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oh lord i pray to thee in this my time of need and beg for the power and ability the power to entertain these masses the power to give them the cleric guide they need nay the cleric guide they deserve i pray for the righteous holy power to make them smash that like button oh great and mighty algorithm grant me the power in the name of the like the subscribe and the holy comment on that howdy my name is nonat and finally after literally two months of delay it's time for the cleric deep dive if this is your first time checking out one of these class deep dive videos which with all the new subscribers we have hanging around here it's not unlikely uh we go over everything this video is usually going to be about 45 minutes to an hour long going over all of the proficiencies class features and feats available to these classes now this is a spell casting class which means the class features will be shorter but i won't be going over the spells in this video that is something completely separate which i've touched on like six months ago i had a series going that kind of fell off because it wasn't doing that well but maybe i'll bring it back someday but let's stop rambling you know i already asked you to like and subscribe in the intro so if you didn't i mean come on do you really want to be one of these people but jumping right in we can see the cleric is obviously a wisdom-based caster with eight hit points per level a little higher than your standard caster starting off only trained and everything but will you know they're still fragile they're still a caster but they do have the ability to fight alongside a martial class if they really try hard enough uh they start trained in religion as well as a bonus skill determined by their choice of deity similar to the spells i won't be going over all of the different pathfinder deities as with all of the supplement books there's a ton of them out there and that should be its own video in the future you also get two plus your intelligence modifier and bonus skills by default clerics are only trained in simple weapons but depending on your deity you might get access to some martial weapons because you're automatically trained in your deities favored weapon so even if you're just a cleric if your deity's favored weapon is the great axe you can use it the big weakness is that by default clerics are completely untrained in armor though as we'll see soon of the two subclasses that's right they only have two subclasses one of them does grant training in armor so similar to the champion a lot of the clerics starting class features are very flavor focused they give a few things here and there an extra spell an extra ability or two but it's a lot of flavor depending on the deity you pick your deity determines what your character believes in and what they are supposed to do and what they are not supposed to do and these are the exact same deities the champions can pick from both the cleric and champion of saren rey follow the same morals you know give people the opportunity for redemption and don't you know let people be free and make their own choices you know just like a champion all cleric deities come with an anathema and if you commit said anathema you lose all of your cleric class features until you perform a redemption ritual clerics cast spells from the divine spell list so they're a little more support focused but they do have some offensive choices here and there they begin with five cantrips and two first level spells per day the cleric is the first prepared spellcaster we've actually gone over here in one of these deep dives this means they have a wider array of spells to choose from but they need to individually pick their spells every day if you want to be able to cast heal two times that day you need to prepare it in both spell slots and if you've prepared heal in both of your spell slots you can't prepare anything else the upside for this restriction other than the wider array of spells known is their ability to heighten spells at will unlike a spontaneous caster like the oracle we talked about a few weeks back a prepared caster once they know a spell they can heighten it to any slot they have so the cleric can heighten their heal spell the second they get access to second level third level spell slots they can automatically prepare heal in those spell slots whereas an oracle a divine caster who's spontaneous would have to spend one of their new spells on learning heal level 3. and cantrips work the same for every caster they're automatically heightened up to half your level rounded up so every odd level your cantrips get a little bit stronger the first thing that makes the cleric really start to stand out and probably my favorite feature of the cleric is their divine font every deity in the game has either a healing or harming divine font this font grants the cleric additional spell slots every single day equal to 1 plus their charisma modifier meaning that a high charisma on a cleric is incredibly powerful what this means is that if your cleric has a 16 in charisma at level 1 well if you have the healing font you get 4 extra spell slots every single day the only restriction on these is that if it's a healing font they can only be used on the heal spell if it's a harmful font it can only be used on the harm spell an amazing thing about this though is that these are always heightened to the strongest level of spell you can cast so the second a cleric hits level 5 then boom they get 4 additional level 3 spell slots that they can only spend on heal but this does mean that if you have a harmful font deity you can be a very effective damage dealer as a cleric compare a wizard who gets two first level spell slots and then can trips at first level to a cleric at first level who gets two first level spell slots if you have a harmful font four additional offensive spells and then their cantrips it's fantastic what a cleric can do at low levels and then we