ClickBank Case Study - Watch Me Build & Optimize a $$$ PROFITABLE Microsoft (Bing) Ads Campaign

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hey guys yvonne here at in this video i want to show you guys my clickbank case study with microsoft ads i spent about 225 us dollars on this campaign so we could use it as a case study for this channel we can take a look at the ads the landing page the results and use it for optimization purposes so i used one of the methods that i teach on this channel i created a landing page actually we created a landing page in one of the previous videos and i used pretty much that same landing page i'll show you the changes and everything i've done to promote it on microsoft so we took people from the landing page to uh the affiliate offer so in this video i want to show you guys the results what our 225 dollars brought us i want to show you the landing page the ads the keywords the extensions absolutely everything we're not gonna leave any stone unturned you guys please let me know in the comments if i missed something that you were really interested in seeing let me know i'll be happy to show it in case i somehow miss it uh but ideally i want to show you everything and then we're going to get to the fun part something you guys have always been asking me how to optimize your campaigns because normally when you run a campaign it's not going to be profitable at the start you'll make some sales but it's not going to be enough to offset the cost normally that's what happens and that's totally fine because as you optimize it and as you realize what works what doesn't that's where the money comes in and furthermore if you have email marketing even better because now you also have some additional sales on the back end so we're gonna optimize it i left everything as is i ran the campaign for like five days or so i didn't touch anything at all so we could come in there and we could touch it together okay so that's the agenda for this video before we get into it as you guys know make sure to hit like and subscribe and hit the notification bell so you get notified when i release new videos just like this okay i've been focusing a lot on providing these value valuable videos to you so you can let me know if you do find value in them by hitting like and subscribe alright that being said let's get into it so the first question what did our 225 us dollars get us what did we achieve so let's take a look at uh clickbank so here we are in our clickbank account right this is our resolve fam account that we used so let's head over into dashboard and let's see looks like we made 154 okay so i actually made a first sale 113 this is steel bite pro by the way we made 113 on the very first day i spent like 10 bucks and we made a sale and then we didn't make any sales for the next four days and then we made a 40 sale so if you go to reporting and if you look over here you will see that nothing has been refunded so i will be provided the 156 dollars or 154. so we lost money we lost 75 but this is actually an absolutely incredible result guys the fact that we actually made some money this is great because now we could go to our click magic account which is what we use to track and we can optimize and we can determine what works what doesn't and we could remove the losers and scale the winners that's the process one thing you guys should know though is the first sale didn't actually track in clickmagick so you you can you can confirm that it's here it wasn't refunded or anything it didn't track and click magic because we were using this like this account was a test account my click magic account is a test account right those aren't my actual real accounts um and when we set up tracking we kind of set it up for a different account long story short it didn't track properly the numbers were all over the place you had some numbers here from the other account some numbers from the first account and so on and so forth so as soon as i saw a sale here i was excited i look in click magic it's not there i go in and i immediately fix it uh i i figured out what the issue was i immediately replaced it and then the second sale does show up so unfortunately we can't optimize for both of these sales but we will be able to optimize for just this one and i'm going to show you the process guys so it doesn't matter how many sales you get the process is the same again whether you're using microsoft ads or google ads it's the exact same process for optimization okay now that being said uh let's start looking at what i created and then we're gonna optimize so let's take a look at our landing page so here's the landing page if you recall we did this together right so when you know we we send traffic here and then when people clicked the link they were directed to the sales page so steel bike pro right free video reveals neat little secret 60 second dental trick do this before going to bed so this is the exact same landing page we did i did make a few changes though if you re if if you remember we had a white background here i changed it to the background of the actual offer so if we open this link this is the actual offer presentation i'm gonna pause the video and i used their background okay so i did that by clicking inspect element by clicking sources by clicking image and background here so this image so i went ahead and i opened in a new tab and then i use this image you might not see it because it's covered in black and the lines are black so it's kind of hard to see but i just used this image and i copied it now normally you can't just do this for anything okay i actually emailed the affiliate manager and i asked for permission to a use this background and b i asked if i could use their testimonial so if you read the full story you should see testimonials here these ones i asked if i could use those and i was given permission so i went ahead and used the background and i added these testimonials to save time i just went ahead and i just saved them as images and i pasted them here to save time what you would want to do ideally though is not do that because when you make it small screen when you minimize it on like a mobile screen the image stays and then you know that becomes incredibly hard to read so what i would probably have done if i had more time you know this took me 10 15 minutes to optimize like to to add all this stuff um i would have just like manually made this would it would have taken a bit longer but you know this is just like a test campaign and then the other thing i did was i just added this so if you recall we had like three things we had like uh prevents oral infection toothpick reduced plague i'll i'll put a link to that video if you guys want this was a video on how to um promote on google ads without an email opt-in and you know same thing for bing ads it's the exact same thing and i just replaced that because i didn't like the way it looked and i just did this and i just added kind of what it does okay so this is our page everything else is the same i didn't you know i literally just added these i added that and yeah that's it so take a look at that video if you want to see how to build this page from you know from the beginning um okay so that's our landing page uh this is the sales page and then let's head over to our ads let's see what i did with the ad now the ads i showed you how to do on google ads i didn't do them on microsoft ad so i built the ads from scratch here so i paused the campaign obviously i put it at 75 a day to get as much data as possible if you put like you guys are asking me how much should you put if you put 10 a day you know it'll take you seven times as long as me to get the data that i have now doesn't mean you might not get as many sales you know like i said i made the sale in my first 10 bucks right but it will take longer to get the amount of data i had i had about a thousand clicks almost 1 000 clicks worth of data which we will get to when we get to the optimization part but this is an example so if you put 10 a day you know it's gonna take you seven times as much to get the same data as me in these five days that i ran the campaign so let's take a look at our ad so first of all let's go into ad groups because i had the three ad groups right like i always teach you guys in this case i have cured tooth pain tooth decay treatment and cure bad breath so i have three ad groups the biggest one was the secure tooth pain and if you see here i increased the bit here so i actually i started off the bid on all of these at like 25 cents guys and then as i saw i wasn't getting enough traffic i was definitely not getting you know like i was getting maybe 200 clicks a day in total uh for this campaign yeah about 200 250 clicks a day um i wasn't getting enough at first so i went in and i increased the bid to 35 cents and then 45 cents so again exactly what i teach you guys start low don't start off at you know two dollar bids because then you'll you'll expand your 75 dollar a day budget in one hour you don't want that so taking it slow and then if we look at the ad so let's look at qrtoothbane ads uh if we click on this ad group if we go to ads by the way you might notice a different microsoft ads layout uh i have a tutorial video showing you how to create a campaign in this new layout so if you check that out you know i'll put a link in the description but let's take a look at the ads for this curetoothbane ad group and the ads are pretty much the same across all these ad groups you know just like i show you the only difference is here i say get rid of tooth pain now over there i say get rid of bad breath i'll show you guys get rid of tooth decay okay so here's our ad you know get rid of toothpaste now so like i teach you guys you know in the first part i always like to include the actual keyword so what is the keyword in the second part i like to say you know watch free like like a call to action click to watch watch secret and yeah so this one um had a higher ctr because it you know it first of all it says watch people like to watch stuff and then second of all it's got those two uh quotation marks people like that so that's the ads for this i mean i don't know what else you guys want to see uh here is the tracking by the way so i'll we'll get into tracking once we it's a bit laggy we'll get into tracking what i did was i said i said my ad group here now going back you know i wasn't actually planning on making an entire case study from this um but going back i would change this a little bit and i'll show you how