Classroom Setup Part 2 2023-2024 | High School Science Teacher

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hello and welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is Sarah Berger I am a nationally board certified public high school teacher and today I'm going to be generally finishing up my classroom prep and I'll also give you like a full classroom tour so you can kind of see what I have going on in my room so that sounds exciting to you let's do it [Music] so many things to get done we're so excited I'm going to start by fixing the labels on the sides of all my lab tables because a lot of them have kind of like fallen down and look terrible then I'm going to add my little like student role placemat thing to my student tables and then I have this like big blank wall by my fume hood that was like a quote flaw last year and I just wanted to like print out some new quotes like wipe that wall down because it was kind of gross and then replace them so lots to get done let's make it happen y'all [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you first thing I'm going to do is just take down my advisory wall my advisory is just a group of about 30 kids that I work with a little bit more one-on-one for the course of two years and I help them with like academic planning College and Career planning we do some social emotional stuff we learn some just like student skills so it's just kind of like a a support class but last year was my first year with them and we made these little like identity posters so it was just like a little intro activity we did when they were ninth graders that I could do to meet them but they're going to be 10th graders this year so we're going to redo that wall with like a new project which I'm really excited about I'll show you when we actually start working on it because I think it's actually gonna be really cool for making progress [Music] that's all done now I'm gonna go ahead and I I'm gonna fix kind of my back wall so it just looks a little cluttered so there's something that I'm going to take off the wall I'm going to like redistribute things a little bit I'm gonna like re-staple on my big periodic table and then I'm going to spread out some of my big plants we got a little foliage up in here and then we'll kind of check back and see where we are foreign [Music] thank you May notice a beautiful Sheen coming through the camera they am very sweaty I just did a whole bunch of just cleaning up boxes and putting things away and like final doing some final organization so the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put these Avery labels on all of my student folders so these are my student manila folders look like I put the label on them and just on this part and then the students write their own names I could absolutely not put the labels on them and just have the students write their name right on the folder but I like that the labels kind of make them pop because the kids just like write their name in pen or pencil so it's just a little easier to read if it's on the label so it's I mean it's kind of a waste of time but it makes my aesthetic heart happy and what are summer projects for if not random Aesthetics let's go a little time lapse of me slapping these labels on and then I'll take you on the full classroom tour [Music] now I just have to do that four more times which may seem incredibly boring but I cannot tell you how meditative just boring repetitive tasks are to my soul like this is what I love most in the world all the labels are done which means it's classroom tour time classroom to a time let's take off my room to her are you excited okay so if you are a student coming into the classroom the first thing you'd see is this giant pile of trash that needs to be taken out and then there's like my safety shower and then there's some like emergency evacuation routes and such I'm gonna try not to make you motion sick so I'm really sorry um coming over here I have the binder cabinets that I set up in my classroom setup part one video then I have these crates over here this one has fidgets in it this one is where the students folders for their handouts are and this one has extra copies then we go down and these drawers are also all for students so they just say student supplies this one has a little shark on it because it's got some Shark Week supplies for the ladies got some extra like pads and tampons coloring supplies a whole bunch of different coloring books some origami paper there's Play-Doh in there as well scissors and hair ties foreign than this drawer just has some colored paper some lined paper and tape these bottom drawers this is all for kids so this is all unlocked all the time has fans because sometimes like they come back from PE and like they are super hot but like the room itself air conditioning is not pumping so I have like little individual fans they can use there's origami paper down here and then I'll move all of my like coloring Supply bins in there as well so they need to color something they can and then in this cabinet this is just where I shoved all of my extra pillows for now and then there's lots of like folders and dividers and stuff that kids leave behind that anybody is welcome to all of the books that are up on the top here are these are just like personal books that I have read that I bring into my classroom because I don't have space to store them at home but they're kind of aesthetic so that's nice and then we come over here we back up a little bit so we can kind of see the books so beautiful these are all binders that one is kind of miscellaneous and this one is all my cleaning supplies and then if you want to know what's in my like student lab station drawers you can watch my last video I kind of toured through that then this is my little kind of quote wall this is this is a plaque two of my kiddos made me last year that was very cute um this is my fume Hood which if you're not a chemistry teacher that's just if we do anything that produces a gas or you know lots of fire or whatever you can do it back in the fume Hood I have my laminator I have a little alphabetizer and then I have like a picture of me and my student teacher from last year oh look how cute she is she's so cute and then up here uh this cat and this burger were actually made for me by different parents which was so sweet um so we love that and this is my Ravenclaw sign you know I'm the Harry Potter generation this is where they're all hopefully going to install a paper towel dispenser so we love that all of these cabinets just have extra glassware in them so we're walking we're walking all of these posters you see around the room these are just different women scientists through history um and so those are really fun my big periodic table I really want to fill in all of the newly named elements but I just never find the time um this cabinet is my UV light cabinet for my goggles so you can just put all the student goggles in there and then you turn it on and it just shines UV light which kills bacteria this is a stand that a student made a couple years ago that's for burets um this is just my like cute molecules wall these are all just like foam balls that I got at Michael's that I painted and sticks that I hot glued together um this is a little splash guard if I'm doing a display up at the front table this thing is a drying oven which you can use if you do like gravimetric analysis or you're doing like you're drying a precipitate those just came with our classrooms when they rebuilt this building I've used it like twice um cool plants you gotta have a gnome this station back here I usually have like student cups and they can just like wash cups and reuse them and put them back there so that's just kind of an extra sink these are all the marker supplies that I'll move into my other coloring cabinet all of these cabinets up here have all of my kind of lab supplies oh we're not focusing sorry hand have all of my kind of lab supplies and handouts and textbooks and my resources for the whole year so that's very exciting this you belong here is just a vinyl lettering that I bought off of Etsy um over here this is kind of another student station so the students have