5 Classroom Management Strategies: High School

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that is hard because I got a mouth and sometimes I want to be sarcastic and I want to talk back sometimes I do hey everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Amanda Ruth thank you so much for joining me if you are new to my channel thank you so so much for even choosing to watch my video and if you are returning thank you even more for wanting to watch my stuff for a second time and so if you are new please make sure that you like and that you subscribe so that you can see more of the videos that I'm gonna create that are either related to teaching that are related to how to plan or even if you are a makeup junkie like me you can like all three in one and so we're gonna get into today's video if you have already seen the title you know we're gonna be talking about classroom management now classroom management is a huge huge umbrella and topic and it was really difficult for me to think of the best way to approach this because this can be broken up into the first day of school what are the first five days look like day one alone setting the tone for the first week of school is imperative but I wanted to try to figure out how exactly I could be not as specific and give you just tips and strategies that I have seen to work and what I've noticed is that when we were in college you heard of all of these like rinky-dink strategies on how to deal with classroom management and you know your your uh your courses were great when it came to pedagogy and when it came to learning all these different things on how to write lesson plans and being an expert in your content but the classroom management stuff yeah right I did not learn that in college I learned that in the trenches can I get it amen like I learned that in the field I learned that like being thrown into the classroom and not knowing what to do and it was honestly trial and error and also help from my fellow teachers like I've had friends that have just given me sure gee after strategy advice after advice that have saved my life and so today I want to share with you guys five tips or five ways to improve your classroom management so number one allow students to practice behavior expectations one of the biggest mistakes I made as a teacher was expecting behavior but never allowing them to practice the behavior that I expected you have to walk them through and allow them to practice these behaviors because when they don't do it you can get mad at them for not giving you what you expected because you didn't give them the opportunity to practice one way I love to do this is when it comes to pair talk so think pair share is like the technical right term for it so one strategy that I love to use when students are working in pairs is music having music play like really really low or setting a timer I love using timers on the board as well and once the music stops then talk time is over and these are things that you practice with like really low stake assignments so one thing that I love to do is use a timer for like 90 seconds talk with your partner about what you just wrote down as far as this answer goes the 90 seconds are up on the board and the countdown is there so the students can see how much time they have left the teacher circulates around the room and then once the timer goes off thank you google for the countdown timer it will make like a little noise or like a little alarm once that alarm goes on you remind the kids okay once you hear that sound I need everyone to stop talking and face forward stop talking and face forward and you practice this throughout the day throughout the week so that students just become accustom it sounds bad to say but you're almost conditioning them to respond to that siren or that alarm I should say so I do this all the time pear where you hear it that means we stop talking group work we hear it that means we stop talking it's also so good because then you don't have to scream over the classroom every single time you're trying to get their attention how many times is like oh I only want them to work in groups for ten minutes ten minutes it's done I think you're like can I got everyone's attention hello I'm trying to get everyone's attention and it's like how annoying is that how many times a period can you really do that but if you conditioned them to respond to the alarm then you don't have to say that it might have to just be a once or twice hey guys you already know what that sound means I need everyone's attention but you have to give them opportunities to practice that number two I love rewarding positive behavior now because I have seniors I'm very very limited on the type of behavior that I will reward because honestly for me my expectations for you as a functioning teenager almost adult are so different from someone who's a little younger 13 14 or even middle school age so I like to reward positive behavior with in my school we have something called North Stars and you can write a North Star for a student for anything that they did oh great participation today always adds such joy to the classroom I love how insightful you were today and the students are entered into a raffle and they can win something if their name is picked from the little raffle based on how many North Stars that they received also what I like to do and I have to start doing this again I kind of fell off on it is having like a student of the week but I always like to relate it to my topic so for example if I teach economics then it's economists of the week and I have it displayed in the classroom I know usually by them like a nice little pen or just something to be like thank you I recognize everything that you've done this week if it's for a government class then I call them the politician of the week if it's for current event class then I call them the journalist of the week and so I have different titles based on their specific um subject of the class and that's one way also that I like to recognize them so obviously definitely rewarding positive behavior would be number two number three correcting negative behavior you have to correct wrong behavior one of the biggest things when I started teaching was I was scared to correct their behavior I was afraid of how they were gonna respond to me and if they realize that you're scared or that you're just like I'm so tired of telling them what to do they'll keep doing it they will push your buttons it will find your breaking point and they will get you to your breaking point every single time and resilience and persistence is key when you