cleaning my closet for the first time in 20 years

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remember what I said I was supposed to go to Italy for spring break to visit my best friend she and I will be soon enough yeah about that literally the week before I was supposed to fly to Italy they experienced a corona virus outbreak and the CDC issued a level-3 travel warning for the entire country telling us to avoid all non-essential travel on top of that a lot of American universities were closing there abroad programs in Italy and my best friend's program got cancelled as well so she isn't even in Italy anymore so obviously I did not end up going to Italy for spring break which is a huge bummer because I was really really excited about it but everything happens for a reason I'm a huge believer in that so hopefully I'll be able to go sometime in the future so after realizing that I wasn't going to be going to Italy for spring break I had the entire week where I had no plans so I was kind of just like what the hell we gonna do now but then I figured what better time to do some serious spring cleaning then on spring break so I made a few trips at Target channeled my inner marine condo and finally tackled reorganizing my closet which I have never actually attempted and here's how it went nice glare hair is going up because we're about to embark on some very serious physical activity alright what's it you guys it's Hannah welcome back to my channel in today's video I am doing something that I don't think I've ever done before in my entire life at least I don't have any memories of ever doing this to this extent before today we are going to be tackling the monster that is my closet I posted on my Instagram story a couple days ago about wanting to clean out my closet and get rid of some clothes and that's me like which apps you guys prefer for like selling clothes and stuff on but I got a lot of replies to that story saying are you filming it film it you should do like a closet clean out video and the more I thought about it the more I was like wait a second like that could be fun and it would also actually force me to do this so that's what we're doing today this is just not gonna be a typical oh I'm gonna stand here and just kind of go through all my clothes like oh do I like this or not and no we are absolutely Marie Kondo out of my closet today so much so that I went to Target yesterday and I bought her book I am not playing around today you guys basically what I want to do is become Marie Kondo reincarnated or like the spawn of Marie Kondo I have been flipping through this book getting the tips that I feel like will be helpful for me to do this and I'm gonna be kind of talking through everything with you guys and telling you guys like the steps and the tips that I've read from this book so hopefully this can be kind of like a practical helping guide for you guys if you guys want to clean out your closets are your rooms or your houses in general I don't know oh also while I'm here if you hear noises it's because my window is open right now it's a beautiful day outside literally like the perfect spring day it's like sixty degrees with a breeze and I wanted to air to be circulating through my room it just gives need really good vibes I love spring things I have a lot to do and I'm going to be talking through all of this I'm just get started and we're going to completely destroy the rest of my room because we're taking everything out of my closet uh that scares me this is probably why I've never done this before to this extent because when I think about taking everything out of my closet and just putting it in my room like on my floor it's just overwhelming but here we are we have to do it I'm being so dramatic I've never deeply clean my closet before I don't know what the heck is in there I don't even know where half these clothes came from I think God was really watching out for me because I had a free drink from Duncan today so I got a large iced coffee which is precisely what I'm going to need for this I already drank over half of it which is upsetting I might need to get another one I guess we should just begin I'm not taking my shoes out though actually I lied about the whole taking everything out I'm not taking my shoes out because I actually already have them organized really nicely I got like a shoe rack a couple years ago and all my shoes have been nicely organized since then so I'm just gonna leave those there but my boots and stuff up on the top shelf you know what I probably should have gotten shelves or something that I could put up there what did that be smart I wonder if Target has anything like that I was just at Target yesterday because I bought something that I'm gonna be putting down below to organize stuff hmm me I might have to go to Target again it's not like it's really a problem I love Target shelves to tear wire mesh shoe rack this could work hold the cup I need to do some measurements I'll be right back 20 inches high I need a measuring tape but I don't know where that is in my house so this is what we're doing hold it hold up a damn second am i serious did I just think of this right now is this a joke I'm about to go back to Target so I thought it was gonna start this video but life is full of surprises so we're going back to Target [Music] and we're back at my shelves that I bought in another room so that I can keep them out of my room cuz I want the least amount of stuff in here as possible like I meant to start this video that's three hours ago and now I'm just now getting shaking things out but we're just gonna begin let's get to it [Music] where did I get this oh these are all of the items that were hanging in my closet this is scary ah let's check the state of my closet right now it's all of the shoes up there don't even Ron I'm gonna touch those yet here are my other shoes maybe I should get rid of some of these probably should because that's kind of a lot and then I have all this random it that's just sitting in there and what are these butterflies dude I think I put these up in my walls and I was like probably seven they need to come off I just don't know how to get them off because I can't really do much with these nails I'm sweating already and we really did even start yet [Music] I'm sweating okay so here we are there's so much here that I don't even know how