Clean and declutter with us

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here's what our bathroom currently looks like and here I am hello so we have a shower a toilet two sinks and laundry without a hamper for contacts we got three kids a dog and so yeah I have no idea where to start we'll grab two microfibers we'll grab a glass cleaner because the sink and all of that area in the mirrors that's all glass like the countertop spot and then we're going to grab like a cleaning paste for the faucets I'll show you guys all that in a minute a lot of people ask me like how do I get the motivation to clean and like the ideas and a lot of times I do what I just showed you I go out there and look at all my cleaning products and like I'll get an idea that pops into my head and I just go from there is there anybody that brings all of their laundry to the laundry mat and like have somebody else do it I've always been wondered about that if anybody brings all their clothes and has it done somewhere else I mean it is just non-stop we're going to somehow bring this back to life this is a chair where makeup is done the kids stand on this chair to brush their teeth and stuff so we're going to try and get this back to New is there anybody else that feels like the top of the toilet just never gets clean it's always forgotten about I grew up in a house where I shared a bathroom with my siblings that anybody else do that okay this has got to be a little overboard we have not but one two three four candles in the bathroom I mean please tell me that oh and shower salts I actually want to use this I mean has anybody ever used shower salts I usually have heard of bath salts but this is shower salts I grew up in a house that was like kind of in the woods and from time to time I'd see these gigantic spiders in the shower and I think I like got a rnic phobia is there anybody else that's has a rat I think it's called a ratnip phobia it is so bad luckily I don't see any spiders or anything like that here but I grew up where there was like a lot of issues with like bugs getting into the bathroom in the house that I was growing up and oh my God it was horrible see this is why I don't declutter we're keeping all four candles in here just in case right how big was y'all's water heater growing up we rented a house back in 2014 where the water heater literally fit underneath the sink so we were running out of hot water all the time and one time somebody told me that I can change the temperature to the Water by going to the water heater thing and like messing with the I don't know there was something on there and I did it one time and the water got so hot it was like volcanic temperatures did anybody else grow up in a house where when your dad finished dinner it was always supper's ready go wash up I was usually good about washing up and washing my hands as a kid and also the bigger question is how come people aren't calling it supper anymore and we want to thank Thrive market for sponsoring this cleaning and decluttering video and if you don't know what Thrive Market is it's an online based membership grocery store with guaranteed savings and any order over $49 is free shipping and it usually gets to the door within just a couple of days no more running out to the grocery store hauling the kids you guys know how that is if you have kids that's our favorite part about Thrive Market is that it's delivered right to your door let's see what we got oh my God one thing I really about Thrive Market is all the filters so anything that you're trying to do for yourself or your family like a die three or if you're on a certain diet like paleo or Whole 30 they have all those under the filters and you can just choose what you want and it shows you all the food that they have within that and I have a lot of people ask me like how much does all of this cost if you do it monthly which you can you could do it just one month at a time it's $112 a month but you actually save an abundance amount of money by doing it yearly which is only $5 a month if you do the yearly option here are some of our favorites we got these in our last box and we had to reorder these are so good the honey mustard pretzels and anything cinnamon with Thrive Market we are like the number one Thrive Market cinnamon fans they have people come to our house just to yes I had somebody come knocking at the door the other day and they were like hey do you still have the Thrive Market cinnamon Stacks we're like yes if you wondering how to save some money on Thrive market and get a little bit of a discount on your first order if you click the link in our description box you'll get 30% off your first order and you get a free gift up to $60 and Thrive Market is doing this huge summer essential sales that it's going to get you big discounts on top of the link that is in the description box that is already getting you 30% off your first order as well we also had these in our last box and our daughter who's the pickiest eater on the planet specifically asked for these animal crackers so guess what I got like six of them another thing that thrive offers that I love you can already scan an item that you have and it'll show you a healthier alternative with a lot of healthier options like this organic baby food this granola butter looks so good I can't wait to try this and it has vanilla on it