come to the subclasses also known as the cleric doctrines unfortunately even with all of the supplements we've gotten so far there's still only two subclasses for the cleric hopefully when gods and magic comes out we'll see at least a third one we have the cloistered cleric who is your classic man of the cloth you know they preach they spread the word of their beliefs and they cast magic every so many levels a cleric gains a new feature from their doctrine which means a cloistered cleric and the other cleric the war priest actually level up very differently the cloistered cleric at level 1 gains the domain initiate cleric feat which we'll be going over later at third level gain expert in fortitude saves seventh level their proficiency in spell attacks and dc's increases to expert at eleventh level they gain expert proficiency with their favored weapon as well as crit specialization 15th level is master spell casting and 19th level is legendary spell casting so obviously it's pretty clear the cloistered cleric is designed for spell casting so the war priest is designed for what else combat physical combat to be specific at first level if you take the war priest you immediately become trained in light and medium armor your fortitude saves instantly go up to expert and you gain the shield block general feat you get very similar to a fighter with all of this additionally you gain deadly simplicity the cleric feat right away which basically just means you do more damage with simple weapons especially if they're your god's favorite weapon additionally with this first doctrine upon reaching 13th level your armor proficiency goes up to expert unfortunately the third level second doctrine for the war priest nine times out of ten is probably going to be pretty useless likely if you're going to be using a martial weapon it's going to be your deity's favorite weapon you know if your deity's favorite weapon is a great sword you can already use it from level one but at third level you become trained in all martial weapons so if you wanted to throw a composite longbow alongside your greatsword from your deities favored weapon i suppose that's helpful at seventh level the war priest finally gains expert proficiency with their deities favored weapon only which is unfortunate because along with that restriction on just that one weapon type um that's still two levels later than all other martial classes champions rogues rangers all get expert proficiency at level 5 whereas the war priest a cleric dedicated to melee of physical combat does not gain that until 7th level and then at 11th level they catch up to the cloistered cleric with expert spell casting dc's and attack rules 15th level they increase their fortitude saves to master and auto crit any fortitude successes and then level 19 caps them off at master spell casting while cloistered gets to legendary i have my own issues with this i think the war priests should have at least reached master proficiency with weapons because they're made to do stuff in battle sure they get master spell casting as well but so they don't get legendary spell casting but they also don't get master with weapons they're okay at both i suppose but especially with the way pathfinder 2e works with scaling armor class and stuff attacking with just an expert weapon is gonna fall off fast but that's all of the level one features for the cleric being a spellcasting class they do not even get feats they don't get feats until second level as well as skill feats general feats skill increases everybody gets this stuff you get ability boost at level five but you also get expert perception at level five a decent upgrade you get ancestry feeds of course at level five and then at level nine you get resolve increasing your will saves to master and auto critting any normal will save success lightning reflexes at level 11 is expert reflex save level 13 your armor goes up one if you're a war priest it also goes up for light and medium you can see what i mean by these very simplistic class features most of their class features came from their doctrine you get weapon specialization at 13th level dealing a little bit of extra damage and then they cap it off with no other class features outside their doctrine until level 19 with miraculous spell which gives you a 10th level spell slot and that's it like i said most spell casters don't get a whole lot of class features and their feats are actually pretty simple so when i said this video is going to be like an hour i spell casters are going to be a lot shorter martial classes actually have a lot more going on mechanically in their cl in their class whereas spellcasters you know a lot of their mechanical depth comes from their choice of spells but that doesn't mean they don't have some cool feats that can help augment those spells so let's go ahead and check it out starting with deadly simplicity which if you are wielding a deities favored weapon and that weapon happens to be simple you increase the damage die one step so if you're using a 1d6 club if you have the deadly simplicity feat it's now a 1d8 club and that counts for striking runes too so if you have a striking club with deadly simplicity it's a 2d8 weapon in your hands pretty solid next up domain initiate which the cloistered cleric gets for free at level 1 uh you get a focus pool of one point as well as a focus spell from any of the domains associated with your deity if you're not aware every deity in the game has three or four domains you know water fire family travel art these are all different domains that that deity resides over and each of those domains have spells associated with them this allows you to take one domain spell associated with a domain associated with your deity so if you have shaelin as your deity you could take the art focus spell which you'll probably put up here or something but i'm not gonna go into them deep here i have a video way back in the past where i talked about these and my position hasn't really changed