Cleaning The Dirtiest $3000 Nike Air Warhawk Airmax 90's!

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what's up you guys I want to give a big shout out for today's sponsor ray con if you guys didn't know ray Jay has co-founded this company giving you really good wireless earbuds for you to listen to his really popular music such as one wish and lastly the number one hit single I hit it first now you're gonna tell me bro I already got earphones I why do I need these why do I need these well I'll give you three good reasons all right one they're not Ray J's who they're probably wired though what more do you need to know well let me tell you something bub ray cone offers their wireless earbuds in a range of phone colors and patterns they're super comfortable and come in a variety of Fed options they're compact carrying case can also charge but it's five times on a single charge I like some of your other wire those options ray con earbuds are both stylish and discreet more best for that ass with no tangling wires or spins look look look if you want top-tier performance you don't got to spend $150 or 200 pounds cause half of that and is just as good so save yourself a little bit of cash put that in their investment portfolio make that money work for you and be a billionaire hello everybody wins if you enjoy doing anything active while listening to music you know how wires always end up smacking their face which is incredibly distracting while you're trying to focus but with Ray con wireless earbuds you're free to be as active as you want without worrying about them falling out smacking you in the face or getting caught on something and repping out so to step up your earbud game today check out by Ray Kong calm slash John Manolo to pick up your pair today and get high P with it okay and what's up guys hope you guys are standing six feet away from everyone else around you and I hope you guys are staying safe yo I can't believe I'm out here looking out for some sneakers I don't even know what's gonna be out here and luckily I have a good note to self it is slippery so it's a detector that detects sneakers and it's an eighty percent false positive so twenty percent of the time I get it right and yeah so we're here trying to find sneakers and so far no luck but what oh yo I think yo what are these like I don't even know what they are but hopefully it's something good we're just gonna bring them home really quick and then find out what they are alright you guys I'll see you guys back at the laboratory at what's up you guys is John Manolo now that we have the shoes back in our laboratory we are gonna find out what they are and see how much they're worth if we could resell them at all all right you guys I think these might be Nike airs but I don't know a hundred percent I might have a clue in the back I think they are all right you guys not that we've deciphered the Vinci's code we're gonna see if we could restore these shoes at all man these guys have seen better days because it's missing a few chunks of the foam midsole it's like rotted out I can already tell this shoes gonna be a doozy [Music] alright you know the drill we're gonna see if anything is inside oh my god what are those and I'm not even talking about someone's ugly shoes I don't even know what those are those might be a type of Caterpie or wheedle I have no idea someone get the Pokedex really quick you know at this point I'm not even faze every other shoe that I encounter this this is no surprise to me anymore you know all right you guys if you guys have not subscribed to my youtube channel yet be sure to do so otherwise you guys will feel these little creepy crawlies in your sleep alright guys now that I got them in my sink yes and my same because it's my only watering hole other than my toilet god what is that and we gotta hit record or I'm so glad that he showed up before we put the water in because so first things first we're gonna remove the excess mud that is on top of the shoes and then we're gonna use rejuvenator to deep clean the leather and yes I'm using my sink because I don't know about you guys but I sanitize after you doing this with a little bit of Clorox wipes and bleach I'm pretty sure you guys have put dirtier things in your mouth so I don't think y'all should be talking that's burn I'm sorry that had to hurt but time heals all wounds so now that we got a big clean we're just gonna remove that old crunk Lee old wrinkled sole off of the shoes because we are gonna be so swapping them after all now to clean the shoelaces you don't have to be as extras i mean you don't have to put them in a glass bottle or anything extravagant you could put them in a regular plastic water bottle and use detergent or if you guys don't have that you could use this soap it doesn't matter and you shake it up and as you can see all of that dirt extract from the laces and into the water see I don't recommend using dish soap it's a clean leather material because there is oil in that leather so when use dish soap it will extract that oil and