Clergy Crisis: Modernist PLAN to destroy the Catholic priesthood • part 1

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the following program was made possible by the generosity of those who have determined to hold fast to the true Roman Catholic religion as expounded by the Roman Catholic Church before the disasters of vatican ii and the so called new mass [Music] hello welcome to what Catholics believe this is another spot program shining the spotlight on some events a particular interest as you see I have a covered arm here from rotator cuff surgery and so I have my arm in a sling that's why it looks a little bit different and hopefully that will not be the case next time we record the program but for the time being it has to be so I think so many of you for praying for my quick recovery from the surgery the doctor said there was excessive damage and so I trust that this will give the opportunity for some good penance coming up in the next few days now the last program that we did like this kind of focused in on archbishop Vigano and the attacks against him and the strange response that came from Cardinal sue pitch Chicago Cardinal let of Toronto Canada and I wanted to make the point and did make the point and as programs that actually what Cardinal sewage and what Cardinal that were saying that what they were saying was very important you see we are puzzled by the reaction of Francis and his Cardinals and his bishops were puzzled by their reaction to this question of the sexual abuse of the young men and children it seems to be contrary to all common sense and all common decency that they react the way they do it seemed contrary to common sense and common decency when this Cardinal sue Fitch in Chicago said that we can't be concerned with the question of whether Francis knew about the sexual attacks of his cardinal Theodore McCarrick we can't be concerned about that we can't go down the rabbit hole there because Francis has more important things to do he has to be concerned about global climate change and he's got to be concerned about immigration okay and the world over people reacted to that very negatively as though they're saying well there's no common sense and no common decency to that response and the same with Bishop who lets Cardinal who lets attack on Vega no people were saying well it sounds as though even though he's blaming blaming Vega no for acting for venal motives or impure motives selfish motives nonetheless Cardinal ooh let is conceding that Archbishop you know was telling the truth he was conceding some of the points that they ghetto made people were focusing on those two issues but they were not what these what these responses were all about the responses were about precisely this that Francis is really the chosen one he is the chosen one he's been selected by the the leftists in the hierarchy of the Novus Ordo to finish the work of Vatican 2 that is what this is really all about and we must not allow any of these issues these peripheral issues sexual abuse of children sexual abused of teenagers we must not allow the sexual abuse of the clergy to in any way threaten Francis's great mission and so we in other words Cardinal Latin and Cardinal Sibbett you're telling are specific you know you know that Francis has to finish the work of a de Caen - this is what he was chosen for this is what he is said about accomplishing and you have to stop doing this CEO to stop raising these issues and blaming him for things however guilty he may be it has nothing to do with the primary work that he's called to do and that is to finish Vatican 2 this is really the issues that is at stake here now it's as though people were reacting to what these Cardinals and another churchmen were saying and even for instance himself people were reacting and saying they don't get it they don't get it Francis doesn't get it sewage doesn't get it well that doesn't get it they don't understand they don't understand how grave the situation is they do get it they understand the problem is not that they don't understand the problem is we don't understand we have to get the fact that they get it they understand but their answers are telling us something very different from what you and I normal people think like to think we're normal people that the sexual abuse of children is a paramount evil and there is nothing that can justify it nothing that can minimize it we have to address that first and foremost they don't believe that they don't see it that way why because the ultimate mission of Francis is to complete the work of vatican ii period and nothing else including the sexual abuse of children get in the way now what I mentioned last time was that they see the sexual abuse crisis basically as a peripheral matter as though it's kind of collateral damage I was wrong I retract that statement I no longer see it that way I see that as absolutely not the case they do care very much about this issue very much about the issue but they care about it again in such a way that you and I would be horrified they care about it because it is essential to their plan the sexual abuse crisis in the church today is really an essential part of their plan remember this has been forming now since Vatican 2 itself mckarrick and the rest of them got whirl and the rest of they were all being ordained priests just before vatican ii during vatican ii in the years after vatican ii and all of this crisis has been building all of this time since Vatican 2 the Boston Globe reported recently that the sexual abuse crisis is not with the church for 20 years that's absolutely not true the fact is that's when it came to light it had built and built and built over time until it was finally manifested twenty years ago for the first time but the fact is that careers have been built in the hierarchy of the Novus Ordo church after Vatican 2 their careers that have been built on this very problem homosexuality and these young men who entered as Vatican 2 as Vatican 2 seminarians and began as Vatican 2 