Classroom Setup Day 1 | Kindergarten Classroom Setup 2023 | Teacher Vlog | Classroom Tour

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel it's good to be back um in case you haven't been following me on Instagram at Miller's happy life I have news I'm returning to teaching I am going to be teaching kindergarten this year at a new District I'm so excited and so many of you have been asking are you going to be doing classroom setup videos and even though it's like going to be so rushed because usually I have like the entire summer and now I have like not even a full two weeks um even though I'm gonna be so rushed I'm gonna do my best I might not be able to do as much filming as I did before well I just won't be because I won't be there the whole summer but anyway I'm gonna do my best to show you guys the process oh the Sun but I'm in the truck and I have it I've got some stuff in here the brick for my brick wall the bed is loaded with a lot of my library books and some tables and like a room divider step stools and stuff like that my mom is meeting me at the school today she's only off on Wednesdays and Saturdays and so um I'm gonna try to get the brick wall done with her today so hopefully nobody Falls if you remember that from last time if you are brand new to my channel welcome I don't even think I said my name my name is Sarah and I talk fast when I get excited um and my mom is probably waiting for me at our meeting spot so I will check in later all right me and Mom have made it to the classroom and I'm so excited we just got done unloading a bunch of stuff and uh she dropped her two dogs off at the groomer this morning so we just have a little bit of time to work before we gotta go pick them up and take them back to her house and then come back so I'm going to show you guys uh just like a walk through of the room really quick it does still have the teacher stuff in here but I found out her and her husband are coming Monday today is Wednesday um they're coming Monday to take all of her stuff out so that's really nice and she said I could send her pictures today if I have any questions about like Furniture like what is belonging to the school and what is hers so that is good so let me show you guys real quick I'll start at the door so here is the door to my classroom we got this little Nook here computer cards this little section that is so cool all these built-in shelves and drawers I'm thinking maybe I could like paint inside here some really fun color there are like eight Outlets or something so I'm thinking about hanging like a swag lamp or something maybe that'd be really cool um this area here here is the front wall this is what we're about to clear off and this is going to be the brick wall you know I have to keep with my tradition I love the brick wall and then right here these huge bulletin boards which I love I like how you can have like a center one you know and there's room for a title and this is probably where one of my desks will go because of the um I can plug the computer in right there with the projector it's got all these windows and my classroom doesn't have lockers because most of the classrooms have lockers back here but instead of lockers I have a huge walk-in closet which I think is I will take that to overlockers so there's these hooks that I will probably replace with my own hooks or come up with something so if you have a clever idea for backpacks let me know um the view is not the best there's this building over here but we can see a little sunshine and I love this all the drawers and I get to wash my hands whenever I want to so nice and then we have a bathroom here which they kept telling me I share with first grade but when I look in here they actually just labeled this one as kindergarten and that one is first grade so I don't think we're sharing so it's just this cute little toilet and it has a window I'm going to decorate it make it look so cute uh maybe I could put stuff that they need to be practicing on the wall so every time they're going potty they can get a little practice and I'm hoping that this gets to stay in the room that'd be nice and then look at this all these shelves and I'm not sure what's gonna stay what's gonna go but look at this this whole counter and all these cabinets and there's stuff in them but it's not like enough to just be like overwhelming you know you know how last time I was going through all those cabinets but I'm so excited about the drawers oh my goodness look like what in the world I've never had all of this and I have my own mini fridge you guys know here is the walk-in closet and I will be sharing this let me find the light with the first grade classroom next door but the principal was acting like first grade would just need like a couple of the shelves so I don't know but look how deep the shelves are guys like if if a lot of this is gone or belongs to the school and I don't want it I can just like you just imagine what I could do with these shelves it'll take time I'm sure that this room will not be up to how I want it when the school year starts on the 16th but it'll it'll be good okay looks like Mom has already kind of started looking at things or taking stuff off and um we're gonna go ahead and get busy I'm so excited oh and I need to mention that she said the teacher said that I could go ahead and start taking her stuff off the walls so I don't think I'm just ripping her stuff off thank you families asked to come to a school we have to honor it no matter what our capacity is okay so you could end up with 25 or 27 kids maybe we should go from the other weekend and we'd be working with less material yeah as long as you're fine with starting wrapping all those little dillies on that end first the other problem is yeah this is one way because remember it has a shadow oh yeah I don't know we'd have to unroll the whole thing mom thinks of everything I remember when we first did the wall I didn't think about the shadow my wall would have been like a trippy she's working her magic over here I'm figuring out we're gonna wrap around this wall with the brick and stop like right here and then paint this Nook hopefully I don't know if the painting will happen before school starts but that would be nice oh yeah because that would be easier than covering them around I can cut like a little millimeter more like I said we can always play nice paper not yet because we got him we're getting excited yeah I'm gonna happen mom's years of wrapping Christmas presents that are of all different odd shapes comes in handy with stuff like this she's spitting it around this counter we went and picked up the doggies took them back to Mom's house grabbed a level from my house and Dakota Mardel in a Hobby Lobby to get more brick I had ordered some from Amazon but it wasn't going to be here until tomorrow and I had mom here today in AC today so we just need to get it done today but I'm so lucky because the wall is Sheetrock so I'm not having to use that gorilla mounting tape which is so it's so much easier so we got this piece up really easily and with the white board there like that's already like a fourth of the wall done so it's so nice to be able to just use staples it makes a world of difference because if y'all remember from the last couple times that took hours for us to do the wall because when you use the gorilla mounting tape if you you have to know exactly where it's going before you stick it or it is like stuck on there um so