Helium 10 Product Research Tutorial For Beginners 2024 (COMPLETE GUIDE)

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helium 10 product research tutorial hello everyone welcome back to another video in this video I am going to be talking about a product research and how you're going to be doing product research as a beginner using helium 10 so I'm going to go through all the tools that you can use with helium T to do product research and that way you can go ahead get this product started to understand what you're looking at and how to leverage a product research software to sort through millions and millions of products on Amazon because if you just do this without a software you're putting yourself as at a disadvantage from the fact that you just cannot you know physically sort through all those products on your own so I'm digging to you know great deaths to show you exactly what these tools are and how you can get started on this whole journey of Amazon FBA okay so to actually start your journey with this we are going to come to helium 10 and to sign up for a free account please do check out the link in the description below which will take you to a free account sign up and uh you know you can create your account simply from there so please do make sure to check the link down in the description below to get straight into the free signup so the free sign up is going to look somewhat like this okay you're simply going to click on sign up for free and it's going to take you into the sign up section so as it takes you into the signup section what we're going to do over there is you're going to go into the onboarding where it's going to ask you your thing so welcome how would you identify yourself so you know you could go with the things that actually identify you now I have already signed in with an account but I haven't gone through the whole onboarding so how would you identify yourself you know to start your helium ton Journey so you could go with I currently sell on Amazon I sell on my Brand's website I work with multiple Brands so go with whatever you are I'm just going to go with the basics right now and once we do that here it asks us to upgrade the plans I'm going to go with not right now I don't really want to go ahead and upgrade right now away so we're going to do all that and once we do that what is going to happen over here is we're going to hop straight into our dashboard okay so our helium ton dashboard is pretty basic and pretty easy to get along so once we hop into our screen here you can see we're on helium 10 so if you don't know helium 10 it is a product research software there's jungle Scout while launch helium 10 is the only one that you know I actually use and it's pretty incredible in my opinion and again there will be a link down in the description below which will get you a free trial and a discount as well so that way you can save some money and time while you first start this process for yourself so obviously to get into your Amazon product search you can see that there's a lot of insights and a lot of things going on here and you will need to get a lot of Basics when it comes to your product search so there's you know blackbox searching cerebro Frankenstein searching there's different types of searchings so for now I'm also going to be opening Amazon into my uh new tab over here just so we can you know save some time now once you're here in helium 10 some few things that I want you to get out of the way is first of all adding the Chrome extension because your Chrome extension basically helps you with a product research because you're simply going to take the Chrome extension to your Amazon and once you go to your Amazon basically over there what's going to happen is that you're going to use the actual extension that you have and use that extension to actually gain out the products over here so we're just going to add the extension to our Google and once you add it to your Google Chrome it's going to be downloaded in a second so just go ahead and do that and helium 10 is going to add itself so once we've added it you're it's going to let you know that hey everything is good to go etc etc it might even ask you to log in with your account and stuff so in the case it asks you to do that please do make sure to do that uh but yeah once you do all of this it asks you to make your first search I'm just going to back out from this here and we're going to go back to helium 10 now once you're helium 10 first of all we're going to go to tools and in the tools section you can see all these things okay now what we want to do is we want to do product research right so for that we're going to go to blackbox okay which is your Amazon product research essentially so over here it's going to open the whole blackbox up where you can use a lot of filters to filter different products out so here you know let's say we want to answer these questions to find a product so I want to sell a product in the first of all you're going to choose the store so first of all there's the amazon.com store which is your Us store and there's different Amazon that you have let's say I'm going to go with the basic.com the US store and uh it asks you the category you want to sell in as well so let's say I want to go with the computer and electronic or you know what better yet the more in Niche category nowadays would be clothing so just go with the clothing category and preferably I'm going to go with men's clothing so once we do this that needs you know a a little Improvement some improvement a lot of improvement I'm going to go with a little Improvement where competition is let's go with the medium okay I want to sell my product for obviously it's clothing so 3200 would be a decent range with a monthly revenue of let's go with let's keep it pretty short right now now this is simple we can also switch to Advanced by the way but uh again I'm just going to keep it simple for now uh because first of all I'm going to do a simple search and then I'm going to it take you to an advanced search and when you go to an advanced search you're going to see the amount of difference that you're going to get so we're going to click on search to find the products regarding our questions and once we do that look at it it starts finding products okay so this is basically the product research that it does okay it gives you all the necessary products that you want to find with the you know proper necessary sales and all so over here you can see let's say Source One RG3 clear eeric jewelry user showcase and obviously these are clothings and you can see the number of insights on them the category BSR okay which is your best seller range so their best seller range is around the 1.8 million product and you can also see their prices and