one-to-one Chromebooks but we always get a couple class classroom loaners so I'll put the loaner Chromebooks here this is our retake card so when students are doing retakes they have to get like a prep form from in here and then the other thing that's for students over here is this little drawer and these are loaner headphones if they need to use them because for our retake policy they have to watch this like prep video um so they have headphones if they need to do that I got fire extinguisher fire blanket we got this sign that I painted probably my second year of teaching so that's cute I love these hanging plants of course like the backlight they're gonna like that look good but I think they're so cute so those are all the plants are fake I have one big real plant that's currently in the back room um this right here I put calculators in here for the most part and then when students take tests this is where they store their cell phones I have my little Norms which I'm hoping to replace I just like I want to reword them a little bit and I just want like a better aesthetic option this is kind of my updated periodic table this is our kind of advisory goals so it says advisory will help you navigate school and transitions grow as a person grow as a student and build connections this is my to-do list that I'm still working away at but it's done enough for the classroom tour this was a sign that kids made me I don't know four or five years ago this post right here is from cta's advocacy site they have lots of good posters that I highly recommend checking out we agree with all these things yes and yes these are some photos of my family and also some photos of previous students this is another bookshelf full of books that I just brought from my house this is a little essential oil diffuser pencil sharpener I have a bunch of pencils in here and the school year goes student hole punch and then these are my like Bell schedules I have laminated Bell schedules because our Bell schedules change a lot that's also where students turn in stuff random cards from other teachers [Applause] um this is just where I put Rando things that need to be organized later it's good to have just kind of a fall space this is a little mirror I like to tell the kids what I'm reading and then the next thing that I'm going to read because some kids get really excited and nerd out about books with me not very many but there are some um this is my wall calendar I use that for student birthdays and any kind of like Special schedule days that I don't want to forget this is my pillow thing from the other side on my desk got a big monitor this is my school issued computer this is my personal computer this is a document camera this is shotkies and then behind my desk I talked through like what all these drawers are in my paper organization video so if you want to watch that feel free but I just have all of my hole punches and staplers and tape and headphones and then all a bunch of paper stuff my chair and then in the room you can kind of see it looks like so spacious right now but once all the kids get in here it's actually like pretty jam-packed but at each table they just have a supply bucket that has their group number on it in the supply bucket there's just highlighters pencils black pens blue pens an eraser and a ruler and then these little cards just really helped me structure student discussions so I could use them to give different numbers different jobs so like person three please go pick up the supply or person four please go put your group's binders back in the cabinet or if we're working on something and be like okay now you're working with your face partner so like have this discussion with your face partner or you're working with your shoulder partner and then the A's and B's are really nice because instead of having to always be like the person with blue eyes the person with the longest hair or the person with the longest last name when you're trying to like tell people who to go first you can just say like hey it's gonna go first then B's gonna go or B's gonna go first and then a is going to go and it doesn't matter which orientation they're working in so it's just a really helpful way to structure student discussion and like tell students who is doing what so I guess I'll just give you one final pan this is my projector I'm currently editing this video the big TV is nice it's not a touch screen or anything it's not like one of those Smart Boards or smart TVs it's just a TV and I like it it's it's plenty big but it's kind of it's since it's over in one corner it is actually really hard for those students to see the TV so I kind of actually wish we were a little bit more old school and just had like a you know overhead projector but that's okay we're accepting the future um and sometimes I just have to have these kids like come to a closer lab table for taking notes so I will give you one final kind of spin around so you can take it all take it all in and all its Glory as always a friendly reminder that I have been teaching for 11 years so I have been accruing all of this stuff for 11 years oh people always ask about this wall this is peel and stick wallpaper that I put in because it was just a white wall before and I wanted a little bit more color in the classroom I did this before peel and stick wallpaper was like cool which only means I paid so much money for that wall like that wall was probably four hundred dollars of peel and stick wallpaper so I don't regret it because I have loved it for the last four years but it was aggressive on the purchase end and not something that I would you know pressure anybody into doing but there she is in all her glory hope you like my little classroom tour oh I play it we love her thank you for joining me for my obnoxiously early classroom setup I'm actually really glad I did this I think it was a sign from the karmic Universe because they are actually closing my building down for the next like three weeks to do some exterior construction stuff and I did not know that so I thought I had like all this time but it's gonna be closed for three weeks and then we only have a week and a half before school starts so I'm actually really glad that I came in here and got a lot of things organized because even though this video is not very long it represents a probably about nine hours of work with part one and part two of my classroom setup so I'm so grateful that I got that done and I don't have to worry about it as much before the school year starts the only thing I'm going to be doing kind of after this is setting up my own teacher desk all the cables were everywhere if you've noticed so I have some like cable management things that I want to do and I want to clear out all my drawers in my teacher desk and in my like lab table at the front and just make those more functional spaces so I can do like a little teacher desk front desk tour another time but I just wanted you to get the general overview of the room if you have any questions or there's any spaces you're wondering about or you're wondering about you know what I bought versus what was given to me I full disclosure do you spend a lot of my own personal money on setting up my classroom which is completely a personal choice I think it's actually a lot less common at the high school level for people to drop like an absurd amount of money on their classrooms but it's a space that I have to be and for about 50 hours a week every week for 10 months so I don't know I want it to look pretty nobody is pressuring me to buy anything for my classroom my school does provide all the basics pens pencils books anything that we would like basically need to run a classroom at my school does provide to me everything extra is just stuff that I purchase because I want to judge it up a little so no pressure If you don't want to do that and also slowly over time slowly over time I did not do all of this in one year that's all I have for you today my loves I hope you have a beautiful day and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: The Chemistry Classroom | Ms. Berger
Views: 3,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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