it will dry out the leather long term alright so you can see that the missile has been rotted out so we're gonna need to replace it look imagine how easy it is just to separate the rubber sole from the midsole these definitely need to be replaced now from what I can see the original Souls have been worn heavily so I don't even think we can use original soles for this project you know so I did some digging and Daniel my didn't think that these shoes would be going as high as they are now I looked on stock ex eBay and I'll go and man they're going for a really shiny penny right now and we just found them for 399 in the mud wink-wink not really hey but for real no they need a whole lot of TLC no scrubs now we're gonna be using the New York City air max 90s because these are the closest ones that we could find with slight burgundy hue to them and because the new soles have a different dimensions than the original one there is gonna be a slight difference as you can see it's not flushing as perfectly as we wanted to so that's one of the downfalls and raising a new soul psyche I'm just messing with y'all but yeah you guys can see what I'm talking about the original Rubber Soul is a lot wider than the new Rubber Soul that we're gonna be putting on all right so you saw earlier that the upper material wasn't sitting flush on the midsole so we are gonna be using a dremel tool to remove that excess foam to make sure that our upper material is flush flush on the toilet all right so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be removing all of that excess factory glue that is still on the uppers and I'm just gonna be using tape to mask off any areas I don't want my acetone and cotton balls to be on well now that I think about it's kind of dumb because I'm still gonna have to use acetone and combos to remove all of that paint that is sell on uppers because we're gonna repaint the whole shoe you know check it out I have this pen that becomes invisible when heat is applied and I'm just gonna trace the edge of the midsole at the very top to know where to apply my tape so I can have nice and crisps glue lines [Music] now every time prior to me gluing anything on the shoe I run it back with a little bit of acetone and combos just to make sure that there ain't no oils from my fingertips that transferred onto the leather or any contaminants just to be sure and I'm just gonna be applying a little bit of glue on the whole sole and a little bit on the upper material that we've taped on all right you guys now for the best part we're gonna be applying the upper leather onto the midsole so after letting the glue cure for about a few minutes I'm gonna reheat it and then bond them together and yeah how about I switch it up to my light skin voice nightmare - weird anyways how y'all doing during this quarantine in you know what I'm saying and I know y'all gonna take your hot little asses back home y'all y'all ain't supposed to be at the park Shawn ain't supposed to be turning up with your friends take that on the zoom call you know what I'm saying like be safe wrap it up we have apps like door - I'll get your food straight to your door Jollibee is open 24/7 y'all can get some chicken joy with some delicious spaghetti there is no excuse not to stay home yeah but check it out you see what I'm saying when it's not gonna fit it perfectly so we're just gonna make do and do our best to make them look brand spankin nope [Music] all right you guys we're gonna do the exact same steps on the side pieces where's the side piece side panels hey yo but quick shout-out to my subscribers that were in my life chat when I was doing these live on YouTube so shout out to y'all if you guys see your name go comment down below and give me a lot of hard eye emojis next to your screen name and my bed my bed my bed I'm sorry that my big old fat dumpling head is in the way y'all can't see anything right now I was not looking at the camera so that's my bad [Music] [Music] now every time I reglue my shoes I stress test the leather to make sure that everything is solid but if I do get some separation like this and it does happen with really really beat shoes bro don't even worry about it like I go through the motion it's not I'm not perfect you know what I'm saying so if you go through it too it's fine you probably didn't prep the shoes well enough you didn't put enough glue whatever the reason is you could always just go back and fix your mistake easy as that don't cry over spilt milk you got it that's it bunts it all right I look I noticed I get a lot of love for my Filipino community and they keep asking me am i Filipino the answer is but oh does that answer your question I hope it does because very proud of it hopefully you guys will leave me a comment down below if you are a proud Filipino so what's up let me know are you see like a million different colors in this shot so I condensed an hour and a half of paint matching into two seconds so drop me a like click that thumbs up for the YouTube algorithm because I was stressing hard and