priests have brought this to fruition over all these years but it was actually with the gendered and gendered at Vatican 2 Vatican 2 gave birth to this this is what I'm saying over and over again it is modernism it is modernism that is the issue it is the modernism at Vatican 2 that engendered all of these evil things it is what has given birth to this monster that we see no we cannot possibly understand what's happening now except in light of modernism if we do not understand what's happening now in light of modernism all we can do is thrash and and wave our hands and and cry foul and be upset about it without understanding what really what's going on we even will be falling to the trap of saying well this is a homosexual problem the problem with homosexuality in the church is modernism modernism brought it in this is modernist morality we have to understand that that's how the homosexuals got in this was the door through which they entered this was where they found a home like the seven evil spirits who came in and possessed the man in his first condition his last condition became worse than the first modernism is the portal through which all of these evils have entered we must understand that if we don't understand that we cannot understand anything about so if we can't understand about it we can't do anything about it we have to understand where the problem is you see homosexuality was a key for the modernist a key to accomplish what they intended to do what they intended to do was destroy the priesthood remember the very first sacrament that the modernist changed in 1968 was the sacrament of Holy Orders for bishops and priests and deacons that's the very first sacrament they changed before they changed the mess they changed the sacrament of ordination of the Holy Orders for deacons priests and bishops and they attacked Holy Orders they attacked the major orders by doing away with the subjugated they attacked the minor orders by doing away with the portrait and by The Exorcist they actually did away with exorcists the order of Exorcist in the church back in the years after vatican ii this was their primary target actually we shouldn't be at all surprised that francis himself would see the priesthood as his ultimate target he realizes that the priesthood is the key to the traditional Catholic Church and that to dismantle the traditional Catholic Church to dismantle the traditional Catholic religion to dismantle the traditional Catholic faith one has to destroy the priesthood because in the priesthood you find the powers of Christ the power of teaching and governing and sanctifying especially the power of sanctifying through the sacraments Francis doesn't want to church the dunces he want to church the discerns and accompanies he doesn't really want a church that sanctifies so when he starts out his pontificate as the novice of the Pope of the Novus Ordo what does Francis say then we must stop obsessing about abortion about contraception about homosexual marriage we have to stop obsessing about these what does he mean there at the very outset of his pontificate what is he telling us he's telling us that these moral issues about sexual right or wrong are not the focus are not going to be the focus and must not be the focus on either himself or us during his pontificate he is not going to focus on these things quite the contrary he let us know right from the start his his focus was going to be on social justice okay translated into the word economy world economy that's what he's concerned about we saw that in john xxiii we sought of in the encyclicals of john xxiii we saw that in encyclicals that have followed that pull valorem progression the progress of people's it is about like in this world that's the modernist focused that is francis is focused entirely remember when we had the president some years ago who during a campaign kept repeating over and over again the same thing like a mantra it's the economy stupid he kept saying it's the economy stupid he kept saying that in a demeaning way to those who thought there were more important questions in the economy for francis there are no more important questions than world economy poverty is everything that's all that matters and inequality inequality and wealth this must be rectified this is the real evil the francis sees in the world this is like the only original sin that francis recognizes his greed and avarice lust for power especially in terms of economics so this falls exactly under the under the realm of marxist philosophy Karl Marx was the one who said that man is an economic animal now you know as Catholics we define man as a creature composed of body and soul created in the image and likeness of God his creator so we define man as a creature of God he has a creator to whom he is entirely dependent upon who was entirely depend and to him he is entirely responsible he's a creature composed of body and soul and he's created in the very image and likeness image by by nature and likeness by grace of the God who made him that's the Catholic definition of man the Marcus domination the Marxist definition denies any spirit in man man is merely an economic animal pure and simple he thinks about his state of life he thinks about his quality of life all he cares about is the food on the plate in front of him like a dog or a cat like any other animal that's the only thing that is significance to him he actually in Karl Marx's view is reduced to a state lower than that linear animal even animals can think in terms of some basic thoughts of loyalty and fidelity and so on but marx takes that away from men entirely he says everything about human life the individual human life and everything about human history is about the economy it's all about the state of life it's all about the quality of life it's all about the goods of life it's all about this world he's a materialist and that's all there is to us we are nothing but highly organized chemicals and all we can think about is other chemicals material the things