Star Wars: The Acolyte - The Good, The Bad, The Woke

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all right guys so I watched the first two episodes of Star Wars the acolytes so that you don't have to let's talk about it better guys before we get into today's video please like And subscribe I am constantly subjecting myself to these bad shows and movies that you guys suggest so that I can get a handle on the plot let you know what's going on there and identify any wokeness that might have injected itself into the story line and Star Wars the acolyte is no exception to that and Star Wars fans are going to hate what I'm about to say this was my introduction to Star Wars I have not seen a Star Wars film TV show spin-off whatever you want to call them this is the first introduction that I've had to this franchise so deal with that how you will that being said I feel like I get an interesting opportunity to be a sort of Outsider to the Star Wars universe and have this be my first exposure to the series and what a first it was so the series starts off and we're on the planet UA and on this planet is a Jedi master by the name of indara now indara is about to have the time of her life that being said more the end of her life as she's about to be faced with an assassin now this assassin is played by none other than amandaa Stenberg I'm not going to give the name of this assassin yet because we find that out throughout episode 1 and two anyways amandaa Stenberg walks up to andaro while she's just chilling having aink drink with some buds or whatever she's doing at the time and says you know what I want you to attack me and attack me with all your force all your power and Adar is like who is this girl I'm not trying to get into it right now with you and she says no I want you to attack me let's go let's fight let's brawl right now so a fight ensues between Jedi Master andara and this unknown assassin and andara finds out that this assassin can utilize the force which is something that is not typical she pulls out a little radio and says we have an unauthorized use of the force now nobody responds to this radio call and I think it would be pretty interesting if they had here is how that would play out in my imagination given that we know that this is a woke show we have an unauthorized use of the force copy that will be right there can you give us a description of the asent um short maybe 5'4 a female wearing a cloak of some sort can you give us any other descriptors of this unauthorized user maybe skin color uh I'm not sure why that matters why does that matter so the battle continues amandela Stenberg is fighting with this Jedi Master and trying to throw knives every which way to get this woman and eventually amandela is successful in penetrating the force field that is around indara and getting her right in the heart with a knife so it is lights out for indara and our assassin heads off to the next planet to carry out another assassination so news travels of this assassination and the Jedi find out on their home planet corant and launch a fullscale investigation to find out what the hell is going on now they do have a description of this assassin and it matches the features of a young woman named OSHA who was working on a spacecraft as a mechnic which is I guess some sort of mechanic fixer for things that go wrong on spacecrafts now OSHA is just minding her business going about her day working hard on this ship fixing things including a space fire yep a space fire you heard me I got it that just makes no sense I mean it's just the Jedi show up on the spacecraft they arrest OSHA because she fits the description of the Assassin and she denies any wrongdoing and denies responsibility for the death of endara nonetheless she remains in their custody and they are going to take her back to corant to question her and investigate the situation so the Jedi put home girl OSHA on a little ship with a bunch of other convicts SL prisoners and they're on their way to corant to of course do what they do with these convicts and these prisoners now at some point the ship gets taken over by these prisoners why I don't know cuz they just wanted to have a cool little space crash and reunite her with the Jedi but OSHA is left on this ship that is on a crash course towards some sort of other Frozen Planet and what does she do There's No Escape pods because the other prisoners took them she just straps herself in with some seat belts and lets it Go lets it be they crashed into a frozen planet and OSHA wakes up out of a days completely unscathed and I'm talking a full force crash into a frozen Rocky rock some short time after that the Jedi that originally arrested OSHA learn that her spacecraft crashed into this planet and they go back for her because they believe that she's still alive which of course she is somehow now while they're dealing with this roller coaster of ups and downs and arresting OSHA and bringing her back to corusant for Jedi questioning I guess another assassination attempt is carried out on a different Jedi Master Jedi Master torbin and again the as salent fits the description of essentially OSHA so now everyone's aware that OSHA couldn't possibly be the Assassin because of course she was in custody she was going through some stuff when master torbin was being dealt with by this assassin now things are sort of starting to line up and people are figuring out what's going on earlier in episode one it is discussed that OSHA has or should I say had a family to two moms Yes you heard me right two moms and a twin sister by the name may now it was presumed that both of her moms and her sister may died in a fire that her sister actually set killing all of them but it turns out OSHA's twin sister may is still alive and is carrying out these assassinations May is on Master torbin Planet attempting to assassinate him she comes to find out that he's in a meditative State he's like a monk-like Jedi master and he's been in this meditative state for about 10 years he doesn't speak to anybody his eyes are closed and he is constantly protected by the force and when may attempts to kill him by stabbing him like she did with indara she is unable to penetrate the force field that surrounds Master torbin this time she attempts to level with master torbin and it's generally understood that these Jedi Masters did something horrible to May and I