if you look at this spell they're not that strong you compare this to something like a wizard or sorcerer focus spell which i'll put down here uh their effects are pretty minor you can see these these effects are not symmetrical i can't think of them off the top of my head i think the art domain has a couple different like fascination or different conditions it can apply but remember you can really only use these once per encounter so you know for being a one time per encounter use they could be stronger healing and harming hands will talk about at the same time they do the exact same thing if you cast the associated spell you roll d10s instead of d8s not much to be said about this it's good what is important though is this does not increase the flat healing from heal at this two action version the two action version of heal will usually heal for 1d8 plus 8 if you have healing hands it's still only 1d10 plus 8. it does not turn that 8 into a 10. and holy castigation is incredibly specific you can use the heal spell to damage fiends as though they were undead it's a cool flavor you know your your heel spell is packed with so much good energy that it hurts evil creatures but you know maybe only take this if you know you're going to be fighting fiends and over in the apg for level 1 cleric feats we have premonition of avoidance which is pretty cool it grants the cleric a reaction which you've always heard me tell you about like reactions are not automatic in pathfinder 2e not everybody can take attacks of opportunity so feats that give your class a reaction when you don't already have one are always great because it is just something extra you can do each round premonition of avoidance is if you are making a saving throw against a hazard specifically not like an enemy spell or something but specifically a trap if you have not rolled it yet you can just use your reaction to give yourself a plus two bonus to the saving throw pretty solid vile desecration is the evil version of holy castigation when you use the harm spell you can use it to deal evil damage instead of negative damage meaning it can harm things like celestials for bonus damage at level two we have cantrip expansion you know two more cantrips it's fine i guess communal healing is a nice little way to just up your overall numbers healed whenever you heal someone you yourself regain hit points equal to the spell level of your heal and remember if you have a healing font you're gonna get free spell slots every level of your highest available spell slot so this sort of scales with you you know you're level five every time you cast a third level heal spell you get three hit points back yourself it's not a lot but it's a cool passive to keep yourself you know healthy also this only works when you heal something else if you cast heal on yourself you don't get hit points equal to the spell level kinda lame emblazoned armament is one of my favorite early game feats for the cleric during daily preparations you choose a shield or a weapon and you enchant it doesn't even have to be during daily preparations it just takes 10 minutes to do this then quite literally for the next year of time that item gets a permanent bonus if it is a weapon it deals one bonus damage to all damage rolls and if it's a shield its hardness goes up by one so it reduces one extra damage every time it's used so you can use this on your own gear or if you're a cloistered cleric maybe just put this on your ranger's bow or your fighters broadsword emblazoned armament is cool but you can only have one item emblazoned at a time that's the big limitation you can't just enchant your whole party's items otherwise this would be broken now there is a big restriction on this feat the benefits are only granted if the person using the weapon is a follower of that same deity so chances are low but hey this means you could work out a cool duo with your partner you know if you and a friend want to make two characters who already know each other maybe one's a champion and one's a cleric which i think is what this is designed around and you both worship sarin ray well at every day or not just once per year your cleric can just emblazon the champion shield with the sigil of sarin ray granting it plus one to hardness basically permanently which is so cool worst case scenario you enchant your own weapon to deal plus one damage you know sap life the exact same as the heel one but now whenever you cast the harm spell you restore that many hit points equal to the spell's level not too bad and honestly i think this one's a little bit better you know if you're going for an offensive cleric then you know being able to heal and deal damage is pretty cool turn undead i'm sad to see is not an ability in pathfinder 2e it is a level 2 feat which simply augments your heal spell should you use the heal spell to damage an undead creature and it critically fails its fortitude save it also becomes fleeing for one round and this applies to all undead so if you're standing in the middle of 10 zombies and you use the 30-foot burst version of heel then they all critically fail i don't know but that means they're all going to run away what makes me sad about this is there's no turn undead that just eradicates them you know i definitely miss when turn undead was its own action separate from everything else and in the clerics toolkit but i guess i can understand why they did it and versatile font allows you to spend your extra daily spell slots from your font for heal or harm but only if your deity allows you to pick which is unfortunately not a lot of deities there are some but most deities restrict it to healing or harming it's rare you have one that does both level two in the apg grants a little bit specific but cool feat it is a reaction like i said before always good uh should your ally hit zero hit points as a reaction you can immediately make a stride action to move towards that ally with a plus 10 move speed which means if you're a cleric elf with you know