of this world there is no soul there is no God no spirit no afterlife there's nothing but the things of this world that's Marx's idea Frances his focus is entirely the same he could easily define man in the same terms as far as for instance a concerned man is really an economic animal this is Francis's focus in saying that we're not going to obsess about abortion we're not going to obsess about contraception we're not going to obsess about homosexual marriage he's saying that really these these matters are not of importance to him but you know oddly enough oddly enough even while he's saying that these matters are subordinate to the whole matter of the economy and the quality of life that we have the inequalities of economics that we have in the world today even though Francis says these things are subordinate to those economic concerns nonetheless his pontificate as Pope of the novus ordo has obsessed actually has obsessed about these things he is obsessed about these things not only about abortion obsessively ignored this actually spoke in our only when he absolutely had to to save face but he has obsessively focused on of all things the homosexual aspect of this he lists three things he's not to have learned to obsess about what did you know the third thing the homosexual side of it he's all about that this is what he has obsessed about continually obsessed about these things in his amorous leticia what's he talking about he's talking about communion for those who are living in adulterous relationships openly living in adultery he's obsessing about that we've got to get that through he insists that we have to make that happen okay and and as far as the homosexuality goes why are people reacting to his reaction as though there's something wrong with him something doesn't compute why isn't he reacting to this whole problem this whole crisis the way we think he should if he really saw it as a crisis and the answer is because he doesn't see it as a crisis he sees it as a means to an end Francis from the outset has shown his contempt for the priesthood he has shown his contempt for the priesthood even in the way he deals with his own priests in Rome for example when he when the young priest at a meeting with Francis said young people today don't have any sense of making a lifelong commitment so it's very difficult for us to prepare them for marriage from actuality and Francis says yes it's true it's hard to explain to young people the idea of a lifelong commitment and the young priest asked him well what do we do and the Holy Father says I don't know and then he goes on to tell a story then for instance goes on to tell a story about his own Argentina where you have common-law marriages where you have Catholic people just living living together no marriage just living together starting families having children together and Francis tells his own priests those have more the character of true marriages than most of our own marriages the marriages that you priests do that most even the vast majority of the marriages that you freeze to are invalid but the basically common-law marriages of our Catholic people just get in the other living together breeding together having children together these have more of the character of a true marriage that what you are doing what contempt is this man show me for his own priests what is he showing for the sacrament of matrimony nothing but contempt and Francis has shown this from the day he was a child serving Mass himself I mean he explained this in answering a child in his little book of the answering children's questions he talked to a child about serving the the old Mass and deliberately mixing up the Latin to try to trip up the priest this is worse than tripping up the priest as though everybody was walking around the altar sticking your foot out and trying to trip him up there he is trying to trip him up in his prayers he's trying to trip him up in the prayers of the mass the Latin Mass and he said his friend that he would would vie to do who could do that the best they thought it was hysterical the trip of the priest in saying the Latin prayers of the mass this is the contempt this man has for the priesthood for the mass for the sacraments for our Lord the Blessed Sacrament and this is the contempt that this man has shown all along right right down the line is shown nothing but contempt for Holy Orders for Holy Orders the idea of the priesthood over and over again he's condemned the priest the priest the priest the priests are are too haughty the priests it they said they should not look upon themselves as being anything or anyone special they should be at the service of all lo the least of all and they should not regard their priesthood as actually setting them apart for any well whole point of being a cleric coming from the Latin word Claro's means portion or lot the Lord is my portion and my lot I have chosen him or he has chosen me as we read on this feast of saints Thaddeus and Jude that the Lord God chooses his priests he chooses those to follow him as it shows his apostles I have not chosen you have not chosen me I have chosen you our Lord says and so the fact that the men are taken and that they are ordained and that they are chosen and put apart for that that is their lot in life to be wholly dedicated to our Lord holy day dedicated to the service of the salvation of souls this is the problem with Francis to be dedicated for the salvation of souls the sanctification of souls the justification from sin which requires repentance Francis doesn't want any of that so the idea of the true priesthood established by Jesus Christ Francis doesn't want any of that he wants to leave that behind he wants to dismantle that and build something else in his place what does he want to build in his place he wants to build Francis he wants to build Francis Church so what we call Franken Church he wants to build that on the ruins of the traditional Church in that - he's like a good Marxist a Marxist progress recall for the destruction