3rd Secret of Fatima, the General Judgement, and a 2nd Great Flood?

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the following program was made possible by the generosity of those who have determined to hold fast to the true roman catholic religion as expounded by the roman catholic church before the disasters of vatican ii and the so-called new mass [Music] hello and welcome to what catholics believe i'm your host thomas nagley and with me tonight is father william jenkins he is a traditional catholic priest he's a member of the society of saint pius v and he's also the pastor of immaculate conception church right here in norwood ohio hello father how are you very fine tom thank you how are you doing good saving pretty good father great to be here great to be back with you we uh we've been making a lot of progress with the emails lately so i'd like to try and continue that trend if we could father and the first emails in regards to the third secret of fatima is from a very faithful viewer a great friend of the program and he says i believe that it is very possible that the third secret text that appears on the tradition in action website is in fact the real third secret of fatima in this text our lady says that rome will be destroyed 69 weeks from the year 1959 specifically after pius xii and before 1960 which would be 1959 the 69 weeks is a reference to the prophecy in daniel chapter 9 in which the prophet is given a revelation that christ would come in 60 69 weeks from the decree of the king to rebuild jerusalem i believe that our lady is in fact telling us that 69 years will elapse until the coming of the antichrist which would be in 2028 or 2029 daniel's prophecy is notable because it was written in such a way that it can refer both to christ and antichrist so father would you please give your opinion on this matter of the 69 weeks well it's rather esoteric but uh the weeks sometimes do refer to years in prophecies there's no doubt about that and uh it's an interesting correlation because of a statement made by a lady who was head of the british theological society i've mentioned this before you know the theosophical societies of england were established by uh elena petrovna blavatsky occultist a russian expatriate who moved to england back in the 1800s and she was very deeply into the occult long story i mean she basically invented what is the ouija board today as far as communicating with the dead and automatic writing and was into all kinds of occultic practices and um she believed there were ascended masters and the himalayas who were beaming thoughts throughout the world and basically the new world order was part of her part of her schtick i'd say also so um but she was she was uh succeeded by another occultist of course um by the name of annie bessant and um then andy bessant was succeeded by a woman named alice ann bailey and the reason i mentioned the theosophical societies is that monsignor robert hugh benson the great convert to the faith in england who wrote the book the lord of the world and published it in 1907 the same year that uh pope saint paul's attention encyclopedia against modernism came out but monsignor robert ew benson who had a bit of a prophetic uh uh ability himself i believe as you can when you when you read the lord of the world you can see that um said that he believed the antichrist would come out of the theosophical societies i don't know why he thought that i didn't explain it that i know of but he just voiced that opinion that the antichrist would be a product of the theosophical societies actually alison bailey and others in the theosophical societies believed there would be a world teacher they were forecasting a world teacher who would come into the world and basically teach the world its own the mankind its own divinity and that world teacher we're told is going to be coming into the world and uh basically preach the divinity of mankind uh the fulfillment of all the gnostic errors and heresies of history would all come basically out of his mouth um alessan bailey was asked once when she thought that the world teacher would come and she said at the rate things were going this was back in the 1920s i believe 1920s or 30s that she said this that she expected the the world teacher would come about the year 2025. so as you're reading that i thought it was kind of interesting how close that comes to the uh to the forecast of alice and bailey that the the world teacher the great gnostic teacher that all mankind as is god uh would come roughly in the same decade and probably in the same half of the same decade and also took me back to the what you might call a prophecy of saint paul's attempt himself and his first encyclical a supreme in 1903 actually october 4th 1903 when he said in the beginning of the encyclical his very first does he say that he was terrified to become the pope at the time because he feared that the antichrist might be already in the world or soon to come that was in 1903 that he wrote that so um you know there's a certain convergence here which is i find very interesting the reason i mention all of that is because uh you know no one can say that the gentleman is wrong in his analysis he could very well be right uh there are certain signs and indications as saint pius and tenth himself said that the antichrist would not be far off saint pius the tenth was referring to the sign of the great apostasy really he even explicitly referred his second thessalonians chapter two it is encyclical as a reason for his believing that the apostles the great apostasy was upon us even in his day at least the beginnings of it so um and he might have seen modernism as a major element of that apostasy also when he refers to modernism as the complexes of all heresies the gathering together of all heresies i mean what is apostasy but not to denial only of one truth of the faith or another but the denial of all the truths of the faith even a rapid a redefinition of the word faith which is exactly what he says modernism does it redefines the very word faith itself so um now we see vatican ii and we see the aftermath of vatican ii it all seems to be coming together doesn't it so i wouldn't be surprised but this uh gentleman is onto onto something and just adding adding another element to the overall picture and drawing that in in correlation