a 30 foot base maybe you took the nimble l feet then that's 35 feet if your ally goes down to zero you can move 45 feet as a reaction in their direction which is pretty cool channel smite is the magus without needing to be a magus but you can only do it with heal or harm you channel the spell right into your weapon and make an attack roll if you miss you don't get the spell slot back the spell is expended but if you hit it also adds the damage as negative or positive if you used healer harm also keep in mind the damage rules still work the same way you can only hurt something that is weak to positive damage with the heal spell you can't just hit a bandit for positive damage and expect it to hurt it i think it'll actually heal it in the core rulebook evil clerics actually have a little bit of support with command undead if you use the harm spell on an undead creature after activating command undead you attempt to wrench control of that mindless undead should they fail their fortitude save against your harm spell it doesn't take any damage but the undead becomes your minion for one minute meaning it functions just like an animal companion where you sacrifice an action to give it to if it crit fails it obeys you for one hour now the downside is this only works if the undead is three levels lower than you so if you're level one or i guess at this point level four it'll only work on like a level one zombie if you're even fighting a level two or level three undead it's not gonna work additionally if the undead is being controlled by somebody the controller also gets to roll a saving throw and the undead uses whichever result was higher between it and its controllers saved so not super great but if you're in a horde situation where there's just tons of low level undead it can be pretty good directed channel you can change the three action version of heal or harm instead of an emanation you can change it into a 60 foot cone which for the harm spell basically makes it a dragon breath of negative energy which is really really cool additionally for the heal spell this can often be better if you angle yourself right at the edge of your party and you can hit all of them in a 60-foot cone that's fantastic for healing improved communal healing is a definite upgrade to the level two feet now when you heal someone you don't need to give yourself the extra healing from the spell level you can give it to anyone else within range additionally you get the bonus healing when you heal yourself now but those extra hit points needed to go to someone else not yourself some really big restrictions with this but it's a cool way to play you know it just makes every heal spell you do way more efficient not way more but a little more efficient necrotic infusion makes me think there is some cool cleric necromancer build out there somewhere but it would be really difficult to make it work necrotic infusion is awesome you can cast harm to heal an undead creature and if you do that creature gets plus 1d6 negative damage to all of its melee weapon and unarmed attacks until the end of its next turn what kind of sucks about this is it specifically says undead meaning if you cast this on a dom peer ally dom peer are not technically undead they just have negative healing so they can't get this bonus damage so you cannot give this to your don pure monk which sucks what you can do though weirdly in the apg not the core rule book is radiant infusion which is the thing we just talked about but for positive if you cast heal on your ally then until the end of its next turn all of its melee weapon and unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bonus positive damage at sixth level we start getting actually like pretty impactful cool feats cast down is one that i've actually overlooked after all these months it is a single action meta magic to enhance your next heal or harm spell and if your target takes any damage at all meaning even on a normal success they get knocked prone so with this at you know for its three actions total to metamagic and then two action cast it at 30 foot range but you can do that and then even if they normally succeed their fortitude save against your harm spell they are knocked prone additionally should they critically fail their save they'll take a minus 10 foot status penalty for one minute which is kinda brutal actually that's almost half of a normal target's movement speed just gone divine weapon is basically a worse bespell weapon from the wizard which i keep referencing things like the wizard even though we haven't talked about it yet but for a free action after casting anything that uses a spell slot your weapon can deal 1d4 bonus force damage on your next attack if you want you can upgrade this to 1d6 damage but it has to be aligned damage equal to the alignment of your deity so if you're following a lawful neutral deity you can only deal lawful damage or if you're a chaotic good you can deal good or chaotic damage and just a reminder unless the target is the polar opposite of that alignment if you pick lawful they have to be chaotic they'll take no damage unless they're chaotic though this is a creative way to determine a creature's alignment if you want to find out if it's evil make your weapon deal bonus good damage and then stab them and then if they bleed they're evil selective energy is great for the aoe version of the harm spell now with selective energy when you use an area of effect style with your heel or your arm you can designate up to your charisma modifier plus one of targets who are not effective so you can now remove your allies from your harm spells or remove your enemies from your heal spells very solid and steady spell casting is okay i find it allows you to attempt a flat dc check to not get interrupted by say an attack of opportunity if you're doing a concentrate action but i find that does not come up that often first off the target specifically needs to hit you with an attack of opportunity to interrupt you which only