Beginners Guide to Clean & Jerk with Meg Squats |

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👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/er-day 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

How hard is it to get the form down? I wouldn't mind trying to clean and jerk but I don't know if I have access to a proper coach.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Confido 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad JTS is putting out new, quality, "How to Snatch" and "How to Clean and Jerk" videos. I remember learning how to do the classic lifts a few years ago and without a coach all I had was that really shitty Cal Strength (Pendlay) video and Greg Everett's excellent book. But reading can only take you so far, sometimes you need to see it in action.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Geronimobius 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] everybody on Macs ADA head coach of the team juggernaut here to show you a couple more tips on cleaning we're going to go through a few basic drills with Meg of Meg squats and Kristin so drill number one we grab the bar we're going to work on the explosion in the clean just like in the snatch when the bar makes contact your hip the same thing the same principles happening here we're just going to make contact the bottom of our thigh so move your hands in a little bit when you grab your grip you want to make sure you know where to grab the bar so that it sits on your shoulders properly so from here put the bar up on your shoulders should be in a comfortable position to front squat so the bar is going to sit behind her shoulder behind her delt not on top so the bar if you rolled it forward a little bit this is not going to be comfortable going to be really uncomfortable unstable you can pull it back so it's behind the delt if it's elbows are too high in the bar is too far back it's going to cut off your circulation you're you're into that kind of thing then go for it all right so now we know where the bar sits what our grip is going to be is going to lower the bar keep it a hook grip just from the session bend your knees so bend your knees a little bit yeah perfect from there you're going to push your hips back away from the bar just like we did the snatch now there's a little bit of space between you and the bar from here without moving your body you're going to rock the bar forward and back one two and that's the spot on your thigh you're going to make contact okay you're going to a couple there do you feel where it belongs one two and then on the three you're going to make contact okay ready so one two and three good similar to that so we want to make sure the bar jumps up at the top of Kristin demo now so you can see what it should look like and what you're trying to do the same grip just stand up bend her knees lean over a little bit keep some space between her in the bar so she can feel a timing good so when she makes contact the bar comes and jumps off her thigh good her let yet one more she hits the thigh there's an explosion and that accelerates the bar a little bit than the sleeves so we can hear a little bit of rattling town she also does a good job of keeping it really close here so when you come back to it go ahead and grab it make contact with the thigh and then drive the bar upward so we're just gonna do a couple pulls once you get the hang of it we'll go into an actual clean ready one two good a little bit slower okay that was really good just don't think about so far back all we all we're doing here with the moving is getting timing it's like a metronome right you just we want to know where the bar is we don't we're not trying to hit ourselves we're just going to go one two okay I know when the bar my body are going to get close to each other dude yeah one two good no more a little bit closer yeah you don't need to rock it quite as far one more to keep a little closer to you yeah there you go one two good you hear it yeah good I hear the thing alright next step Kristin come back we're gonna do a clean from here okay cuz it's just the bar super light she's probably not going to do a lot of moving so do a kind of a clean maybe a squat with it you could super light so she's going to do a couple pulls first and then go into a clean or just go into a clean she never listened to good right so after the bar leaves her thigh she keeps it close to their arms control of the bars upper body and then turns it over good one more and then we'll talk about one more little thing here good so make sure when you turn it over not everybody is the same not everybody's going to do this kind of thing where they they hold the bar tight with their fingers and they rack it with their hand completely around the bar we want to try and do is have people do that because ideally that's a better position it's a little bit stronger Kristin's case she kind of has to open her fingers up to get the bar totally at the top to sit on her shoulders for you try to keep your fingers all the way around it if you can't at the top it's fine to relax during your fingers a little bit it make sense yeah okay so we'll go into a clean now okay bend the knees a little bit of space get an idea where the bars look forward keep your chin up yeah there you go on two three good alright one more make sure the sequence is connect catch okay there you go one two yeah yeah okay one more yeah that was really good I felt that one keep it close to your thigh make good contact and then move your feet good good awesome all right let's put it down let's grab those little weights and we'll talk about some little one the black line so next big point which so we went over the explosion we know we're doing here we're making contact the next big point is what we call a hard landing right when you do a snatch when you do a clean something really important to focus on is moving your feet and making an explosive aggressive catch when you when you receive the weight if you catch the weight and you're a tight you're more likely to be successful when standing upright we emphasize this by calling it a hard landing right this is just a combination of us moving our feet aggressively and landing with the same timing feet and hands at the same time okay so Kristin's going to do a clean same thing she just did from here but when she lands take note of her foot in her elbow landing the same time her foot hits the ground the same time or elbow points of that yeah so same position same drill just focus on a hard landing yes there you go I heard that good one more good cool put it down all right I'm going to do it okay legs turn my shoes are quieter okay just naturally all we care about is the timing it has to be loud has to be firm okay should