to all the other things that may well be be on the right track and you think this um this world teacher that that alexander bailey spoke about that that is actually the the antichrist or is that some kind of i do because i believe that's exactly what he the antichrist will teach okay he'll be the the ultimate gnostic right um i mean gnosticism as we've talked about before uh there's a belief system that there's there's a certain hidden knowledge and occult knowledge that is the key to salvation you know and the salvation being that man achieves his own divinity we see in mormonism an echo of that we see in the uh in all the gnostic societies and all of the uh the kabbalistic societies jewish capitalism and and so we see we see all of this this mentality of the man being god right and rediscovering his divinity and uh if you if you look at the gnostic societies even in the world today this is their message that salvation for us is coming to the realization that we are god the gnostic societies even talk about uh three classes of human beings they're the gross materialists then they're the moralists really who believe we need to follow a moral law but then they are the spirituals the spiritualists are one who don't believe in religion and don't believe in morality because they are beyond that and they are the ones who now are discovering their own divinity and the next step for them would be actually to assem basically ascend into their own divinity that's their salvation but one has to go through those three stages to come to the point where you're beyond religion where you're beyond you're not religious you're spiritual you're beyond morality and moral constraints because those actually come from the evil god in the sense you're freeing yourself from those things and so you are discovering that you in fact are god and have been god all along just imprisoned in a material world that you're escaping and ascending now to your rightful place and that as more and more human beings realize their divinity their their passing from this world and coalescing now they're coalescing into god and god is in a sense being reassembled so to speak from all of these sparks of the divinity a modernism you can see how modernism would actually lend itself to that understanding too saint paulus the tenth himself pointed out in beschendi that when the monarch says that we know that the divine the divine through our we experience the divine we experience the divine within us that's the monitor's teaching we actually experience the divine within ourselves and he says the modernists don't always make a distinction as to whether that divine is something distinct from ourselves or is just ourselves but they all say we're experiencing the divine within ourselves and uh that again would would just coupled perfectly with gnosticism wow so uh the divine uh the the the world teacher is supposed to come and finally ascend the world stage with that one message really that mankind is god and now is rediscovering its divinity um and that is going to liberate mankind from its servitude and bondage put to a false god whom we know is actually the blessed trinity father son of holy ghost who is the true god but this is satan's work this is his message this is his answer to the original temptation that works so well to eve eat of the fruit defy god and you will be as god yourself uh when when you've said god said that if we eat of this fruit of the knowledge the knowledge the knowledge of good and evil we will die and satan lucifer's answer was no no no god knows that if you eat of this fruit you will be a judge god if you eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will be as god knowing good and evil you will be as god and that is why god wanted you not to eat of that fruit because he wants to keep you in servitude he wants to keep you in bondage he doesn't want you your eyes to be opened and you to realize that you too are god well satan is still playing the same message isn't he he's still playing the same message he's i guess he finds that it works very well for creatures like us we i kind of like that message and we bite and then the eyes are opened and we sign we find out uh to our much to our regret not necessarily to our repentance but to our regret that we make very poor gods and we are not god we are creatures and often well we are fallen creatures and sinful creatures and we need a loving god to redeem us okay then uh and then by unfortunately we have a loving god okay um the next email father is rather interesting it's all the way from brazil it's uh from a franciscan religious brother this man identifies himself as one he uh first of all he apologizes for the for the bad english but he says that unfortunately here in brazil we have a lot of problems because a good number of uh faithful that form the so-called resistance uh in quotes are inclined towards nazism as if hitler and his way of governing were some kind of model for catholics they ignore all the paganism uh in which it is based and the national socialism and the condemnations that the church has made and not only this rather but most of them also support fascism and say openly that pius xii was a liberal so he asked father he says that you are a very known person in traditionalism and if you could say some words about this theme it would help us a lot to solve the problem he also says that he is contacting other well-known clarets asking them to do the same well this is very sad i'm so sorry to hear that because the catholic church has condemned bolshevism world socialism and but the catholic church has condemned also national socialism nazism is absolutely condemned fascism is uh kind of a special form kind of a subset of the same tyranny uh the domination of the state by the state rather and uh a false nationalism that would demonize the nation and even divinize the race as though that is our ultimate identity rather than being you know creatures of god almost as though we're creatures of the state we don't exist for god we exist for the state uh we exist for the nation we exist for the race right what could be more the um the message of communism than that to exist for the collective that you have no personal individual value other than what you can do for the state uh for the society for the commune or community in which you live