getting the right colors down for this shoe and shout out to Miguel Joaquin for helping me color match these shoes all right you guys we're now at that step we are gonna be repainting the whole other upper so I'm just using combos and acetone to remove any of the factory varnish that is still left on the uppers just so our paint can stick to it and it won't paint or chip while wearing them oh so there's a tear in the leather man these shoes are really beat-up my goodness there's a tear in the leather so we're gonna use a q-tip and acetone to remove any like paint that was on it since we did paint it because we are going to glue it shut and then we're gonna airbrush it smooth until it is that Nomo and here we go again my big wanton head is in the way so sorry about that [Music] now I've got it good enough where you can barely see the tear but it's good to go [Music] so the reason why I'm applying a white primer is to mask off any any flaws on the swoosh and it had a few that I couldn't just mask off with orange paint so the white paint masks it very well now to paint the plastic part on the airmax I'm just using a q-tip and I'm just dabbing on it something super easy as that work smarter not harder [Music] so no matter how hard I've tried I couldn't remove the factory paint on the midsole with cotton balls and acetone so I'm using an adhesion promoter and I'm just going back and forth like an argument to make sure the midsole is fully coated and I'm gonna be priming the midsole with white paint [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the next two things I'm gonna be repeating with stencil work is the Warhawk logo and the shark teeth and I'm going to be using a Cricut cutter to assist me in my project [Music] [Music] so over here I'm gonna be using a pencil where I'm gonna be outlining the beginning of the shark teeth and I want to give a big shout out to my brother tragic 1993 for putting me on and how to make the shark teats stencil I almost started there by hand but unfortunately I am not that coordinated that's why I resorted to a from pooper to help me do it but shout out to the man he is my mentor without him I wouldn't be where I am today so he's the man behind the man so give tragic a follow and you won't be disappointed with his work yo so I'm gonna be airbrushing the back taps to a lighter color to make him look new and don't worry I'm gonna be hand painting the lettering [Music] all right with a flick of a wrist I'm gonna be doing some black magic and magically it will be painted so since our teeth have been using Crest Whitestrips we're gonna give them some pearly whites and not some dingy icky yellow teeth so we're gonna be applying a white base coat and we're gonna be using a stencil to cat out the shark teeth to give it that nice factory look yo for my young folks that look up to me and are wondering yo how can I make more money I'm gonna tell you there were number one secret all right it's join my pyramid scheme I'm skinning y'all and don't do that don't don't do a pyramid scheme the number one way to make more money is invest in yourself the higher your skill level the more people are willing to pay for your skill this goes out to my entrepreneurs that are trying to make a name for themselves so do a quick youtube search invest in yourself by Warren Buffett you will not regret it all right so right now I'm actually just gonna decrease the toe box since they are heavily heavily Croesus it's not gonna completely remove the creases but it will make them look a whole lot better so I just wanted to see I just wanted to see if I could fill in the damages of the leather with ramen noodle with my lunch so I'm using superglue which is a big no-no but for this experiment I'm like why the hell not the shoes already beat so I'm using ramen crushed-up ramen to fill in a hole and I let it dry and I'm just gonna use sandpaper to set it down and paint over it so we'll see how it goes I mean so far so good so right now I'm just gonna sand down the rough edges with 400 grit and then I'm gonna smooth it down with a thousand grit yo you know what I am NOT gonna lie it looks pretty legit holy Toledo I can't believe it actually worked I can barely see where that where that hole was damn that's nuts so I'm actually gonna paint the toe cap orange since that's how they were originally and I mix a little bit of too hard in the solution to give it a little bit more durability for walking and you know what that's a guys that's it bunts it for the video hope you guys enjoyed the video and be sure to subscribe to your boy and I say y'all all right take care god bless you peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: John Manalo
Views: 1,313,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john, manalo, johnandrew00, restorations, sneaker, cleat, swap, nike, sole, customs, hybrid, warhawk, airmax, 90, dirty mud, shoe detector, bugs, meal worms, full transformation
Id: PuogxdStqFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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