anything that has vanilla or butter in a little jar yeah Count Me In and y'all I've been struggling with drinking some diet soda lately but these poppy soda drinks have been so good it's a probiotic soda which I still don't know what probiotic means but I just know I like the taste and I know it's healthier for you than all the other diet sodas out there so you know those fruit snacks that the kids are always upset with this yum Earth organic fruit snack I will preach to the mountain tops that these are better than any fruit snack that you can find at the store yeah we switched these out a couple months ago our old ones for these ones and the kids have been eating these no problem the best way I can describe it it just tastes like real it just tastes real tastes real yes and honey did you get this applesauce for the baby or for yourself for both I love me some good applesauce did anybody he love squeeze packs squeeze packs did anybody used to eat applesauce with pork chops as a kid so thank you so much Thrive market for sending us all of these goodies so let's get back to the cleaning shall we let's get back to it yes let's do it let's get honest here I know a lot of us have one of these little caddy things that are gross and disgusting so we're going to put some soap in it and let it sit in some hot water while we do the cleaning Sam has been using this water flosser pressure thing and she seems to love it and I don't know about you guys but anytime I'd go to the dentist and they always be like oh have you've been flossing I was always like yeah have been flossing you know the damn well none of us are flossing okay so if you want better water pressure my go-to is grab some cleaning paste and a scrub and just start scrubbing away on these things and I assure you oh it works for me that the water pressure gets so much better and we're going to do it with the shower as well does anybody else remember in like the '90s sports movies where like like after football practice they were like hit the showers are they still doing that clean this bathroom's got me wondering like how many times are we using the restroom a day like are you counting like how many times you're going number one or number two I mean I would love to know let's see let's put this to the test with the water pressure wow it's like Niagara Falls coming out of there would you look at that this is like the Canadian side and this is the American side nagra Falls has anybody ever been to Niagara Falls we've been to the American side and the Canadian side and we almost went on the made of the Mist it was during the winter time that would have been so cool has anybody ever done that yeah the first time I ever seen snow was outside of Niagara Falls in this little town called Newan New York like near Lockport it was like Northern Buffalo and I born and raised in Central Florida so I was like oh my God is this what Snow's like the airports were closed all of the uh roads were shut down it was the craziest thing ever has anybody ever shoveled snow before like tell me what that's like do you have to get up early to do it and if you're late to school or your job is it kind of like they let you slide cuz everybody else is going to be late or shoveling snow like I like what happens does anybody know anybody that has one of those driveways that heats up the entire driveway I've always wondered like does that actually work I've always wondered if anybody has actually made one of those gigantic snowmen that you see in the movie I'm not just talking like one of those little no I'm talking like one of those big like ones that look like they can become alive and come at you and also like are you still using a carrot for the nose like what what goes everywhere I know a carrot is for the nose but what about everywhere else what was up with that Northern Lights phenomenon where like everybody in the country could see it I live in Florida how come we couldn't see it but just above in Georgia I saw some pictures and it literally looked like they were in Alaska like that's how good the lights were did anybody else see that so we're just going to clean all of these little bins out I think the kids need one more toothbrush my God I mean this is toothpaste for the record we'll give them a nice little Ren so they're just nice and crisp right see look at that good as new we didn't have to go out and buy more they're nice and clean nice and shiny I had somebody tell me that they brush their teeth literally after they eat and drink stuff every day I mean I imagine what's that 10 times a day how many times are you brushing your teeth like let's be realistic I brush twice a night probably just like all of you in the morning and at night I've heard three for some people uh drop in the comments how many times are you really Brushy so remember we have three children but one of them's kind of a newborn so we have one two three four five six we have seven kids you would think this is Joey and Sammy seven kids en counting we're just going to put them back and we'll let them choose I don't know we're just going to put them all back three things of toothpaste of course two of them have no lids and a little empty container I mean uh that looks good right there oh and this has been the Saving Grace does anybody else have one of these where it just goes in the kids hair ties and it just cuts it