you can see the monthly Revenue that they generate for you so let's say these soccer goalie pans are going to generate you $119 Revenue which is pretty incredible then also go with the reviews okay don't always go with like the higher money or something like that go with something with with good reviews as well so as we can see this bandanna has good reviews and pretty decent money as well so always cross check these things and once you like a product like let's say I like this bandanna over here I like these goalie pants over here and let's go with something else let's go with one more thing I'm going to go with let's go with this uh you know Women's Open Toe cutout mid heel shoot so once you've chosen your products what you can do from here is is you can actually export these products for yourself if you want to so exporting these products will basically take it to a csw file where you can actually then add these products into some type of product store in bulk if you want to you know if you're actually selling these products in a bulk store so that's one way to find products to product research then obviously moving on you can also let me just uh switch it from keywords to products Back Again by the way there's also keywords that you can use and keywords is also a pretty great way to get your products through because you know a lot of people nowadays are running on keywords a lot of people recommend running on keywords because you know the SEO and keyword working nowadays is pretty high and a lot of people let's say want to search a book for children so all you're going to need to write is child book and that's your keyword child and book so what that will do is it will give you you all the searches related to the keyword child book so let's say we're going to keep it on keyword search volume you can keep this uh to whatever you want let's say I'm going to go with a minimum search volume of 100 okay the max is undefined monthly Revenue I'm going to go with 150 Max could be anything price at least $10 okay review count review rating you could choose to this to be whatever you want but I'm going to keep it blank and now we're going to come over here let's go into computer and accessories keyword search I'm going to go with razor okay so any product of Razor I want it and keep out Mouse okay I don't want a razor Mouse I want anything other than a razor Mouse then you know you have shipping Siz here where you can choose these shippings I'm going to ignore that or you know I'm just going to go with all selected number of sellers you know all these things are things that you can choose for yourself I'm going to just keep this in and I'm going to click click on search and let's see if it finds different products for us and as we go down look at this it actually gives us all these different keywords that would obviously take our ratings quite high so you can see this phrase over here AMD razor category for computer and accessories fulfillment is fbm size here small oversiz variation count is seven and it's been used for 10 months only and the monthly sales off of this keyword is 4 and the price made for these sales are this much and these are the search volumes for these things so you know go with cross check the best seller range cross check the monthly Revenue cross check the search volume and if those things correlate with each other and work well then trust me you are winning in this like trust me this will work like a piece of cake for you so that's the other way that you can actually get high revenue on Amazon is to you know search actual keyword so coming back to product research let's switch over to Advanced to actually research our products and you can add more advanced categories in your product search so let's say first of all I'm going to switch my store to Amazon Canada okay that switches your store and gives it you know a different thing so use a filter presearch so you can go with these filtered presets as well but uh obviously I'm just going to ignore those and we're going to come over here into our category and subcategory and again as I told told you these features are Immaculate when it comes to your Amazon's product research and uh if you want to use helium 10's product research features please do make sure to check down the link in the description below because that link will redirect you to Absolute glory and you will not regret clicking on the link okay because it will give you a free trial that you can use for yourself and also discounted codes so yeah please do make sure to check it out but yeah as we come over here let's go add a category so so let's say I want some certain type of musical instrument let's go with that and once you go with a musical instrument uh you can add some number of sellers again you can keep these things uh out for yourself if you want to so music girl I'm going to go with $200 minimum let's search for a guitar okay and um let's say I'm going to keep the price on $0000 then there's your monthly Revenue sales charges and all these things that you are going to fill out for yourself and then you can actually exclude Brands so let's say I don't want a guitar from Gibson or you know what you know let's keep Gibson out let's say I don't want a guitar from Squire so you're going to keep a squire guitar out and uh once you keep a squire guitar out what you're going to do from there is you're going to search for it so once you search up for your musical instruments it's going to give you all the different uh instruments that you have you know so let's say we have drive case Pioneer Samson medum portable mic you get the Yamaha mics and all so let's say I'm going to edit filters you're going to give it the keyword of guitar okay so you're going to find the keyword section and uh there we go title keywords just uh add in Guitar over here and uh exclude title keywords acoustic so that will basically not give us acoustic guitars but other type of guitars so I'm just going to do exactly that click on apply filters and then it goes ahead and searches so so there we go it starts searching the acoustic guitars for us so you know you get the maple cap guitar you have an SG style electric guitar DIY guitar and you can actually see their prices you can start seeing their monthly sales their reviews how many people buy them their companies their sellers their brands their last year sales weight so you get the full Insight of these products so you know it's a pretty good General Outlook of how these things work and then in the tools section you also have a list where you can save your products if you want to but obviously I'm just going to keep it on product research right now now moving on obviously that's how you're going to do it from the actual helium 10 dashboard that's how you're