and again it all again falls back into the whole mentality of the great reset of the of the so-called future if there is a future with that so any case tom this is very sad i mean this has all been absolutely condemned by the church as a form of idolatry and uh i mean i've noticed that there are some elements in uh that have gotten into among traditional catholics who seem to have found a a voice there not not a great voice because they're many most traditional catholics would be horrified at this and would recognize that this is not catholicism but you know what it actually reminds me of essentially just talking about gnosticism in the early days of the church the gnostics were trying to wheedle their way in with their doctrines they were trying to get some kind of an opening and a hearing among the christians to get their gnostic doctrines accepted the gnostics even went so far in their efforts to try to infiltrate traditional real catholicism of the earliest centuries by producing these false gospels and false scriptures and attributing them whoever wrote these things attributing them to saint thomas the apostle or a tribbling from saint peter the or mary magdalene i mean there are these false gospels read about as the apocryphal gospels of the gnostics and the church knew where they came from when the catholic church and it was the catholic church that decided and decreed authoritatively what books belonged in the bible what books were actually inspired by god and belonged in the canon of sacred scripture the church knowingly wisely actually infallibly excluded these fake gospels but they were produced by the gnostics in order to insinuate their gnostic teachings as though christ were some kind of a gnostic teacher like bardezanez or one of their other you know like like moniz himself you know a new manas uh starting to whom the manikins trace their origins the matakians who deceived saint augustine for a number of years right all of this was circulating back then all of this was trying to suborn the church all of it was trying to infect and to you know corrupt the teaching of the church and make of christ simply another gnostic guru and i i see this kind of similar process going on now with the traditional catholics where these agents of nazism uh they might as well be out and out communists too because the idea of fascism being on the right extreme right and socialists and so on being on the extreme left is a complete lie and it's it's set up to control our thoughts so we don't see that these things are are one of the same essentially boil them down to their their essentials and they're the same just domination by the state to control the lives and the not only the actions the words and the very thoughts of every man one woman and child subject to them and everything is corporate everything is collective the they destroy the individual uh with the individual you know individual soul individual uh responsibility before god now you're responsible only to one thing and that is to the state the party the collective that's what you're responsible for that's why you exist to serve that um so again it is something entirely godless except insofar as you redefine god as the state the collective the party the the society in which you live you know that alone gives you purpose that alone gives you value um this is completely antithetical to um the very fundamental most fundamental concept of christianity catholicism they're i they're the same right um uh that is the individual person is created by god in a unique act to create this person and this unique person uh in in god's image and likeness and that life has a value unto itself right it's not the state or the collective or anyone else in the world who gives value to the life of that person that's we live in a society uh that is known abortion the tragedy the travesty of abortion in which the mother is going has to assign the value to the life of the child she conceives that is emblematic of the society of the of communist society in which the individual life of a person depends upon what value is put on that person by somebody else and uh but in in our faith the life of the the value of the life the person is put in the person by god himself who creates that soul in his own image like this and destined not only for justification but glorification and sanctification on earth glorification in heaven so i'm i'm just um so dismayed to hear this that in south america you say um that these neo-gnostic is what i would consider them fascists and and uh leftists are trying to insinuate their way into the traditional catholic faith there and they will corrupt it destroy it if they're allowed the traditional catholics there have to recognize them for what they are denounce them and absolutely resist resist them in every way absolutely okay next i'd like to know more about that so if there's more information to be had i'd like to know what's going on here sure yeah absolutely we can do that um okay then the next one father uh this viewer says uh that's he has a question regarding the ceremonial laws of the old testament uh relating to the catholic church's ceremonial practices so he asked do the ceremonial laws of the old testament uh differ to the to the catholic traditions in keeping of certain holy days incense and bells and candles and fastings etc and many other traditions of the church he says obviously catholics do not hold circumcision and dietary laws as st paul has stated although many modernists will claim that you do not need these things anymore because of the new law founded by christ universally most still view the moral laws as still an effect but how should a traditional catholic respond to those who think that the church's traditions are not necessary anymore and that they are too similar to the old ceremonial jewish laws well i guess i've never heard anyone presented quite that way so i'd have to i haven't really thought about that too much right so if i understood correctly here uh they're saying that that there are those who claim that the church's ceremonies have too many elements from the old testament ceremonies and they should be abolished but they're suggesting others are saying yes it's my understanding okay well i had never heard it but i put that way frankly uh i've never had anyone put it to me that way anyway