Classic Topo Problem #1 - Triangle Convergence

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hello and welcome to the first episode of classic topology problems in this series i'm looking at just the everyday things that people run into when they're new to polygonal modeling and kind of giving you some simple solutions for so the first is lots of triangles or convergence of triangles which you will get if you create a sphere like so and so here's the problem we have all these triangles converging right here in the middle it also happens with the cylinder as well so you can actually activate cap segments here and this is a similar problem happening here i'm going to show you how i can fix this first i'm going to give this a gray material great object color all right i'm going to give this let's say 32 sides and this is 32. so we can just apply at a poly or we can simply right click and convert to edible poly and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select this vertex and i'm going to just grow this right so there's a free collection of scripts called rapid tools and simply what you do is you go into border you select the border and then you can go into rapid tools topology rapid quad cap i've got that set to shift one so i press shift one and there we go if you don't like this orientation you can switch to vertex mode and you can select for example these two vertices so you can see how here we have the center so i'm going to select one on the left one on the right shift one i'm getting this i can select let's say two over here these like this one and then two over here these like that one so just make sure it's the same on the left and right shift one now we get this what you can also do is let's say i'm going to just hold shift while extruding and scaling and just kind of getting a little detail here i can just deselect opposite edges and then bridge there we go all right now for the sphere this kind of polish may be useful for creating this kind of detail so for example if i just select these vertices and play on the z-axis i can then just let's say create some detail so all right let's say something like this all right and so as long as you keep those triangles flat they won't really bother you however if you want to create some sort of router area here so let's say for example i select this just kind of move it up and then shrink and then kind of get this you can see let's say i want to create this kind of half spherical effect i'm going to just use support loops really quick here all right there we go so i'm going to apply turbo smooth you can see here because this material is not very reflective it doesn't seem to be a problem but i'm going to give a more chrome reflective material we're going to render this to see what the problem is all right so you can see we get this kind of distortion effect happening here you can see we have this kind of almost like iris effect happening here which we want to avoid main situations unless of course we're trying to create this effect so we need to kind of get rid of these triangles what we can do is we can do some polygon surgery so in order to do that what i'm going to do is just select this and then just grow and delete and let's count how many edges there are here i'm going to double click here and you can see if you press 7 by default to activate your statistics you will see that it's 32 right here all right so what i'm going to do is how you can avoid that actually is to create a box i'm going to give it even dimensions here and then turbo smooth and then spherify i'm going to scale this up here all right so we've got this essentially this is another way of solving this problem is by not starting from a sphere but from the box and then just using sirify after binding what you can also do is you can actually create a sphere what you can do is create an eight-sided eight segmented sphere and then simply go into edit poly then simply remove these top bottom edges and once again do the process of turbo smooth and spherify but of course you have changed the topology now so if you want some sort of detail that kind of loops around here it's much easier with this kind of topology here for example now i can just i'll select these kinds of polygons and now i've got this kind of rotating detail but with this because topology it's much difficult to do so however what we can do here remember we had 32 sides here so now what i can do is let's say delete the bottom half and if we count how many edges there are here you can see it solves 32 so i'm going to press shift a to quickly right here kind of move it up right at this point we can do is simply attach this all right now we have to carefully scale this and move this down so you can scale it right there if you don't want to be perfectly half circle and then you simply scale it move into position i don't know about this doctor this is a very dangerous operation here we never had this series of a case before nurse prepare the bed i can solve any issue so i'm going to press s to activate snaps all d for x constraints make sure the z-axis acted by clicking on it then simply left click on this and then simply snap right here so because of axis constraints if axis constraint was off it would actually end up moving here you can see how now it's off center but with axis constraints alt d it's only going to move according to this currently act like the axis or axis you can have two and if you're actually selecting something for example if i end up clicking here and deselect everything you can just press control z it's going to keep your same axis but it's just going to go back to your previous selection now it's going to snap only on the z-axis and there we go rts we can now just scale a little bit snap it right here there we go now for example i can just select these edges and i can let's say bridge notice how we get this really strange effect happening here so this is actually a very nice pattern actually i like this pattern so i'm going to quickly just duplicate this off do some experimenting here because i kind of like the way it turned out here this could be a great way to generate some sort of interesting geometric patterns here so another example of happy accidents getting these kind of interesting things just by accident so i'll get back to that so in order to actually avoid that issue we can do is simply just bridge two edges first loop deselect and then bridge and now this will get a much more sensible solution there we go we've nicely attached it another happy landing oh and in blender when you create a cube what you can do is just press tab you can right click and subdivide open this up here you can change the number of cuts and you can increase the smoothness to get a perfect kind of sphere and so notice how i'm clicking here it seems to be that 10 is the max so how if you manually enter a number here you can see i can go past 10. and thank you for the person in the comments who point that out i always enjoy learning new things from the comment section so please keep it up this is how you can solve and avoid the issue of lots of triangles convergence of triangles thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 20,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrimus, tutorial, triangle, topology, problem, fix, how to, fast, easy, simple, 3d, 3ds, max, model, modeling, tris, quad
Id: F1tw0ZQ8RdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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