SHOCKING!! A SPY Husband Hiding in the Crowd LOCATED by Pastor Alph Lukau

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masseter baby I saw a woman this woman is crying what I was praying for marital restoration what's your name woman become you a broken marriage is a great affliction that the Lord is able to restore receive the blessings of God as I receive the blessings of God I receive it may your life never be the same again what is your name my name is Chantel Chantel Chantel is your name yeah alright is a French name but you're not French come here Chantel is your name yes Chantel I saw you crying you are crying over your marriage yes when I prayed for the gentleman here and the wife the Lord pointed you out and your heart was beating because you related to the story your husband wanna leave you yes your husband want to leave you is that true it's true man of God clement was clement clement my business my husband all right clement map pissah yes that is your husband your husband wanna leave you because it's just tired he said is tired is that correct yeah this is not a doing of the Lord can you imagine how broken this woman is yesterday did he sleep at home and no it didn't sleep at all yeah because I see you communicated even on on whatsapp at 10 minutes past 9:00 p.m. he sent your long message I am reading saying that I am tired of you yes you all are witches in your family yes you have a message yes on your phone yes oh this is he yeah he sent me a message yesterday that I'm tired of few Quebec to appearance I don't love you anymore he said he doesn't love you anymore yeah and it didn't come home it didn't sleep at home no you didn't come yesterday you didn't come yesterday now all this is because he's saying that that is waiting for you to give a child you are not giving him a child is that correct yeah I'm saving his seven years yes still no child yeah you were married on the 13th of August 2011 is a correct yes the 13th of August 2011 yes till now no child because in 2013 you had a miscarriage yes you have form of pregnant yes in 2015 you had two miscarriages the first one in January the second one in July is the truth last year you had another miscarriage is that true four miscarriages so you say I am tired and he sent you this message is that true is it true what where's your husband so I didn't sleep but he came home yes in the morning but I didn't tell him but I'm coming here alright so in the morning he comes you are going out he's going to use stage 2 cos T is the pasta you owe your husband is a pastor the message that you sent me yesterday this is a message at 10 minute past 9 with clarity and accuracy pasta off sodas is knowing the situation can remain the same so your husband Clement my pizza yes left home didn't sleep in the morning came and it you left home home you came here he went to his church yeah he left you is it because you cannot give me a child yes instead I'm tired of you he said that you you should pass your thing and go back to Zimbabwe with your parents I'm tired of you you are eating my food for nothing all this because you're not giving children yes no family you see whatever we are amused by is somebody Spain this younger is going through pain and she does not know why why is it that she cannot give this man judge hard for time she miscarried four times and now the Lord showed me that the dis man send a message at a full 10 minute past night I want you guys to show that in a message so that somebody say that how do you do you have you ever spoken to me in your life before do you know me this is my first attempt to be as is your first time yes I come here because last week I dream up men of God profess I'm in this stage and we said to me your past is over I want to deliver you and I want to give you a a child oh my god did you hear that hey she said she came here because she had a dream of me last week prophesying over her saying that your past is over I want to deliver you and I'll give you a child yeah you and only one Oh a minute you want I want to okay I believe that her desire will be made manifest she encountered pasta off in her dream and this fantasy is a confirmation that indeed her path is about to be over God has remembered her I didn't ask you I asked her their choosing for you some people are saying for they don't want you to say to that wants for how many do you want four five how many alright so lock them in two pregnancies so your husband made a mistake let me tell you to be sick of your husband your husband followed you here what is supposed to often mean by this is pasta Clement here in the spurt or is he physically in the building and what he follow you here to begin with beloved I'm baffled by this I think what most disturbs my spurt is the level of distrust that a sage pasta will have but he'll even leave his church on the same morning yeah you say your husband went to his church did he tell you you will come here no it didn't tell us coming to this church your husband is thinking you Quinn somewhere else and we followed you or family look how to sports and tell is by this look look look look don't cry don't cry call him say clement i know you are here the prophetic action that is upon pastor all cannot be compared