that the church's ceremonies have too many elements of the old testament of course we we realize that the elements of old testament ceremonies and so on were basically prophecies and figures of the coming of our lord right and if someone were to say to me well we should take part in seder meals and passover meals i would say no we shouldn't that is all finished by christ in his very uh participation in these things uh he was fulfilling them once and for all and bringing them to an end because he was the fulfillment of these things but um i i guess but what i'm really wondering is i'm trying to work out my mind exactly what old testament ceremonies he's referring to or they're referring to when they talk to him and saying this should be discontinued that should be discontinued i mean give me some examples of exactly what he's talking about here are there certain old testament ceremonial elements that are preserved he mentions incense right but we do preserve those i've never heard anybody say we shouldn't be using incense because they use it in the old testament someone might say well we shouldn't use incense because it was burned before pagan idols i suppose i've never heard anybody say since they used it the old testament it shouldn't be used after all when you read the book of the apocalypse you read about the the elders the crowns the censors you read about the insensations in heaven right we read about how these represent the prayers of the saints you read about the odor of sweetness of sacrifice rising up before god in the old testament but we see these things mirrored in the in the liturgy in heaven in the book of the apocalypse or what some call the book of revelations so how one could read the book of the last book of the bible not the last one written actually the second last book of the bible the apocalypse the revelation the gospel of saint john was the last book actually written as saint james jerome testifies but if you see the liturgy as it is portrayed there the the heavenly liturgy it uses these elements so how can one argue that all of these things should be discontinued um now one might say well of course in heaven there's no incense in heaven right i mean not earthly resin that we get from trees and and so on well no i mean i would have to agree you know but to realize that those represent the prayers of the saints even in heaven rising before god and then to mirror that on earth and to show those elements in our earthly worship of god there's nothing wrong with that so i'm just puzzled why someone would have checked to all of that okay uh as long as one realizes that the the uh figures of the old testament with regard to our lord the paschal lamb and so on have been fulfilled in our lord and we don't need to keep repeating and figure what we have in fact and that is the real presence of christ in the blessed sacrament as far as the other elements i don't see why one would argue against them really do you no the only i mean i think um he mentions the um some of the dietary laws he calls them and circumcision and things like that um well even the dietary laws i mean uh we we eat pork right i mean but red blooded catholic doesn't eat bacon and enjoy bacon you know so we don't follow the dietary laws of the old testament maybe he's talking about fasting and abstinence but we do eat fish we eat crustaceans right um but he might they might be thinking of fasting but i don't know that he mentions fasting exactly but i mean our lord himself says to his apostles there are certain kinds of evil spirits that can be cast out only by prayer and fasting so our lord actually endorses the practice as something very pleasing to god is a it's adding mortification uh and sacrifice to fast to prayer when you add that when you make that that connection between prayer and sacrifice you've got a very powerful combination there as our lord himself testifies so i can't imagine somebody arguing that you know christians should leave fasting itself behind um so i mean i guess i'm just looking for some more and better examples that they might people who might approach him would try to make a case that we should eliminate any old testament practices from from the sacred liturgy okay all right then the next email's rather heartfelt father so i'd just like to read through this and um and get your response to it and your advice for this viewer she says that i would like to join the catholic church but i do not know enough to even know if i'm being lied to she says i have read everything i can for about a year now concerning vatican ii and the novus ordo and um etc father jenkins videos make so much sense to me but i am not sure how to apply what he teaches into finding a chapel with what i think i know the novus ordo churches around us will not do we live in a very liberal city and we cannot leave for a few years i'm not sure if we should just pinch our nose and join the local liberal parish that seems insane i cry just thinking of that you have to pinch your nose close your eyes and plug your ears yes be insane but she says i do not know where to turn father she says i think the devil is trying to keep us away from something good i do not want to be a heretic i do not want to cause any problems i just want my children and myself and my spouse to be baptized and to be saved from the fires of hell she says i'm feeling a lot of pressure on my soul to get my family baptized i'm not catholic and i'm just just not sure how to go about this father so any advice for this suffering soul well um i can see the quandary that steers steer souls in and if i knew where he or she lived i might know of a real reliable traditional catholic priest um that to whom we could direct this individual you know and then he or she would not hopefully have to fear being lied to or have the faith misrepresented um i'd like to send a copy of the catechism if the person doesn't already have a copy of the chest and they could attain they can obtain certain things online the traditional catholic catechism they can obtain uh even a copy of the catechism of the council trent which is the the gold standard right um and uh also the traditional catholic missile to know what the mass and sacraments are they can watch the mass online the traditional mass online and see what it is but ideally they'd find a traditional catholic priest