Classroom Haul | From 4th to 3rd Summer Vlog 1

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[Music] hey guys so I guess this is the start of my first summer vlog and I really look like summer because my hair is up I have no makeup on and I'm in just a t-shirt tank top and I just wanted to share kind of like a little recent haul of all of the things I've been buying for the upcoming school year if you are new to my channel I am going into my third year of teaching next year and I will be moving from 4th grade down to 3rd grade so that requires me to get my brain working and thinking in different ways because for the past two years I have not been teaching reading at all so I'm trying to get caught up and back into the swing of things and just really up on my research and have good resources to use and things like that so I have purchased a couple of things and not just resources but also stuff for my classroom decor if you are new to my channel again you will not know or you may know that I love classroom themes my original classroom theme was the circus or carnival and I had a bunch of popcorn stuff I had three main colors they were teal red and yellow and my whole classroom decor was kind of centered around my library and from my first year of teaching since I had to buy book bins book baskets anyway from my library I just stuck with those colors so that's kind of where my theme came from now since I'm moving to a new grade I kept that theme for two years and I'm ready to switch it up and this theme was actually another idea I had while I was gathering circus stuff together I came across these beautiful bulletin board quarters like that is just the cutest thing ever it's not typical like little scalloped edges it's just monopoly money so I knew from the start even before my first year of teaching that one year I was going to have a board game themed classroom and this is the year so I have purchased a couple of boarders I bought of course the money won because this started the whole thing sticking with monopoly I got bored gained border and I don't necessarily know what I'm going to do with these yet obviously I need them for like my math boards my reading boards word wall science and social studies I don't know what kind of boards I'm gonna have exactly yet I'll know a lot more in August but I had to get the ones I loved so candy land of course I also have the candy land letters which are this color but they're already in my classroom and I'm also going to get a lot of vinyl to put on my floor to make it look like the Candy Land board game and also to show my kids where I want them to line up because fourth graders have trouble lining up so third graders must have that problem as well and it just it's cute it adds to the theme my themes I mostly stick with like and the boards I put up I don't really go like too crazy like I don't know how to describe it like I don't put like wallpaper up or buy all these things that have to do with the theme I kind of am more on the creative side of it and I like to make my own things but when it comes to bulletin boards and since these borders were readily available that is where my theme is going to mostly be seen especially with board games so I think adding the vinyl to the floor is just going to make it that much more exciting I did have popcorn stools at my u-shaped table in the past something happened with my group of kids this past year which I'm going to do a whole reflection video but while we're talking about it I thought I taught them more responsibility and more about classroom community than I did with my previous group but for some reason this past group just had no respect for their materials and other people's materials and especially my materials my first year of teaching I had three classes and they did not destroy my popcorn stools they did not write on my little lap desks they did not scribble all over my Sterilite drawers and this last group did so my popcorn stools now they went through two years they were buckets with memory foam on them look on my Instagram you'll be able to see them look at my past videos I had them for two years the second year I put new fabric on top of them but they were just destroyed the tape was peeling off and I didn't even have to replace the tape last year like I don't know what got into these kids but it they were just destroyed so I'm not doing anything like popcorn stools this year I think a lot of the other third grade teachers have the IKEA stools so I think I may try that out but I may just also stick with regular chairs for a while because with the popcorn stools especially the kids would always lean and just fall and be silly and clumsy and just it took away from the small group setting so I might just use normal chairs and see how that goes because I haven't really ever done that before and my new classroom I didn't talk about it but I have the nice blue heavy sturdy chairs whereas last year and the year before I had the old plan sticky all different color mismatched jumbled up mess so I do have nicer chairs and nicer desks and newer furniture and I'm just really excited that's something to look forward to anyway my outside bulletin board and possibly my word wall but Scrabble is my outside board so I just got this to go around the outside and it has cute sayings on it motivational stuff marvellous yay Wow get in the game triple word score okay triple word score is a normal Scrabble thing reach for the stars were like acting like Buzz Lightyear but got this along with this pack which is just the welcome to our third grade class pack which also has those same sayings and if you saw my previous vlog I started putting up this bulletin board and I got a pack of just the Scrabble letters now these are a little bit more sturdy so I think what I'm gonna do is just switch them out and use this pack and then save these letters for something else or maybe send them back if that's possible I bought this pack to have the third grade so I'm gonna use this one something else I bought from Oriental Trading all of that border stuff is from Eureka school calm there was no board game stuff in my teacher store the one I saw it in that teachers were closed unfortunately a lot of you have been sending me DMS on my Instagram with bulletin board stuff that you're seeing in your teacher stores near like this reminded me of you because it's board games but unfortunately the only teacher store that's close to me doesn't really have a lot I don't know why and it has no board game stuff so I ordered all that online and then I got this calendar from Oriental Trading but it is huge massive I mean this is gonna be great because I'm gonna put it behind my u-shaped table and it's just gonna be huge and everybody's gonna be able to see it which is awesome let me show