Cleaning The Dirtiest Jordan's Ever! $600 2001 Black Cement 3's Back To NEW!

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100% he bought those cockroaches. Those are wild bush roaches. 100% from a pet store. I think this whole video might actually be an ad for the shoe cleaner he promos.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/ABigRedBall 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mmm..that bug just sliding it’s body like Whoa buddy you got to much dip on ya chip!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I mean, he may have lied about the cockroaches and where he found then, but he still restored badly damaged shoes... tbh it wouldn’t be as interesting if he just said “hey guys I destroyed these shoes and covered them with mud” so he had to make up something to make sense.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BreadBaguette 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
so I'm walking around the park with a GoPro on my head and a shovel on my hand like a normal person right and so I'm looking a little closer and I see something unusual so I go and closer into my surprise I find a pair of black cement threes just hidden away dude that's nuts so after inspecting the shoes they don't look too bad they're pretty jacked up but we are gonna do our best to make these shoes look brand spanking new again I'm gonna be honest these shoes don't smell that great smells like that food that's in Tupperware but you don't know how long it's been there since it's always in the back of the fridge all right guys I'm gonna take him in give them a deep-clean and see what else I need to do with the shoes so I'm gonna see y'all in a little bit yo what's up guys we're gonna be restoring a pair of two thousand and one black cement threes all right guys you know I'm gonna do my thing make these shoes look brand spankin new so what we're gonna do first is give these shoes a deep clean so I will be putting these shoes in the washing machine using the laundry method but first I have to remove any excess dirt that is still on the uppers especially the sock liner and the tongue liner on inside of the shoes it looks like we have to replace the back tab they look pretty jacked up too so the first thing I want to do I want to make sure that there's no extra stones extra mud inside of the shoe so I want to shake it up a little bit and then just toss it to the curb I got so far so good we're trying to get all of the dirt out what would yo who is this no I don't understand why these bugs just like to just kick it around these Michael Air Jordans come to think of it I think we're disturbing its home I mean I'm pretty sure this dudes be living in this shoe for like a while all right man we're just gonna have to relocate this dude I think I'm gonna name him Shabazz all right so he's gonna transfer this dude out of here oops I'm sure he'll be fine you know what if you take a closer look man they look pretty damn cute huh hi guys so we're gonna make sure that there's nothing in the other shoe so we're just gonna tap tap tap oh wow I didn't see that coming there's two of them guys you know that changes everything I think I want to name them aladdin and Jasmine all right so I want them to mingle so I want to get them to talk oops all right guys no more no more surprises I hope please God so why I'm gonna be using sneaker laundry detergent to remove some of the gunk off of the uppers so I will be using a soft bristle brush to loosen up all the dirt and if you guys want 10% off of your order off a rejuvenated please use my coat Manolo and you will get a discount off of your order all right now that the shoes have been vaccinated we are going to be putting them in these laundry bags for the laundry system like I always say no glove no love except for my boy Vic he's that dude a savage so I am gonna be using rejuvenative shoe trees so we can be reshaping the toe box as well so I just want to make sure I got every little bit of that crusty mud off of the shoes so I'll be using the advance sneaker cleaner from the shoe Vanita so I added 50% water in this bottle and the sneaker solution [Music] yo these shoes are pretty dirty beyond belief so I'll be adding twice the dosage usually it's a full shot worth but imma add two full shots so if you guys are getting using the laundry method please use cold water only if use hot water or warm water you will be you will be risking separation on your shoes [Music] yo am i tripping or did each cycle sound exactly the same hi guys so now let's check out oh sheesh man I got jacked up oh well they are from 2001 so the mid souls are already blown but the tongue did get the paint taken off so the reason why this has happened is because the 2001 Black Samantha Rees are notorious for having this issue on the tongue otherwise the whole shoot would have been discolored yo man these shows they're in worse condition and that I originally thought the missiles are literally breaking like butter pecans but the best news is the leather looks extremely plush looks like it's been