within a traveling distance of them where they could go and actually sit down learn the faith and receive the sacraments so let's find out where they are and see if we can't help them find somebody in the desert you know absolutely okay meanwhile we'll certainly pray for them yes we do pray for those who do email us and ask these questions so even if we're not getting to answer your questions right away you're still being prayed for and remembered at the holy sacrifice of the mass so you can count on that yes absolutely okay next email this viewer says as we know the sodomite perversion is condemned in both the old and new testaments additionally the church has branded sodomy as one of the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance so why didn't our lord himself during his incarnation directly condemn the sodomite perversion i think you didn't need to really in the sense that in those days i think it was considered to be perverted i think it was universally considered to be perverted right god's judgment on sodom and gomorrah i think was a very um present reality in the minds of the people i mean the ruins of sodom and gomorrah were still was still within day's journeys these people uh no i think they they saw how evil this was and realized that's that it was not only perversion but it was something that would be punished severely not tolerated because it was considered to be so evil but our lord does reference sodom and gomorrah right and he he actually does say that's rather interesting he says woe to you he says woe to he was talking about cities of uh that were extended in his own time he was talking about societies that were actually on the face of the face of the earth uh during his own time and he said woe to them because if the signs and wonders uh that had been for performed in you that you've witnessed had been done in sodom and gomorrah they would have repented um so he brings up examples of god's judgment destructive judgment against these peoples including sodom and gomorrah and says very clearly that if if they those people who were destroyed for their perversions and terrible crimes if they had seen what you had seen and or seen if you had heard what you had heard they would have repented and you haven't so you can expect far worse if we can uh interpret our lord's word that way and i think we can remember the woes our lord pronounced them right woe to you he says and for that very reason because he was there personally and he was preaching personally the son of god and working miracles among them and he did in fact reference that destruction and tom the fact that our lord referenced that destruction i think his testimony to the fact that those people knew they knew what had happened and they knew god's judgment how severe it was no i don't think our lord needed to single that out i mean our lord did not read down the list of sins all over again you know but he had come was to condemn the sinfulness of that age and including the leaders of his own people who were leading others astray and our lord did condemn the adultery of the even of the pharisees and the scribes and the sadducees right in putting their wines away and taking other wives in divorce right that they had perverted god's law and we talked about that before right how they used moses as a cover uh for their own essentially for their own adultery even as they were stoning others death for adultery right but uh no i i don't think we need to wonder too much why our lord didn't condemn that i think he did in fact implicitly condemn the sin of solomon the sin of gomorrah even in making this reference saying you can expect even worse all right uh this next viewer he um mentions a sermon given here at immaculate conception and he says that the the priest references the final judgment and um he mentions uh that all of humanity from adam to the present day all the living and all the dead will be judged at the second coming so my question is when we die and go to purgatory in heaven or hell are we not already judged the priest mentioned that saints will stand with the condemned and we are then re-judged is that true father the saints will stand with the condemned to be re-judged at the second coming to be re-judged well i don't know who the priest is i did not i never said anything about re-judgment or anything like that right yeah somebody's reading into that clearly in his own words but the fact is that when we die we will be judged and that's true that's called the particular judgment and at that particular judgment each and every one of us will know the rightness or wrongness of the decisions we've made based upon our love for god or our lack of love for god that is a rejection of god's love that's sin right and we will know god's justice and mercy with regard to ourselves personally and our that knowledge will be absolute that we will have complete knowledge of god's judgment of all that we've thought said done and all the decisions we've made and we will acknowledge the perfection of god's judgment judgment and mercy towards ourselves personally individually but that's not the end of it all because there's much more to it and that is what will be accomplished at the last judgment when we will learn the justice and mercy of god with regard to every single human being he ever created and we will learn there how god judges everyone so when i die and i go before the judgment seat of god i will know god's judgment of me personally and i will know that perfectly and i will stand it i will accept it perfect perfectly i will have no argument to the contrary but i will not know and i will not understand god's judgment about everyone else well at the last judgment i will be given to know and understand god's judgment about every other human being and so everything will be resolved and either in heaven or in hell forever i will have to acknowledge the perfect mercy as well as the perfect justice of god toward every single creature and that will complete my understanding and my actually that will complete my glorification in heaven with that knowledge and i can praise god and love him with you know out reservation with all of my questions being answered or in hell to have to deal with the fact that i see god's perfect justice and perfect mercy even in the fact that i'm in hell and not only that i'm there