I'm so excited about that thank you Lord oh we gotta go find a ladder [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] maybe I should climb it she's thinking we can lean this this A-frame ladder because we're trying to get to this corner to staple it do you want me to climb it I can't you okay who's which one of us is better at catching I know I got more oh Lord okay maybe it's not bad because it's got rubber feet so it's fine I'll I'll try it okay I am oh okay I didn't realize those legs were swelling it kind of feels sturdier than I was expecting freaking out now it's way too straight up am I lying I need to go one more step but please all right we marked where the flag holders were there's like a little squiggle on the white board to kind of remind us where these were the flag holders were hanging we're just gonna put them right back in the same spots screwdriver I tried to erase this but I'm gonna have to get some spray I think Joseph did that when we were here oh there's a staple on it so since the floors haven't been done yet we're gonna like roll up this bottom piece that was covering that floor trim which is about this wide we're just going to kind of flip it up after I trim it because I need to trim a little on this one I think the floor is uneven let's flip it up and tape it so it's kind of out of the way so it doesn't get messed up by the waxers I stood on this counter and started taking off this paper but I can't reach up there to get the rest so I'm taking the stuff off of these shelves temporarily I'm gonna put it all back up there because everything has to be off the floor um because then I can put a step stool there and get the rest off and she is doing some work up in the corner and we just got the last piece besides all of the little pieces right there um and I think it looks so good I think it just makes like the white boards uh just stand out and look so much cooler and they're like really nice pretty new white boards I think a lady told me that they got them I think two years ago and they're just they're so good and we hooked up this little AC I can't remember if I said earlier that Mom got this AC for us the AC was actually on the principal got it approved for me to have the AC on because we're not able to have the AC on until the 31st like it's not even controlled by the Admin here it's controlled by like the district so they turn it off at like 3 30 and it's past 3 30 so it started getting hot quick and my eyes look red um but this AC is so nice and I think it will really cool it down once it's on for a while I just can't leave it on because of the drain it it's like filling into a little bucket and the condensation and it's filling up pretty quick it was really humid in here um so I'm gonna keep doing this and get that paper down and I'm planning on coming back tomorrow because I have a babysitter and Friday because I have a babysitter and I may not come back at all next week because I am moving on a Friday I a lot of you have seen my big Life Update stories on Instagram they're not on there anymore but I will do a video for those of you who don't know of some changes going on in life oh man I like that brick wall it looks so good I'm excited I still got a little bit more stapling to do around some edges I'm going to take these lights down and put them somewhere it's crazy how like I feel like it is all of a sudden became a teacher again which I did all of a sudden became a teacher again and it's like um Oh I thought I heard the door open looking at the schedule for in-service has me uh like overwhelmed there's so much stuff so many meetings and everything but it'll be okay it'll be fun she is so good at getting it all lined up like to match going over those like wire thingies um so I let her do that part because she's so good at it and I think I'm gonna cover this is one giant bulletin board I love it so I can divide it into sections or not and I think I want to get that better than paper roll that looks like the [Music] is it like galvanized metal I think they don't have it at Mardel or Hobby Lobby anymore so I'm going to order it um it's on my Amazon wishlist so I'm gonna get three I think three rolls we'll do it [Music] um yeah probably three [Music] [Music] thank you foreign this is the second time I've I've been poked in the butt by that shelf bracket [Laughter] it's Sharp [Music] [Music] [Music] it's 107 degrees outside the the little AC seems powerful though so it is helping but like if I can have it on all day tomorrow that will help we're wrapping the brick around here and I couldn't get the brackets off so I had to get a hammer so I just gotta like hit it off of there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay we are hot and tired and starving so we're going to stop right there and I'll give you an overview of the room really quick before I go so it's like a wreck right here and I've got to make sure it's all back up before Monday because that's when they're starting the floors and man this piece was I had trouble with it but it looks good now um I had to cut around this little thing and kind of accidentally cut a chunk out there but you won't be able to tell and this I'm afraid might be kind of hard because you can't get a ladder real close to the wall because of this so I'll just have to see I may have to find a different type of ladder that I can just lean and I wait till I have a helper again and I want to paint this but if I don't get to that before school starts it's fine um and then this little section has to be finished because that takes a while because you're going to cut all those little pieces but whenever I come back I may work on this board but I have to kind of wait till I get my stuff from Amazon so I don't know when I'm gonna have that so before we go we gotta turn off the AC so it doesn't overflow the water bucket and I've got all my stuff here we've got we're accumulating some trash we really didn't do much else we took some stuff off the door and I'm so excited to see what's left Monday when that teacher comes and gets her things so here we go I was going to eliminate my calendar but I didn't but I can do that tomorrow you kind of see a line right here but it's because even though it's all the same brick some of them just come kind of different colored than others I don't know why but once everything's up there you won't be able to tell as easily and it won't matter all right so we're going to go ahead and go and hopefully it won't be 107 tomorrow but it's been pretty consistently that hot around here lately and thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to leave a like and if you are new Please Subscribe and stay with me and see all of my classroom Adventures I would love to have you and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Sarah's Happy Life
Views: 7,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classroom Setup Day 1, classroom setup, classroom tour, kindergarten classroom, Kindergarten, 2023, teacher vlog, returning to the classroom, returning to teaching, elementary classroom setup, elementary, teacher life, reviewing teacher resources, teacher tools, teacher inspiration, teacher favorites, teacher tool demos, teacher product reviews, teacher resources, lakeshore learning, classroom decor, classroom decorating, elementary classroom decor, setup, organization
Id: WjWdM5kNWmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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