign email list so we can go back to our funnel let's go to click funnels and then go to funnels right here where we see an overview of all the files that we have built and we only have one funnel yet so we click on this one and that will take us back into our funnel menu so here let's go back into our opt-in page click on edit page and then we go to settings on the top here click on integrations and then we select an integration so click on integration and we go to activecampaign which is the one we have just added action let's do add to list and then we have to select the list so i'm going to select um i'm going to select master contact list so everything so everybody that signs up or that opts in with this page will be put on this master contact list and maybe on active campaign it will trigger my email automation sequence that will kind of promote this course that i'm selling to them again so let's connect it now and now this page is basically ready the only thing you want to go through before you kind of finish this page is you want to go to settings on the top here and then go through this entire menu or maybe just the most important steps so we have integration set up as you can see here with this um green icon then you have seo metadata that's something you want to look at so you click on this and then it will open up the seo metadata on the right side and this is the many people have this one you see when you go to their clickfunnels pages they still have the the normal one because they didn't realize they have to change it so you can change the title whatever you want to and whatever you change this to will this will um look like and this is what it looks like on google then so let's say um free youtube optimization checklist as you can see here it changes it and this is what what it will look like on google so let's say learn how to rank number one on youtube this description which is which will be visible right here and then you can also add keywords and stuff like that which is for seo purposes but normally if you use click funnels um you you will probably not do do seo a lot so this isn't that important in my opinion and let's say author medics media and then you have and also add a social image so if you share this funnel on social media um then it will show this specific image so let's choose this one add image and then this is what it will look like when people share it on um let me just drag myself over this what this is what it will look like when people share your funnel on social media or when you share it on social media all right now um this is something that's very important so we've got that out of the way now let's move on to the next one we have tracking code this is um where you can put in your tracking code for this specific page normally i don't use this i just put my tracking pixel inside of the entire funnel um using google tag manager and then it will track the every single step of the funnel so you don't actually have to put it in here but that's where you can do it custom css is not something that you will probably use because that's only for developers then background is something we already looked at typography you can change the default um fonts and everything for your page and then general is also something you want to look at so um you can change a you can change this one you can change the url that people go to when they submit but we don't want to do that because we want people to go to the next funnel step here so we just leave this blank then we have digital assets which isn't really applicable to this page right here then we have affiliate badge which is something well i'm going to show you how this what this is actually so when you go to preview you can always preview your page right here on the top then we will open up your page in a new tab so this is what a page looks like right now and on [Music] sorry on the bottom right here you see this badge and if and if you have this activated which is activated by default and people click on this badge then it will go to the click funnels page um actually it will go to the home page and then when people sign up um on their home page for click funnels and and then they actually start becoming a paying customer then you will earn a commissions in commission inside of your clickfunnels affiliate dashboard so if you are doing affiliate marketing using clickfunnels you can use that in my experience not i not very many people will click on this badge so i recommend you just turn it off so go to general and then just go to affiliate badge and then hide um so it looks more professional actually then search engines again if you don't want to have your page show up in search engines then you can click hide but normally i just have it show because it doesn't really matter then click on um then that's basically it if you want to save this specific page as a template you can also click on save page as template and then it will just save it as a template and you can always use it in the future if you want to build something similar like this page okay so that's pretty much it now we have kind of built an entire page um so this is the process you have to go through every time you want to build a new page from scratch so then make sure you click save before you exit this one and then we can click on exit on the top left to go back to our funnel overview okay so now we are finished with designing our opt-in page and you pretty much know how the page builder works so with the next couple of page steps like the sales page order form or the confirmation you would pretty much do the same way you can start from scratch and then build everything out yourself or what you can also do is just use a template as i've um showed you before what i usually do is i start with a template from clickfunnels and then i start designing it kind of from there on which saves a lot of time and which makes everything a lot easier so for a sales page let's say we want to build a page where we have a video where we talk about our course that we're selling and then um on the bottom there will be a button that goes to the order form for everybody that will actually that wants to buy that course after they watch the video so what we can choose here is just a let's say we choose a skinny vsl dark you can always preview it so this is what it looks like so let's go ahead and set this template and then it will import this template to our funnel step and basically the same way as before we can click on edit page and then it will again open up the page builder but now there is already content in our page builder so as you can see here there's already a title there's a video in there so all you got to do now is kind of go to the settings of this element and then kind of um embed the video that you want to have in this sales in this sales page you can basically change everything and make sure you go through also the mobile optimization um page here so you can optimize everything from mobile most of these templates are already optimized for mobile so you probably won't have to do a lot here and you also want to go through the settings right here so i want to go to the seo metadata and change this from my awesome landing page to um youtube course or whatever you are selling so everything