but that anybody else is there anyone else everyone else who's there i will understand that god is merciful and god is just perfectly um you see they're not the same thing and i will not be rejudged and no one will be re-judged at the last judgment as though it's going to be like well let's let's review all these cases again now we've got everybody together again okay you know let's call witnesses and have a big proceeding here not nothing of a kind it the judgment of each individual soul has taken place and now i will know what that is and you will too everyone will know um so anyway i hope that clarifies things a bit right it's as though it's not complete the judgment is not complete until that moment uh in the sense that it is complete for god but god wants me to know and each and every one of us to know right his judgments and um god wants each and every one of us to know his justice and his mercy and we will okay then um perhaps this can be the last email father i know we had another topic that we wanted to get to but this well we can bring that up at the end sure yeah yeah this um this viewer says in talking with people who have an unreasonable trust in the media and democrats i find that they also have an unreasonable hatred of president trump what is the best way to approach people like this who are otherwise somewhat reasonable well you know that's actually a fairly good question because i've uh have you encountered people oh yes absolutely and so yeah and and it's just um it's irrational i mean but you can see why i mean if you watched nothing but cnn in msnbc and you were subject to the constant constant propaganda right right about the trump monster and all the rest all these terrible things he caged cages troll immigrant children tears the families apart but you never hear the rest of the story they don't tell you that obama was the one who started all this and they're actually just trying to well when among other things make sure that the youngster is coming through are their children you know to begin with and not being trafficked and so on you never hear the the rest of the story you know it's always couch one of the worst possible terms and i think that would be enough to convince anybody it's like brainwashing and is there anything any brainwashing there's no it's not rational it's just this this uh just sort of uh letric reaction just a programmed reaction it's almost like paso pavlov's dogs salivating at the sound of a bell uh it's not there's no thought involved it's all passion that dictates this and uh you know how do you reason with the irrational how do you reason with the anti-rational i mean one might say okay look you're you're just going on and on and on here with all it's in invective against donald trump and by the way no nobody is that i know of is trying to canonize donald trump nobody considers him to be a paragon of great christian virtue necessarily there are people i know who speak highly of him for personal traits and there are others who don't speak so highly of with regard to personal traits especially with regard to the past uh but that's neither here nor there what you think of him personally okay but these these folks are just all about what they think about him personally and so you're asking well what exactly are you speaking of okay can you give me examples you're speaking in generalities and you're condemning him for being a bad bad man you know who does these all these terrible things and um what what exactly are you referring to you know we we generally as certainly as catholics but anybody even nominally christian would have to acknowledge that there has to be some evidence of a crime before you start telling everybody that somebody's a criminal so what exactly what exactly has he done and when i've asked people that what exactly is it that um makes his orange man bad and they have a hard time you know zeroing in on any one individual thing it's just that he's bad he's bad he's just bad so he must be guilty of all these terrible things because he's just bad and you know you can make the point with him well you know in order to make that judgment you need to have some specific accusations to make and that are not only just suspicions not rash suspicions and rash judgments you need to know he's actually guilty of some crimes moral or civil crimes well they might say well he incited that a riot you know to the insurrection to take over the the government because he knows that he lost and he incited all these lies about fraud and so on and say well have you looked into evidence well there is no evidence say well well how do you know this well all these courts decided that he there was no evidence say well actually the courts just didn't even look at the evidence that's what they refused to hear the case on the grounds that they said he had no standing that's not saying there is no evidence but the contrary they're just saying well we're not even willing to look at evidence okay so i mean you you can say these things and you can actually ask them to check it out and they can check it out and find out that you're you're right but it doesn't change he's bad and there's there there must be things terrible terrible things that he's done and no matter what they try to bring up uh you can actually show that it is bunk that you can debunk what they say even if especially if you get them to go and check it out but i i found anyway tom most of them are not interested in checking anything out they just they don't care they don't care because they're they're comfortable well hating him they are i mean they've been taught hatred and uh this is the thing about the modern day you know good is bad up is down uh everything is the reverse that's what perversion is called you know and hate is love and love is hate it's 1984. we're living 1984 right now we're living a novel right where uh newspeak has taken hold in the media and we are hateful because we say white things and they are not hateful when they burn things to the ground that's love attacking burning assaulting that's what love does now and hating donald trump that's love that's not hate so um it's there's a reason why they call it trump derangement syndrome and i i would tend to think that your conversations if they're called conversations with people who have that that you can see why they