going to search products and uh you know export their data into a CSV if you want to check these products cross reference them track their competitors analyze their keywords run a listing analyzer on them if you want to I still haven't showed you how to use the extension have I so let's go ahead and talk about that now when it comes to actually using your extension basically to use your extension what you're going to want to do is you're going to go to any product page so let's say I'm going to go with gaming accessories something that uh you know I want to do product research on and once you go into gaming accessories you're going to get all these headsets so you could steel series Artic Nova gaming headsets so let's say you want to actually check these things out and for this I'm going to go over here click on this extension I'm going to disable that and once you do that it brings you this so learn how to use you can add a seller account by connecting to Amazon if you want to but then there's different things like ASI and Grabbers where you can x-ray Amazon product researches you can x-ray keywords and a whole lot more so let's say I'm going to go on product research because that is what we're mainly here about and look at that so the page that we searched it started giving us all the products over here in this page and it gives you a whole research of them as well so let's say you have this product over here with all these sales and then you also get these insights now the reason for this to be locked is obviously you're going to need to upgrade to the main account but you can start seeing all these things you can also see their ASI in code in case you want reference to those uh you get headphones with razor you even see the brands Turtle bead steel seal series hyperx corser Audio Technica you know whatever you want it's all available over here so you get the basic idea of how we're going to use this and you can also xray different keywords for yourself so all the keywords that are used over here you can use these to correlate with you know your own style of working if you want to you can also see the total revenue average revenue average pricing average bestseller Rank and average reviews that the page gets you know all those can be seen over here so you can see in the keyword section let's say we have Xbox series set over here the cerebro IQ score is 11,577 your cerebro IQ score is based on ratio of estimated search volumes versus number of competing products okay then there's different search volumes over here you have search volume Trends and a whole lot more so basically pretty easy things to get your head around and again as I said if you go with the actual product research you get your total revenue off of these things you get the average revenue the average price and a whole lot more and obviously to get all those insights you will need to upgrade to platinum so do go ahead and do that if you want that so yeah you get the general idea of it and uh this is basically your helium 10 and uh how simple it actually is to use these products with each other okay and as I said you can also find suppliers on other places like Alibaba AliExpress you can download a whole CSV report about these products as well which will help you you know actually import these products to some other place pretty easily and then moving on you also get a prompt up here like once you search something up you get a prompt up here which will give you you know a small summary of the page so let's say I'm going to search over here let's just search up Christmas because right now the Christmas sales must be booming so let's go ahead and search up Christmas and as you go into search bar look at that helium 10 also gives you the search bar to search with for your product researches and you can see that the Amazon suggestions are here and you can see the actual search volume so look at the search volume from Christmas decoration ations you get 93,000 searches which is crazy so almost a million searches for Christmas decorations so once you go over to Christmas decorations let's say I'm going to go to this product okay and once we come to this product you can actually access your helium 10 and uh start seeing insight about this product over here okay and uh once you start getting inside it's as you can see it starts loading up it starts telling you about this product you what this product actually constitutes what it's about it tells you it's Asin and everything and these things are pretty uh you could say easy to get your head around and you can see that it's an overall pick for your Christmas and obviously because Christmas is around the corner and you know it's more in Niche nowadays so this product might be booming so you can use this for your product research or for your affiliation you know for whatever purpose you're doing helium 10 on it for so yeah but that's the basic idea of of how helium 10 is used and if I were to give you a short recap just create an account on helium 10 and all you're going to do is you're going to come over to your tools and you're going to click on blackbox and that will take you to helium 10's Amazon product research okay and then you can just research away from here okay you do uh let me do tell you this you get five free searches on the free trial okay if you want uh searches more above that you will need to upgrade your plan but yeah that's the general idea of all of it that's how we're going to use this incredible platform for ourselves now again if you want to use this product research platform called helium t for yourself please do make sure to check out the link in the description below to get a whole uh you know scenario of how this thing works you can get a free trial using the link in the description below and uh you can also get discounted codes off of it so please do make sure to check it out but yeah that's the general idea of it so if you enjoyed watching it till the end please do make sure to drop down a like And subscribe to the channel and if you want to see more videos like this in the future let me know down in the comments below and I'll be making more videos just like this for you so yeah that's the general idea of it and that's about it for this video thank you for watching till the end and I'll see you all of you next time goodbye
Channel: ImminentHD
Views: 21,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helium 10 product research, helium 10, how to use helium 10, helium 10 tutorial, helium 10 review, helium 10 product research 2024, helium 10 product research tutorial, amazon fba product research helium 10, amazon fba 2024, product research amazon
Id: liG7BdY9a6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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