makes sense basically the same thing as we have also done with our opt-in page so um always save everything when you are finished and the next thing i want to show you is the order form because that's a step that is kind of special compared to the other steps so let's click on order form right here and then again we have to first start from scratch building our page or we have to decide on a on a template so let's just choose this one right here as an example let's import this into our final step and now there is a little small thing different right here compared to the sales page or the opt-in page or any other page actually so if you look on this gray bar right here you see that on the sales page there are three options overview automation and publishing and on the order form there are actually four options so um because with this specific final step you can add your product because when people type in their credit card information then they are selecting a specific product so that's where you have to that's where you have to upload your product and actually um or define what your product is so that they can actually go ahead and buy it so before we go ahead and um and choose our product and everything i'm going to show you how to integrate your payment provider because eventually you want to get paid and that that that payment has to get to your bank account um with some uh it's in some way and the way you do that is you go to the top here where it says um account settings and then we go to we go to payment gateways on the left side and i've already showed you this in the beginning of the tutorial but um here is where you can add a new payment gateway and then you have to decide on what payment gateway you want to use the most popular one is obviously stripe and paypal so i would suggest you use stripe because that's the easiest integration that you can do so you click just click on stripe right here and then click on create stripe account and then you can name it let's say i'm just going to name it stripe and then click on create extrave account and here you can click on connect with stripe and then it will take you over to stripe where they will guide you through integrating this this payment provider stripe with clickfunnels and you want to make sure that you actually type in your real information your real name your real bank account into all of these fields also your your company identifying all that kind of stuff because if you don't have this stuff set up correctly then there will there will be problems with um processing your payments and actually getting the payments to your stripe and to your bank account so make sure you take some time and fill out everything right here and then click on authorize access to this account you can also if you already have a stripe account you can go to the top right and click on sign in right here and then you can just sign into your web account and it will connect it to your clickfunnels account so because i already have a stripe account i just connected my existing account right here so this is what it looks like when you log in and then you just click on connect my stripe account here and as you can see success integrated stripe billing so now we are able to collect payments through click funnels using our stripe account so now we can actually go back to our funnel and add the product that we want to sell through our sales funnel so we go back to clickfunnels on the top here click on funnels and then choose the funnel that we have built and then we we are back in the funnel builder overview so we want to choose order form because that's where we can add our products and then click on product on the top right and here you see we don't have any products yet so what we're going to do is we're going to click on add product and then the first thing you have to do is choose the integration that you want to use to collect payments with so we have just added stripes so we can select stripe right here then the second step is to choose what kind of payment you want to ask for so is it a subscription is the payment plan is a one-time payment so for this example as i'm selling like a course let's say it is a one-time payment then um click on save and next on the bottom right and then on the second step you can give your product a name so let's name this youtube master class and you can also obviously you need to give it a price so let's say this is 199 and then you have to enter all your shipping origin address which is um also if you have a a digital product um you're not shipping this uh this product then you still need to have your address and everything for um just for uh billing purposes and all that kind of stuff so make sure you type it in here um billing description so this is also something that will appear on the credit card statement of the people that actually buy your product so make sure you put all that stuff in there so that they see on their credit card statement what they're actually bought with um with their credit card you can also use this as a bump product and if it's if it's a physical product then you want to maybe set this as a maximum inventory so that once it's sold out that it will actually be sold out it will actually say that it is sold out but as this is a physical product then we don't need actually the product inventory limit then once this is done click save and next then if you have like a different product variations so if you have maybe a course that is like basic then you have like the premium or then you have the course plus coaching so you can create different course variations right here but we're going to keep it simple and turn this off so let's move on without product variations and then you can decide on having a fulfillment email that will be automatically sent out by clickfunnels when somebody purchases your product so we can turn this on right here and then you can kind of basically give this product with um with this email that you create so you can type in something like here's um your access to my youtube master class and then you can put in a link right then you can put in a link right here in the email um leading people to or giving them leading people to your kajabi to your teachable or even to click funnels where you actually host your course or where you have your product or whatever you are delivering actually so you can either do it that way or what you can also do um actually here you have to thank your page um if if you choose none right here then it just goes back goes to the next step so it goes to order confirmation right here so that's how i'm going to leave it for this uh this funnel right here so then we click save and next and then we can also trigger a follow-up action which is another way you can deliver your product so what you can also do is turn this on and then go to like activecampaign which is the email automation software that we have integrated and then we can add it to a list or to add it to a specific automation or add it to a tag that will trigger something in our email automation and and then it will automatically send out the course details or deliver whatever product we are selling through that email marketing software so you don't have to worry about any delivery op um delivery problems with