once we get to click magic but there's no need to say steel byte pro because in click magic you actually see um when we get there you actually see the campaign without having to write it in and then here i wrote keyword and query string under one parameter okay this is if you're using uh campaigns now if you use tracking links guys you you can do the exact same thing there's no difference everything i'm going to show you here is applicable to both tracking links or campaigns same thing then here i have device and network and then here i have uh the add name okay so this is get rid secret so i'll be able to know which ad got the sale so then we're gonna go down and you know free video reveals need 60 second tricks so people like these uh these um what do you call them quotation marks right and then free video people like free as well people like watch so that's basically it there's no there's nothing in the tracking template so you'll never get a url mismatch issue here because you're not using a tracking template uh you're using click magic campaigns which you can use only if you have your own landing page okay you can use tracking links if you're direct linking so let's go to cure bad breath here so our hair is getting a little bit in my face i should probably get a haircut so this one just as you see the exact same thing just it says get rid of bad breath and then here in the um url path i show you i say cure bad breath and then you know dk tooth decay treatment it's the same thing i say cure or get rid of tooth decay now get rid of tfdk now and then yeah notice how i'm only testing one thing at a time guys i'm not testing completely different headlines because i'm trying to see what works like which of the call to actions work in this case and looking at the ctr it looks like the um way in this case they're they're actually pretty much the same there's not much of a difference but if you go over here uh the ctr was much higher as you saw for this second uh for the second headline right uh the watch secret so the reason why i'm not changing like headline one and headlight to end descriptions because i want to see what works and what doesn't if i change everything and i see a higher ctr i don't know what the cause of that higher ctr is is it headline one is it headline two or is it description in this case i know the only difference is headline two so i know that saying watch secret trick with you know a posture or quotation marks and you know saying trick watch converts better than saying click to watch video okay or we don't know about conversions but we know that the ctr is much higher ideally of course you look at the conversion data and we will have that in clickmagick not enough we just have two and one of them doesn't show up uh but ideally you want to look at conversions and in an upcoming video i'll show you a neat little trick you can actually do to track conversion data in microsoft ads it's not going to be for a sale but we're going to add a little bridge page right after our landing page even if you're using campaigns it's going to work let me know in the comments if you guys want to see that but that will allow you to track sales and track conversions in microsoft ads as well again not sales you're not going to be able to track sales but you will be able to track conversions here which will just allow you to you know see what works what doesn't a little better so now that you've seen that i don't think there's uh let me know if you guys want to see any more of my ads but let's go into extensions real quick let me show you extensions i just added basic extensions again these are very very powerful um doesn't hurt to make them so here i just say 60 second trick what it does testimonials i have action extension and i show you guys how to do this in my microsoft ads course at evonmetta.comcourses or if you just take a look you know at my other videos i briefly cover some of them i think now so click on call out extensions we have that click on structured snippets and we have this okay so i try to make my ad stand out as much as possible because that's how you get clicks right especially if you have a lot of competition you get clicks by having your ad stand out a little bit more um this was which position i guess we could see if we go to columns if we look at position i'm assuming this one was near the bottom of the position which is why i didn't get that many clicks as opposed to how many impressions but regardless doesn't matter the overall ctr by the way is is actually really high so this ctr here that you saw it was 18 this is incredibly high usually a ctr of two to six percent is pretty good but 17 is really really high that means our ad really stood out thank you in part to these extensions uh let's take a quick look at the keywords and then we're gonna dive deep and optimize and see how we can make this campaign even better okay so here are my keywords uh nothing crazy i don't think there's anything really too much i have to explain pretty self-explanatory if you go into like the keyword toothpane ad group i have keywords i try to add long tail keywords that are relevant to tooth pain tree tooth pain ways to stop tooth pain if you go to this ad group tooth decay treatment it's going to be you know to decay treatment keywords cure bad breath keepers now majority of clicks came from cure tooth pain okay so people searching for how to get rid of tooth pain so that's pretty much it for what we have done okay so again our landing page very simple takes people to the sales page and our ads okay so let's head now into click magic again you know as a heads up the first sale doesn't show up for the 113 dollars only the 40 sale shows up but it looks like we lost just about 75 bucks with this but we got a lot of data so i don't i think this is a winning campaign guys because once you actually optimize this you will start seeing many many more sales because you actually already got some sales so that's an amazing sign okay so let's go through this let's click on campaigns here and i updated the ad spent so i said exactly how much i spent over here if you go into no i went over here now you'll see different numbers because i'm in canada okay so i converted this number into canadian number so uh spent it says 286 i said uh 286 canadian to us and it gave me that number the 226. uh 224 42. okay well the exchange rate changed a little bit but let's just say 225 right so i added that number here i went into here i clicked on add update ad spent and that's like the average click magic basically broke it down saying i paid an average of 23 cents american for every click which is pretty accurate here it's 28 cents canadian for every click so it's pretty um that's like the average yeah so the profit here is like minus 70 because again remember we made 113 right which doesn't show up here uh but we will optimize for that one sale just so you guys can get the idea again you guys have been asking me how to optimize let me show you okay so we got about a thousand clicks we got one sale not very good but we can make it work so select your domain steel byte pro now right that's the domain that i got uh to use for this uh to use for this site and then what you want to do is click here and click on utm performance report and this is where we're gonna go break down by breakdown to see what works so here it says bing right we got one sale in bing obviously if you are promoting this same campaign on google on facebook on ref content whatever you name it you will see them all here if you sort by this is sort by uh source right yeah sort by source so you'll be able to get an idea here in this case it doesn't matter this is only bank so we can really pretty much skip this so let's go to the next one which is medium now for the medium i set up the campaign name and the ad group now like i said looking back on it this isn't really important we don't have to do that what i would probably have done is for the source i would have said bing like b and then i would have said the name of the ad group and that would clear up this one for something else uh which i'll get into in a second but what we can see here is that we got one sale right we we earned uh 40 bucks and we spent 180. we got one sale from toothpaste so we didn't make any sales at all yet from bad breath or tooth decay okay no sales yet there but we did get a sale here under the toothbane ad group but this is just an ad group so we should dive a little deeper and look at the keywords so we we're we sorted by source we sorted by medium right nothing much to see there but let's go into campaign now for the campaign this is where i set the keyword and then the query string right if you recall in the ads that's what i set there keyword query string guys you can set it however you want to you don't have to do it exactly the way i did in fact like i said i would change it a little bit so i would keep this but for steel byte pro tooth pay i would add um i believe it's loc location yeah i'd have to remember what it is uh basically the the location id because with campaigns you cannot see where the sale came from so i would put the exact location here the location token it's like ms underscore location underscore id or something like that so you would put that that way you see location instead of this so that's what i would do it would be a little bit more useful if you're using tracking links you don't have to do that because with tracking links it comes as a default so for bing ads honestly i would probably use tracking links because you can see the device and you can see the location without having to use up tokens but if you're having issues with like tracking link unsuccessful or landing page not found this is the foolproof way to get it done anyway uh so here like i said we have the keyword and we have the query string okay so let's let's um we'll come back here because this is the main this is the heart this is where like the main optimization comes in it's through this you're going to spend a lot a lot of time here let me just show you the other things that we sorted by so the other thing we have is term and over here i did device and network right so the device which is mobile mobile t for tablet and c for computer which is desktop so we got a sale on mobile and then you're saying what is s s is the network so it's either s for syndicated like partners of microsoft ads yahoo ads so it's going to show on a variety of other websites o is only msn microsoft and yahoo and a stands for audience ads okay so this