Cleaning worker cleans house without knowing what it was for her 😭

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for $3 you could clean my house not for $3 I'd better give it to you well thank you friend excuse me hey for $3 wouldn't you like to clean my house look what happens is that I need you to help me and I don't have for $3 yes please I don't know it's very little money but well don't worry how big is the house no it is not very big medium size I think well fine sure friend let's go the house is this way will you come with me what's your name Carla well nice to meet you Carla I'm Pepe and what is your child's name Adrian Adrian very well let's go hi kiddo thank you very much for support me let me just open the door quickly okay please come you are at home look the truth is that as you can see it's not that dirty is it it's just full of dust but today I have special guests and I really need it to be really shiny it's just to remove the dust they took out some garbage cans I don't know if you can help me a little bit with the to sure come on little one let's sit here come on that's very good do you like it come on while your mommy does the cleaning what do you want me to open it do you want me to open it for you okay look who is it look your mommy is in there doing the cleaning okay hey Carla tell me your baby fell asleep there on the couch yeah he was sleepy it's that we left very early in the morning to look for work hey tell me why did you decide to accept well to tell you the truth my situation is a bit tough so in fact I'm a widow you're a widow yes I am how old are you Carla I'm 25 I'm I got married 25 years old and you are Widow he had an accident he had an accident yes unfortunately the truth is it was a very ugly situation how long ago was that well it's already well two almost 2 years 2 years and I was pregnant so he didn't know our our baby he did not know him no it's just that it weighs a lot on me cuz I'm a single mom sure and how do you get money out of it I go out on the street to look for work I offer my services to clean houses and sometimes people help me and are you looking for work all the time I also sell sandwiches in the mornings and bring them here to where the factories are to get ahead of course and you live around here no no I live far away the truth is and what are you doing all the way out here and with a baby a little more financial support here I live in a small town far away okay and he is in Secure there in fact the river passes by this and my child is a very imperative child he likes to learn and explore I am afraid I am afraid that it will fall into the river and be carried away by the current I see because I well I'm working and I can't to take care of him all the time yes it is a little difficult for me to be honest it's really difficult my dear Carla listen and who do you live with at the ranch well I live alone the truth is that I am an orphan are you an my mother passed away of cancer God I was only 17 years old okay let's see Carla and every day you come and go or where you stay here well sometimes this it gets late at night I mean but I try to get home because I don't really have anywhere to go here would you like to live here in the city well the truth is yes only that rents are very expensive that is true yes $400 is impossible truth is that it is a burden because I also want to take my child to a daycare center I want to ask you about him how old is your child a year and a half year and a month old he should already be going to to kindergarten practically no yes yes actually well kindergarten or preschool and then elementary school and have you thought about the the child's future yes yes I want him to have a good education I want him to go to an elementary school I want him to be back at the ranch the truth is that it is a little difficult the elementary school that that is close by then there are many kidnappings really and they steal the children is it okay if I make the stove of course of course you clean whatever you need nothing happens I'm going to put it here too of course don't worry Carla do you have soap yes of course you can use this one I use this house for family reunions and I also use it to be here with friends and that's why my dear Cara it's not that dirty is it no actually no it's very decent it's just that I really I need you to really clean it as if you were going to live here like this as clean as this now it is clean that's right my dear Carla yes I live alone I tell you my mother passed away from cancer and your dad my father passed away a long time ago I didn't really know him you didn't get to know him to tell you the truth I would have liked to meet him but of course how sad Carla hey and what do you think about your son also having to grow up without his father I really miss him a lot I miss him a lot because he was my support he was my support and of course and then we were a team sometimes things got complicated for us because we were alone to tell the truth but always Carla are your in-laws supportive no not really I was going to tell you that well thank you for opening up to me thank you for telling me about it not to you well it also serves me as a therapy of of course and it is true what you say because it is always good to take it out it is never good to leave things inside because you get sick yes remember that all emotions are all feelings are emotions and they are transferred to illnesses you have to get it out and thank you very much hey why don't you come live in the city yes I would like to I really would but I need more income I need more income sometimes I do nails but you you know how to do nails yes a little who taught you I went to one of those free courses promoted by the government Carla how nice that you took advantage of it yes I mean well yes to move on because it is difficult already woke up my love already woke up no no give me a minute to calm him down don't worry it's all right don't worry look I'm going to ask you something my dear Carla use the house as if it were yours okay if you want to go up to the bedroom you can do it if you want to get something from the fridge you can do it too but it is not a problem no not at all on the contrary look it's okay after all it's all cleaned up yes I'll clean up here right away okay yes just outside and that would be it okay do you want me to clean up there do whatever you need to do in the house if you want to go upstairs to put the baby to sleep again that's fine maybe he is already hungry isn't he well it could be yes because the truth is he only ate one tortilla because we left early in the morning too just one tortilla cuz we have to leave quickly so that I can look for a job sometimes I don't eat because of that okay okay he is very healthy the boy is very strong he is very cute beautiful the truth look and Des being such a good child my husband's parents don't like him his grandparents don't want him my husband