click funnels you can do everything inside of your active campaign or your other email marketing software so there are different ways on how you can deliver your product and it really depends on if it's a physical product if it's a course if it's a membership site so um yeah so depending on what you are selling you have to change up your delivery method then click on save and next and then it asks us it asks you if it's a physical product um then you you obviously have to deliver it a bit differently but and this isn't a physical product so let's just turn this off and click on save and next and then we get to the summary um so you can check if everything is correct right here obviously there's a couple of things that i haven't filled out right now for because it's just a tutorial right here so once everything is done we can click on return to product list on the bottom right and then you see that on the product page right here you see a new product and when now when you go back to overview and you actually go and let's visit this page when you click here you can always check the preview of this page then you see now this item is already set up and it's youtube masterclass which is the name we have given here they can enter the details right here and then when they click on complete order they will be charged 199 to their credit card and it will go through your stripe to your bank account so that's basically how you can set up your product inside of click funnels and basically create the the order form now something we haven't covered yet in this tutorial is how to connect your own domain to clickfunnels so that you can use a branded very nice looking url instead of this one right here that you see where there's always this word clickfunnels integrated and then some kind of weird letters at the end of it so we you want to actually change this to your own branded domain so right now when you access this funnel this is what the url will look like and that's really ugly so um what we have to do is we have to connect our own domain to our clickfunnels account so to do that we go to the top right click on account settings and then we go to the left side and scroll down and click on domains then as you can see we don't have any domain set up already so we have to click on add new domain and then there's two ways you can add a domain you can register a new domain through click funnels or you can add an existing domain and i think it's like 20 dollars if you buy domain through clickfunnels and that's a bit more expensive than if you use other options like godaddy or namecheap so if you want to save some money buy a domain through godaddy or namecheap or any other provider and then just integrate or um then just use add your this domain to your clickfunnels account so this is what i'm going to show you in this in this part of the tutorial and how to add an existing domain to clickfunnels so all you have to do is click on add an existing domain right here and then you have to add your domain so for example i could use and then click on add domain but what i usually do is i use a sub domain because because i for example medics media is my main url and i don't want to i want to use this url for other things as well so maybe i have a home page or other things and i don't want to have this domain exclusively for clickfunnels so what what i do with my domains is i just add a subdomain so what i can do is just go to just um add a sub domain part right here so it says and then i can use for other things as well not just for clickfunnels so i'm going to add this subdomain right here click on add domain and then they tell me i have to add a so-called cname record and point the cname record to so let's go ahead and do that what you have to do is go to your domain registrar and then add a cname record i'm going to show you how to do it with bluehost because that's my domain registrar and maybe you have have the name cheap on godaddy if you don't know how to do it just contact support and they will show you exactly how to add this cname record so with bluehost you just log into your account then you go to domains and for me it's medics tutorials so i'm going to click on this domain right here click on manage and then i want to go to dns then i scroll down where it says cname what i'm going to do here is click on add record and here is where i have to type in that and that part where um that is about the about the subdomain so if you wanna um if you wanna assign your whole domain just use an at and if you're using a subdomain just type in the first part of that subdomain so in my example it was so i'm just using go for the host record and then points to this is this is what they're giving us here so i'm just going to copy this i'm going to go back here paste it in here and then all i have to do now is is click save right here and then it will add this cnam record to bluehost which will a will enable me to use this subdomain for my clickfunnels funnels now it might take a couple of hours until this actually works because it has to propagate through the entire internet um normally it for me it only takes a couple of minutes with bluehost but with your provider it might take a bit longer so once you've done that click on i've done this step and good job is connected thank you very much and then um that's basically it you can alway already associate a specific funnel so um but i'm gonna show you this inside of the funnel options so let's go back to domains click again on domains and another step you have to do here once everything is propagated you have to go to these three dots right here go to edit and then you want to verify you want to verify this domain what this means is that you will get the ssl secure lock sign on the top of your uh on the left side of your url which is really something you want to have because otherwise it just doesn't look legit to your customers so probably it doesn't work right now because it's not finished propagating or actually maybe it does work let's go back and see okay as you yeah it's it's not it's not verified yet so you want to go back and verify it and uh then once it's verified you want to go to here where it says ssl and then you want to activate your ssl so you actually get that lock icon and it's a secure connection so that's how to add a domain so let's go back to our funnel and then we can change all the different urls so again i told you that this on the top here is the funnel level menu so what you can do here is go to settings and then you want to change here where it says domain you want to change this to your new domain that you have just added so for me it's so i'm going to choose this and then i can also change the funnel path so let's say this is youtube uh this is just called youtube so um what you don't what you shouldn't forget as well is to always scroll down and then click on save and update settings otherwise it will not be saved all right so now we have changed the url on a funnel level so that every uh funnel step right here will have that same sub domain right here so all we have to do now is change the different urls of each funnel step so go to publishing for this first step right here and then we want to change this from squeeze page to um let's say um youtube let's say youtube