y'all see that cuz it's hard these kids don't like when you take out the hair ties and stuff this thing works wonders did anybody ever see that movie Godzilla vers King Kong like whoever won and I think honestly to think about it now they should have just became friends like I feel like both of them just needed a friend in their life I never saw the original King Kong but the only clip I can remember from like seeing highlights where he was like climbing the building and he grabbed the woman that was watching TV like they they end up getting together like what was that whole plot twist in my opinion there is just an overload of body scrub and like body wash and lotions like there's just so many like how many do you guys use do you have several do you have just a couple I mean and it's like every fruit imaginable like pineapple bananas lightly whipped butter everything has butter in it is there anybody watching this that has a snowmobile I remember being on that thing like one or two times when I was up in Buffalo and why are those things so fast like they're like unbelievably fast like faster than any car I've ever been in drop in the comments if I were to come out with like a cologne what should what should the set be oh my God can you imagine I'm going to hear so many cool ideas that's got to be such a tough business to be in I mean I don't know about y'all whenever you go to a mall there's always like three or four stores that are selling perfume and cologne I mean it's just overload there's way too many fun fact you may have not have known about me I used to be a smoker yes I smoked cigarettes I know you like probably like what yeah I worked in a restaurant and if you ever worked in a restaurant half of the staff probably more than half uh were smokers and I I was young and I was busting tables and waiting tables so you know smoking a cigarette by the dumpster kind of became the norm when I was you know younger while working and it just became a bad habit but I haven't had a cigarette in like many many years in case you're wondering the reason that I mention all of it is because I used to smoke a cigarette and then like spray myself with cologne or some sort of spray thinking that I wouldn't be able to I wouldn't be able to smell like cigarettes anymore which in actuality it made it worse right also I need to know like what's the longest a perfume or cologne bottle has lasted you I mean I mean I feel like I've been dating Sam for a million years and she's had the same perfume bottles I mean these things have got to last a lifetime right here's a cool looking one this is Spice Bomb this is kind of cool we'll give this a little scrub down it's been sitting in this little paste for a little while look how good this it's like brand new is there anybody else that has to literally shower every night before bed I have to get in the shower and get into bed feeling nice and clean it's no matter what like I've already had a shower earlier today and I'm going to take another one before bed I'm just weird like that anybody else I'm just going to assume that if it's not empty and there's still stuff in here Sam's going to use it eventually a lot of people were saying Joey you need to get purple shampoo well Sam found the biggest bottle ever and supposedly it has to sit in my head for a little while while I'm taking a shower but I take quick showers like it's usually in and out of here like I probably take 5 10 minute showers is there anybody else while they're showering like all they're doing is thinking about like conflicts or trying to solve problems or confrontations is that like a real thing [Music] honestly don't know if this is coming from the drill or this or I'm taking the paint off maybe yeah I think from the drill [Music] whoops my motto is the Messier I make it while cleaning the better it will look after I'm done clean does that make sense so Sam and the girls have been using this little thing for their head they all love it I don't know what it's for put it right there okay so here is the stool I gave you the best little view possible so we're going to just sprinkle a little bit of pine stall on here that's strong and then we're going to add some of this paste to it and we got this scrubbing vacuum thing let's give it a shot I'm actually shocked this works so we got a clean microfiber with just a little bit of water on it and just touch it up a little bit some nice clean water okay I mean it doesn't look brand brand brand new but it looks close to it like Thrift Shop garage sale New so we'll check on this little water toothpaste holder thing give it a little scrub with your hand nothing crazy okay that's not bad I mean if you think about it it looks pretty good I wonder if anybody cleans the toilet after every time you use it it's kind of like the whole brushing your teeth after every time you eat right in case anybody's wondering what this wire is is that we have the electronic bedet hooked up to the outlet over here and for the floors we're just going to put a little bit of this Pine saw on the floor and then just walk around with our microfi cloth then we'll get a drier one then walk around with it that'll be the nice touch we're all done I mean I think I'm more so impressed with that stool looking thing but everything is clean oh there I am again all of that is dusted was able to touch up up there it