happens if you're casting a spell in melee range with someone who does have this kind of attack of opportunity and then you get a 75 chance to maintain your concentration so it's it's very specific if and when this comes up it'll be good if it does but the unfortunate thing is that all of these stars could align you could need to cast a spell with the concentrate trait in attack of opportunity range of someone who has attack of opportunity and that attack of opportunity hits you and then you can still roll less than a 15 and you lose your spell all of this coming together for a 25 chance is not great magic hands when you make a medicine check to treat wounds you heal the maximum amount so if you roll the dc 15 medicine check you instantly heal for 16. does not matter what you roll it's great if you critically succeed that check you heal for 32 hit points all the time this is a fantastic feat especially if you want to play a cleric and like a low magic campaign and you're you know you can't use your spells as often maybe this is really really cool and the idea of healing medicine is awesome to me advanced domain is the same as domain initiate except you get the advanced domain spell instead of the initial one these ones are a little bit better a line armament is similar to the divine weapon we talked about earlier once per round you can spend one action to touch any weapon does not have to be your own and for that round you give it you know good lawful you give it any alignment and then for the rest of that round it deals 1d6 bonus damage of that alignment to creatures of the opposite alignment of course there's still a restriction that the alignment must match your deity so you will have at most two options also sorry it's not when you touch the weapon you get to choose it's when you pick this feat you choose so when you pick this feat and you're chaotic good you have to pick chaotic or good and that is the only thing you can imbue a weapon with unless you take this feat a second time channeled sucker is fantastic you can sacrifice one of your divine font heal spell slots in exchange to cast remove curse remove disease remove paralysis or restoration at that spell level this is fantastic because this is not even once per day this basically means all of your divine font spells are now spontaneous for one thing and they can be used to cast any of these spells and heal and these are still auto heightened to your highest spell level this is one of the strongest feats for the cleric so far in contrast cremate undead is less good than channeled sucker uh when you use heal to harm an undead creature it takes persistent damage equal to the spell's level which is at most four at level eight so you can either gain four more unique spells spontaneously casting with your spell slots or inflict four persistent damage when you heal undead yup emblazoned energy is an upgrade to emblazon armament and is kinda needlessly complicated and restrictive for example if you want to imbue a shield with emblazoned energy you have to choose between the plus one hardness from emblazoned armament or emblazoned energy's really crazy effect which is you choose acid cold electricity fire or sonic the wielder of the shield gains a circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type so if you pick fireball they get a bonus to saving throws against fireball they can also use shield block to reduce that damage so like i said if you chose fire they get hit by a fireball they can actually shield block that fire damage really cool now what would have been even cooler is the second part the shield also gains resistance to that damage equal to half of your freaking caster level the spell's level effectively your level 8 that gives the shield for resistance to fire damage meaning you know you can reduce the damage of fire by a lot but that is only if you have a domain spell with that elemental trait not even if your deity has that domain but you need to have the domain spell with that trait so it's really heavy investment for even at max level 10 resistance to one element way too restrictive by so i'm sorry on the same vein you can give this to a weapon to deal one d4 bonus damage of any of those elements and if you have a domain spell with that trait it adds one d6 instead of one d4 again you have to grab a whole domain spell for a potential two extra damage martyr is if you need to heal for a million hit points at once let's say you cast heal at fourth level on your ally well you're gonna heal them for four d8 and then you will take 4d8 damage and they restore that much more so with this you could effectively cast heal at fourth level for two actions after upgrading it with the the martyr metamagic action and then they would heal for 8 d8 plus 32 and then of course you would take the 4d8 that whatever you rolled so it's not a net gain in the party's hit points but you know if your fighter is surrounded and you're doing fine giving them your hit points is fantastic this feat is really solid surging focus is also really cool it would be better if the focus spells for the cleric were a little bit stronger though as a free action if you see an ally drop to zero hit points you get a focus point back that's really really cool and with the advanced and higher level focus spells this is definitely better though an issue i have is that the advanced domain focus spell feat is the same feat level as surging focus so you have to choose between getting free focus points back if an ally drops or getting a better focus spell it's not well designed these cleric feet levels castigating weapon is fine if you deal damage to a fiend using a heal spell all future melee attacks deal half of that spell's level in bonus damage to fiends again this isn't that much you know if you are level 10 you cast heal at fifth level and hurt a fiend with it well your melee attacks are going to do two bonus good damage two fiends until the end of that turn sorry end of your next turn now heroic recovery