Clearing trees for my 900 foot long driveway!!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay this is the first of a video series that has the potential to go on for the rest of my life I'm out here today at my farm and we are going to be starting to clear the rest of my driveway I've got a driveway that comes down off the road probably I'd say about 800 feet or so already to where my truck set and and it's got to continue that way towards that wood pile another maybe thousand feet it's gonna be a pretty lengthy driveway so we've got a lot of trees to cut I think a couple wet spots to probably fill in with a big pile of rock I got out there in the field [Music] so there's gonna be a lot of work going on and first thing I think I'm gonna start to do is start to get a brush fire going well [Applause] [Applause] [Music] started just like a normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] once you get that good pile of coals going you just keep bad - it'll keep burning no matter Greenwood wet wood whatever it'll burn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got the hole all greased up and a couple mold but toys moved out of the way got my fire going pretty good here so we can keep loading [Music] all right you probably can't see it just yet I'm gonna walk up here a little closer there's a pink ribbon on this tree and what the pink ribbon is is a target for me to hit I've walked back and forth between I want to end in the starting point here four or five times a time gripping on trees and straighten the path try to get the straightest route possible I caught it straight enough now where I want to start there's the river it [Music] I've got those scattered from here to kingdom come and I want to just try and clear an open shot to those ribbons so I can see even straighter and my ultimate goal is I want to make this driveway so straight that when you look down it you can see from one end of the other even though it's going to be very far away in the dense woods so that's the goal [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] protip pulling things out by the roots shake fish get out of it all hey you're gonna need to fill it all the holes hold it out be when you go to burn this country burns out while you're there dirt in it [Music] something else I forgot to mention earlier preliminary pass so I can get a shot on the driveway right now city or upset I can see this from this pink mark in front of me two more marks back where I came from so I'm pretty straight back that way up ahead here I can barely even see the next mark you can see it hickory tree but see I'm just taking out the thin crappy underbrush trees great now the ones I don't mind losing to get me a better shot of patience ain't straight the reason I want the driveway straight as possible is because hey it looks nice and be every time you make a turn you're adding more gravel so the straightest route is gonna give you the straightest been least amount of grab while I to put into this driveway so it's gonna be bad enough as it is then I'll need to make it worse for some turns what else was I gonna say so anyway yeah I'm leaving the big trees I know that a lot of them are gonna have to come out just looking back from where I've come from but uh [Music] I'll take those down when I'm absolutely certain I've got the straightest path possible so like this Hickory is gonna have to come out looking at the way it does now but I'm gonna keep clearing all the thin stuff and get me a good line of sight before I yank it cuz that's a nice nice straight hickory tree honestly that could probably be sent to the milk all right so my little system here seems to be working pretty good because now that I've got a lot of this weird the small stuff cleared I'm looking down where we started from and I'm in a pretty decent straight line I can see my canoes sitting way down there the end it's bright red that's close to the starting point I think my starting points are a little little left but now it's when I turn like this I can see a pink ribbon straight ahead of me which is where I believe I need to be heading and there's also one to my right I think I'm just gonna disregard the one to my right because I think it's out of line and I think I'm gonna keep going for the distant one I can see so we're gonna walk down here and make sure that distant one is in line with the one after that I did all this in the fall when there was no foliage out for the hopes of being able to see better better straight line and now that I'm coming through here and thinning things out you can definitely see a lot better I'm thinking I'm on pretty good track here so the good and the bad news of this is that yes I have a couple marks over here that are off out of line but the mark that is in line is in a really wet spot that I kind of was hoping that we weren't going through so I guess we'll clear up - it may be even clearer right through it and get a better idea and make sure we're straight on and go from there that's all I can do okay I just pushed over this I don't know 12 14 inch cherry one of the bigger ones I've taken down today and the only reason I even took it down is because it's right here at the end so I'm close to the end right now if you can see those double ribbons on that cherry tree up there that is the end that's it was where my goal was to get to you today I made it through the preliminary sweep I did get into a little bit of a curve down here at the end so I'm gonna have to go up through here and do some more clear and take some of this curve out give me a straight line of sight so it all works out good though cuz I mean I want to thin all this forest out anyway it's a pretty overgrown pretty dense with a lot of saplings and stuff like that you know it's all there good trees good hard with because they're so tight they grow weird angles and fall on top of each other and fight for fight for the Sun so they end up all tangled up and just ugly anyway so the more I thin this out the better than healthier this wood stands gonna beat but let me cut this thing up real quick so I can move it out of the way and then as you can see next in my bucket that's a pretty good-sized root ball to cut that up [Music] [Music] see if I can't get this root ball flipped over flip this root ball over break that last stick off because I couldn't cut it all the way because playing in the dirt flip that over and shake it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right day to me working on my driveway here and it is rained for the last two days not non-stop but pretty good bit last night with some pretty heavy rains but uh I've got the time to be doing it so I feel like I need