looks good cleaned off the toilet a little bit so now it just looks like a normal bathroom right moving on to the closet area as we said earlier in the intro we did build this closet from scratch our closet used to be on the other side and this side where the nursery was so we did have to downsize a lot of our clothes and we also have this chest of drawers right here this has sheetss my underwear pants and shorts scrubs for work pajamas and then this one is empty so that used to have my bathing suits in it but a couple days ago I took out all my bathing suits and combined it Joey has a dresser out there combined our bathing suits together in one drawer goal is to put some of my long sleeve stuff into that drawer cuz we live in Florida now do like to wear like stuff like this all the time in the house cuz Joey likes to keep it so cold um so I will keep some of those out but like a lot of my long sleeve shirts and stuff like that I need to go through I want to fold them put that in the drawer so that way Joey can have more space up here this is my area to hang my clothes Joey has this area to hang his clothes since he's been getting into shopping in his little two-piece outfit sets he needs more more room I'm also hoping my pants and shorts drawer I can barely close most of the time I need to go through that and maybe the pants I'm a plus-sized girl they take up a lot of room can be maybe hung up here I have recently done a lot of decluttering since we did downsize from essentially a walk-in closet to just this I no longer like feel the need to hold on to a lot of stuff if it doesn't fit me it doesn't fit me and that's okay let's get started okay I tried this on the other day it didn't fit me or it fit me but it was not flattering I can't stand when there's extra hangs up here I was thinking about getting rid of this but I tried it on the other day and it does look really good on me but it's a little risque so maybe only for a date night this one is just not really my style I actually wore this the other day so a couple of stuff out have my closet I'm like I'll keep it in there until I wear it and I loved wearing this so she's a keeper I was keeping this because it was like one of my only Cardigans but you know what I don't like the way it fits my arms it's too tight I really love this but it's too short okay so this is like a long sleeve uh sweater I love this sweater I want to keep it again this is Florida um I probably wear this two times a year so I'm going to fold it and put it to the side I only have a couple of like dressy shirts and I've been keeping them thinking I'm going to wear them like oh I should have like a nice dressy shirt shirt but I love the feel of this but the I don't like the colors so why am I keeping this I'm not another sweater that needs to get [Music] folded so this leather jacket I bought it from torid and I just saw it was my size and I bought it not realizing that it's actually not the one that I wanted it was behind the one I just looked to my size and got it I one of the ones that had like the belt on the side and this one has the buttons to be honest I don't love this but cuz I spent money on it and I've only worn it one time I'm going to keep it for now this is my winter jacket so maybe fingers crossed that can fit into the drawer this is another sweatshirt but I wear this around the house this is another one so I'm just going to put these over here this is a dress that Joey got me at Target but it just doesn't look good on me the tags are still on so and he didn't purchase that long ago so I'm going to put this over here to return this is my work jacket and it really needs to go into my work drawer another little cardigan I love but I only wear this in the winter it's not like a lounge cardigan I'm put that in a drawer I love this so much and I've had it for like 3 years not really my style anymore I much prefer like this so thank you for everything that you've done for me I love you but somebody else will get good use out of this I literally had this black long sleeve shirt from Target for 10 years probably seven years see I'm doing it again like these are long sleeve shirts I love this shirt it's a park M column shirt that's my guy but he needs to go in the drawer with the long sleeves I love the back of the shirt so that's why I've been keeping it but this pink is not my color so I love you and thank you I like this pink a lot better like I want to put this in the long sleeve category in the drawer but I think I already have too much stuff to fit in there I loved her she was a moment but the moment's over this one of my favorite shirts but it has a hole right here I'm going to bring it to my mom to see if she can sew it because it's so soft and I just love this shirt so much this is the other like dressy shirt that I was holding on to I'm never going to wear this I don't like the way it looks on on me this has a huge stain on it why are all my shirts Disney these are all my Dolphins outfits I wear all these tank tops those one thing I wear all right so let's see that would give Joey like that much room in the closet these are some pants that don't fit that I was keeping but I don't like these I'll keep these back here sometimes when you do lo I can't lose weight when I'm breastfeeding sometimes like feel like you do lose weight and then you don't have any shorts I'll just