of the status quo and the destruction of the status code and on its ruins you must build the new and then you must destroy that and build the new and this is the modernist idea the Marxist idea of how progress is made destroying the old and honest ruins build the new francis is right now tearing down the last vestiges of the traditional faith the traditional religion the traditional Church in the process of building his new church in his own image and likeness you notice some of the modern sites here the so called Catholic sites have actually begun to refer France to Francis as the successor of Jesus Christ not the successor of Peter not the Vicar of Christ but the successor of Jesus Christ what could be more perfect at expression of modernism than that the idea that with each passing generation there is someone who succeeds Jesus in his role in the church who leads the faithful in experiencing God or the divine at this moment in in human history and who actually can unfold for them the new mysteries I mean this is this is modernism they take the place of the Prophet and like the Imams they've got and so on they are speaking for the Prophet here the the idea that Jesus was a prophet who died and we have his faith experience we're trying to relieve his faith experience and Francis is going to be the interpreter of modern man as to that faith experience is to be now here well then he's the successor of Jesus to convey to the rest of the world a faith experience and we all look to Francis as the interpreter of the faith experience and how is this going to be God is is going to be related to us through his new synodal Church in which he's going to get factions of the church together in various representative populations of the church like little Soviets were gathered in the Soviet Union like the the plumbers and the stock workers and so our little Soviets and they were all going to report on their way up what they had found what they discussed and it was going to go up to the the great communist party who was going to interpret the communist party is going to interpret the work of all the Soviets of the Soviet Union to the people of Soviet Russia and her satellites as to what the mind was then the mind was then of the good Marxist the good communists the state of the Marxist mind at that moment and the state of development of mankind toward that perfect glorious communist Society Frances again is conducting himself as the quintessential Marxist the quintessential modernist in what he does here he sees homosexuality as a way of breaking down destroying the whole idea of holy orders so you see what he reacts the way he does certainly not with the reaction you'd think when he reacts the way he does to the crisis by meeting with his 9 chosen Cardinals over there and and he's seem to be laughing with them as they're talking about the some essentially as graces in the church and people are wondering why are they all laughing why this expression of mirth and all these faces when they're talking about the homosexual crisis and the sexual abuse of all these children and the ruin of their lives that's why you see they don't see the way you see it they don't see it the way I see it as a tragedy it's part of the program we have to understand this the modernist program calls for this it calls for the moral destruction of the Catholic Church the modernists were preceded by the the Masons the Masons forecast all of this in the permanent structure of the alte Vendetta and the letter of piccolo tigre and so on they talked about the need to introduce corruption in the church and they were going to introduce moral corruption through first of all womanhood they were going to corrupt the woman the Catholic woman and they were going to corrupt the Catholic priest I'm talking about the early eighteen hundreds this is all on record it's all there for public knowledge it's all accessible to those who would look for it the Masons forecast this in Italy that this is exactly what they were going to do to morally corrupt the church their idea destroy the Catholic family you destroy vocations you destroy the priesthood destroy the Catholic family there will be no more vocations you destroy the vocations there will be no more priesthood this is what we must do to destroy the church Francis understands this very well and he's applying himself might in Maine to accomplish this everywhere he turns he looks to condemn clericalism what does he mean by that exactly to destroy the idea that there is a clergy that there are those in the church who are called to exercise a certain function that is not in common with the laity that they have a special role to play which is established by our Lord Jesus Christ himself to which they are called and they are called not only to be given let's say a pedestal but rather they are given this this role because they have a great responsibility to Christ the church always regarded the priestess and alter Christus another Christ especially when he stood at the altar but in everything else he did administering the sacraments another Christ what has become of that idea under Francis it's a sham and a fraud it's a disgrace people are ashamed as I go through the airport down people see the Roman collar they look at me with disgust because they associate that the collar which in former days people who had just come to you and talk to you as though they knew all their life to do everything you stood for but you were their brother that you were their father but you were there something they were associated you in the in the in the common bond of faith and love for our Lord now you find discussed in the eyes of the people when they see that it's very rare now to find a Catholic person who will actually address you as father but actually won't even be associated with you this is what Francis has done this is what the modernists have done this is what the Masons have done no no now for instance in his Cardinals Marathi Agha marks the rest of them they don't see this as a