guess presumably her family and that's why she's out to get them so she tells master torbin that he knows what he's done that he's not going to be able to find peace even though that he thinks he has and he suddenly awakes out of his meditative state to sit with her and acknowledge that he did do something wrong although he thought he was doing the right thing and instead of May having to kill Jedi Master torbin he kills himself he just takes the poison that she brought for him drinks it and dies so there we go a second successful assassination for May and right as she succeeds in this and leaves the other Jedi who have o show up to intercept her their interception attempt doesn't work and may heads off to assassinate a third Jedi Master oh and just so we're on the same page here the assassin May who is I guess the twin sister of Osha has four Jedi Masters she wants to kill andara done torbin done Kaka not yet and soul so we still have two more on the list that she's going to hopefully get to at some point I guess and that's where we leave out in episode 2 of course there's a ton of details that I left out and I hope you're able to follow my summary of those events but if not maybe you're going to have to check it out for yourself if you're even interested now before we get to punching down on Star Wars the acolyte which many are already doing on the internet I want to talk about the good things that I saw in this series first of all I thought the costume was pretty good but again this is my first time watching Star Wars so I don't really have any frame of reference as far as the other moments in this franchise so you guys will have to let me know in the comments down below whether or not you stand by that as far as the acting goes I wasn't overwhelmingly impressed by anybody in the series but I do feel as though amandela Stenberg really holds her own in this show I don't have many qualms with her performance at least as of late the sound effects and the fight scenes I thought were pretty fun and again didn't leave much to be desired and I will say when I started this series I watched all the way through and it held my attention so there's that and that's about all I can say as far as good things in this series which is more than I say for other projects now let's get into the bad or the underwhelming parts of this series thus far I will say just in general the show is quite flat I feel like nobody really stood out as far as acting was concerned none of the plot lines really shook me to my core in any way shape or form and I found myself just watching along sort of guessing what was going to happen along the way and being correct more often than not not you'll truly recognize the flatness that I'm talking about in this show when you analyze the side characters I'm talking about people like y Jackie the Apothecary friend that's helping May with the assassinations the acting does leave much to be desired with these three and it just generally Falls flat as I said before it seems like none of the side characters are really giving in this series whatsoever when I tell you there's a lot of unnecessary Exposition in this show through the dialogue I truly mean that they will tell you every step of the way exactly what they're doing thinking and feeling they don't necessarily trust the audience it seems to understand what's going on without directly telling you what's going on then of course we have some plot holes I guess or or lazy writing is what I would call it the space fire which we all know is not possible of course takes place and it was an unnecessary moment in the plot I feel like some other issue could have risen and we could have gotten the same effect but no it had to be a space fire also when oosha is arrested and she's on a spacecraft that crashes right into another planet she gets out of that completely unscathed not a scratch on her I don't feel as though a lot of these things were thought through it seems like they were just inserted into the plot in order to get to a certain destination which we all know is a no no in episode two when may carries out her assassination on Jedi Master torbin she uses poison poison that was provided to her as I said by her friend in the Apothecary who is aiding her in this mission to assassinate four Jedi the Jedi find the friend that helped her with this poison they confront him about it they actually get him on a tape recording admitting that he knew exactly what was going to happen and that she was going to assassinate torbin yet they let the guy go because he cooperated after they found out that he was responsible for helping her I don't understand but by the end of episode 2 this friend who is helping her with these assassinations links back up with May and I guess they go off to the next planet to do more killing why' they let him go I don't know you guys will have to let me know and as I said amandela Stenberg puts on somewhat of a strong performance but when it's met with a ton of flatness she's kind of carrying the team I also must give a little nod to a character by the name of vestra that we didn't describe in our summary but is present in the show she is played by none other than Leslie hedin's wife and her acting Falls very flat in these two episodes I will say I can't tell though if the acting is flat with these characters because they're not great actors or because the writing that they've been provided is not great and of course we've saved for the end what you've all I guess come here for is my woke scoring of this show so so far actually I'll say it's medium I'm giving it a medium score a five out of 10 and the only reason I give it a five out of 10 on the woke scale is because I think there's more to come and that episodes one and two were largely for setting up the plot and going forward we're going to get a ton more wokeness and insertion of lley headland's own personal ideology I think that Star Wars is so gay already okay I mean have you seen the fits we'd be like look how gay this is and then send each other a reference photo and are you telling me with a straight face that C3PO is straight they're a couple that's what I think but so far we do have a few little tidbits that were sprinkled into this show in the beginning of episode one when indara is being confronted by this assassin who we now know is May the twin sister indar says to May that Jedi do not