is audience is like display ads generally you want to try to avoid it which is why we only have one click here but we can see that we got a sale on mobile and on the syndicate network which is a collection of the partner sites so i would probably keep things as is here um you know we got a ton of clicks here i don't want to kind of meddle with this yet because first of all there's not that many there's not that much sales data here yet second of all for for this case keywords are going to be much more important so let me show you one more thing if you go into content i set the ad right so we see that we made a sale from the ad which says get rid and secret so the one with the quotes so i named my ads here for my convenience if you want you can say ad id and square bracket in a squiggly brackets and that's going to show you the exact id of the ad so if you go cancel here here it says ad id if you don't have that ad id you can go into columns you can go to modify columns and you just add the ad id right here under attributes and it's going to show you the id of the ad you can reference it but the idea here is i'm trying to see everything in click magic so i don't want to go back to microsoft ads unless i'm actually just doing the changes and so over here because i named my ads right get rid secret right this was the one that said click here to watch video and then this one that said hey watch free secret video whatever right so i know that that performs better because that's where i got the sale now this isn't enough data again you know one sale not enough i wish the second sale showed up so we could at least see if it's here or not but as you add these things and as you look at the conversion data you will get a better idea of where you know which ads generally perform better but we know for a fact that the ctr is much better here for this ad right as you saw it was like 21 versus the 15 so we know at least the ctr is there so this gets more attention for sure so let's go back into keywords so that's i put it under campaign again it doesn't matter you can put the keywords under source if you want really doesn't matter but as long as you stay consistent the key here is you want to maintain consistency because if you run other campaigns and you put keywords under source and another keyword on your content then you'll have just data all over the place okay it's gonna be a big mess so if you do this ideally if you put query string and keywords like i do here under campaigns i'm gonna make sure to do that for all of my campaigns i'm going to put it all under the utm parameter here for campaigns okay by the way if you're not sure how to set this up how to create campaigns how to set up a link guys take a look at my videos i'll put a link in the description so you will know what you know how to set it up this is a more you know a more advanced video for people that already know how to set it up and that just want um the optimization part so we're here at the optimization part okay so this is the biggest thing the most important thing you can optimize you can also optimize by gender by age by country which like like i said i wish i would have put the country here but keyword is the main thing that's where the most of your time will be spent so what i'm going to do here is you can either go by ad spend and optimize by how much you spent like uh yeah dollar wise how much you spent or you can go by clicks so how many clicks did you get on these keywords and query strings so uh either way it's fine let's go by ad spent and actually it's gonna be the same because we added the same kind of ad spent value right into clickmagick and they just divided the total value by the number of clicks so either one is going to give you the same thing and we just want to go from top to bottom and we want to see if what we see here actually makes sense and is relevant if not we want to add it as a negative keyword or we want to pause the keyword or we want to you know increase the bid or we want to if it's a successful keyword add it into its own ad group okay so we'll go through everything here don't worry so let's start from top to bottom so the first one is it says severe tooth pain remedies we spent 15 bucks here now we don't see any sales at all okay you can say that there's not enough data which that is one angle to look at it you could keep running because if you look at it you only spent 15 on this keyword and on this query string you your payout is 110 so do you have to completely remove this keyword what if you make two sales in the next 20 bucks right so it's kind of a tricky case here so this is up to your best judgment so what you have to do is look at it and say does severe tooth painter so this is what somebody typed in they typed in severe tooth pain remedies they saw our ad which said uh severe tooth pain remedies which said uh let's go into this ad group cure tooth pain so it said let's see let's go into ads they saw our ad that said get rid of tooth pain now okay so so far so good they're all pretty relevant but then they see this landing page okay and if you look at this landing page guys it says free video reveals neat little 60-second trick that rebuilds your teeth and gums okay rebuilds your teeth and gums and gets rid of tooth decay is that relevant guys to severe tooth pain remedies i would say no so this was an oversight on my end it was my mistake because what i did here is i created this ad group saying get rid of tooth pain but over here there's no indication of tooth pain until you actually scroll down then it says tooth pain relief but the majority of clicks are coming from tooth pain so that's the most important thing to write here not this teeth gums and get rid of tooth decay the most important thing to write here is gets rid of tooth pain remedies like tooth pain relief so it was an oversight now this was a test campaign so i left it running for five days normally i would check back every day or so and take a look and just make sure everything fits i wouldn't let you know 300 go just like that without checking up on it so normally i would have checked in a day and seen this and made changes but what i would have done is either a completely removed this ad group and just not have the ad group at all or b i would have changed this landing page or created a different variation of the landing page so i would go in here into my unbounce account and i would duplicate this page i would duplicate it and then i would make the changes so instead of saying free neat little video reveals um how to build your teeth and gums and get rid of tooth decay i would make it very clear that this is about relieving pain okay so free neat 60-second dental trick that let's say gets rid of tooth pain and we could say gets rid of tooth decay okay and then i would i would circle this i would say gets rid of tooth pain or not circle underline it like that so this is what i would do obviously i would remove some stuff and you know re rebuilds your teeth or if you're making a specific landing page for that ad group you would just say that gets rid of tooth pain boom right and now it's very specific it's very tailored people that are searching for tooth pain this is very specific to him so that's what i would do i would probably go in and duplicate this page i would make one page for gets rid of tooth pain i would make another page for uh gets rid of tooth decay and i would make another page for rebuild your teeth and gums and i would create all these different ad groups um all these different landing pages for the ad groups in fact i wouldn't do i wouldn't even do rebuilds your teeth and gums nobody wants that right so looking back at it now looking at the data and seeing it like right in front of me right because sometimes when you launch a campaign you think oh well well you know maybe it's going to be good no the data is right in front of us it didn't convert it didn't work so now you're faced with the hard facts and now you can make the decisions because now you're going to look at it by the way let me close out of that you know rebuilds your teeth and gums nobody cares about that nobody's typing in how to rebuild your teeth and gums instead what i should have done was do you know create a landing page for my other ad group saying cure bad breath so i would say that cures bad breath i would literally just say that because that's what most of the keywords are about okay so looking back at it now that's what i would do i would create three separate landing pages that will increase my quality score first of all second of all the main thing is it's just going to be so much more relevant because the reason why these didn't convert is because there's no indication of severe tooth pain right so you can either a you know one i think by optimizing your pages creating three separate landing pages or at least at least if you're lazy create one landing page but change it so just add just say dental trick that uh cures uh tooth pain okay or gets rid of tooth pain so just add that at least so you would just add it gets rid of tooth pain and then you would add whatever other things you want so that's one option okay or two options create a separate landing page for all three ad groups edit this to just so that at least it says gets rid of tooth pain or option c you can just get rid of the sad group and you would get rid of these keywords so maybe you can leave the ad group but remove these keywords because under the current circumstances this isn't converting okay so let's imagine i want to keep this okay let's imagine i'm not going to do any changes to my landing page what i would do then is i would copy this okay i would copy i would open a notepad and i would add this here so severe tooth pain remedies i don't want my ad to show up for this keyword or i mean for the search query you want to be careful and you don't want to add you know this keyword you don't want to like just pause this keyword because if you pause this keyword this search term can still show up for other keywords right let me give you an example uh extreme tooth pain remedies extreme to thanome so look this is the same query string it shows up under two different keywords so if you're thinking okay all i'm going to do is pause this keyword and that's it right i saved seven bucks no because then this search query is gonna show up here and then the seven bucks is gonna come in through here so you'll get seven plus seven you'll get the 14 here right or six plus seven whatever you get the idea so you can't just pause