crisis they see this is a necessary step in the plan to degrade the Catholic priesthood as a step to tear down the traditional church that has to go I'm going to read some texts for you when I finish this just to back up what I'm saying right now if you find it hard to imagine I'm sorry but it's the truth it's exactly what we're witnessing happening before our very eyes unless you look at through the eyes of the modernist you can't understand what's happening you cannot fathom why they react the way they do if you see it in the eyes of modernism and what modernists are out to do everything becomes crystal clear they want to destroy holy orders there's the institution of the priesthood in the name of clericalism they say they're going to destroy this because they want to dismantle the traditional church and build on its ruins the the well the the church of Francis the Church of modernism which is a synodal Church it is a church governed by cities and the role of the pontiff is to discern as to interpret the mind of the synod's and a statement just to give you the state of the faith now to which we almost just subscribe you know Francis just had this youth and it's sitted over in Italy and the world was watching this conservative Novus Ordo Catholics are watching this with dismay because they feared that he was going to canonize the LGBT agenda at this Synod as he canonized the Marxists Romero and Montini at the Synod they thought it would be very very consistent for him to canonize LGBT actually he did in number 150 of the statement that was published from the from the Synod yes he actually did effectively canonized it but just like it Vatican 2 where you have these little time bombs that are said in the council documents and in the footnotes so this canonization of the LGBT agenda had to be set as a kind of time bomb in the synodal document because again the world was watching and ready and ready to state in the in the light of the homosexual abuse crisis you dare to do that before our very eyes you dared to do that before the whole world and canonized this while you had homosexual priests attacking and and violating your young people yes even Francis has to know even Francis as brash as he is has to know when he's going to overstep his bones and maybe overplay his hand yes we still be very careful and you can be sure that even his gang of 9 there are advising him when to slow down because this train is going to jump the tracks they monitor they see what people how people are reacting and they know what people are thinking and they know that the people are not do not honest stand what they're actually doing they don't want people to catch on they don't want people to find out what they're doing so they still have to be somewhat careful because the people understood what they were really doing it would be game over for them they can't afford to let that happen they are trying to contain the ghetto they also have to contain Francis at the same time to prevent him from going too far too fast with regard to this Youth Synod though it's very important for us to realize of what a curse is in the Old Testament how God punishes the people of the Old Testament one of the greatest punishments he has he states in the book of Isaiah the prophet Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 listen to what he says listen to how God will punish the people of Israel for their sins for their idolatry for the immorality I quote for behold the sovereign Lord of Hosts shall take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the valiant and the strong the whole strength of bread and the whole strength of water in other words famine okay the strong of Israel will waste away the strong man and the man of war the judge and the prophet and the cunning man and the ancient one the captain over fifty and the Honorable in countenance and the counselor and the architect and the skillful in eloquent speech they're all going to fail the quick comes next and I will give children to be their princes and the effeminate shall rule over them now this doesn't describe this Youth Synod I don't know what does what could more perfectly describe this year's Synod than these words I will give children to be their princes and the effeminate shall rule over them we saw these chips these artificial these Cardinals fawning over the young people everything they said was so wise then it was nothing but modern pablum there was nothing but nonsense there was degrading if I really could see them as catholic bishops Archbishop's and Cardinals I'll be horrified but their modernists to a man their modernists and so they fawn over the the the the feudal ravings of the modern world I will give children to be their princes and the effeminate shall rule over them perfect description of this youths of Synod with its LGBT agenda and agenda and all the rest and the sacred text of the Prophet Isaiah's continues and the people shall rush one upon another and every man against his neighbor the child shall make it tumult against the elder and the base against the Honorable well this isn't exactly what's going on right now in Francis's modern church I don't know what what better way to describe it but this was stated by God as a curse against his people for their immorality and their infidelity well there you have it I want to point out some things here first of all with regard to the idea of destroying the priesthood I don't know that anybody has said it better than a certain bishop no again I'm sorry if I'm not pronouncing his name correctly evidently he is a Vietnamese origin vincent long been Jerry new Ian I'm sorry ng u ye n ok a Franciscan Bishop of Parramatta Diocese of Sydney Australia he gave an address to the New Zealand national assembly of diocesan clergy about the current crisis rocking the church this is Dateline now Christchurch New Zealand October 23rd 2018 and this isn't an article by Dorothea Cummings and again it comes to us through LifeSite news in an article entitled Frances appointed Bishop