tuck those back there along with the scale to remind myself that maybe one day before we can move on to the other drawers I have to actually be able to close this one sure you don't want to see my underwear so I'll do that and then come back much better this is that shorts drawer that I was talking about it doesn't really close that easily like these pants are humongous let's see if they'll hang up why do these have a stain on them I need Joey to get that out in the wash here these are like the same thing let's try it out okay that hangs up nicely and takes a lot of gives us a lot of extra room on the door okay now that can actually close this is my work drawer I recently just went through and got rid of any scrubs that did not fit so I know all of these fit it's just honestly I'm still hanging on to all my old underwear that we all know never going to wear and it takes up half the drawer I'll let myself have an emotional attachment to one thing and it's all my pre baby underwear that I just I'm not ready to give it up yet I'm not ready and that's okay some of it I am I definitely don't wear that I got those newer I just need to be able to fit the jacket in here work jacket fits moving on to my pajama drawer Joey says I have an unhealthy attachment to pajamas I would have to agree with that I just love a good Lounge pant sue me progress not Perfection we have come to the moment of truth will my long sleeves fit into this drawer I I know that the sweaters will so maybe I'm just making this my sweater drawer that just won't be opened again until next winter because my other long sleeves that I like to like wear to sleep and stuff they're not going to fit in here I mean these drawers are from Target they're so small it fits nice in here when I buy these again I mean I did buy them again for the Nursery but they do not fit a lot it's not like having a dresser that was two jackets and two sweaters and the whole entire drawer is filled how do people live in the North I don't know we're just going to close that drawer off till next winter and we're going to have to end up oh this goes with work we're going to have to end up hanging these two not bad not exactly what I wanted but at least I got the bulky stuff out of the closet to give Joey a little bit of room I lied I have one more bin that has leggings let's go through these really quick so these are actually pants but they couldn't fit in my pants drawer but now they'll be able to I recently just went through these they're probably all going to be a keep so I just went through these like a couple days ago but maybe I can move some stuff and holding on to these leggings I literally never wear them but I'm like oh I'm going to go to the gym I'm going to work out I don't need four sets like four of these I keep three these are my Miami Dolphin ones so yes I'm also wearing another pair of the shorts you know what I don't need these I don't need them I don't have anything to wear them with all right so that leaves me with four leggings I have three B black biker shorts and then these are like shorts I can like wear around the house or wear underneath dresses that's probably too many but not ready to give those up yet and then these are my Christmas and Halloween leggings I'll put those in the back of the closet my little Lounge W right here and these pants should now be able to fit in the pants drawer so this is what we're working with I was able to clear out that much space so Joey can have a little bit more room if you're struggling to declutter the reason I'm able to do this so quickly is because I've done it for years and each time I hold on to less and less and less because because I know how good it feels to go into your closet and love everything and be able to pick from everything no one wants that feeling when they go in their closet and they can't even wear half the stuff it just practice makes perfect just keep going keep doing it and eventually mean this is years and years of me doing this that's why I'm able to go no no no no cuz I know the joy is going to bring me afterwards hi again that brings us to Joey's clothes I do need him to go through his clothes I had to change clothes and everything just now cuz I just was in the bathroom tearing that up like I can't like how can you live like this like I can't even get my arm in here look at the amount of space that's look I have this much space Sam has that much space they know that and I cleared a nice little space for you all right we're going to get rid of those both of these yeah actually the tie we're going to keep the tie I think everybody should just have at least one tie even though I think ties are a thing of the past one tie is good we will keep this one keep that one keep that we'll donate that donate these cuz they're a little uh actually no no if you want to donate donate are they too small yeah they're too small you can put them up there with my two small pieces keep this we'll keep that the Miami Dolphins overalls what I'm thinking that maybe I can store his dress stuff next to my dresses over there so it's kind of tucked away in the corner it's not something you use every single day yeah I mean they both fit that's what I'm saying I think so yeah I think right I don't want to try them on he keeps this for me cuz I love when he wears this yeah I've held on to the we although we live in 95 