keywords and be done with it you have to look at the query string like uh the not the query the search terms okay this is what people actually typed in so that's what you want to add as a negative keyword so you would go in here and you would add this as the negative keyword and then you would just go down you know go down so tooth nerve pain relief instant tooth pain relief remedies now sometimes things would make sense for you sometimes not so again this is where you're gonna spend a lot of time guys this doesn't take two minutes and boom you're out of here this can take hours you're going to go through all these 17 pages of well let's make it show 250 results okay two pages so it's going to be about 500 different keyword slash search queries okay or search terms let's suppose we want to add this as a negative keyword right severe tooth pain remedies or again ideally i would probably just create a different landing page and i would leave it but whatever you want to do and let's go down the list so tooth nerve pain relief so same thing look we spent 25 bucks here together on these two and again the issue is our landing page doesn't talk about that at all okay so it's good to see this data because then you see smack dab you know no more guesswork no more thinking well maybe it's gonna work because sometimes it does sometimes keywords they have no idea will convert they convert sometimes you have no idea so no more guesswork here but let's look at the next the next keyword relieve tooth pain and the queer the search term was instant tooth pain relief okay now this one i don't think there is any doubt that by changing this landing page to um allow for you know get rid of tooth pain that's not gonna help this because this one people are looking for instant tooth pain relief our product right steel bite pro it takes time so let's look at this page it takes time to be delivered let me see if it says but yeah i mean it's it you know it doesn't come instantly it's not like you magically make it appear it's gonna take some time right three to five business days whatever for delivery furthermore as soon as you take the pill you're not going to get better it's going to take time it's going to take like what 60 days or whatever to see results right you have to keep on taking it so someone typing in instant we don't want them seeing our page because they're not going to buy people searching for an instant solution we're not offering an instant solution so in this case what you would do is you would open your notepad okay let's let's delete this let's say we'll add another landing page in this case what you want to do is you can either add the whole thing instant tooth pain relief or you can just add the word instant because someone might type something else elsin they might say instant relief for my teeth in that case you're screwed because now the word instant shows up again so what we want to do is we want to add the word instant as the negative keyword right so let's take a look here for a second and let's control f let's type instant here let's see how many times instant shows up so nine times okay so instant tooth pain relief instant tooth pain relief instant toothache relief instant tooth pain okay by the way notice how it's the same search query for this for different keywords right which is why you don't want to just pause the keyword and be done with it because the search terms will still show up which will trigger your ads so we're going to keep going down look instantly right 115. so if you add them all up right you spend you know 50 50 let's say one dollar on both of these keywords uh let's say one dollar here two bucks let's say here two bucks four bucks four bucks four bucks so it's like 12 bucks so far and then this 10 bucks uh 22 bucks okay so an average of 22 dollars if we would have added instant as a negative keyword we would have saved 22 and this is where optimization comes in for the next 225 dollars that you spend guys you're gonna get more out of it because now to get the same result i'm not going to spend 225 now i'm going to spend 205 dollars to make the same 150 right that's how optimization works that's the power so if we go back over here what i would do right once we're done once we're done getting a list don't you know you can do it now where what i like to do is i like to create a list we're going to go back into microsoft ads and we're going to add all these words as negative keywords we don't want anything to do with instant now this is the search term let's look at the keyword does the keyword make sense relieve tooth pain yes it does so i don't think it makes sense to remove this keyword we can maybe reduce the bid but that doesn't matter because the search term will show up somewhere else so i wouldn't make any changes with the keyword because the keyword is fine relieve tooth pain assuming of course you create a separate landing page right i i would make a separate landing page and just say like i showed you stops toothpaint or gets rid of toothpaste okay so that's what i would do so i would keep this keyword the keyword is fine the search term is not okay so let's go down the list remedy severe for tooth pain again we already discussed this the issue was with our landing page extreme tooth pain remedies so here's one you know it says extreme my guess is that somebody searching for extreme isn't uh you know they don't want to wait like let's say two months to see results right because this is extreme too pain someone really has a lot of pain so what i would do is i would go in and i would add extreme here our solution is not meant for extreme pain you should see a doctor immediately for that so let's go into extreme and see how many times that's been shown so look extreme extreme extreme look we would have saved 12 almost 20 bucks yeah now definitely 20 bucks right if we add extreme as a negative keyword we save another 20 bucks so now to make 150 bucks all i have to do is spend about 175 180 190 whatever's with my math right i'm just adding all these numbers that we're saving and this is how you go about it so we're gonna type in extreme here okay now let's go back here and now the keyword says fast stop tooth pain fast so what i would do is i would redu remove i would pause any keywords that have anything to do with fast because apparently fast isn't working our solution isn't fast i thought it would work i thought you know people searching for fast results i thought they would see our pill and and they'd be like okay well you know this could be a good solution no data shows that's not the case because we spent a lot of money here we got a lot of clicks we got almost 100 clicks if not more and we didn't make any sales now of course that's also partly due because our landing page kind of sucks for this ad group but this is the type of data that you would find out only through this optimization only through this analysis i would not have thought otherwise i thought maybe at the start hey it would have been okay you know because it says remove tooth pain over here i thought that if people see gets rid of 2k they assume that it's also going to get rid of pain no data shows that's not the case that's why it's important to read this so what i would do is remove any keywords to do with fast so i in fact i would write fast here i would just write that as a negative keyword and let's see how many search terms came in with fast let's see if anyone typed in anything to do with fast yeah fastest way to stop tooth uh too thick yeah so we didn't spend much here but we should also avoid any keywords okay how to stop to paint instantly there's another instantly okay so uh yeah we wanna we wanna remove keywords so let's just say keywords to removal let's say pause you don't wanna remove ever you always wanna pause because you always wanna come back and look at the data if you remove the data's gone so you always want to pause everything okay so let's say keywords to pause anything to do with fast okay so we'll say fast and then for this one we'll say negative keywords now we're going to add these negative keywords as um phrase so that means as long as the word instant is anywhere in the search term our ads aren't gonna show up so there's that you know we're just gonna go down the list again we see extreme uh ways to stop tooth pain yeah this is kind of a hit or miss i would probably wait to see until our landing page is revised because someone might be looking for just you know they might just be doing research or they might actually be interested so their teeth might not maybe hurt as much for them to want to pay 200 bucks okay so um i would maybe leave this for now because we only spent six bucks on it so that's okay ways to stop but these are the types of things you want to look for if you spend 50 bucks and you see that wasted optic paint doesn't convert then that's a sign that hey people looking for ways to stop tooth pain are probably just doing research they probably don't want to buy anything so we're going to go down the list now again look this keyword stop tooth pain fast is bringing us nothing but wasted money look at this it says quick tooth pain relief we've determined quick doesn't work our solution isn't quick so we want to add quick as a negative keyword now let's take a look and see how many people typed quick quick quick okay so 230 that's we spent seven bucks here uh yeah so just about seven bucks let's say eight bucks okay let's say eight dollars in total we would have saved if we would have had quick as a negative keyword right so how much is it in total in total it's like we would have saved already maybe 30 40 bucks if not more whatever the math is uh so instead of spending 225 bucks here we would have spent again 180 185 right to make 150 so it's getting better and better so for the next time for the next 200 bucks you spend you're going to see much better results much more refined to you now we're going to keep going severe toothache yeah that's i'm not sure about that did we add severe yeah let's keep it for now let's see if our landing page you know maybe our landing page can say stop severe tooth pain maybe that is gonna work um yeah so we'd have to see because for severe tooth pain maybe it's better for them to see a doctor maybe our solution and them having to wait two months might not work but i don't know we'll see okay instant ways to stop you know again fast we don't want that and then yeah instance yeah so the like this keyword is causing nothing but trouble so we would go in and we would pause it