CLEARING THE RUNWAY, P-Baron Series Part 2

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make sure you clear this line completely before you call it we got you Greg always so welcome aboard we're here in st. Augustine today we're actually flying down to page field in Fort Myers so let's go ahead and get this barren started there are few small differences with the P barren versus the way I start my barren will come over here we'll turn on the battery we topped off the tanks got 190 gallons in it and so will her enter to confirm that is indeed got 190 gallons remaining we're bringing a mixture for rich bottles wide open right fuel boost pump on three four five makes your cutoff model by title between the fuel pump off and we're clear and I don't blue 1,000 here we got oil pressure oil temperature turn the rail to Nader on now that alternator will help us start the left engine so we'll do the same thing the left engine keep that below 8,000 that Delta in Iran and avionics master on and now comes my favorite difference between the P barren and our barren do you ready for it oh I'm ready there it goes ac something you can't quite feel in the video but I promise you it's working great crown barren one month seven wherever's here with romeo like pick up Maya power to Fort Myers up my kinky m117 where my Sarah's messing around you ready to copy great compromise here no one said mommy shares curta Fort Myers radar vectors Gator and Gulf November Victor Lakeland has filed my runway heading maintain 2000 connect flight level 180 0 and 1 0 minutes frequency one at to 0.75 and squawk 3:06 for Victor Fort Myers radar vectors Gator lakeland ass filed when we heading two thousand one eight zero one zero pants one two zero seven five three zero six four there and one one seven four zero all round 3 0 1 1 air speed astern kinase right heading indicator rock feels correct SP a pick the intersection pages insurance for a parallel how when I lay my telephone she green three three one time to be an alpha hold short way to do that we've got plenty of fuel for this chair to be a helpful tramps are set times one two three light controls our free correct there what this AC is exactly what the doctor ordered making you uh I got some AC envy I think the AC is making you though it's okay that we sit on the ground just a little bit longer no rush with the AC I'm like okay I'm good it works number one one so no meassure Decathlon smile and have fun oh if I run a hitting stay with me on a 3-1 I might 31 stay with you clear for takeoff a from zero all right so three what we're gonna power up to 30 inches went off alright alright runner ball I bring up to 30 there's 30 everything looks good and there's the turbos kick connector plug one I leave my hotel holding short to zero for the Internet is alive everyone one I named hotel solace your chart read your hold short run a22 robots and I rotate dis parents heavier so it takes a little more to rotate there we go [Music] buzz right gear up that's one noticeable difference right away is that this nose is heavier heavy than ours well this year cars and I'm just you know temperature Suri's realize her room I never said Romeo Sarah when able turn left heading two seven zero 19 2008 - Parker - seven zero mm departure so far my Sarah right yep all right don't noticing that you're not touching so in the turbo barons and poppy parent which basically have very similar engines if not the same engine the the turbocharger will actually keep the manifold pressure all the way through the climb because it's keeping the pressure through the client as far as agents are concerned we're still at sea level and therefore if your fuel flows are set up properly then there's zero need to adjust your mixture throughout the climb until you get to cruise makes life a lot easier hopefully if they cut this corner to the left cut that corner zero-one-one the airport big thing don't pull this thing is yeah everything areas are cold at the top it's a rush of a traffic wanted to at five three miles northbound 2308 bubble it keeps growing this is so four three seven zero contact for twenty seven buildings a five point New York that's out there tiger one few 7.27 up it doesn't earlier I guess there's ice in it is there yes yeah better oh no it's not you want your hair back I want living room you hear clear direct lakelyn Turkish air yeah we're gonna be close told me our restrictions they gave it across if anybody didn't die dad Ocala to Peru it is 2310 rather just give it the old college try alright welcome jackson apparent 1:7 for every CEREC I think one 7,000 my final hour 1 1 7 Romeo theorem and up to maintain one seven thousand no Orlando if you under three three zero five alright one seven thousand seven arms here all right we're gonna level off here one seven thousand let's yeah the weather is beautiful would you advise that we can only do to you to climb and this is short enough light that it doesn't really make sense everyone here whatever do is just have to give it take well clear and then it comes in speeds up high but then we just run more fuel to get there takes more time so we'll just love love dear one 700 stay here let the airplane pick up some speed and then well go ahead and and now we'll pull the power back to 33 inches of manifold pressure and the crews setting that we're gonna work with today is gonna be 33 inches of manifold pressure and 2,400 rpm all right go ahead pull back we're gonna do what's called the big pole we're gonna pull this make sure back kind of quickly to get down past what they call the Red Box 310 but then maintain through the high pressure and agent is when you're at higher power settings like this and so I get past that pretty quick what I like to do is actually fixing my left foot put my left foot on a left rudder my right foot on the floor because if I were to pulled you back pull far because if I were to pull too far back and that engine were