are trying to figure out classroom management and so you have to correct negative behavior one of the things that I've learned is depending on the student you should always wait until after class now in the moment if that is happening I usually like to make a general announcement first for example we have a uniform policy at my school so no students are allowed to wear hoodies and they can only wear grey cardigans but of course the wear black hoodies black cardigans and so I have to enforce this rule it's unacceptable behavior expectations I like to usually make a general rule but kind of like looking at that student like hey if there is anyone right now that is out of uniform I'm gonna give you the opportunity to make sure that you get into uniform I make the general announcement if that student still does not do the right thing or if they don't take off their sweater while students are maybe copying down notes are working on an assignment I will go to that student quietly just tap on the desk and be like hey your cardigan it has to come off hey your hoodie it has to come off hey I need you to put away the food I never say it out loud and call a kid out because that's when you make them your enemy so I always like to do it in stages general announcement if that doesn't work go straight to the students desk and if they still don't want to do it which means if they haven't done it it caught the entire classes it's called the entire classes tenshun I will wait until the end of class and I still won't even say hey I need to see you after class I usually take a post-it note and I just write it on the post-it stay off the class and as I'm walking around the room stick it on the desk and they read it and that's it I try not to make anything a big deal and draw a lot of attention to the student because if they're being defiant then I don't want to fuel their behavior and that is such a big big mistake when it comes to classroom management getting into fights or battles with the student they always want to win and as I guess my kids would say they want to show face right and so they don't want to be embarrassed in front of their peers and so you always have to defuse the situation I've learned that I have to be a peacemaker in the classroom and that is hard because I got a mouth and sometimes I want to be sarcastic and I want to talk back sometimes I do but you want to always be a peacemaker and so making sure that you correct negative behavior in stages but always correct the behavior you have to let them know hey I see you I see what you're doing you're not invisible and I'm calling you on it number three always give them a choice with classroom management always give them a choice now it might not be choices that they want but it is still a choice so for example no cell phones are allowed out in my class or really in our school but again the kids are always doing it they're addicted to their phones I mean think about it even us we can be addicted to our phones so I try to be as sympathetic as possible but ultimately the rule still has to be enforced and it still has to be followed I need you to put your phone away I already made a general announcement I need you to put it away not under your leg not in your pocket I need you to put it away in your back fine if that kid does not want to put it away I will ask for it now here's where the fight begins and here's where you have to give the choice remember you're always giving them a choice so you always throw it back on it's never give me your phone it's always give them a choice hey you can either give me your phone or I can call the Dean to come and take your phone it's your choice you gave them a choice they might not have a like the choice that you gave them but it's still a choice I will take your phone or we'll call the Dean to take your phone and nine out of ten times they will give you the phone they might ask can I get it after class and I'll say I'll decide based on how well you do right now but nine out of ten times I will get the phone because you've given them a choice now it's on them right what do you want to do you want to give it to me now or you want the Dean to come and take it but the ownership always I've learned with classroom management ownership always back on the student you chose to do this you dumped me I'm not the enemy I'm not the bad guy you chose to do this I would be stay consistent classroom management never dies you have to be consistent we had a professional development last year and the woman that came and spoke about classroom management said this and I will never forget it classroom management has a train and train tracks the Train is the content and that's obviously that what you want kids to learn you want them to move along throughout the course of the semester and the classroom management rules procedures those are the tracks if the tracks do not continue then you cannot teach then the Train does not move forward and so often we think well I taught those things in the beginning of the year and so now let me just go on with our content and that is a huge huge error you always have to be enforcing classroom management you always have to be enforcing the train track so that you can get through content and class or management teaching procedures reminding them of rules is something that you have to do daily daily daily you have to be consistent with classroom management and so that's really it I hope that you guys found this helpful again just a quick review of all of them the first one is give students opportunities to practice the behavior that you expect from them second one is reward positive behavior third is correct negative behavior not punish or give consequences when that might be necessary but correct negative behavior four is always give students a choice and five is make sure that you stay consistent and so I hope that you guys found this video helpful please make sure again that you like that you subscribe and I will see you in the next video you
Channel: Amanda Rose
Views: 62,319
Rating: 4.9668508 out of 5
Keywords: classroom management, classroom procedures, building rapport, teacher managament, teaching highschool, classroom tips, classroom strategies, be consistent, how to teach, teaching in nyc, how to be a teacher, how to control your classroo, amanda ros3, teaching high school, classroom management day 1, classroom tips and tricks, secondary education, education, secondary, english teacher, math teacher, social studies teacher, strategies, procedures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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