Yeah man, I'm ready to Growl We've heard two songs from EXO before "MAMA" and "Overdose". So this is "Growl", this came out right after "MAMA" (aka after Wolf) but before "Overdose" I don't think anything is ever gonna beat the high expectations set by "MAMA". Yeah, that was something. -That was something. 5, 4, 3, 2 *animal noise* Weeeeee [ Growl - Exo ] Okay, I am already. Yup Yup. Good start. Yeahhhhh Funky What a nice synth sound. This is like really synthesized electric bass right? Guitar synth like, it sounds really cool. But they cut off the decay That was definitely a tri-tone sub for two which is *whispers* #JAZZ Strong beat This is like what I want to hear at a party -Yeah This is a grinding song II That falsetto harmonization iv oH Wo HO hO *Kevin is amazed* WHAT WAS THAT?! Gotta go through some major modes Holy shit Oh this bridge is... DOPE.. woah And then we're back Man, it's like magic Wow, I like this a lot It's like a little... little sneaky little dude walkin' around Little sneaky little dude? It's like... Till (Eulenspiegal)! YeAH Ooh, that was a good chord Oh my God! Okay so, one vocal part on each note of the seventh chord That was pretty sweet Now that's classy. Take the sleeves off completely Mmm Ooh that pink haired guy (Luhan) is looking at me with, with... With intent This is so hot Yeah, you got quality production, man Man the dancing Yeah look at that guy I like that ostinato pattern Here goes the bridge again Bring the bass forward.. Come on. Come on. Come on AaAaaaGh Yes This song sounds so good So silkyyy Is this also rated NC17? Cause it should be I'm definitely into this under layer of like... OoOh.. that high note Ooh, nice high vocals Road Synth -They really... Oh yeah, there's someone up there Please have it happen one more time For people who like this song... It's gone now There's some tambourine in there Check out 'Hiatus Kaiyote' Ooh, those cluster chords are really good! Yeah Come on, come on You can do it again Here we go Ooh OoOH Oh here's the rapper That's super dope So the chords have dropped out The electric bass has dropped out But we still hear it in the key It's like such empty orchestration here It's just like beats, voice There it is Little bit Wow They're really together A hint Daamn If only our section playing was this good Yep, yep, yep, yep Oh, I love that harmonization Here it comes again *Henry groans in happiness* Sparkles *pshhhh* JAZZ man Kendrick Lamar BABY Ooh yeah Oh they all have beautiful eyes OH NO I like this I aspire to be, like, a quarter as hot as these guys *dabs* Yeah this is... There's something about this that I just really enjoy Yeah, this is the EXO I remember You know, the great dancing Ooh, there was a good run in there too OHH *Yunyi goes into cardiac arrest* I love that every time Those chords! Good melody is goin' WoW I keep forgetting how easy it is to harmonize when there are 12 people I know right? That ostinato's still going -Yeah dude I mean, that's how an ostinato works, but it doesn't always last the whole song But that's really awesome Half-step modulation -No, no, no, no Ooh, into the hat. Here we gooooo Ooh, that was fuckin' hot as shit! That was hot! Wow wait, holy shit -That was cool, I liked it That was filmed in like **one** or two continuous takes, with like a lot of editing But like, very fluid camera movement. That was great I like the instrumentals a lot Yeah, I liked that ostinato I also liked that rhodes synth sound There was always like this little stuff like going on underneath And I was always like, oh yeah It would just come in and out. It was very, very good Yeah. Honestly, that was really entertaining I liked that a lot. I also like the song I liked the.. How it was just like throughout the song and that kinda goes back to like how popular songs have popular motives that repeat all the time Motives? Motifs *Fiona rolls eyes into oblivion* Umu: Soo, what did you think about it? Ya drink soup, you don't eat it But, no I really enjoyed it. It was really cool I thought everything really came together and it was just like, it was a good music video Yeah, the continuous shot thing was really interesting Cause like, it was almost like you never stopped seeing all of them Even though, like as one disappeared it came into the other side of the [room] Which I'm sure it took some amazing editing and whatnot The back beat was really dope. They just had kinda, the like little thing in the back Like just going the whole time. Which makes for a very effective pop song Ready? They're chromatic passing chords No no, this is pretty out there This is like, really out there. When I heard it, I was like, WHAT? *PIANO BREAK* this is our home key So this is B minor. And then we get a D D Minor WoAh I never caught how far it goes. Like, what's the next chord when they go major? The first two times they didn't go back though Is this a flat 7? It's a flat B -There's a flat 7 in there somewhere a canon! xD #UMUSWAG Whaat? Oh, I know what they did! half diminished 7 And then from, they go to D minor And then go to major #UMUSWAG Okay, so what they did was that their bass and B minor And then they've been harmonizing on like... Minor 7 for a while. And then that extra chord, that weird chord is actually half-diminished 7 They just drop the 5 and make it a diminished 5 And then by that they go 3rd relations to D minor. But then they go directly to the parallel major, D major *MINDBLOWN* I explained something! So Call me Baby. *Kevin needs to STOP* NO Now, we're moving onto "Call Me Baby", which came out a few years after "Growl" and after "Overdose" This one is very similar in style to "Growl" It's also continuing the hip-hoppy vibe Yes, stack those thirds BABY Keep it coming I also want to talk about their music too cause we actually didn't get a chance to talk about the actual music Look at those cars That's a sick car. That's a pretty colour What is up with K-Pop people and lollipops? Fair point AHHH Dude, don't sit on your Ferrari like that! That'll fuck it up! No it won't. How fat do you think he is? Nice woodblock Eyebrows on FLEEK WoAh That Bluetooth