which we will toothpane remedies tooth nerve pain tooth nerve okay so this one's pretty broad i don't know what they mean by that so i would add tooth nerve pain as a as an exact so tooth nerve pain and then any variations you can think of so teeth nerve pain so maybe something like that so these are exact because the ad group looks okay like tooth pain remedies that is what we do assuming again we change our landing page but tooth nerve pain as itself like we don't want that exact search term to show up because i don't think it's relevant and even though we didn't get that many clicks yet like you know we only spent 230 and hey we make 100 bucks for every sale or 40 as you saw i don't think it's gonna be a good fit okay so we're gonna leave it at that severe toothache remedy yeah we can take a look at that okay again quick right we removed that okay toothache this is way too broad so relieve tooth pain um this is a pretty good key word but tooth egg that's just way too broad so we want to add you know tooth ache as a negative keyword we want to add teeth ache okay so my main kind of the biggest chunk of the word guys again is going to be keywords okay you can optimize other stuff age gender country um this is going to be the main the bulk of it okay instant home tooth paint again instant you know home remedies tooth abscess remedy um i don't know what that is i think it's like when you have some extra like excess stuff on your teeth um i would look it up but i think that's right so what i would do is i would probably add that so i would i would just say abscess because we don't deal with abscess our page doesn't have anything so instead of writing the whole thing as exact i would just say abscess so any so as long as that word is there it's not going to show up how to stop toothain and then we come to our winning keyword which is home remedy for tooth pain this is the search term right so don't worry about the keyword this is the exact search term someone wrote in so what we want to do is we want to add this into its own ad group so that our keyword and our landing page would be a perfect fit for this because we know that this converts whatever someone wrote in so home remedy for tooth pain we're going to say single keyword ad group skag right uh we'll say home remedy for tooth pain okay and this is why i always say long tail keywords are the best the more like the the longer your keywords are the better this one is for natural remedy tooth pain okay if you see things with like three or two or one it's gonna be way less reliable usually you know i i say three or more is good but the more the better so this one has four which is why it's good so guys you would go down the list like i said we could actually spend hours here i want to get on i want to move on to the other stuff like going into actually microsoft ads and showing you some things to do there so uh that's what you would do okay so go through the list some of them will make sense we've we've targeted the hardest hitters so we would run the stat again and like i said if we actually change the landing page i'm pretty sure we'll see much better results because this doesn't target uh tooth pain relief okay so now that we've done that let's head over into microsoft now we want to go into let's look at our keywords and see so sometimes you want to add these negative keywords just for specific ad groups not for the entire the entire campaign for example um you know fast if for example if if our if our tooth decay treatment ad group was about fast solutions we don't want to add fast as a campaign ad negative keyword we want to add it only for this ad group right the ad group that we said it doesn't fit for but in this case i think all of these keywords will make sense to add for the entire campaign because these ones are way too broad these ones we don't offer quick solutions at all and then tooth the nerve pain doesn't matter if we add it for the ad group or campaign because these keywords are only going to be relevant from cure tooth pain so it doesn't really matter if we do these on the ad group work campaign but let's head over here let's add these first as negative keywords and ideally you add way more negative keywords so if you want guys you can even go on google or bing or you know yeah and type in your keywords and see what comes up and if something comes up that's relevant you wanna add that okay so we're gonna go over into uh we're gonna go into keywords and then negative keywords and then let's just let's just copy paste it okay so we're gonna take these we're gonna copy let's add negative keywords for this entire campaign we're going to paste it so now our campaign is going to be that much better guys this is like i'd say 50 bucks worth of savings okay so the next 225 bucks we spend we're gonna get way more than what we got because we're not gonna get these irrelevant words anymore so we'll click save and these are the negative keywords now we still have to do a few things let's see keywords to pause okay so let's go into keywords and let's see anything that has to do with fast quick anything like that so we can do control f let's type in fast okay stop toothpane fast we want to pause that okay it looks like that's the only one yeah so we definitely want to pause that we don't want anything to do with fast um let me show you the quality score yes the quality score is six out of ten because it's just it's not really relevant at all so we're gonna go ahead and pause it let's type in other variations let's type in instant we don't want anything to do with instant no nothing good and maybe quick okay so there are no keywords that have to do with any of this this is good okay so everything else we could leave now uh before we create our single keyword ad group for home remedy tooth pain let's look at one more thing let's go through all our keywords and let's look at the keywords that have low impressions or low clicks because we want to tidy up our ad group right like if you go into ad groups you will see your ad group quality score right here okay which isn't very good it's not very bad six and seven that's not bad at all but you wanna get it as high as possible so what we wanna do is we wanna create bundled keywords we don't want to dirty up our keywords so what we want to do is let's go into keywords and let's remove the keywords that either have no clicks or no impressions let's let's take a look okay and let's see what we get so uh let's sort by yeah so it's already sorted by impressions if you go over here you select and see the little arrow that means it's already sorting by impressions let's maybe let's move that in okay i hate how it like i have to go to the other end of the other end of the screen to open that up so i'm just gonna move that okay so impressions okay so uh you know these keywords toothpane remedies we've you know i think this keyword is good assuming we change our landing page i'm still gonna leave this keyword now depending on your budget guys if you're really tight on budget what i would do is i would do much more thorough keyword research i show you how in my other videos and i would make these phrase match type or exact match type okay and that way you're not going to get any of these irrelevant search terms at all you will only get literally what you put in if you do phrase in my case i'm okay to experiment because we found out keywords that work as well so the upside of doing all this testing is that i never would have thought home remedy for tooth pain would have worked i never would have thought but it does so because of the broad keywords you know this is what allowed us to see what works so let's go down the list and let's remove just the bad keywords which are which which are just dirtying up our account so you know this one has a click that's okay but like this one natural cure for tooth decay didn't get enough uh traffic let's go to the bottom here and let's see let's see which one's got no impressions at all for starters and okay so overall 164 keywords so this is the very bottom of the list there's no second page so tooth decay pain relief now you might be thinking no don't remove these keywords um what if someone types something in i'll get a sale if these have no impressions that means the the relevant search terms go for other keywords okay so you're losing nothing by removing these because all the impressions are going elsewhere okay so you want to kind of compact it you want to make it nice and i guess what's the word nice and neat inside i can't think of a better word so you just want to make it tight you write tightly knit ad groups so we're just going to go in here we're going to take everything here that's you know no impressions because these are really pointless all the search terms are going for another keyword so you're losing nothing okay now if your keywords were phrase match type or exact mesh type then there is a difference then you you will be pausing like if if someone types something in like infinite decay and you have it as a phrase and you pause it then yes if someone types an infinticate your ads will no longer show up but in this case this is broad so it's very very broad so even irrelevant search terms will show up for random keywords okay which you'll have no idea as you saw uh like which which don't really make sense i mean sometimes so we're gonna go in here we're going to take all these we're going to look at everything with zero impressions we want to we want to make it nice and neat again i'm not going to delete at all i could delete it in this case there's no data but i kind of want to refer back to it just in case so i'll just probably pause it i'll go in here okay so let's pause these for starters so we're going to pause that and now we can look at other stuff so here you know there's only one impression kids tooth decay not really relevant to us diet not relevant to us ray meal i don't know what that is natural i don't know what that is rayman angel okay so yeah so these are these aren't even relevant how to heal okay so these guys they're not getting any impressions they're not getting many clicks um these show up for other for other keywords so we can go in here ways to kill a bad breath what can i do to stop bad breath yeah so again guys you would just go down the list of like in click magic and see because i'm pretty sure there's a there are a lot more irrelevant search terms that you want to remove and add as negative keywords but we would go down here we're just going to make it compact so it's easier for us