would call it trump derangement syndrome because it's not something rational right that's your experience too i imagine yes yes yeah so if the person is asking how do we deal with that it's like saying well how do you reason with what is uh essentially unreasonable and is actually built upon the rejection of reason which is the amount which is the result of brainwashing and indoctrination right by the mainstream media today you'd almost have to de-program them you'd almost have to de-program them because they're programmed how do you do that they're all manchurian candidates well i am not really into deprogramming i don't necessarily even recommend it you know because i it can be so terribly abused you know but uh in any case i think they're programmed to just react that way thoughtlessly mindlessly hatefully okay so and not because i you know think donald trump is perfect it's just that i think he has tried to do some very good things you know and uh but they're things that cross the leftists and so he has to be demonized they have demonized him yeah all right then uh father this last topic i wanted to get into um francis we uh we haven't haven't really covered too much too much francis on the program uh as as of late but i have an article here from breitbart the title is pope francis warns of second great flood from global warming says pope francis has warned of the possibility of a second great flood like that of noah's time if humanity fails to address global warming and apparently uh father this is from a book that is uh scheduled to be released on tuesday today actually the book is titled of vices and virtues and uh the article provides a few quotes father um we could we could go through all of them explaining uh the many many um i don't even know the right word to use to explain some of these things but but the quote here father he says fantasies of francis he says a great flood perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of the glaciers is what will happen now if we continue along the same path so father what's your reaction to this what do you think of francis warning of a second great flood well it depends on whether or not you believe sacred scripture and divine revelation if you believe a sacred scripture and divine revelation instead of the fantastic fantasies of francis then you have to hear the words of god after noah and when god promised that never again would he destroy the world by flood and it was made very clear and god said i will set my bow in the clouds the rainbow right as a reminder of a covenant that i have with you it was actually a covenant that god entered into with the remainder of the human race that he would not destroy the world by flood again francis evidently does not believe that it's just one of many things of divine revelation that francis questions or denies outright and it will be interesting to see how the apologists for francis and i'm talking about the conservative novus ordos who insist that francis must be the pope no matter what and you must not dare question it again how they will distort and corrupt the idea of the papacy itself how they will attack the catholic understanding of the papacy in order to somehow avoid questioning francis but to make the papacy fit francis they're not making francis fit the papacy they're trying to they're they're a jolting adulting uh sorry adjusting and adulterating the papacy in order to somehow make it fit francis and his denials of not only catholic dogmas but of divine revelation itself but eventually they have to get to the conclusion where at least they in practice act as though francis is not the successor of peter only not even only the successor of christ but somehow they have to see francis as the successor of god who is able to counterband god's own orders and now predict that despite god's own word revealed in the book of genesis that god is contemplating striking the world with the flood because of global warming now how that would be explained francis might say well when god made that promise that he's not going to destroy the world with a flood he probably you know wasn't aware of what we're going to do with this global warming and so you know obviously he could he changed his mind right so maybe he's more like allah i mean after all francis says they'll worship the same god so maybe he's thinking more of god as allah who can do that because allah you know is very quick silence about very willful about the things he does and he very changeable but the concept of god the father god the son of god the holy ghost the catholic concept of god it does not allow that you know um there are no contradictions in god or by god okay uh god is the god who can neither deceive nor be deceived he is the god who is infinite truth right so when we read sacred scripture and divine revelation we take it seriously and say this is the word of god and this is true god will not destroy the world by flood rather we read in the new testament uh that the world will be destroyed finally as by fire that that will be the agent's ancient of the world's destruction uh and may very end by our own hands you know so um you know francis is not a catholic he doesn't believe as a catholic he doesn't even believe as a christian even in the broad sense of the term it doesn't believe um in dogma itself as unchangeable truth and i think this is simply a a manifestation of that concerning francis and i think those who follow him follow him at their own peril but he's you know tom it amazed me you know there was a great deal of talk about election fraud and i think you might have just brought it up at some point yourself here and um there were those who believed that fraud was taking place in pennsylvania and in georgia and arizona and so on we're trying to follow the trail okay they're trying to follow the trail of the fraud the digital fraud that was kind of the the the massive side of the fraud other than the manipulation of ballots in polling and polling places or balloting places in these various states there is the question of dominion and scorecard and all the digital things that they found that these computers were actually online and therefore subject to manipulation not only subject to manipulation during the election balloting within this country but also from servers in other countries and it's interesting