I take you from there yeah same position we just went out you get set Rock the bar a little bit yeah a little bit of position good make a little more contact come up a little higher so bend your knees right there that's like top third portion of your size we want to constantly yeah not too far over there you go one two good one more hit a little harder on your thigh okay one two good last one let me hear your feet a little more ah like you're wearing slippers in the bottom of your shoes the better you get out you're good alright alright cool next thing we're do from the ground start position when you get set up and just like the snatch if you come over here and look right at the bar look right where Kristin is she's going to put her feet under the bar not like a deadlift right where if you set up like a dead lift that bar would be like right up on your shin right and she would set up get it like a deadlift so she's gonna bend over and hips to be really high right and she'd even be like leaning back a little bit like that we want to be in a position where we can get from the ground right back to here where we were okay so we want to try and combine those drills in order to do that we have to start from the ground the right way far is going to start in front of her foot or it's right in front of her chin right over where that shoe forms a crease where the toes and the foot meet with that joint meet okay so line that bar for the top right over that point of your shoe usually like the first lace then bring your shins down to the bar and bring your hands down to the bar same grip we just had from the top from this position her shoulders are going to be like right over the top of her knee slightly in front of the bar and then her shin or starting her toe the bar and her shoulders will be in a line makes sense okay so we look at from the side all these things are in line her shoulders are a little forward because her knees are real forward right want to show a shoulder and knee in line from here she's just going to stand back up to that top position make contact and then go so from the ground good one more easy start good super light so it's it might look a little strange with light weights I can do this so get set turn your toes out a little bit turn your toes out allow your hips to get in a little better position and then bring your shins forward over the bar yeah and then drop your hips down so that your knees come forward so you want to have your knee a little more forward here lift your chest and chin up right now you feel your quads yeah for your legs you know working from there slow start just stand up to that point then stop yep now you're in that same place right lower it again same thing take a second get set then go again back up good all right on this one we're going to come up we're going to pause then we do a clean okay so we can get the timing up contact kind of hand out one more so maybe not so good yeah you don't need to pause along think about it up stop okay and I don't have to do the first drill okay you don't need to rock it as much it's gonna be exactly where we want it right okay does I know pop and we know where that is cool chin up mm do one more so go from the ground all we're going to do is this just like sheet it you're gonna come up touch up under note no pause so but down a little bit chest up a little more Shin foe chin up I saw it there you go those good I'll better do one more a little bit faster okay faster you're going the right places popping it no no pause okay so you're in the right places from here to here but you stop in between right go here touch catch got it I can do this go better keep a little bit more space between you in the bar okay at the very top bring the bar back into your thigh lift your chin up but down there you go one more we'll do the same thing let's start here do one one to connect then lower the bar to the ground and try again okay okay so now you'll feel what it's like where that spot on your leg is you're supposed to contact okay start from the Hang yes I stand up to the top yes and all the way up bend your knees lower the bar a little bit yeah do it clean from here make contact first so you're here you're just pulling so one two and then contact good now lower the bar all the way to the ground let's try again good stand up touch the sign those better hey I'd be a little more aggressive like if you feel it's not jumping off your thigh at the top you put down part of that is good right here you're getting to this point then you're jumping rather than exploding okay contact okay tired take again the center you try one one I can do it so stand at the top again go to the drill let me chase into my help so from right here bend your knees lean over push your hips back a little your hip stuff yeah so you this space push against my hand harder one parter two three like that okay right yeah does that feel better that was louder I was much better do that again okay same drill one two good now try from the ground get set chin up slow start slow pull hmm almost not it that's right I can do things push your knees back a little more as you come up oh we're down to a sec sure that's right it takes a little bit of time because a lot of what you're doing is is this weird tempo of I'm trying to list it at the same time I'm trying to position myself to do something with the bar right right so be patient with the patient with learning how to get an explosion right it takes time to figure out that that rhythm and that timing when you're doing it you can get it from the top and the better you get from here the easier it is to learn to go lower and lower right right so the first thing you do is like practice this drill and focus on this drill until you get comfortable here when you're making every rep the same from the top then move down to the knee into the floor low not okay right so always start from the top yeah complete beginner yes you're totally new the first place I'd say start is from the top because that's like the most critical thing if you don't have a good explosion you don't get a good pop off the the thigh or from the hip and the snatch being really really strong elsewhere is not going to you're not going to make that up right right because this is what makes you a lot more efficient yeah just like myself doesn't really matter here sit go from the top yeah yeah go from the top then you need a little bit more yep pull it back in order to good hit the ball a little harder so the bar moves after you connect right there better make sure the bar contacts your thigh before you move your feet so it's hit feet little better grab those greens let's try the greens so great sometimes a little more weight will give you like a little bit feedback so same