to work with you don't need so many keywords you know these ones aren't getting anything we're going to go in here going from bottom to top okay so this one got a click heel tooth decay naturally i'm pretty sure that this click would have gone somewhere else but we can leave it there just in case and just takes take everything that doesn't have impressions so we're gonna do that uh yeah so we can pause these and by the way we've removed everything that had no impressions so we can now sort by clicks and we can just go down the list of everything that got no clicks so like look at this one this is dragging our ctr right down 59 to tooth decay cure okay 59 impressions zero clicks so we're going to take that we're going to take that this is paused okay again raymeal nature i have no idea what that is we're going to go down the list here dk dk book tooth decay how to cure zero clicks okay so that's dragging our ctr down dragging our uh quality score down probably let's see yeah five out of ten okay and then qrdk book doesn't make any sense for us at all yeah so in this case we're just going down list so originally right when we do this when we do keyword research when we add keywords we think keywords are gonna work and that's okay that's that's totally fine because you have no idea but now we see the data we see that these keywords they're getting either no impressions or they're getting no clicks so now we see the actual data to back up our our the fact i guess that uh these aren't good we we don't need we don't need to have them to decay treatment we're gonna go through here okay let's pause those very good let's go up and you know we're we're just tidying up here so this one here to decay naturally zero clicks zero clicks let's look at uh this one quality score is really high so nine out of ten but it's getting no clicks at all and the quality score is high because it says you know stop tooth decay which is fine because we have other keywords just like it so you don't have to worry about oh well i'm losing a high quality score um keywords are going to go elsewhere that's totally fine cured to decay naturally stop tooth decay naturally let's see what the yeah that one's a 3 out of 10 keyword score quality score how to cure so our average is definitely going to go up with this because most of them are actually really low uh getting rid of bad breath bad breath products yeah i don't know about that see like stuff like that that's just not relevant at all bad breath treatment products kind of relevant but i'm not seeing any clicks ways to get rid of bad breath now one thing you also want to do is let's pause this uh you also want to go into each individual ad group right so if you go into cure bad breath did any of these actually get any clicks right you want to you want to look through that so yeah so you see some that did like halitosa secure which is really broad right this is not a long tail keyword um but it does have a high ctr does have a high ctr it has a really good quality score so all these top ones they have really good quality scores right treatment bad breath yeah so these are okay but as we go down we should see some of the pause keywords and that's basically the idea you want to go through this right and then like what to use to get rid get rid of bad breath permanently i don't know if that's relevant natural ways yeah our pill see like our pill has natural ingredients or so they say but is that what people are looking for when they type a natural that's the question that's the question is that what people are looking for when they type in natural so you want to go through that and everything else is okay here it's got some clicks you can keep it you know nine like these are really good uh 10 out of 10. these are really good quality scores except this three out of ten what's this three out of ten this three out of ten what to do to stop bad breath yeah i can move that let's pause it and that's what you want to do okay so just go down the list so eventually you're gonna have a list of all only the good keywords and then if you want to add more keywords as well you definitely can knowing what works what doesn't we've identified quick fast instant doesn't work you're not going to be adding those keywords anymore so things like that now let's do one more thing okay uh before we end this let me show you how to create this single keyword ad group for home remedy for tooth paint that's what got us the sale again i wish click magic would have showed a sale for the other uh for the other conversion as well but we i i set it up too late uh so we're gonna go into ad groups and what i'm gonna do here is simply duplicate one of these so this one was under the which category toothpane okay so i'm gonna go ahead and just duplicate this i'm gonna click edit gonna click copy and then you have to close that and say paste first paste there it is uh pause new ad groups sure let's pause it just so we see the difference and we make some changes before it actually runs even though the entire campaign is paused so what we want to do here is we want to remove all the keywords and here it is toothpaste so we want to say this is home remedy for two panes so you're going to do this for all the winning keywords sorry we can leave that now we can also increase the bid here okay because we know it works so we can maybe make this say 75 or a dollar because we know this converts uh close that so this is the idea right guys again this is the process for how you do it so this is a winner nope i didn't save let's try it again okay save changes made but it didn't do anything is it bugged what's going on okay let's click somewhere else and see if it uh okay so that let's go back here i guess it did save it just ended up giving some air okay so we're going to remove all these keywords now we're going to delete and this is what people mean by single keyword ad groups is just because they're so much more relevant and then we can add this here and we can put it in quotation marks home remedy for tooth pain i'm pretty sure no one's going to type anything in before or after but just in case this was a good search term we can add it you can also add it exact if you want so only this has to match now your price has to go up right so i'm probably going to make it make this one dollar actually because now that this is phrased this is pretty hard to actually reach okay so home remedy for tooth pain and then what you want to do is for the other ad groups you want to remove that so you want to say copy now this is important also guys you want to do something called keyword sculpting where now you want to go into all these other ad groups and you want to add it for all ad groups except this one so uh we're going to go into keywords we're going to add this as a negative keyword because we don't want this showing up we only want it showing up for that one ad group that we created right so we're going to go into negative keywords uh we're going to go into ad group and we're going to add add this under yeah so that's the new one so we want it we we want to add it here so home remedy for two paint we don't want to show up there um if you just say put it like that it becomes phrase yeah so it just becomes freeze automatically so now we're gonna add it again we added here let's put it here here tooth pain okay so cure bad breath cure tooth pain and then one more we're gonna put it under dk uh yeah we'll click save okay so boom so now if anyone types in home remedy for tooth pain it's only gonna show up for our ad group specifically meant for that right this one so we're gonna click there home remedy for tooth pain phrase perfect um okay so that's good we changed the keywords uh we don't have to do any any negative keywords because i mean unless something really stupid comes up like hey how do you get here home remedy for tooth pain it's like what then yeah then you want to add that but i i don't think it's going to be that irrelevant and then uh we want to go into ads okay and we are going to change our ads a little bit so we want to make it exact like we want to make it spot on what people write right so we're going to go here for the ad we could change it home remedy for tooth pain so we say home remedy for tooth pain okay so this is exactly what people are typing in okay so our our ctr rates for this should be through the root our ctr risk for this should be very very high um and then we can do the same thing right we could say you know get rid secret and then we could try different variations as well so home remedy for tooth pain uh let's say home let's do this let's say home remedy tooth pain and then 60 second trick okay yeah i mean everything else is okay the main thing is here home remedy for tooth pain okay so we'll click save and then we're going to go here and we want to do the same thing home remedy for tooth pain now i will show you a trick in one of the other videos using dynamic keyword insertion and in unbounce using a dynamic keyword replacement tool i'll show you a neat little trick that can increase your quality scores as well without you having to do single keyword ad groups um yeah there is a little there is something you will have to do though you will have to make sure your keywords are all very very tightly knit so that once you actually replace it in the ad and on the landing page that it actually makes sense okay but if you wanted me to make a video on that let me know in the comments guys and over here we can do the same thing we could say home remedy tooth pain okay so something like that click to watch video solution and then just make sure the ad get rid click yeah and then over here sorry so we did forget to change one thing so still by pro too pain like i said i would replace this with the actual location right and then i would sort by location id so they're going to give you location ids you have to go in there and find the location and see what locations work um but in here tooth pain i would just say yeah i'm not gonna write steel bite pro we can say home remedy or we could just say winning ad group you know winning ad group one winning ad group two etc i'll just say home remedy and we'll click save and there you go so now the whole reason of the whole benefit of why we did this guys is steel by pro let's change this as well the whole benefit the whole reason why we did this is to make our ads relevant and our ads are way more relevant home remedy so now there's no chance that somebody's going to type something else in and they'll see our ad like over here