touch sensitive, headset like... Oh that's some future shit Oh I like this This would be great for a bass dictation I'm getting a "Grease" vibe here ooh ;) Like they're all over the car -Oh my God! Yeeessss They look so cool Woah, that was cool the... They look really cute in this Do you hear all that... In the background? -Yes This is actually a work of impressionist... It's the same key as the previous song It's actually an impressionist piece -Really? Because of all those planing fifths Can you hear that in the harmony? I like how they do, match the dancing to the beat when it like... Yeah Nice Where BTS... WoAh. The dancing though Oh my God Is a bunch of individuals who work really well as a group... Major! Wow Oh! They stay in major! I feel that EXO... Nicely done! Is, as a group, a single unit. A very good single unit WoW, I wish... I don't know if it's synth brass or real brass, but it's brass It's a good brass Dude, I wish I had that much confident to just go directly from parallel major to minor like that I'm talking with my mouth, chewing with talking Yeah, I don't think I really like that background synthesized trumpet string Oh God! Falsetto my... *Kevin loses it* I can't follow up AGH *Yunyi and Kevin clutch their hearts* Oh I'm dead! Oh my God I bet those jeans would look real awesome with like, some fishnets underneath them What the? The dancing is so good I like the dancing better than the song That was our best moment since Tchaikovsky Just both of us *girlish scream* *Umu dying behind the camera* I'm going on a date with my pillow tonight Breakdown *sassy snap* Oh man, the dance moves match the little beat See, this is an example of a trope done very well They cut out instrumentals and now Right, right, right. That's true Did you hear that high line? Like if they have a key change in this song, I won't be mad. I'd be like YES I got a Michael Jackson feel there These guys are killer WoAh, that was weird There's some good, there's a lot of variety in this song. And I like it when a song has variety like this That one interlude, they like held onto the 7th For so long. But then they didn't give a solid tonic Like it didn't have a... ya know Oh shit. I'm lovin' the blue velvet jumpsuit that guy's wearing Yeah, that's all velvet Oh, their falsetto game is too strong Oh God, ugh They're very good at hip thrusts Austin Powers moment The wardrobing in these videos is awesome Oh ugh Okay... Interesting... Yeah! I'll call you ;) Yeah, this is better than Carly Rae Jepspen Jepspen? And I like that song too That was cool -Yeah I'm really liking this group *Peyton sings CALL ME BABY The vibe just like totally reversed from the beginning to the end -Yeah Which is good, cause I didn't like the feel at the beginning I didn't like the feel at the beginning and I liked it. I mean, in terms of the video. I liked the song from the beginning. But like, yeah These guys kick butt. Like the choreographer did a real good job. Probably some of the best dancing I've seen in K-Pop right here Yeah, for sure. I mean, just they were really tight. Like just, they obviously spent a lot of time going through the motions And I mean, I feel from like a musical standpoint... Ya know, there's a lot of like electronic background and stuff. Like there weren't a lot of natural sounds Which is like totally appropriate for this kind of music I think they were really going for a 'WE'RE A POP SENSATION' Yeah, I definitely agree. Cause now that I listen to this one and after hearing "Growl" Now I kinda see they basically, like you said, they have that beat going throughout Ya know, a lot of not really natural sounds. And like, it's gets kind of repetitive after a while Which is totally fine because like you're just totally into the dancing So that's the cool thing about this group is they're very dance oriented Like compared to like the last one we just watched, I feel like there was a lot more visuals in this one. Ya know, hopping to different scenes Where the last one was all in the one room Which, I like both and I love the cars in the beginning Yes Those were sharp I definitely thought that this was a cool video and like I said I like the effect that EXO has with like their choreography of having so many people that they have the ability to sort of be everywhere at once It's really well done Also, did not like this music at all *Fiona breaks out into a High School Musical 2 song* It's what it reminded me of the whole time. I figured it out! But like... Wait, we have to talk about the music As a group, FUCK ME UP Okay wait, I'm gonna say that without a swear word As a group, they're really really good Cause it's like, the harmonies are very complex a lot of times they're clustered. Like true cluster chords and it's so cool Especially in "Growl" Holy F I think that this was a really good, this is a good example of overproduction Like this is a good example of what it means to have a heavily produced song. Cause it is, it's heavily produced In a good way Like it fits with their sound naturally Cause like you can tell that all of the sound mixing was done in the studio You can tell all of the background was done in the studio. And that works But it was done to match their style -Yep They weren't trying to make something that wasn't already their style And their cluster chords fuck me UP As it pertains to this video, man as I said. They're just a solid group -Yep They're a solid group that's representing their hip-hop genre -They're really good And I'm getting more of a hip-hop, like it's definitely more hip-hop Where BTS is... Like we said, where K-Pop is actually all of the genres. Yep, this is hip-hop Yeah and like where BTS is maybe like a little. They go a little deeper into their songs, this is definitely I don't even want to say more upbeat, just more like It's just like... *Gwen makes strange noise* Yeah, exactly. It's hip-hop. It's just more hip-hop. And it's good. They do it well, they do it really well Umu: Thoughts on "Call Me Baby" Hell Yeah I will definitely call them What if I spit rice right on your hand? Yess [UPCOMING VIDEOS] [THANKS FOR WATCHING]