drill from the top okay stand up chin up eyes forward a little higher oh hi yeah there you go one two a little harder heart yep a little more aggressive on the contact you know over there you go good one more a little harder if you hit it a little higher and a little harder it'd be really good okay a little bit not like how you're doing it bend over just a little right there a little higher come up a little bit more there you go yeah one two you feel that one like almost there one more stay on the ground really connect with the bar keep the last sight push it back into you there you go one that's better right and more one more this would be this would be the best one this will be it from here you're here try to hit it about three or four times harder now thank you're hitting it hard yeah you're like way overboard like and then dumpy yeah yeah hit it here then move your feet been a little more yeah will the space one too hard oh you feel that one that was better okay one more though my fingers are gonna fall off before okay you don't need all your fingers to clean just a few okay sit right there same hardness same aggressiveness a little better good alright be kind of good at it those are bad though you felt that one yeah that one that's important that you get an idea of what it feels like when you actually make power and actually deliver power the bar then it's great yeah initially it feels like you're not used to it right same as when you start with weightlifting you have like no calluses and then eventually you have this kind of rough skin but again you get used to it you do a little bit of a numbness callus yeah resistance to it and you'll be fine I never knew that you were meant to hit your thighs and not like here so some people are gonna with some people have very short arms like they can't even put their hands in their pockets and they're gonna they're gonna hit the bar higher okay everyone's different she has long arms but well not super long arms the kids a shorter body and longer legs they're going to make contact with the bar lower I hope you guys very very long torso and a shorter shorter arms the bars are already high okay so when they stand up here the bars right here you have long arms and a little shorter body you might stand up in the bars right here honey it doesn't really matter where you are on your thigh right what's important is that when you connect you're in the right position right that you're connecting and that you're using your legs and hips to extend rather than bending the arms to try and pull it up right cool setting up for the front squat yeah for the Queen the way you're going to catch the bar of Kristen clean it ideally best place to have the bar is behind your delts good so she's going to stand here bar sits back behind your delts closer to her neck not so far back that she you know passes out and not on top of the delt where the skin can move around the bar is not stable so she rolled it forward not to be stable for elbows our low bark and slide down her chest not not good for elbows too high could pass out so elbows up and out a little bit bar sits behind the delts fingers or as much as you can get them around the bar Kristen is a little bit tight here so she puts her fingertips around the bar and no ideally if you get your whole hand it would be best but fingertips is fine just whatever you can get around the bar is the best thing to do from there she's going to set up her body weight in the middle of her foot said her hips where they belong then let her knees Bend and squat down all the way keeping her legs in front of her keep your knees over her feet using her legs kind of stays upright as possible and maintain the front position good cool all right I can do this one I've seen your front squat the getting it up there is like maybe a little different solid ooh let's see what you've learned from the drills okay stop yonder so oh yeah bar behind the shoulders elbow is not super high keep them a little bit down there you go keep your chest up there you go put your way in the middle your foot let your knees Bend and sit straight down good to bring knee over your toe and push from the ground good perfect so that's the first step for the clean learning how to front squat getting set like this when you catch a clean you always want to catch it up high back behind your delt if it lands way down here on your shoulder like front it's going to be unstable and it's also not safe great okay cool once you've cleaned it bars sitting on your shoulder we talked about that position in the last video the bar sits back behind your shoulders steady feeling wonder when she cleans she's going to stand up from the clean and ideally bring her feet in a little bit you want your feet under your hips okay the bar is going to sit top of the shoulder your body weight is going to be directly under the bar which is right in front of your shin try not to put all your weight on your heel or all the way on your toes from here she's going to dip drive into a jerk just do a drink good when she lands we want to land with the bar over the head back behind the ears her hands and elbows are going to be turned inside here this way internally rotated this puts the bar behind her head a little bit further and is much more stable because up her back is doing the work in the split position come water the split position her shins going to be perpendicular to the floor so this is not good the knees not going to come much more forward than the front of her shin here and then her hips are going to be as high as she can keep them staying rigid recover and put it down alright so once you clean the weight meg is just going to gracefully muscle this bar to the shoulders do you like that okay one way to do it all right I tried to get that far away from a 3reds in the deadlift right now okay once you get the bar set on your shoulders we're going to wrap our fingers as best we can around the bar you're going to bring your feet head under you a little bit make sure they're directly under your hips not super close but under your hip is where it's comfortable toes are going to point it out good you're going to lock your knees before you start and you're bringing your body weight forward onto the middle of your foot right here so all the pressure your foot and the bar should be right in the middle there from there we're just going to dip down and then stand back up when you dip you should feel the pressure across your thighs and a little bit in your hips not way back on your back or your just your butt okay great good that's the dip put it down now we know where we're starting okay we'll stand here feet under our hips just like we did in the jerk we're going to rise up onto our toes and from there land in