is an awesome meta magic for your heal spell you know you have to spend an action to activate this because it's meta magic and then anybody you heal with your heal spell gains a five foot bonus to their move speed plus one to attack rolls and plus one to damage rolls that's huge the downside is you cannot use this with the emanation you need to heal a single target for this torque so you can't grant this to your whole party on the first round of combat even though that would be super cool improved command undead improves command undead that's the stupidest sentence i've ever said but it doesn't fix it in the way that unfortunately seems like it should be this simply extends the duration of your command if they succeed now they are your minion for one round if they fail 10 minutes if they critically fail 24 hours but it does not remove the -3 level restriction so unless you're fighting a level 7 undead you can't command it replenishment of war is really really cool and great for the war priest whenever you land a strike with your deities favored weapon you gain temporary hit points equal to half your level this is crazy you know what level 10 every time you successfully hit doesn't matter how much damage you do as long as you hit that's five temporary hit points for one round if you critically hit you get your whole level this will never not be good and very consistent temporary hit points without spending any resources shared avoidance is a direct upgrade to level one's premonition of avoidance and you can now grant that plus two circumstance bonus against hazard saving throws to you and all allies within 15 feet who are making the same save so if you trigger a fireball trap well everybody now gets that bonus really nice shield of faith is really weird for a level 10 feat if you cast a focus spell and consume a focus point you get plus one armor class until the start of your next turn this is not a level 10 feet this is a level two feat come on like it's fine ac is great but good lord i don't know what build wants to take this it's so slow and unimpactful through spell is a one-action meta magic that allows you to ignore cover however because this is a cleric feat there are heavy restrictions this only counts for cover provided by living in undead creatures so if they're behind a wall this does nothing but if they're hiding behind a golem or a goliath not even a golem because golems aren't alive or dead if they're hiding behind a zombie brute for cover you can shoot through it that's it defensive recovery is pretty solid for one action you enhance your next heal or harm spell and as long as they single target recovered hit points with it it gains a plus two to arma class and saving throws for one round you know if your ally is really low on hit points and they need to get out of there fast this is a great way to get them out because they get hit points and then they're way harder to hit for the next round really solid domain focus means when you refocus you get two focus points back instead of one emblazon anti-magic is even more along the lines of emblazoned armament what is nice about this is emblazoned energy is not a prerequisite so if you don't want emblazoned energy from the earlier levels you can just skip it and go right to emblazon anti-magic at level 12 provided you took emblazoned armament at second level if you emblazon a shield it grants the shield circumstance bonus to saving throws against any kind of magic and you can even use shield block against magical damage of any kind and if you emblazon a weapon on critical hits that weapon can attempt to disrupt any spell effect on a target i'm not sure why they made this only on critical hits especially because when you do this even if you fail if you attempt to do this the emblazon symbol disappears it's just gone so not only do you need to critically hit to even attempt to counteract a spell like mage armor but if you fail to counteract it you can't even try again ever i think they either should have made it so it doesn't disappear or it's on normal strikes like normal hits either only on crits but never disappears or on all successful hits but can only be used once one or the other giving it both restrictions is really rough shared replenishment is an awesome upgrade to replenishment of war now the half of your level temporary hit points you get on a strike can be granted to an ally within 10 feet instead of yourself and you can do this multiple times per turn which means if you and your rogue are flanking and you hit them once you can grant your rogue temporary hit points and if you manage to hit them a second time you can grant them to yourself this is some insane shielding i guess i would call it really no other class does anything like this i love it i'm sad it doesn't come online until level 10 and higher but i love this idea of a war priest who grants them and their allies effectively damage shields every single turn they hit it's really really cool now deities protection is a really solid feat at level 14 if you cast a domain spell effectively just a focus spell from your cleric domains you gain resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn equal to the level of the spell you cast and since domain spells are focus spells focus spells will always be heightened to half your level so at level 14 whenever you cast a focus spell you gain resistance to all damage and reduce all damage taken by 7 for a full round not amazing but not bad either if only you could just have more focus points this would be great you can take extend align armament which makes it last a minute instead of around i guess again this is really cool if you're in like the nine hells just fighting demons this could be cool but this is one that in the right campaign is awesome in a generic campaign where you don't know what you're fighting not great fast channel is phenomenal and honestly again would have been nice to get earlier than level 14 but you can now use the three action version of heal or