to quit well the natural yawn would be to y'all right and I would need to press the left rudder so I always will switch my feet if you ever you notice maybe with my feet wondering what I'm doing that's actually what I'm doing as I lean just in case I do something stupid but I've ever done anything stupid ah so here comes a oh I think Moses super stuff like that long video alright so here comes a big pool I'll pull a long way back oh he's off about here let's see what it's actually does this takes a second to like our shades a little quicker about it this one is yeah it's definitely different that uh it feels like it sputters know how much you're feeling there's not a spotter change our settings as the flows tangent mighty IT turbo do not want it to go past peak or do you want it to go to sixteen fifty so sixteen fifty or peak whichever happens first is your limit what you are leaning twenty-seven twenty-eight a little center rather climb and maintain flight level two six zero click John I feel like I'm hearing a lot of different way points out here's that is that because we're past that normal what like 13 fire one - yeah freer and different points because you're hearing traffic from better flying and higher flight levels they tend to use different way points is it one three five seven five and only one we're down low we would be so we're in a different sector because we're altitude which is also why you'll notice a little less hand daughter will happen as well climate hit create something closing out gloves happens work temperatures and ground speed 180 knots so I think the most important thing it's on this panel is this plaque over here no smoking do not annoy the pilot so I don't know if they go hand-in-hand that you're not allowed to smoke and annoy the pilot or if it's a for me you should not annoy the pilot how and if you're smoking you would be annoying me but so I think you should be you know first no smoking cuz that will about fifty three across favorite one they're probably the best thing about the Beechcraft line you know one can argue Cessna vs. beechkraft versus serious and everybody else but the single best thing I think when it comes to beach crop is that all the Beechcraft airplanes tend to fly the same yes system is a little different engines a little different you know when you go from plane to plane just you need to know the little nuances but right now we're flying around in the P parent at 17,000 feet and this really is no different than if we were flying in our b55 version of the bearing it feels the same shows are a little bit heavier but it's basically the same feel the engine sound the same the layouts basically the same 20 I love it you know the layouts basically the same and it's a brief you can fly one you can transition between the line of airplanes refigure uh pretty easily and that's why people love the beach line they're 85 they go back on I can't approach one one eight point eight though we're in level cruise we have indicated airspeed about 152 knots we have a ground speed of 204 knots are burning about thirty gallons an hour and we're r17 17,000 feet right now but the cabin thinks we're only at 6,000 feet that's why I'm not loopy loopy but never kind of loopy yeah and we have an outside air temperature of about 25 degrees Fahrenheit which equates to about negative Romi appear to fit I'm in Portland 3000 therefore Michael came at a three zero zero three one preset what 3000 separate Sarah well how much of that flying over an airport that's the music to push it I lose out when I'm gonna say don't do again oh yeah don't know what I think ever one-one-niner point six so it's another one $3,000 pods on so I just put hit at the little trip to trim down and I'm kind of just setting it down to bring us down I want to come down but I wouldn't repeat a minute now I didn't pull the power back which I know let me do an arm bearing because we're not anywhere near the yellow arc right now so I'll let it build up a little bit of speed and hoping I'll try to gain a little bit never sent hey I am now some of what will regain is because when we turn the air off one the little bit comes down and I creates less drag it's true it's just like the gown flops being glows grades less drunk so almost all of you tell me close that stuff you gained some airspeed though everything has a trade-off even the air conditioning is a trade-off you're giving up speed to have the air okay with that you are however at some point I will be turning this error back on you just for the record understood understood [Music] okay he's still biting me I thought I caught something I was like there's like bait there's a puss is pretty cool so you see that little diamond right there yeah airspeed indicator that's a cool little diamond that diamon to actually our gear and our brooch flaps those long as we're below that diamond that's an indication for gear and approach Bob's no flaps the white arc is full flaps but that's an invocation of her gear in Pula and a virtual ops hey I asked if you would consider that a triangle versus a diamond it's whatever you want it to be if the diamond is four points depends on a diamond I see that is it around I'm just saying I've never seen a diamond there's an irrational or eight Oh actually I haven't oh alright here we go bring the power back two inches then I go ahead just the altitude to the field elevation which is sea level so we go sea level plus 500 3000 with you so we're currently sending out thousand be per minute we only need 889 so basically 900 feet per minute to be searched I put a nice things about the pressure the pressure cabin is that you don't feel that your ears as we're descending at a greater pace were barren you would be feeling a different pressure putting on the reasons why in the barren I prefer if I went to foot for a minute descent rates so your ears don't go nuts every night three for a convict Tampa one-one-niner point Niner [Music] sits 375 leaving 11 clear direct Orlando orl and then fire them and say that up to do you say tarp there is information Appa one six five there each observation but Josie so at five visibility one thorough okay this is scattered 3,800 tapestry 12.2 to out there were three zero zero three the apart upon our question right our one foot Myers barren one one seven zero five thousand I don't want one seven wrote me cheerful - Virge for my ultimate three zero zero one expect of Attila first runway five at page went through a 2-0 at five zero zero one can we get a four thousand we could crowd the basis of this set Mars here one seven obvious notice that I maintain four thousand four thousand except farmers here are they easy on if you want a tasty art never suffer obvious he returns a right heading of two one zero right two one zero seven arms here 32 for from Miami exhibit 660 today so the power settings are a little bit different and in this barren that are barren so why don't you aim for 21 inches of an Apple pressure we're we're an only between 16 and 18 depending on our way here we'll start off at about 21 inches on the manifold other than that it's basically the same thing I have on our traffic freshen divert traffic called our personalization has I'll bring out to the Cape 7,500 altitude ossified giddyup horsey the bridge is you try to close the two parallel believer looking across midfield to departures far to the north I bought these two bridges intent is a one bridge over there so he knows all right pull the power back bring it down to 23 inches of manifold pressure P naught upon still activated sir let the autopilot give a little nose down Airport is our Delta 834 right off of our I'd say that's before my departure to contact 30 0 thousand 10,000 turn left heading this way descent down to 1500 don't date down a little or to 21 inches which is our will be our approach power settings number one one seven only as he returned 131 eight zeros in eternity or 10 o'clock six months left one eight zero field sites everyone's here except obvious here cleared visual approach runway five contact page tower one out of point zero click the visual five over tiger day set farmers here tower Baron one one set for my Sierra visual four five person Romeo chair page tower and his left base runway 5-left base four five surfers here alright alright so I slowing it up let's go bird flaps [Music] Portland rocks they went to taxi all the way down to a runway one three three here now or right on that runway and then contact ground point so Roger right on one three three one and contact ground point cellphone I'm Erin Ericson romeo's here number two runway five cleared land your traffic use on a closed down and right base number two clear Landsat mom's yeah [Music] I wouldn't halfway down the field is that what I'm understanding I just closed closed our face is what he said basically oh closely okay so I hate it do a square oh okay that's good go flops Maya you forgot slow us down a little bit more looks like he's touched down oh yeah I see em he's right over the numbers oh my go flap slant this early about just trying to get a slowdown all right we were three green flap slant little and I see our traffic of Carlos [Music] right power back that's all right it appears to be feels like it is alright borrowed I know all the nose off alright right there what are those off those up and does down welcome to Paige feel at everybody age field the home away from home now my say here a lot I'm not going to eat high five I don't want Bernie's verdicts here said Romeo's here where you bargain sir up a sob SEC robbers here okay turn left the end fount that ground point seven yeah ground point seven it's everywhere Sierra make sure you clear this line completely before you call it please now this is a controlled airport so you do have to be cleared it before you call it however I control the airport you do not we got you Greg oh we got you back Greg Brown Barron 1 1 7 0 5 HR 6 for base ops sorry only some only Sarah Paige don't activate stop yeah let's turn Charlie Roger only three one Charlie than alright Charlie three another thing that I like is that I don't have to hurry up and run and open the door as soon as we land yeah cuz we got the air I just put it on oh there's a door like I have to open it directly so nice this is my favorite part of these airplanes is the air conditioning I'm telling you we in an air conditioned air can't afford it need a sponsor but AC company wants to sponsor me alright we are clear right we are clear left and we are clear to cross don't feel like these videos please guys push the subscribe button and I'm talking to a dead camera there's another one behind us on but ya know guys if you like these videos these push that subscribe button don't forget to push the bell for notifications if you want to continuously watch videos like these talking to the back camera hi I didn't change a battery it's my fault oh god we we all agree with each point another okay but that's because he put the batteries in he put a bad battery and therefore it died before we landed that's what we're going with lies all lies alright guys well if you want to hear more this bickering until next time stay safe and we'll see you next one bye guys oh wait bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 79,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reported to faa, premier1driver, clearing the runway, p-baron, pressurized baron, Beechcraft Baron B55, Beechcraft Baron, Beech Baron B55, Beech Baron, Baron B55, B55, ATC, flying, Live ATC, Flight VLOG, IFR Flight, IFR, Flying Experience, Instrument Approach, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, pilot vlog, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, 3175W, whyifly, Beechlife, cadillac of barons
Id: zaYZqxTXJ54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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