degree weather I mean I will keep this cardigan just for sale we'll donate that I don't know I literally just bought this for him and he wore it one time you know and then people wonder why I don't buy him stuff he doesn't wear he hates what I buy him this was literally on the ground I I said to him where is that shirt that I bought you my favorite Disney villain is my wife because it was down there you couldn't even see it oh my God so bad I'm just glad we're done building this thing if you're curious on how this was all built we posted this video like a long time ago oh my God I literally will look at this closet while laying in bed and sleep better at night knowing we're not Bu you're not doing that right now no I just bought this oh my God I got to at least wear this one time before I donate what are you wearing a long short when are you going to wear that it's a like long horn or something I've have owned this shirt I used to wear this to work but I've owned this one is so comfortable and stretchy oh we're going to keep this yes we're going to donate it because I think I ruined it I like washed and dried it and like just crumpled up the numbers and I cannot fix it looks like it's just gives me another reason to buy new Miami Dolphins clothes I'm fine with that Sam hates these black shorts that I wear they look like she thinks they look like pajama shorts I mean I wear all of these in my cleaning videos he wears those things 24/7 a few months ago we're at Disney and one of the kids had an accident on my shirt so Sam you know how when you get off a ride at any of these places they put you into a gift shop well Sam went on Tower te and got me a Mickey Mouse Tower Terror shirt it's a really nice shirt yeah and the shirt was so expensive so you're keeping that it's in everything at Disney literally bought each other the same exact Christmas gift we both have the shirt yeah yeah these shorts go with the shirt you donated this went together oh damn should I keep it then now that I see it matched I want do what makes you happy yeah I'm saying let's just hang it on the same hanger I don't see the shirt that go with don't it keep keep keep for special occasion keep keep keep long sleeves we have your short sleeve butt knes we have your Polo your regular t-shirts and your two-piece sets there's still a mountain of laundry that still needs to be done so this going to be Fuller yeah I just like going into one area and finding everything I don't like having clothes and drawers I just like kind of having it all right there put my sweatshirts and the stuff that is too hot for me to wear essentially up there leaving me some more space down here we are in the nursery we're in the home stretch so let's get into it I normally keep his sleepers in here I do not fold them and then I keep his sock on this side I'm going to put his bathing suits in here and his hats this is something from the girls I I recently just went through all his clothes cuz he went through a growth spur I feel like this rocker just becomes like a place for everything so this is the shirt that my mom needs to men this needs to go to Target this is the bathroom all of our kids have worn this so this must need to be going into his keepsake box I'm just going to put this over here for now this was the makeup from the last video that needs to go to my niece some more dress clothes from Joey see if he wants to keep these this like goes in his crib but like on the side my mom made this she's a quilter look how cute this is upside down she's made all of our kids quilts and the family I just love it so much and I love this side we're not working with a lot of space so we just have to make do with what we have and I kind of just store all the blankets here and he's in his crib I kind of put him on the footrest of The Rocker then I'll put some up here behind the rocker I have his baby bath and extra baby carrier and because his Nursery so small it's literally so easy to clean up I just saw this look how clean I mean do you know how many kids step on this to reach the bathroom like kind of smells like Pine saw a little bit but that's okay but this is I'm I'm shocked this is amazing honey I appreciate it wow it's going to be satisfying when I edit it back and hopefully you guys enjoyed that part yeah it looks good we got one of these old thumb taxs things and we're going to put it right here on this wallpaper which has been the bane of my existence it's because we have textured walls yeah so we're going to so the peeling STI doesn't work as well in textured walls well we make do ow I need a hammer so I'm going to do that real fast no the baby's sleeping oh yeah the baby's sleeping so there'll be no hammering but look I just pushed it up and look it it looks good as new right how long will that stay for I don't know we'll see oh it's already oh and that's a wrap the clothes are looking good we were able to donate a lot of stuff the nursery is looking good nice and tidy and don't forget if you go to fuam you'll get that 30% off discount on your first order plus you'll get the free gift to go along with it and like usual if you made it this far you're a real one [Music]
Channel: The Foo Family
Views: 18,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dqT6638hMGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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