a keyword tooth pain right as you saw someone can type in quite irrelevant stuff like um toothpane okay yeah so here so like toothpaste remedy severe tooth so this one says severe another one says tooth nerve pain right so it's kind of tough because what ad do you write then do you write an ad that says severe tooth pain remedies or do you write an ad that says tooth nerve pain relief that's the difficulty with not having single keyword ad groups is that you kind of have to juggle and kind of see what works what doesn't as opposed to single keyword uh single keyword ad group you know that if someone types in home remedy for toothpaste that is exactly what they're going to see so ctr rates are going to be really high i'm expecting maybe 10 15 20 30 okay i'm expecting ctrs to be way higher than what we had before even though the pure tooth pain actually this ctr rate was really high i'm still expecting this to be higher because now it's really really really specific and in fact if you want to duplicate the landing page and create another landing page which says you know free reveal 60 second trick that which is a home remedy for tooth pain that would be excellent right then everything would be relevant you're bound to get a 10 out of 10 quality score and my guess is your conversion rates would really go way up uh you'll get way more conversions for way less spent and that's the idea guys that is how you optimize um you do the same thing for location you look at the location right and then you go in here uh go oops sorry i clicked that schedule by accident yeah you can look at ad schedule too but you would look at location and you would adjust the location so yeah it doesn't show all locations right and that's kind of the downside let me see if we click on geographic report or user location report see if that does see if that makes a difference we want to see locations and we want to see which location converted the best uh so let's go by spend geographic let's see if this one gives more accurate data no it doesn't look like it maybe user location yeah so basically with click magic if you use that token it's like ms underscore location underscore id or something like that i'd have to remember you would see the exact idea of the location exact placement and then if you go spend yeah okay so we'll just go by targeted this is i guess as close as you can get it's not very detailed like it doesn't give you the exact details because obviously we spent way more um i'm wondering why it doesn't show everything that's really weird maybe let's go by impressions and see if that makes a difference yeah no but this is basically what you would do right so you can either adjust the bid so you can say hey you know australia is underperforming or over performing so you would increase the bid you would say hey australia is doing very well that's where i got my sale i'm going to go ahead and increase the bid by 50 oh it's because it's on campaign oh sorry it's because it's on campaign settings that's why we're not getting anything my bad okay so if we go over here uh that should show all the all the targeting yeah there you go so yeah that makes much more sense yeah a thousand clicks perfect okay that makes sense so it has all these uh you know locations and the ad groups but you would go in here and then you would change them and whichever works again same thing as with with keywords guys you throw away what doesn't work you expand what works same idea everywhere okay and that's basically it so we got majority of our clicks came from the uk actually so i'm curious if we got any sales from the uk so like i said i would have used that token location token to see because if we get so many clicks from uk and we make no sales that's not good right we maybe want to reduce the bid for the uk a little bit let me see uh why doesn't it show the spend let's move this down a bit there you go okay so we spent yeah for pure toothpaste we spent 120 bucks in uk okay so i'm really curious if we actually made any sales there again that's where the tracking comes in i'm sorry guys i didn't put the location token here but that's what i would do i'll put a link to the location tokens in the description if you want but that's what i would be using and what else did i want to show you yeah you can go buy okay so here's the devices that we did right so once we see the data once we see where did you know our sales come from our sale came from mobile okay so you're looking for smartphones so smartphones our sale came from here so we spent 106 bucks here so maybe we want to increase the bid here and we want to decrease the bid for everyone else because nobody bought from computers nobody bought from tablets now that being said we only spent 15 bucks on tablets and 21 bucks for this ad group right for computers so i don't know if we should uh really reduce anything yet if we look at the campaign let's look at the overall settings i clicked on campaign here we spent 30 40 bucks on computers 20 bucks on tablets i don't think that's enough guys to really make any changes but if you do see consistent sales for example on mobile i would definitely increase the bid on mobile so doing this bid adjustment just means you're going to pay more per click okay and that's how you do it uh let me see what else did i want to show you oh yes the syndicate settings and whatnot you might be asking where do i change that like is it bingoed or operated and this might be at the ad group level let me see exclusions sorry it's a bit slow for some reason uh edit target categories yeah this is at the at the aggregate level so if you go into the ad group level and you go into settings okay so pic select an ad group go into settings i just want to show you where that owned and syndicated or uh yahoo only where that is and that is add distribution so over here so right now the default is set to all okay so we actually made a sale through the syndicated search partners that was that s in clickmagick so if we sort by uh was it medium what did what it no it was uh it was term so under term remember we made a sale on mobile and syndicated so this isn't too much data like we can't like you can't say that computers don't work because we only spent 15 bucks on computers and you know owned and syndicated we only spent 15 bucks there but this is where you would change it so suppose you do or suppose you make a sale here and you never made any sales here and you spent 300 bucks here i would probably definitely turn off you know mobile and syndicator right i would probably drastically reduce um those bids because it's just if it's just not earning you anything so that's the idea um one thing i would probably also do is not kind of have them together so ideally if you do have some space if there's something you don't need what i would do is separate out uh device and then the network because that way you will be able to see how is my device doing versus how's my network like over here i don't know if it's mobile that's doing bad or the syndicated network right you can check over here so if you go into right as you saw if you go into devices you'll see how much you spend on mobile and it's pretty consistent but if you want to really break it down then you would have to really separate them out so over here yeah we spent uh oops let's go into again sorry let's go into campaign settings uh yeah we spent 206 bucks on mobile and over here yeah it's about the same um yeah it's a little bit different oh sorry because this is canadian that's right yeah this dollar amount isn't canadian dollars not us dollars but that's the idea guys i hope this case study was helpful for you let me know in the comments if you have any questions and if you enjoyed this video guys make sure to check out my videos on the quickest way to make money online with clickbank and how to promote clickbank products on google without an email opt-in thank you so much for watching don't forget to hit like and subscribe and i will see you in the next video hey guys so we're not done yet and yes i did get a haircut originally i wanted to end the video there so i wanted to show you how to optimize even after running the campaign and making some sales i wanted to stop it there show you how to optimize and be done with it but then i thought hey let me take it a step further optimize it and see the results again so this is like guys this is crazy stuff we're doing people charge hundreds of dollars for this um what i'm showing you here like like i'm really going into real real detail so what i wanted to do is now show you how i actually optimized my uh our campaign i wanted to show you the different landing pages that i created and then i wanted to share some news with you because we did make another sale because of these optimization um optimization because of this optimization process and our sale is actually much higher than what we did before so let me quickly show you what our total sale is now if we go into dashboard you will see our sale was for 231 dollars so i originally went ahead and i paused the campaign after making all the changes but then i unpaused it again yesterday evening so it run yesterday evening it ran today and we made 231 dollars okay so really exciting news right now we are in the plus so this is a positive roi campaign we'll go over cost in a second but if we go into reporting i just want to show you guys that there was no refund this is a net amount okay so i will be given almost 400 okay um and this was a result of our optimization because if we go in here let's go into click magic let's go into campaigns let me show you something so here we made a sale 231 if we go into our performance report um and we sort by campaign this is where our keywords were now unfortunately it doesn't show up here for some reason i'll have to contact clickmagick to see why very likely it's because i set my time zone to pacific or it was set to pacific by accident but if we go to for example last seven days you will see that we had our original sale here right and then we set this as a keyword right so we set this as a single keyword ad group and then uh here was our single keyword ad group here was the search term home remedies for tooth pain or home remedies tooth pain and we made the sale today for 231 so because we optimized it and added this into the single keyword ad group we made 231 us dollars today so in total if you go back to microsoft ads in total for the entire time um we spent 326 canadian dollars so three okay i'm going to copy it 326 canadian to usd is 250 