was blonde give me five kid wait how my husband was blonde and he looks like me your husband uh-huh let's see just a second and the child looks more like me tell me more slowly your husband was white yes and the child was born brown yes I see look his skin his hair even their hair is different but let's see we're getting into a somewhat lurid subject what you're telling me is that they don't want him because of his skin color Yes they believe that the child is not their grandchild really don't they see me as I am I mean I'm a brunette black hair curly of course I can't believe it and what do you say to them is his grandson it just looks like me but the advantage here is well what I really liked about my husband is that he always stood up for me that's good he always that's the way it should be I miss him very much I miss him very much he was my backbone my [Music] support of course don't cry Carla look I miss him very much the baby is going to be scared calm down really everything is going to be fine okay yes look for your son we are going to work very hard okay yes come on kiddo come look how he hugs you Carla everything is going to be fine believe me I'm going to tell you something very important remember that always at the end of the tunnel there is a light that is always shining but it takes time to get there sometimes you believes that it does not don't cry little one don't cry but in the tunnel there's always a light there is always a light that we can see in the distance but to reach it there are many stumbles and life remember that it's like a roller coaster you go up and then you go down and sometimes you stay down and you say when is this going to come back up when but you have to have a lot of faith a lot of faith my dear Carla the truth is that I miss my husband very much I miss him I don't think I can do it alone it is so difficult so difficult to do it alone because everything is against you and yes I don't think I can do it alone because it's very difficult it's hard to be a single mother and that that is that they judge you for everything I mean it is very difficult but at the end of the day Society always criticizes you I mean it's horrible let nothing more than to arrange your tablecloths of course don't worry and I'm going to ask you something please my dear Carla a very big favor a very big favor don't cry anymore okay please and not because it bothers me on the contrary but if we are going to cry let's cry for Joy not of sadness okay yes if you think so come on let's go to well it's all cleaned up now sir and the truth everything looks is very nice do you like it yes I love the little lights they look nice don't they listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you I hope that someday you will have a house like this one it's my dream really paying rent is very difficult difficult isn't it come on let's go outside because we need to sweep I see that you are struggling with one hand no don't worry I'm fine or at least let me help you with the child so that you don't struggle I don't know if he wants to go but let's see come on baby let's go to the store come with me he doesn't want to that's why the work is very difficult for me yes yes of course attachment and all that how hard it is it's your baby and I understand that and sometimes you can't leave him alone anywhere yes and I am alone I don't have my parents what else can I help you with can I water your plants yes of course I would appreciate it very much I already threw the garbage here I took it out of the back room baby don't worry about room of course is that sometimes some people are uncomfortable with me coming into your room no on the contrary I gave you Freedom even if you wanted to go upstairs to put your baby to sleep everything is ready the bathroom rooms upstairs and downstairs are impeccable the courtyard too yes if you want to check but everything was perfect I already sawce of garbage very clean the truth and so I repeat it's time to pay you and so come on let's go inside so we can give you the payment pass these in your home with all confidence well let's see now if we are going to pay what is good please have a seat please sit down for your visitors to find the house more beautiful well now it is time to pay take it no I don't have change actually I can't accept it don't worry please take it sure sure take it no please take it won't you regret it later on the contrary I am very grateful to you because you helped me and you turned out to be a great person and that is always appreciated ated but before that I want to confess something to you since the cleaning is paid for do you see this black necklace I'm wearing yes I see it well look it's a little camera look guys can you help me please enter are they the friends who are coming if they are my special guests just like you this is Carla and this is adri little adri how are you baby he's mad he's just hungry hey I want you to meet Carla she helped me here with the cleaning of the house besides she is I'm going to tell you who she is the owner of this house what no is the owner of this house she lives in no it's your house they are your guests no you are wrong no no no [Music] gam really it is for you open it and check what it says these are the keys to this house are you serious of course I am are you kidding me no no not at all do not lie to me sir do not deceive me no I get excited sir no I don't make [Music] jokes I do not make jokes I do not do that far from it thank you very much sir thank you very much check here are the Deeds only your signature is missing and please I want you to lift that contract no [Music] sir I can't deal with such kindness Carla I am rewarding people I am helping people with a good heart and this you earned it it for your good deed and this is yours I can't believe it is for Real it's yours I get a house money for you oh no really thank you very much I just can't believe it really I mean you can't imagine how much I was looking forward to this you want it the house is for you I I reward people with a good heart and you did it you told me that story believe me you and your baby have earned this house thank you very much I mean you don't know what I've been through you're going to have to live unbelievable thank you so much I just want to give you a big hug and now you can sign here and that's it you think so are you happy very pleased thank you thank you I mean I already have a house I'm going to save on rent I can't believe it and you did the cleaning without wanting to charge me I'm really very [Music] grateful so you already have a house they already have a house I'm really happy that you enjoy it very much okay we already have a house I'll be able to cook whatever you want [Music]
Channel: John Millionaire
Views: 3,003,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7eLGGTs-h_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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