I'm going to make piles I guess I could put them over here in this corner because there's nothing there about right so all of this stuff is like sentimental so I'm not starting with that because Murray says to not start with sentimental stuff guess what I start with this pile so basically I guess we just have to take the item hold it and feel if it gives us joy so does this item spark joy for me no I don't really I like it I don't know this is gonna be so hard for me I feel like I'm very indecisive I just bought this I feel like this is gonna be an issue because I'm gonna feel guilty like getting rid of certain stuff because I feel like I literally just bought some of this stuff and but I don't really like it and I probably won't wear it because I know that I don't like it I think this is cute but all right now it doesn't spark your way just suck it up and put it in the giveaway pile okay so basically how I'm gonna do this is that's a spark joy if yes I keep it if no I'm gonna decide whether to sell it or to donate it another thing I need to keep in mind is I think this is something I think about a lot which is the concept of a sunk cost if any of you guys are business students you've probably heard that term before but basically a sunk cost is just a cost that you can't get back it's I think of like material things that way because sometimes like I'll buy something and then it'll sit in my closet for a year and then I'll be like well I wasted money on that but you can't really think about it that way like you can't worry about that because it's a sunk cost you already put that money out you're not getting it back you're not returning the item like there's really nothing you can do about at this point so like treated as a sunk cost another thing that Marie says is to have a vision of what you want your closet to be or just kind of like envision your life and what you want out of this whole cleaning process so for me I want my closet to be a lot more minimalistic I guess I want only basic pieces and statement pieces no in-between like just basics and statement pieces that I can like kind of mix and match together I feel like I thrift so much stuff which i 100% do but then I never wear it I see it in the store and I'm like this is cool but when it comes time to wear it I'm like I don't care about this like I haven't touched it I don't know why I have this I mean doesn't he has not queue it means I just kind of didn't really think it through when I was buying it I'm a very very much of an impulse buyer which is coming back to bite me at this point like I love this like I think it's great and everything but I don't need it see I love this but it's like when do I wear this I really don't but it's so cool that I'm not I'm not getting rid of it I haven't worn this in 75 years this I love does this even fit me anymore so pretty much I'm just gonna go through everything figure out if it sparks joy and sort everything into piles and figure out what I'm keeping and what I am NOT some things that she said keep in mind nostalgia is not your friend this is why I'm a hoarder this is why because I attach emotional meaning to things when in reality like they're just things like this is just a jacket it's not like a piece of me it's just a jacket I need to detach these things from like the whatever emotional meeting I'm putting on to them so that I can let go of them without feeling like spit about it like I remember when I was younger I had an extensive stuffed animal collection and when I got older it was time to get rid of them and I couldn't like I could not part with these stuffed animals because I attached so much emotional meaning to then I'm but in reality like they're just things they're just material possessions all right let's do this [Music] [Applause] we got one pile down [Music] okay I have sorted things and let me show you the state of my for right now house is a teep pile this is a keep pile this is a questionmark pile because I have to talk to my mom cuz it's a bunch of from like when I was 10 hangers from things that I'm getting rid of everything in this pile is keep all has hangers on still and then we just have a big cluster of things that I'm not keeping I think I'm gonna move all of the keep stuff over into this corner of my room so I can get it out of the way cuz then I have to take out everything that's in here and all my shoes and figure out what stuff I want to keep even when I doll I'm very overwhelmed right now but it's gonna be fine [Music] this is everything that I'm keeping and that is going back into my closet I took a lunch break and now I'm going to go through this pile of clothes that I decided I'm not keeping I'm going to sort it into what I want to sell and what I want to donate so I have two bags here in front of me donate and so I'm gonna probably need about twenty ten more bags like not even gonna lie okay so these are the sell bags these are the donate bags and this is what we're putting back in our closet and these are all the hangers I'm like really sweating okay I think the next thing I'm gonna do is pull out my shoes I'm pretty sure that I want most of them but any shoes that I decide that I don't want I'm just gonna donate see like this is a big fat mess I don't even remember buying half of these remember I said I wanted to keep most of my shoes I just don't think I was telling the truth alright I feel like that's probably good for shoes I think I have the shoes that I want to keep in there and I'm keeping these so the next step I don't even what is the next step I'm gonna end up putting a shelf up there okay well what is this what is even in here what is in here oh now that everything's on my floor oh my god there's so much stuff okay we need to regroup I'll be back in a second okay so I think what we're gonna do next is simply figure out what the hell is in here and decide on what we're gonna do with it accordingly first things first my suitcase I bought this mat for exercise purposes have I exercised no but this is stuff for a thrift flip this is art stuff this is just a lot what is this is that a leaf what do this is disgusting alright we'll figure out what to do with that just I have no idea yet oh my god I was looking for this belt how the hell did it end up in this back what the all right well I was looking for that the best way to store bags Marie Kondo said this - the best way to store bags is with in other bags and I i 100% stand by that well now there is nothing in here except for my shoes this bag filled with bags this is the ground that I don't think I've seen in probably like 15 years and my shoes and this is my closet emptied out completely as hell of stickers over here I don't even know how to get them off they're probably like literally 15 years old I think I'm gonna try and get that stuff off of the walls and then I need to build my shelving unit [Music] [Music] okay we are gonna build now that last part really took a lot out of me I have no idea what this is going to entail easy assembly laughs I'll be the judge of that forget the assembly was not easy this open ow ha ha yeah I almost just ripped my nail off that hurt like I just simply feel like my nail almost ripped off Wow yeah holy Sh how do you open this like just let me know step one choose desired height and snap tapered classic sleeve a what oh that just doesn't seem correct I picked up already this is ridiculous this makes no sense I said easy assembly and okay this is wrong shouldn't that be there why is it all moving around me okay I was doing it wrong but in my defense the pictures were very misleading but this makes a lot more sense we're getting somewhere so now we have back and I'm actually killing it over here don't mind me I did it I did it one shot down wanted to go that's not even not even remotely even not even close to being even but I hope that's not going to be an issue [Music] hi everybody it's the next day this trash truck decided to come down my street right when I decided to turn my camera on last night after I built these shelves I came back upstairs and I put the little bins on the bottom shelf and I put my shoes back on the top shelf I just kind of put some stuff back in where I wanted it and then this morning I took my donation bags to one of the donation bins so I have a lot more room now the last thing that we need to do to finish this thing is put everything back in an organized and orderly fashion and then we'll be able to truly see how much stuff I actually got rid of depending on how much room I have in my closet that is what we're going to do right now so let me just explain because while I'm doing this I'm probably an eternal Gossip Girl right so the way I'm going to organize it going from right to left I'm gonna do tank tops short sleeve shirts long sleeve shirts sweaters sweatshirts jackets and dresses I'm doing dresses last because I couldn't think of another logical place to put them so we're just gonna put them in the back especially cuz I wear those probably the least out of everything my closet and then within each category I am gonna do colors wise from right to left them doing cream white gray black and then the colors of the rainbow so red orange yellow green blue purple cuz before I did it just by color like everything by color and I just feel like there's a I want to do it this way now because I feel like it'll just make things easier to find I don't know but also I decided that I'm going to sell stuff on both Poshmark and epub I put an Instagram story up asking you guys like I think I said this earlier asking you guys what app you guys like better and I think I'm majority said Poshmark but I know Poshmark is not international I'm gonna do stuff on Poshmark and on D probably gonna do the stuff on Poshmark first just because Poshmark is easier for me and I've never sold on Deepak before but there will be stuff coming on depop as well so anybody international that wants to check any of this stuff out can do so on deep pop so I just wanted to throw that in because I decided that this morning so my Poshmark and my deep are gonna be link down below for you guys if you want to check them out you know all I had to say before I started doing all this I'm gonna turn on Gossip Girl and start putting everything back in my closet I am all finished putting back my clothes and organizing everything and now it's time for the big moment my newly organized freshly cleaned [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love everything about this I love everything it it I feel so much better I feel so much more organized this makes me want to actually go into my closet and pick out outfits because everything is organized I know where everything is it's so much nicer I'm so freakin happy with how this turned out this was much needed and I'm so freakin happy that I did so that is my closet transformation makeover reorganization I am thrilled so with that that is gonna be the end of today's video I hope you guys enjoyed this video I had a lot of fun making this video I love to take you guys along you guys know that I love to do like home not come improvement home type stuff and no rumery decorations and organizing and whatnot I love to do that kind of stuff and those are some of my favorite videos to film so I hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed making it and I think that's it so thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you guys liked it make sure to give it a thumbs up if you've stay until this point the video comment down below I'm a real one because you're a real one do you want to see more videos from me make sure you hit the subscribe button I post a new video every single Sunday and if you forget that I post a new video every single Sunday or if I can't upload at my normal time which is 3 p.m. Eastern I should return all my post notification Bell so that you get notified exactly what I posted in you video and yeah I hope you guys all have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you guys my next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hannah Elise
Views: 1,058,564
Rating: 4.8993106 out of 5
Keywords: Hannah elise, hannah, Hannah maute, vlogs, coffee, temple, college, student, university, hanna, diy, thrifting, organize, organization, how to, how to organize a small space, small space, home, redecoration, re-organization, redoing, closet, reorganizing my closet, closet transformation, transformation, tips, how to organize your closet, organizing a small closet, storage tips, closet storage, marie kondo, konmari, konmari method, Hannah Elise college, spring cleaning, college organization
Id: ZuibVr56kig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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