256. so we spent 256 we made almost 400 okay so really high positive roi i'm not i'm not gonna do the math we can use a calculator uh we can figure it out but basically we made over 100 okay so almost 150. so great results because of these optimizations so let me show you exactly what i've done i've done everything i told you in in this video um just in the in the previous steps so first of all i have right we created the single keyword ad group i reduced the bid a little bit because i was actually getting way more clicks than i thought and like i said our ctr is very high 22 is a very high ctr because it is so relevant okay now you will also notice that our quality score for this ad group cure tooth pain cure bad breath actually went up it's now an 8. if you recall you know go back to where i show you all this data this was a seven originally okay so keyword score goes up ctr goes up we're doing very well here and uh let me just show you what i've done so i actually created a separate landing page for each of these okay because i wanted to show you guys that it doesn't stop there i wanted to actually show you the results of the optimization results of the results so to speak so if we go over here ads and extensions and you click on any one of these so you click here you will see that this one says that provides tooth that gets rid of tooth uh tooth pain naturally now i said naturally i'm careful not to say instantly or immediately because remember we put those as negative keywords right we said quickly or fast or instant we put those as negative keywords we don't want to say that here so i'm careful not to say quickly so instead i say naturally okay and that works fine but the main thing is i say provides tooth relief naturally and that's what people are looking for in this keyword ad group they're looking for tooth relief so if we go to cure bad breath if we go over here for this one this one says gets rid of bad breath okay so this is how we were able to increase our quality scores guys is because of this then for this one home remedy for tooth pain i created a different landing page so i have four different landing pages which are all highly you know really relevant this one says uh it doesn't say dental trick it says home remedy for tooth pain okay and this is what got us the sale this ad group because this was a single keyword ad group okay which we have here so we could go in here and we could add this as a single keyword ad group as well but these are really similar to each other so if you put this or this you know as a single keyboard group both of these might show so um the latest change with microsoft ads and google ads guys by the way don't freak out because this isn't exactly what we wrote right our keyword said home remedy for tooth pain and this one doesn't have the word for so it's like well what's going on um they made a change microsoft ads and google ads where anything closely related so anything very close to your either exact or phrase match type will show up so this is really close microsoft deems this is very close to this which it is and so that's why this shows up even though it's a phrase match type so every word has to be in there microsoft says that this is close enough to show up okay so that's what i wanted to show you that you know this making this a single keyword ad group worked because now we created uh you know a more relevant landing page specifically for people searching for this and it worked and then for tooth decay we can keep going you know nothing else changed i didn't really change anything else but if you go over here you will see it says gets rid of tooth decay naturally okay so i made i made a specific landing page for each specific um keyword group now one more thing i did want to show you i did change the order a little bit here so if you sort by source it still says um you know i just kept bing here but then if you go to medium i change this let's go to today so you see all that data i changed this to here was the token loc physical ms and that shows the location id so if you go into microsoft ads i could you know let me know in the comments if you need help with this you will be able to mix and match ids so the id that you see here you'll be able to mix and match with their ids and you will know the exact location now you don't have to worry about this too much either i was talking to click magic to their team and they said they might be working on adding like a location report so you don't have to add this token so it's going to be super helpful for us guys we don't have to add tokens anymore like it's there by default in with tracking links and hopefully it's going to be here by default with campaigns so you can just pull up like a location report and you don't have to use this id okay um but that's just what i want to show you that's what i changed and then yeah i don't believe i changed anything else yeah everything else kept as is and one more thing i didn't show you in the previous video or i guess in the same video but earlier on is if you go over here and you go to uh conversions by time this is incredibly powerful so let's go into old time and if we go to conversions by time this is how you can optimize by time of day so if you go in here uh you know sales by hour we see that we made a sale at 2 p.m and 8 p.m now this isn't enough data guys don't go in and you know reduce the bid for every other time than these two this is not enough data at all but i'm giving you the idea this is something for you guys to keep in mind right now you can keep this in mind for next time because now uh you can see the days and you can see the hours okay so this is another thing you can optimize here if you go to add schedule if you go to say the campaign level and you go to add schedule you can say okay the best time for me where i got conversions are from 2 to 5 pm or am or whatever and you're going to go in and add an ad schedule at the campaign or the ad group level and there you go just changing to the campaign level you can go ahead and add that okay you can also select day so if you want us a day or if you want to set an hour whatever you want to do this is the idea then again you go to location you set a location once you start seeing more data again if you get one or two sales guys don't go in and like reduce the bid for everything but keep it in mind and as you start seeing more sales through this process guys i showed you exactly what you have to do as you start seeing more sales then you can go in and slowly adjust the bid so you can say okay you know i made the most clicks in australia and i had no sales let me reduce the bid by 10 so you click here you say decrease 10 okay and that's it guys like there's nothing else for me to show you some of you guys are asking hey von show us how to do this show us like the optimization how to do this in more detail this is it like there is nothing else for me to show you guys this is as far as it goes you do this across many campaigns you're gonna start seeing hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars a day it's that easy there's nothing more i'm hiding from you i'm showing you absolutely everything guys people pay thousands of dollars hundreds of dollars for courses for this knowledge it's it's this simple that's all you got to do you either you either expand it by adding more uh by adding more campaigns or by focusing on one campaign and just going in there and slowly you know day after day yes we might have gotten lucky we might have gotten this 200 sale today and we are not going to get anything anything for the next four days but over time it's going to get better and better and better and better and that's the process that's how it works you will have to spend money to make money but you're paying for the data for the original 100 how much did did we spend 224 dollars we bought a lot of data and because of that data we're able to make decisions that other people can't so you know use this data that i'm giving you i paid 225 now maybe 300 for it that's how much i paid for this data i'm giving to you guys for free it's literally 300 bucks i'm gifting to you for free okay but that's how it works that's what you do you're buying data and then you're just being smart about the data things that work you do more of things that don't work you do less of it's common sense there's no challenge like like there's nothing secret there are no secrets that is it guys okay so i just wanted to share this with you i wanted to share that i actually took and i actually did the optimizations that i told you to do i did it i implemented it and we're starting to see results then you keep going you keep doing the same thing you keep making it better and better and better and better until you start seeing a profitable campaign which is one of the reasons why i prefer these high payout offers because we have so much more room to kind of experiment and test if this was a 10 campaign and i didn't make any sales in like 100 bucks you know i would have probably stopped right there so it would have taken much more would have taken me 500 a thousand bucks maybe you know to make a sale for something that's that's ten bucks as as an example right so it's just the threshold for when can you stop this campaign uh you know when can you no longer afford to promote it is much lower if your product pays out less that's why i like these expensive products as you saw we made 230 bucks and we're now we're in the plus okay so that is it guys let me know if you have any questions that is all there is to this online marketing to all these techniques i'm teaching you guys this is like again this is it okay this is how you make money online you can do it too okay if i can do it you guys can definitely do it take action do this today um and thank you for watching i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 23,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clickbank case study, clickbank, clickbank affiliate marketing, clickbank for beginners, clickbank tutorial, clickbank success, clickbank google ads, clickbank bing ads, clickbank bing ads case study, clickbank bing, clickbank microsoft ads, clickbank success bing ads, clickbank bing ads results, clickbank bing ads traffic, clickbank 2020, clickbank 2021, clickbank affiliate marketing 2021, clickbank affiliate marketing for beginners
Id: ZE8SmHLvT14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 26sec (4466 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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