to see the development as they as they researched and they followed the line they followed the line and they finally came to italy where leonardo in italy was seen as one of the main culprits in the online manipulation of the ballot count and then to the vatican they took it right to the vatican which would be francis's home turf there obviously but notice as soon as it went there it was shut down that was the end of it it was shut down all this discussion by the social media this was all raging all that time until the finger was pointed at the vatican and all of a sudden everything went dark like somebody threw a switch you can't go there and we have every reason to believe that francis has everything to do with biden being elected that he that he personally i mean can i prove it now but you know as far as the things that he was saying leading up to that election for years leading up the election the things that were pulled uh the chicanery that was pulled in the days before the election or the weeks before the election by francis with his encyclical and so on and the working working through the united states conference of catholic bishops and so on as far as influencing the election here in the states talk about collusion it is very credible let's put it this way it is very credible that yes the vatican was pulling some strings here uh with regard to the election of the current resident of the white house right um and then that's that's the one the one uh shall we say um element of the election fraud that could not be allowed to go any farther and so that's when they shut shut down any such discussion right and made it like a mortal sin to even talk about it anymore right did you notice this did you notice the same thing yeah i'm sure i'm not the only one to notice this so um yeah i think uh francis has a lot uh shall we say um a lot of a lot of skeletons in the closet there uh and uh still has more skeletons there than it even appeared to us right someday when i when i go for judgment i will know my own personal merits and demerits in the eyes of god but at the last judgment to return to a former theme here at the show there are going to be a lot of things revealed there and that's when i can actually uh pay attention to them because at the particular judgment my my entire concern will be about how i am judged but that will be settled with the last judgment and then i will be able to see at that last general judgment how god judges all of this and well we then we will know that we will know yeah well father can we perhaps end on a positive note do you have any words of encouragement for us we know how it turns out right right our lord says i've overcome the world have confidence he continually rebuked his apostles for a lack of faith and for their fearfulness and our lord would rebuke us too for being fearful where is our faith why is our faith not greater why we not have absolute absolute faith and confidence in his power and his love and his victory and go forth boldly and confront all of these things you know that's why we're in this situation we're in right now because we haven't been willing to do that we've just been so meek and so mild in the face of attacks on our faith our lord our church our country we consider that to be almost virtuous to but it's it's actually not prudence it's a lack of fortitude and a lack of fortitude tracks the bold to a lack of faith and so we need to uh well papaya is the tenth in the encyclical on modernism said that the chief characteristics of the modernists were audacity and pride okay well we need a certain fortitude and faith to counter their audacity and their pride and our faith and confidence and the fact that we're right comes not from our us but our faith in christ we believe he is the way the truth and the life so if somebody says to us well you say this and what makes you think you're right and you say because it's not my doctrine it's him who sent me as our lord said it's jesus christ i believe that he is the son of god and i believe him and that gives me the conviction that this is right not because i think it's right but because i believe it is his word he is my confidence i have no confidence in myself at all we need to have that faith and we don't have it unfortunately we don't show it you know but if we had that faith then it would engender a real fortitude then to confront the audacity of those who deny him and those who hate him and those who attack him we need that fortitude but that but the fortitude has to draw from a very deep faith and we've got to pray for a strong strong faith we've got to set the example of faith we've got to set the example of faith for our children faith is the kind of faith that does not cower at the bottom of a boat in the storm faith is the kind of faith that peter showed and second in second chapter of the book acts of the apostles when this man who was terrified by a servant girl questioning saying this man was also one of them that this peter goes out and boldly proclaims that jesus christ is the messiah that he is the redeemer that he is the savior to all of the people of jerusalem what a transformation overcame him we need that transformation we need to that same transformation to overcome our timidity our terrors our lack of faith in christ and uh to get out there and boldly proclaim what we believe it's no virtue we can't hide behind that false prudence anymore that's mere timidity now the time has come to be very bold in our faith for christ and humbled enough to accept the consequences out of love for him right that's what it takes absolutely well father thank you for being here tonight appreciate your time and i know all of our emailers do as well so thank you okay tom thank you also i appreciate it no problem thanks to all of our viewers for watching this episode of what catholics believe until next time we ask that you all remember the words of our lady at fatima to consecrate yourselves and your families to the immaculate heart of mary and to pray and do penance thank you and god bless you you
Channel: What Catholics Believe
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Id: pDx_OKr_gAw
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Length: 65min 9sec (3909 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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