beloved it has no geographical limitations now clement when i come so that we may get to the reach of this metal don't suspect your neighbor okay wait let me come here and look for him now beloved you need to understand that there are thousands of people here and if we start asking only individually for their names will not finish but the man of God used a prophetic navigator to locate Clement who is in this place is hiding is hiding Clement Matt Pisa is climate my pizza climate my pizza we will not do you any harm guys don't move if you move we think that you are Clement the only person that can move now is Clement everyone is a suspect you move you a suspect oh is it what happened there what is not him is it Timmy okay okay okay up there don't be shy okay okay okay everybody sit down sit down I think Clement is dancing pasta offs prophetic ability to search and aspersions we find him beloved as the Crassus with eyes closed pasta off searches for this manner right now the man of God is in a different sphere all together your husband is here I'll find him for you remain here the Prophet cannot lie monster of you never misses dog is appointed in as guardian of this altar and everything that occurs in the century never escapes him as laid by the spirit Astaroth works assured to a specific area in the auditorium now wonder what is going through Clements mind right now I would have been terrified now the man of God is looking a bar for this posture taking his time as his hitting the voice of God directing him to the exact place where Amanda seated [Music] beloved the man of God suddenly stops in a sponsee to the rule what could he be seeing is Clement perhaps yeah I'm so curious you are born on the 27th of April Clement 1981 [Music] Clement the 27th of April what I should tell him what is worried all right all right you have black shoes you have a brown trouser you have a blue tracksuit my cuteness the man of God has clearly seen him and described in detail what he's wearing if I were Clement at this point I'd simply hand myself over the man of God will find him indeed why doesn't him and simply spare himself a greater humiliation and just come forward this is not to embarrass him the marital strain going on between him and Chantal we see pasta off stop once again any searches in the spirit the Holy Ghost will never mislead him Clement is here and he will be found [Music] tarababu kotoba Shikata [Music] you have a blue tracksuit is a puma tracksuit as you are decide Casta off is really on to this man I'm telling you family it test-drives here you are here yeah yeah yeah down to the power of God can I see that woman woman is this your husband is this your husband family she has confirmed that this has indeed her husband I don't know what to say I'm just too shocked and how God through his servant was able to prophetically reveal his date of birth what he was wearing did you see he assures the pastor of hat [Music] we're prophetic oscillate by a ray man of power I'm confidently announced that path carries I erased the short knowing that the father placed its servant here will do something for you beloved where have you ever seen this before wait what's your name I'm claiming some a pizza do you know that woman yes I know yeah she's my wife you heard us calling you you didn't want to come you are hiding there yes please why because since yesterday we were fighting all these days in the last week so because of my family matters I can just stay with this wife she is boring she can't be give me this oh my family's a genious to me even though Clement was pressured by his family his approach was not correct by haters you see the shoes you see the brown trouser you see the Puma you see the tracksuit I am amazed accuracy family to the detail hers beyond human ability this is the power of God where a man was just as you are before meeting you in person you can stay with your wife because she's barren your family is giving you problem that's what you say yes but you are a pastor she said you a pastor yes Baba that is hard to believe because men led by God possessed supernatural wisdom and are able to handle matters more maturely you see God wanted you to be here yeah yes Baba did you follow her here yes I just put it very near phone so I was just expecting through the phone you were tracking her yes I was tracking it through the phone yes till this place will get this place I was thinking that maybe she is cheating me family this is what I feared isn't it strange how he didn't sleep at home but she suddenly a suspect to cheating my god so you were tracking her through the phone yes that's why you went on the other side and you are thinking that she's shitty yes Baba so through the phone you have been tracking your wife yes Baba these phones that you have so Clementi you of every move that Chantal made could have mercy so that's when we are calling you you say no no no catch me Baba you are too much because I was clearly that is soon after this the service I was went to devotee a completely if you didn't say anything to this wife meaning that today that was the end of the road here come come close Brisco beloved his tone to us is that he's willing to mean two things fixing things today we thank