a split whatever foot moves forward as the foot you're going to drift with right does it matter which one goes forward it's it's totally up to you the one that naturally goes forward in this exercise is the one I recommend starting with okay so do a couple five six reps don't think about what foot goes towards just think about splitting good if you find that you're doing one than the other maybe pick one try that a few times and if that's still comfortable stay with it okay if you're going back and forth or whatever this way or that way not super important just find the one that's most comfortable okay so when we split pause the split again we're going to land up on our toes hold from their shins vertical so this is perpendicular now back toe is pointed in a little that's perfect right there from there push up with your hips okay so she'll try to lift your hips a little higher there you go this is way more stable if your hips are pushing upward rather than like a lunge where you're down right if you're low like that you're going to get under the bar lower but you're not going to be strong so the bar is going to crush you again okay one more we're going to do another split so we rise up onto our toes then we select catch it with hips high there you go catch it last one so we go to things we're thinking about split and high hips ready foot high hips good last one good a little high right good good good good third drill before we jerk you're going to clean it to your shoulders from here we're going to do a jump into split so we're not going to move the bar we're going to do we just did without the bar but with the bar still in the front rack still in the front rack so when you land you're going to be in this position like a front line okay up under the toes and then split good now from here you're going to press the bar ten times so when you press we want to push up and have the bar behind our head elbows turn out hips high there you go bring it back down good one more two more so what we're doing here is practicing the split we're getting practice because we're sitting in this position it's not super comfortable that you're getting stronger here and you're learning where the bar goes here what it's going to feel like when you land is just like this okay then bring it back down now put it down we can combine all three of those so Krista don't want just the bar so we're going to dip we're going to drive to our toes so pause on your toes so dip down all with your toes from here the bar is going to leave our chest and then we're going to land in that split but with the bar overhead good one more do a regular speed jerk so dip drop catch good the order is legs move the bar your arms move your body so we don't want to drive a little bit and then press it out do that so she just dips a little bit and then presses the rest of the way right not good no pressing with the arms early legs arms cool all right let's try it seems so easy but it's not everything what she does makes it seem easy it's so complicated like so many different things just to get the bar overhead usually like I lay down when I okay cancer from the hip yeah we'll do a little clean okay good get set set up lock lock legs there you go great we're going to dip drive up and then land in the split good hold it there you go hips I then recover so bring your feet together then bring the bar down yeah one more so stand up straight bend your knees that's right good turn your hands so every time you land in the split we're going to freeze here and then make our position perfect then we recover okay right then recover front foot then back foot there you go one more just like that sweet dip front foot hips high yeah elbows out there you go last one so get set bring these down a little bit yeah bring your body weight to them over your foot pull your toes out a little bit there you go drive with the legs then split with the hem front foot back sorry front hips up higher yeah turn these in more there you go like this or like that like that your elbows we want our elbows we don't want trouble like this one our elbows this way okay right good good last one this one's for Instagram I need it I need a shout-out well I was really good at I push the bar up nice put it down all right let's try do a whole cleaning jerk with the greens with the bar or with us with the Greens we'll go from the ground if you can do it perfectly do that if not just do what you can do all right so get set yep all the things you learn in butt down shoulders up chin up [Music] can I start over no do they actually do it the whole thing then we'll do it again so lock your legs yeah leg straight Mill your foot Drive first hold yeah push back that was a good jerk one more one more for the ground I can't do the clean way better I know I can oh good just come out contact here yeah so up contact okay okay you got to push the bar back with your lap right push it back your back digit okay yeah damn egg so get set yeah right to your thigh really so better get set so elbows down a little bit body weight in the middle your foot there you go drive then catching the split push your back yeah one more that one rolled off your chest let it roll down when you dip yeah last one so get set chin up look forward there you go elbows down a little bit chest up good that one go a little forward kids so just for anything when you're sitting here when you're ready to jerk and the bars on your shoulder when you're dipping you're dropping this down and coming forward think about dipping but pushing back on the bars you dip right you dip down the bar has to still stay back on your shoulder sound like still you're kind of dipping and when you dip you go down and then like this and the bar comes forward off your shoulder okay and then it's into your hands you're like putting it in your hands and drive with your arms relax the arms drive then reach I can do it it much better put your thumb oh good yeah hello way better yeah that's pretty cool of it nice job cool make sure you like the video if you enjoyed this content and you want to see more videos with Meg squats go ahead and comment down below what you think if you have any questions on weightlifting that maybe we can answer or have future video topics make sure to leave those questions below and we'll try to get your questions answered because that's a we view here at JPS we make you 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Channel: Juggernaut Training Systems
Views: 1,590,686
Rating: 4.921145 out of 5
Keywords: clean and jerk, megsquats, kristin pope, max aita, weightlifting technique, clean and jerk technique, juggernaut training systems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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