you how big the months are like gigantic so this is just different colors to tie everything in and just to be plain there were no board game calendars that I could find like school calendars if you didn't know what month it is now you do a huge massive but I love it that calendar was like ten dollars and it's ginormous so that's exciting I also have two other calendars at school that I'm thinking about doing just like a giveaway with or something but that might be hard to package it up other things I purchased I got both of these on Amazon and these were more of an investment for me but and I'm really late to the game but like I said I didn't teach reading or really writing the past two years so I got the reading strategies and the writing strategies books from Jennifer Thayer Ivalo and I'm really excited to read over these this summer I know they're not like pick up this book and read through it they're more like recipe books that have all good ideas in here but I just kind of want to go through it and basically like refresh my memory about like how to teach reading and what it entails same with writing because I just want to be as prepared as I can be I don't want to go in blindsided so I got those off of Amazon one of them was used I think they both might have been used but this one definitely was but that's okay because there's no writing in it and it works just the same I also got from Amazon this Scholastic Stella collection so these are little picture books I think some posted this in one of the teacher Facebook groups I'm a part of so there's Stella writes an opinion Stella tells her story Stella poet extraordinaire and Stella and class information experts so you have your opinion writing your narrative your poetry and your informative and I thought these are really neat because I was taught to teach through literature and picture books not print passages online like no offense to the teachers that do that everybody everybody teaches their own way but I need to teach through picture books and just things that are relatable to the kids so Stella is a second grader as you can tell from her opinion but that's okay because these work for this range of grade levels basically instead of me walking the kids through the writing process for each of these different types of writings Stella walks the kids through it and gives them examples and talks about trying more than one conclusion and gives her different ideas and I feel like that is just much more relatable than me sitting there and writing out myself as you can see morning snack is a good idea for growing second graders well it talks about how she thinks that's pretty boring she goes to sum up snacks are needed now hungry stomachs turned second graders brains to mush then she goes well that's a little bit dramatic so let me sleep on it and come back tomorrow like it's these books are great and then she comes up with this great thing which I don't really think second graders like it's a pretty smart second grader to come up with that especially these days in North Carolina our writing is not up to par but she says to conclude my fourth graders struggle with that morning snacks are important we should bring them back for second graders when our stomachs are happy we're happy kids who can learn better because we can concentrate and that's what school is all about so it like walks through everything she needs an opinion and everything our teacher talks about and how she thinks through it and I just think these books are very relatable for the kids so I'm definitely excited to use these in my classroom I've only fully read the still writes an opinion one but I really enjoyed that so I'm positive the other three will be just as good other books I purchased recently we're from the target dollar spot I guess these are from just the summer travel section but they did my target dollar spot did have out like the flashcards and the little workbooks and stuff which I usually see with all the back-to-school stuff so I just assumed that they started early but someone did point out how that's probably what parents geared to our pack toward parents to keep their kids busy over the summer and continue learning and practicing so maybe that's the case but either way I got four new books for a dollar and these are awesome now I'm like I feel like I have so much informational text nonfiction and I'm gonna need to get just like so much more fiction simple book you think it's gonna be real simple but let me tell you it is full of facts and some of this writing even looks like I don't even know if a kid would sit there and read it all but it's so full of information and I got America's 50 states and these are all from the dollar spot the solar system like so fun so awesome like they're even cool to just like look at now when you look at it you just want to read about it there's a dinosaurs won all different types of dinosaurs and then I got a shark one with all different types of sharks so full of color each of these books was a dollar and I knew I had to grab them so I also got the felt checkers because I don't have many indoor recess games so for three dollars you can't go wrong felt checkers I also got a little felt memory match game just to have and then I also picked up this first-aid kit and this was like with all the camping stuff and we have bags in our classroom that have like our thermometers our band-aids if kids have inhalers or epi pens or anything they stay in our red bag however my band-aids and my thermometer are usually in this little ziplock bag and for some reason the kids can never find it so whenever they ask me for a band-aid like I don't want to stop class to get them of Bandi and I want them to be able to go do it themselves so I think this will be much easier to find in that bag it says first aid on it and you just unzip it and there's a spot with a zipper and then there's two pouches over here so what I think I'm gonna do is put my thermometer and stuff and their zipper side because the kids don't really touch that they would just bring it to me and then I'll put all the band-aids in here so they're very easy easily accessible maybe I'll put like bigger ones in the back and smaller ones in the front or like little whites and stuff options are endless we'll see if I touch base again but that's all for now
Channel: PuttingFourthEffort
Views: 6,182
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, education, educator, fourth grade, first year, tips, tricks, classroom, the classroom diva, the lettered classroom, tina bietler, elementary, a cozy classroom, pocketfulofprimary, classroom haul, summer, decor, resources, reading, ela, writing, grammar, board games, theme
Id: B6bKY3HrxW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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