touts women's ordination transformation a priesthood is underway this is what this Bishop has to say and you know what he is really expressing perfectly Frances agenda and this is what we have to expect not only today but this is what is coming in the future here this bishop long they call him Bishop long says as important as it is to raise the question of women in the ministry it is far more important and far worse to persist with structures that fail to convey the message of the gospel to the deep yearnings of the men and women of today perfect modernism it can be taken word-for-word right out of papayas the tents posh nd the yearnings remember it's all about needs it's all about the needs of the people the yearnings of the men and women of the modern day that's where you'll find the faith in the yearnings of modern women of today okay that's where we've got to go it is worse to persist with structures that are out of touch with that he says this man is the quintessential modernist it isn't in his DNA adding women into the mix in terms of admitting them to ordination might be likened to pouring new wine into old wineskins for the church to flourish it is more crucial that we come to terms with the flaws of clericalism again in lockstep in locked mouths and locked jaw with with Frances the flaws of clericalism within the very structure of the church and moved beyond its patriarchal matrix so wants to leave behind the patriarchal makes it make matrix he talking about the priesthood he's talking about the idea of priests being father he says we've got to leave that behind the bishop prays to Francis for unleashing a new energy and pouring a new wine upon the church Pope Francis he says has unleashed a new energy he has poured a new wine which cannot be contained in old wineskins he said he added later in his talk that such new wine is leading to a quote transformation of the priesthood there is a better wine that the good Lord has prepared for us he says the new wine of God's unconditional love boundless mercy radical inclusivity and equality needs to be poured into new wineskins in other words the church itself must change the church is the old wineskin we have the new religion the new faith of the new wine but you can't pour that new wine a new religion a new faith into the old church you have to you have to get rid of the old wineskin we need the new wineskin of humility mutuality compassion and powerlessness the old wineskins of triumphalism authoritarianism and supremacy abetted by clerical power superiority and rigidity he says my goodness this man is channeling Francis he says that pope john paul ii he said reaffirmed in his encyclical ordinance CEO Satoru tallies the doctrine that a woman can never become a priest a teaching that Pope Francis's own choice for prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith recently said was infallible so this Bishop is saying there's an infallible statement or what is called infallible that women can never be priests he's dismissing that he's just simply dismissing that he's rejecting that whole idea despite two thousand years of influential Catholic female Saints he says Queens and Abbas's the papal encyclical on the dignity of women the perennial veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the prayerful participation of generations of women this Bishop belong believes that women have been excluded from the church made invisible in her language her liturgy her theology and even her canon law and he says so long as we continue to exclude women from the church's governance structures decision-making processes and institutional functions we deprive ourselves of the richness of our full humanity he said so long as we continue to make women invisible and inferior to our church's language liturgy theology and canon law we impoverish ourselves as if we saw or we heard only with one year and we saw with only one eye and we think or we thought with only one half of the brain and very often it has been proved it's been the lowest reptilian section thereof this is kind of curious this bishop lung says we're thinking with reptilian part of the brain if we're thinking in terms of patriarchal ISM and and we're thinking in terms of clericalism he associates that with thinking the way men think he says that's like the reptilian part of the brain curious that he brings this up because this is very much into the part of the occult if those those who know what I'm talking about understand very clearly those who don't it's too much to explain right now but here's what he says because this you know the reptilian section of the brain the lowest part of the brain that's responsible for your instinctual behavior you're a survival mode your desire for control and you know you just wonder if this whole culture of rigidity legalism triumphalism has been buttressed by this thinking of the reptilian brain where did they find this man well I'm afraid there are many others where he came from the point that I'm getting to in his talk though is this he says in the same speech long says that when the church is called the spotless bride of Christ this is a blatantly poor image for the Roman Catholic Church he says you can no longer refer to the church in this way he says how can you refer to the church in this way in light of the sexual abuse crisis how can we ever again think of the church as our Holy Mother the church as the spotless Bride of Christ he says this is all destroyed now and now you begin to understand the thinking of Francis and his co-conspirators to destroy that whole concept of the church as the spotless brighter Christ the immaculate spouse of Christ you
Channel: What Catholics Believe
Views: 36,414
Rating: 4.7892375 out of 5
Keywords: Abp. Viganò’s letter, media, destruction of the priesthood, clericalism, Synod on the Youth, Bp. Nguyen, hatred of Catholicism, homosexual cabal, homosexuals
Id: XhmSjdz0uIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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