to be out here working on this I'm not gonna run the dozer in here today because it's just too wet but the hoe can do a good bit of work without tearing up everything as much so my driveway I was doing the preliminary clear through just to get a better line of sight and keep my driveway as straight as possible and after I did my preliminary clear I had a pretty good little bend in it at the end so right now I'm working on thinning out some more underbrush and crowded trees to get me my better line of sight so that I can make this thing perfectly straight [Music] [Music] okay I got a the new path cleared and I'm pretty sure I'm almost dead nuts on it's such a long distance even standing here trying to eyeball it like standing in the middle I'm pretty sure I'm on both ends like I'm pretty sure right now I'm standing in about the center of the road but uh I'm gonna get out the ye olde string line and pull it from one end to the other and see what kind of skew we got going on okay got my string Line hope this one's long enough I'm gonna fix it to the starting point and tree here and I'm gonna start walking that way towards the end point and hopefully this string it's pretty darn close to straight I think there's maybe one or two trees that are in my way down here [Music] all right well I don't know how many feet are in a brand new string line like this but this one ran out maybe a little more than halfway I don't know if you can see that orange mark down there but I gotta walk back to the truck and hope I have another one I'm pretty sure I do getting my exercise on this job I scored another string line from my truck but now I gotta walk clear back down to where that string line right now got my string tied onto the next string line praying I have enough to make it down there [Music] [Applause] so I got my string Line pulled out tightened up anybody that's ever pulled a string line over a long distance knows that they just like the snag on just about everything so I had to walk back through here a couple times and give it up off the snags and pulled tight again so it's kind of hanging where it once too you know and sure enough I've still got a few trees you're gonna have to come out all right Dave three for the driveway project back out here bright and early this morning it didn't rain last night so hopefully it's a little drier for me today let's get this I just fueled up the hoe topped off the hydraulic oil and let's get it greased up and good work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm about to take down the last tree that's on my stream line here pop this guy down and make sure to walk the string line one last time and make sure there's nothing touching it I'm gonna try and set you in my lap here so you can see all right I've got the string line completely cleared there is nothing touching the line anywhere all right we're right here at the end of the straight part of the driveway there's my orange Marco Damon for so I got these two trees right here to take down and I'm gonna go back through and start taking out my centerline trees and then I'll pull the string line again and then pull ten foot with a tape measure each side of Center make sure I got everything I think there's gonna be a few trees after that will come out but that should be it will be ready to doze it up let's knock out these couple big trees here and then get her down [Music] [Music] [Music] alright I finally got the complete run a straight line from start to finish done I'm gonna pull my string line one last time and then we'll measure off a string line to make sure we got 10 feet each side right now I want a 20 foot right away for right now and then in the future if I need to I can go down one side and make it about 30 feet wide just if you're carrying something real wide down this driveway for whatever reason logs or whatever said be nice but I don't want to take out any more trees and a half through right now so this is looking good I just made a couple passes over it with a dozer smooth it up so I can pull this string line out in it maybe not get stuck on a little twig every two feet so it doesn't look that far away standing here but I tell you what you start walking you get about halfway or like holy crap that's four so let's pull the string one okay here's our string lunch strung out all the way from end to end perfectly straight this time it's down around my ankles right where I'm standing here in the middle but it's actually like six feet hung in the tree and pulled pretty darn tight at both sides just how long overrun it is it droops down that four so anyway it's getting late I'm gonna head in for tonight but tomorrow what I'm gonna do is take a tape measure and pull ten feet each side and make sure I'm clear only thing it's time to wrap up this video it's getting pretty long just like my driveway but uh I think what I'm gonna end up doing is shrinking down my right away I kept saying I wanted 20 feet wanted 20 feet from the center but I think you know like if you look at all these trees here the ones that are all marked all the way down through here I think they're all they're all in the last like foot of that 20 foot so like right there's ten foot from the center line and that's where these trees all are is in the last couple feet so if I shrink it down and say I just want 18 feet because my rolls of fabric are only 12 and 1/2 foot wide so 18 feet still plenty wide enough for my road and if I ever need to make it bigger I know which trees need to go but I think we're just gonna leave those trees for now and there's a few down there that are like way inside that that mark that we'll have to take out even for the 18 foot but right now I'm gonna be happy with 18 feet so we'll take those last couple out and in the next video I'll start busting the topsoil off this road and get it all cleaned up and prepped and ready for gravel we'll start hauling gravel out of the field and get it put down here I'll catch on the next one thanks for watching guys make sure you guys like and subscribe appreciate it helps me out I'll get you in the next [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 57,232
Rating: 4.942956 out of 5
Keywords: heavy, equipment, iron, bobcat, skid, steer, loader, caterpillar, gravel, stone, rock, dump, truck, construction, excavation, property, maintenance, international, 4900, dt466, eaton, dog, english, bulldog, birddog, english setter, 2a, s185, grouser, tracks, small, business, side job, diesel, kubota, farm, gopro, hero, black, dji, mavic, air, drone, partner, chop, saw, pipe, repair, service
Id: _qPDt5nOQ0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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