harm by only spending two actions but only the one associated with your font so if you have a healing font you can only do this with heal you have a harmful font you can only do this with harm but this is awesome because now you can spend an action to move and position yourself and then do the big emanation very nice swift banishment is cool but it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth this is the only time i've ever seen a feat that requires a specific spell swift banishment only does something if you have prepared the banishment spell and as a reaction should you critically hit a target you can immediately spend the banishment spell slot but it's not like it automatically works the creature still gets a saving throw against it even though you already critically hit with your melee strike so this is really really i feel like the word specific keeps coming up with all these cleric feats but it is it's specific and it's really hard to get to work you know you have to critically hit and they have to fail their saving throw when you could have just stood back and cast banishment from a distance i don't really see the point of this one ebb and flow is really really cool metamagic you need to have the versatile font feat but if you are to use a heal or harm spell on a target then you can pick one target that it could heal and one target that it could hurt for example if you're using the two action version of heal you can target your fighter to restore hit points and then you can target an undead to take damage and it does both at the same time this is an amazing action economy feat if you can make it work in the right circumstances a great way to do this is if you have a damn peer in your party this means whenever you cast harm to heal your damn peer with their negative healing you can just hurt any living creature at the same time fantastic premonition of clarity once per hour as a reaction if you fail a mental saving throw effect you can re-roll it with plus two is it good yeah should it be level 14 probably not eternal vein is honestly really cool for an evil war priest you permanently have the bane spell which those of you who don't know it is the opposite of the bless spell this just inflicts a minus one to all enemy attack rolls and this is permanently around you at a 15 foot radius it can never be changed in radius and you can dismiss it this is crazy cool on the flip side we have eternal blessing which is the same thing but with a permanent bless you and all allies within 15 feet of you just get a permanent plus one status bonus to attack rolls that's phenomenal resurrectionist is actually insane should you bring a creature back from the dying condition by restoring hit points they gain fast healing five for one minute fast healing is at the start of each of your turns you gain hit points equal to the value so they gain five hit points every turn for ten rounds even if you're not in combat this is a free 60 hit point heal for no extra resource spent at the end of a combat your fighters down at zero and dying but the combat's over you spend a level one heal spell you heal you know one d8 plus whatever and then they just get 60 hit points back over the course of a minute this is incredible remediate is weird and situational it's a free action meta magic which is great you know you don't need to spend an action to use this but if you're following action is a three action heal or harm spell you can attempt to counteract one opposing spell effect within that emanation now the spell effect must directly oppose your deity so if you're lawful good when you use your three action heal spell you can attempt to counteract either an evil or a chaotic spell effect which are pretty rare not gonna lie like just to clarify this isn't a spell effect caused by a chaotic or evil character this is a spell with the chaotic or evil trait so if the necromancer just has mage armor active this can't counteract that it can only counteract something like abyssal plague because it has the evil trait level 18 you can get three focus points back instead of two echoing channel is like ebb and flow but way less cool and less good and should not be a level 18 feet for one action you imbue your next two action heal spell or harm spell you can choose any creature directly adjacent to your target and affect it with the one action version of the spell instead now this isn't bad this is still sort of a second spell using only one spell slot but this means you know if you heal your ally with your level 9 heal spell they heal for you know 98 plus what 72 they heal 98 plus 72 and then an ally adjacent to them heals for 98. it is good and honestly you know if you're harming something then you know you can harm at one target for 98 and then their neighbor takes nine okay the more i talk about this the better it gets especially because you know for harm harm doesn't get the bonus hit points on two actions that's that's actually pretty good all right never mind echoing channel is great it doubles your healing it doubles your damage it's pretty nuts improved swift banishment is a little better than swift banishment uh you no longer need to have banishment prepared specifically you just need to have a level 5 or higher spell slot when you hit the target you can just spend any of your spell slots and it counts as casting banishment of that level you also inflict a -2 penalty to the target's saving throw against the banishment spell now this is nice the -2 penalty is huge i just think that should have been on the base swift banishment spell to give it a reason to exist because remember you can still only do this on a critical hit and you're level 18 with expert weapon proficiency so it's nat 20 or bus dude miraculous possibility is okay you take one of your spell slots of your highest level and rather than filling it with a specific spell you fill it with divine possibility this lets you basically work like a sorcerer and spontaneously cast any spell you know with that