revitalized by the laundry system the elephant print has been thoroughly cleaned and the sock liner feels incredibly soft and smells amazing don't worry guys we have a simple fix for the tongue issue all we have to do is just repaint it back to the original color yo the crumbling midsole look like a unfrosted part of the cake and it did not taste like one and you can see the tongue liner back to its original red and supple color so like I mentioned before we are going to be doing a midsole swap on these guys and also a back tap swap because uh they're pretty much non-existent now alright so first things first we are going to be removing these midsole donors and I'm using a pair of cyber monday threes as my lucky volunteer now you want to use extra caution when you are using a heat gun because if you leave it on for too long in the same spot you will cause the air unit to pop man I just can't believe how cooked these shoes are so my next step is to remove the rubber piece off of the upper material so I will be using a pair of scissors to remove the threading on the toe cap and then we're also going to remove any crumpled bits off of the rubber sole [Music] [Music] now we want to remove all of the factory glue that is still on the rubber sole and remnants of the oat midsole so we're gonna be using a heat gun con balls and acetone for the step now I'll be using Rolly rail a Raley restorations someone you know what someone correct my ignorant ass because I have no idea how to pronounce that I'm not from there but I am using its product to whiten my soles and you can also use my rep code Manolo for them for a discount as well oh and I transferred the solution in a sriracha bottle just because it's easier to apply now I'm gonna be using my indoor method which is all lights no Sun and I'm gonna leave them in there for about 24 hours and then take them right out [Music] all right I know the midsole is already white but we still have to strip the factory paint just so our paint will adhere much more effectively and for this process I will be using acetone and combos it's kind of hard to tell on camera but they are pretty bone dry baby [Music] alright so here's what the rubber soles look like after that one yellowing session now it's finally time to glue the mid soles to the rubber sole and I'm using Bart cement super stick I prefer using barche cement super-sick because it is a lot stronger than barch cement infinity so now we're finally gonna install the bag tabs to the black cementery Michael Air Jordans and I want to give a big shout-out to Jaso colleges for providing me with these tabs [Music] and I'll also be using Bart Simon super sick to lock these back tabs in place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so my method for my madness I apply my adhesive let it cure for 10 minutes once 10 minutes is up i reheat the glue again to reactivate it and then bottom together all right now that the mentals have been attached we argument be repainting the missiles to its appropriate color I will be applying an off-white eggshell white tone to the white paint and your average black paint like I don't know how to say like flat black [Music] so here's what the missiles look like fully attached and repainted onto the sole so now it's finally time to prep the upper material to bond into the midsole so we're gonna be using tape to make sure our crisp lines for the glue lines are perfect [Music] so we are going to repeat the steps that we've done to the back tabs and to the midsole and rubber sole so we are going to apply your adhesive let it cure for ten minutes and use a heat gun or blow-dryer to reactivate the glue and then bond them together so here's my paint mix that I mixed up to make sure that the tongue is good as new pretty much so and the colors I put is black white red and pink simple as that look as I'm applying it now it doesn't look like it's a perfect match but we still have to let the paint dry and apply multiple layers so when paint is still wet it's at its lightest when it's fully dried that's the real color so just because the paint is wet that doesn't mean it's the true color to the paint if you let it dry that's what the real color is gonna be so after two to three coats we got the tongue looking good as new again compared to the other tongue it's looking really good our last and final step is to restage the toe box to the rubber toe and for this tool I'll be using a sewing awl hope you guys enjoyed the video man if you guys did enjoy the video please give this video a thumbs up subscribe if you have not already and please comment down below what you thought about the video I all love y'all god bless and late [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: John Manalo
Views: 26,542,007
Rating: 4.8005524 out of 5
Keywords: john, manalo, johnandrew00, restorations, sneaker, cleat, swap, nike, sole, customs, hybrid, black cement 3, sole swap, mud, ppnd, lake, complete restoration
Id: WMiWa48mWVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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