checklist youtube can type checklist and or no actually this is the path so we're going to put in youtube checklist right here and then the final step name will just be youtube it will just be um opt-in page so that we know that it's the opt-in page click on update funnel step and as you can see here the name has changed to opt-in page and the url has changed to youtube checklist and then there's one more step you have to do is you have to change it on a page level so you have to go to this gear icon right here and then change the path as well here so you want to put in here youtube checklist as well and then change the name here to maybe also youtube checklist and sometimes you can only add a path using a number so let's see if this works right here click on update page and now if i go back in here you see there's like a couple of numbers so what i usually do is i just type in a one so that um clickfunnels is happy and we have used the number i don't know why they do this but you actually have to use a number most of the time so that's all you have to do to actually change your url to something that looks actually nice and and the url that you can send people to is either um either this one right here forward slash youtube or you can just send them to the first funnel step which is um forward slash youtube checklist whatever um looks better for you so what you want to do is you want to go through each uh individual step right here go to publishing and then you want to change each of these path to something that makes sense so here you could change it to youtube course then order form you could change it to um order form obviously make sure you you delete all of those ugly appendix on the end of it always make sure you update funnel step to make to save it and you make it for for every single step and um and then let's also again go into the settings and look at the other funnel settings and just so we did don't forget anything so we have the name the tag the domain we have the path then the favicon and the favicon is this what you see on the top of the browser right here so right now you have this simple clickfunnels favicon and if you want to have a specific one for your brand you want to put the url that goes to that specific favicon in here and then it will change the favicon for your entire funnel also if you have a pixel and you are tracking all the actions that people do on each page what you can do is just put it in the header in the head tracking code or in the body tracking code right here and then it will kind of track all the actions that people take inside of your entire funnel you don't need to put it in each step because with most pixel codes uh they will be able to track it on a step level and not not only on a funnel level which is pretty nice also if you want to share this funnel you can use uh this link right here and then you can just um share it this link with people and then they can import your funnel that you have built um to their own clickfunnels account here it says stripe account we want to select the account that we have integrated i've named it stripe so make sure you select your payment gateway and sales tax you can use this for sales tax sapir and that's also something i haven't really used before so i don't think it's that important right now cool now then you want to click save and update settings another thing i want to tell you is that with your normal clickfunnels plan you only get 20 funnels so after 20 funnels you will either have to operate to the higher plantier where you i think have unlimited amount of funnels or you need to kind of archive funnels that you don't need anymore so you can't really delete a funnel what you can do is click on archive funnel and then you have one more um free or one more funnel that you can build so if you have 20 funnels you can just archive one that you don't use with this button and then you can build a new one just so that you know that's also something that took me forever to figure out actually so click save right here then when you get some traffic to your funnel you can also check out your statistics so you can click on stats right here and then you see exactly how many people opted in how many people clicked on your funnel what's your opt-in rate what's your conversion rate um and all that kind of stuff so here's where you can really optimize your funnel and a very powerful thing that you can use with click funnels is split testing so you can click on steps and then let's say i'm gonna split test my opt-in page so what i can do is click on start on create variation right here and then click first create a duplicate page that i've already created and then maybe change up the title of that page so let's go into um my split test page right here click on edit page and now let's say instead of ranked number one on youtube i'm gonna say um discover how i rank number one on youtube 9 99 of the time or or or every time or something like that um and then we click on save and then the only thing that's different with those two landing pages is that the title uh varies so what i can do now is i can send 50 of the traffic to this page and 50 of the traffic to this page so we click on apply changes and then when i go to stats then it will show me exactly what's the opt-in rate for um for the what's the opt-in rate for my initial opt-in page and what's the opt-in rate for my variation so you can really see um in percentage on what page performs better and then once you let's say this one performs better now then i will click on declare as a winner click ok and then it will put this on the left side and then i can start a new split test so i can maybe split test my image or my buttons or everything else maybe the angle that i'm using to sell the product so this is really how to optimize your funnel so you get the highest conversion rate and to really increase your profits using split testing so i think this is very powerful all right so that's everything you need to know to get started with click funnels don't forget to claim my clickfunnels bonus package you'll find the link to the bonus page down below in the video description if this video was helpful to you make sure to give it a thumbs up and also leave me a comment down below if you have any questions whatsoever i make sure to get back to you as soon as possible and also subscribe to the channel if you want to see more in-depth tutorials just like this one about online marketing tools like clickfunnels and with that being said thank you very much for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 48,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clickfunnels tutorial, clickfunnels tutorial 2021, clickfunnels tutorial clickbank, clickfunnels tutorial for beginners, step by step clickfunnels tutorial, clickfunnels, clickfunnels step by step, clickfunnels training, how to use clickfunnels, how to build a sales funnel, step-by-step clickfunnels, step by step clickfunnels, clickfunnels step by step tutorial, clickfunnels step by step training, clickfunnels training for beginners, buildapreneur, click funnels, kevin david
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 20sec (4760 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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