spell slot but the spell must be two or more levels below the prepared spell slot this way so you're level 18 you prepare a ninth level spell slot and you can cast any seventh level or lower spell you know at any time the fluidity is nice it's just unfortunate that it has to be so much lower level shared clarity lets you use premonition of clarity on all of your allies within 15 feet you and all allies within 15 feet if they fail a mental saving throw can re-roll at plus two pretty pretty good you know if you're fighting a mind flayer this is gonna come in clutch finally we've got some level 20 feats here starting with avatar's audience this does a couple of things the first one not necessarily always being positive any creature you encounter intrinsically knows you speak for your deity which means if you and your party need to sneak into a rovago party to do some recon and you have this feat anybody you talk to automatically knows you work for sarin ray now the second effect is great if you ever use a commune ritual you don't need to pay its cost and you automatically crit succeed so you can just talk to your deity at any time and the third one which is just fantastic allows you to warp to your deities domain once per day with plane shift for free and you can also return back to your home plane for one action at any time and you can appear right where you need to be in your deities plane of existence so again similar to the commune ritual you can just be like yo what up sarin right how's it hanging girl yo i just need some help from you can i see you tomorrow okay cool back to your home plane simple as that crazy good maker of miracles an extra 10th level spell slot per day metamagic channel i have an inherent problem with because this feat sort of makes the archetype work you know all of these meta magics that affect your heal and harm spells well for the most part it's going to take three actions to activate the metamagic and then cast it two actions to have a range metamagic channel finally lets you use the metamagic as a free action instead of spending one action it's great but it's unfortunate that this is the feat that makes that archetype work you know now with this feat you can take a move action meta magic and cast your healing spell you know that's great but why is this level 20 i guess it's effectively the the the quickened level 20 feet that a lot of other classes get but this is still oh it feels too required to make the most use out of that metamagic my issue with that whole build is that it's three actions you know in order to do anything you need to have already been in the right place if you don't happen to be positioned correctly from last round you can't really use your metamagic and your heal spell if they're 35 feet away you can't move so it's unfortunate you know that was a really negative video i love clerics and i think i don't have a big issue with their feats being weak because i love their spell list my big issue is very similar to the champion there's a lot of restrictions with these feats and a lot of specificity and they just need to be used in very specific circumstances otherwise they do nothing so i think clerics will benefit a lot from archetypes i think there's a lot of dead levels of feats and a lot of good levels which have multiple feats they want to take so i guess it's not a big deal you know there's multiple level 8 and level 10 feats they want so i guess at level 12 and 14 they can just take more level 8 feats because i don't know i feel like there were very few feats in there i was like yes this is a phenomenal feat and there was a lot of blair which if you look back at my swashbuckler video where i was super gung-ho about every feat i don't know this is a very different experience again i think a reason their feats are weaker is because they have access to magic and especially divine spells are strong divine spells especially at high levels do crazy amounts of healing and crazy amounts of effects so aside from augmenting the heal and harm spells they get a few things that augment their combat capabilities but for the most part they're very flavorful feats to just tweak your character a little bit in different directions but i wanna hear what you guys think are you gonna play a cleric do you love a cleric is there something i missed here am i under obviously i misunderstood something these deep dives are always one long take with no real preparation so i inevitably misunderstand something so maybe some of these feats are stronger maybe some are weaker than i gave them credit for i want to hear from you guys down in the comments so that is all from me i want to give a huge shout out to my patrons for supporting me i repeat myself every video but you guys are fantastic if you would like to become a patron there is a link down in the description where you can support me financially for as little as five dollars a month you can also see that i'm doing character commissions for pathfinder 2e characters if you want a character made by me to your specifications there's a link to my coffee commissions right in the description as well where you can get that made for you so thank you all so very much for watching i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and until next time no nat one
Channel: Nonat1s
Views: 48,929
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Keywords: Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Second Edition, Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e APG, Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Level 1, Pathfinder 2e new features, Pathfinder 2e New Ancestries, Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide, pathfinder 2e cleric, pathfinder cleric, 2e cleric, cleric feats, pathfinder cleric feats, pathfinder cleric guide, cleric guide, cleric 101, nonat1s cleric, nonat cleric, cleric domains, 2e cleric feats
Id: PUT7gt1Q5-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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