attack the unarmed May looks indara right in her eyes and says yes you do immediately this struck me as sort of a nod to police brutality and the policing issues that we have here in the United States let me know if it struck you the same way I don't know if this has been a present theme throughout the Star Wars franchise so I can't speak to that but that's what I saw and felt the Jedi are repeatedly displayed in this show as some sort of a oppressive force a police state almost that goes around causing turmoil within space in the name of peace and of course I know that Amanda lenberg in her personal life is a major activist and supporter of black lives matter so maybe I'm letting that color what I'm watching in the show let me know if you saw that too I think it wasn't until I was older and I could really understand things infrastructurally that I got oh right Hollywood is a white institution and that means that representations within Hollywood are going to be extensions of white supremacy when people watch the hate you give what what do you want them to walk away with cuz I know everyone has a slightly different feeling um well I mean white people crying actually was the goal um we and I'll read this quotee that sort of summarizes the view that this Series has on Jedi and the Jedi Order it says the Jedi live in a dream they believe everyone shares if you attack a Jedi with a weapon you will fail but an acolyte kills without a weapon kills the dream and we're repeatedly told that the Jedi sort of feel they're doing the right thing while they're constantly doing the wrong thing that they're trying to find peace within themselves but lead an existence that could never truly find them peace because they are the pressors in this universe and of course for anybody who understands leftism this is a nod to leftism itself that there is a power structure that exists amongst all people and it's a power structure that should be broken down that's what's happening between the Jedi and the others essentially in this story as far as other woke elements we are told that may and OSHA these two twins have two moms now they don't really confirm how this happened did the two moms adopt OSHA in May did they conceive OSHA in May there are rumor circulating that the show is going to have an Immaculate Conception storyline where these two I guess lesbian moms are capable of having twin daughters but I cannot confirm or deny that that's the case another is the diversity in this show you'll be pretty hard pressed to find a a white man in this show in any sort of significant role and if he is in one he's probably going to die the diversity is strong with this one now if there's one thing I can appreciate is that really the diversity is referenced I'm not sure how you would reference diversity within the Star Wars universe so it kind of is This unspoken acknowledged thing that's happening as you're watching but oh my gosh were the diversity quotas on this series High you have somebody of every race there are women everywhere there is all different body types you look at some of these scenes and you can just tell the goal was to have as few white people as possible in this series which hey if you can do it and do it smoothly and it's not referenced I'm open to that I'm just curious if you guys notice this about watching the show there is a little flirting between OSHA and another female character and I wonder if that's going to play out further in the series Leslie hedlin has made it very clear that this is going to be a queer story so I'm wondering exactly how that plays out there's also rumors that Amanda L stenberg's character I don't know whether or not it will be OSHA or may is going to be non-binary and we're going to start having to insert pronouns into the next episodes of this series so I honestly cannot wait for that and the pronoun thing won't be a first for Star Wars we've covered on this show a Star Wars cartoon that was referring to a character as they and them they're still alive we need to get them to the ship we can save them and so far that's all I noticed as far as woke nods in this new series if I missed anything let me know in the comments down below I am sure there is going to be more as I said I score this a 5 out of 10 only because I'm leaving room for what's going to happen further along in the series as we've been told this is not necessarily A Star Wars project it's a Leslie hedin project and Leslie hedin is going to insert as much of herself as possible into this storyline while sprinkling in a little bit of George Lucas's original Ip Leslie hedin's name of course is all over the ending credits of this show written by Leslie hedin directed by leslee Hedland created by Leslie Hedland I'm surprised they didn't sprinkle in sexuality by Leslie Hedland pronouns by Leslie h queer Story by Leslie hiin and right after that we get based on Star Wars by George Lucas which I can't help but feel is completely emblematic of where we are with Hollywood right now it is a Leslie Headland story with a little bit of George Lucas's Star Wars sprinkled into it and that seemingly is the case for every new movie and TV series we get these days it is the director the writer the Creator putting themsel in their own story at the Forefront and then the actual original I p and Source material at the very tail end of everything we watch so there you have it I watched the first two episodes of Star Wars the acolyte I guess I can continue this series if you guys want me to and let you know how I feel about the show let me know in the comments down below as I said I I watched the whole thing it kept my attention although I clearly have my qualms with the writing and you know every everything else about this show let me know your thoughts if you watched it let me know your pros and cons down below and as always if you disagree with me duke it out but do so respectfully as we encourage healthy debate in the comments if you like this video like subscribe click the notification Bell to be notified every single time I post a video for you guys which is every day and I will see you next time May the force be with you better yeah you better yeah you better
Channel: Amala Ekpunobi
Views: 115,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 74cOffQYYlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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