God that the prophetic will play a role in restoring their union she has done you no wrong she she did not bring it upon herself that she may not have a child you see what is happening now you as a pastor you supposed to understand it better than anybody [Music] yes I tried by all means but yeah I able to pressure on my peak you try to understand that you have pressure yes please you send a message this message is bad you call the family witches yes wherever I go they just pinpoint a they say the problems listen here family I'm just disappointed that he has a pasta was not able to discern nonetheless they're both here now and we're believing God for an intervention in chantels healing and also in their marital communication so this is a long message sent at nine ten ten minute past nine Jesus Christ listen to me they tell you that that lava I am not worthy to stand in front of you again see the fire on you I can't even stand in front of you Papa you are too much you are too much Papa Papa Papa you are too much you thank God that his eyes are open any acknowledges that he's standing in front of a higher noon team now you give me first big work to go and look for you you could have just gone nevertheless God wanted you here you know why because this is your wife father she loves you and if God will speak and pick her though you a hiding goes and find you if I'm not by random from today forget about who saying what do it for me you accept it no this one I can do you have to do it you must turn your way let me tell you if there is a woman out there your wife and she's going to difficulties of bearing children family first who told you that Baroness or difficulties of having children is a woman problem only did you check yourself but having said that you didn't marry her for children it is God that gives children a man and if she is going through difficulty it is important that husband and wife seek the face of God together God will bless you with children does the sound wisdom from the prophet of God if you leave this woman you miss out on what God has in store for you this is your wife Papa I want you to do something if you take your wife because today's when what's the day today sorry the 10th of okay the 10th of June for you to know that God loves her yes Baba and it loves you yes Baba my words that I pronounce over the two of you today yes Baba will not fall to the ground very very soon by next year this time she will not just carry but the she will I have had two babies thank you Jesus these words will not fall to the ground I am speaking as an author a smurf of God next year by the 10th of June next year you will be a father of two boys how many of you believe it shall be so beloved the embracing each other enjoy God is changing their story their marriage is being restored by the power of God stand with one another posture commenter's and tears he saw overwhelmed this that you were seeing right now is healing taking place truly all things work together for them that love God thank you Jesus [Music] forgive your wife and you forgive your husband walk together be in peace together whoever tells you otherwise I said to him pastor in senton in Italian ministries cow I the two of you are meant to be with one another and that the old world may know that in this generation there is a profit but the tenth of truth am i speaking are you listening by the 10th of June next year you will be a mother you'll be a father of tweet shall it be my name is a fluke ow general a supernatural power of God thank you Jesus my name is Sancho and lawful I come here for a problem of fairness for seven years the men of God pick me and they told me today that you are free receive your twins so I want to thank men of God and I want to thank God for that so your husband made a mistake let me tell you to be sick of your husband your husband followed you here I'm Clement my pizza from Pretoria mom a lot I came here because of my wife has been tracing my wife through a tracker then she doesn't know that I'm on the way coming to a I just the track until I get into the church I was thinking that maybe she is cheating me on along so the men of court just ask the way is your husband I just really keep wet while it's sitting down I didn't know that the men of cortical just pick me up then he started to say I can just say out that the clothing of the husband you have black shoes you have a brown trouser you have a blue tracksuit I keep on sitting down until you just come and pick me up I was very shocked because I never see such a miracle like that and money of course god bless you I am together with my wife keep on praying for us so that Anakin can be lost again [Music] if you were blessed by this video be sure to subscribe to our channel you can catch pastor Affleck how on a my TV on the public bouquet or on our live stream on ami you can follow pastor alpha car on all social media platforms at of the cow [Music]
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 7,362,429
Rating: 4.5491571 out of 5
Keywords: #JESUS, #AlphLukau, #AlleluiaMinistries, #ProudlyAMI, #Prophecy, #Miracle, #ThePowerOfGOD
Id: Z9C_hU7BZZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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