Classic Porsche 911: Why You Should Buy Now In Spite of SKY HIGH Prices

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what's up porsche fanatics will here with red enthusiast my youtube channel centering on classic porsche 911 ownership and in today's video i'm going to take you through the seven reasons you need a classic porsche 911 in spite of sky high market prices if you've been around the channel for any length of time you know that i absolutely love classic porsche 911s i own three of these cars i have an 86 3.2 carrera coupe a 92 porsche 964 and a 95993 in polar silver i feel like there's really no other car out there that gives you the overall experience that these cars do and i'll get into all of that shortly i've owned a couple of modern 911s and they're stupendous cars like without question they're amazingly engineered and they're very very fun but for me they just don't give me the thrill the experience the fun factor that these older cars do so i don't know how you found this video but it could be that you are considering buying one of these cars but you're on the fence because you're following the market and you know that these things are not cheap in fact it seems like they're getting more and more expensive by the week uh so maybe you're like hey i want one of these cars i really have always wanted one of these cars but i just think it might be the wrong time to buy so in this video i'm going to give you seven solid reasons why you really should think about getting one of these cars even if it's going to cost you a little bit more than you want before i jump into that content though i'd like to invite you to subscribe to this channel i give subscribers a view of what it's like to live with financially support love and sometimes hate these classic porsche 911s and when i say hate what i mean is they can be a little bit aggravating to keep running especially after you first buy one but that's a different story for a different video if this is your kind of thing then please subscribe we're getting close to 10 000 subscribers by the way i've been working at that for some time would love to have you on board a couple disclaimers before i jump into the seven reasons uh why i think you should buy one of these cars number one i just want to say this like i am not some deep porsche expert i bought my first air cooled porsche this 95 993 two years ago i put a lot of seat time in i put a lot of miles on my air cooled cars so i do know what it's like to drive them quickly on back road twisties and just to kind of spend a lot of time with them as well as to keep them going so there's that i just i'm not like some expert in porsche history and there's a lot of great resources out there for that kind of knowledge around like the motor history and the racing history and all that that's just not me i'm just kind of an on-the-ground guy who bought these cars and who really enjoys them the second disclaimer i'll share with you is obviously it's very difficult to make the financial case as to why it makes sense to buy one of these cars right now as i alluded to earlier and it's no secret if you're into these cars then you know this they're just getting more and more expensive nobody has a crystal ball i don't know what the future of the values might look like i have a hard time seeing them plummet but it could be there's a correction they could come down some but you don't really know when that's gonna happen i imagine at a bare minimum they'll stay stable so the bottom line is you know the premise of this video is you're gonna have to look past the high prices because i just i can't tell you exactly where to find a deal so let's jump into the seven reasons i'm going to give you these in order from you know kind of what i'll call the least important all the way to the most important or the most impactful reason i think you should pick one of these cars up so let's jump into it okay reason number one you should buy a classic porsche 911 in spite of these sky high market prices it's better to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow i don't know about you but i'm a driver i like to go fast i like motion i love a perfect gear shift i love hammering the car out of a tight curve and as a result of all of those preferences in my life i've had a lot of tickets um the most recent ones it's been a little while thankfully now but it was an 87 and a 55 and where i live like now you're starting to talk about potentially losing your license so um i i love cars i'm obsessed i also like going fast but i also can't afford another ticket uh you know financially i don't want to pay for it but also it's like i just don't want to lose my license and so these cars are a great intersection between those two needs i owned a 997 porsche 911 turbo for about six months i did a video on the five reasons why i sold that car the primary reason i sold that car is because it was just too fast i did take a lot of uh negative comments for that by the way um and that's a different story but at any rate the point is is these cars here these these classic porsche 911s will give you thrills within the reasonable bounds of the law you know 40 50 60 miles an hour on back roads is definitely as thrilling as 100 or 120 and a more modern 911 so that's reason number one is that they give you a thrill at lower speeds they still feel fast according to the butt dyno but you know at the end of the day you're not going to be pushing the bounds the law to really enjoy them reason number two you should buy a classic porsche 911 in spite of the ridiculous prices the sole character and presence of these cars is is just so special and if you haven't spent any time around them i urge you to find a way to do that i know sometimes that's a little bit difficult depending on where you live and whether or not their car meets there but you know i think you can go online you can watch videos like mine to see what they look like and what the driving experience sounds like and you know what the guy who's narrating the video tells you about him but at the end of the day until you really go stand in the presence of these cars i think that you're kind of you're losing something uh in terms of appreciating what they really are about i remember i went to my first air cooled porsche road rally a couple years ago and i i think this memory that i'm getting ready to share with you will always stand out in my mind but you know it was the morning of day one there were probably 40 or 50 classic porsches from various generations modded and hot rodded and so forth all out in the parking lot and all the guys had their engines started they were cleaning their windshields getting ready for the day and i mean just being in the presence of these cars was so special it was so powerful for me and i know that might sound a little bit weird to you if you're not like a deep car obsessed person like me but um anyway the second reason i would share with you that you need to buy one of these cars if you're thinking about it is that they are just so special to be around reason number three you should consider buying a classic porsche 911 in spite of the high prices the the multitude of ways you can make your own example your own in this world of vintage porsche it's totally fine to dial the car in cosmetically performance wise to make it your own you know whether it's it's redoing your seat centers in a tartan fabric or adding decals or lowering the suspension or modifying the exhaust all of which i've done by the way it's it's like it is not sacrilegious to do that um not that you should really consider how you want to make your car present based on what other people think where i'm going with this is there's there's just this kind of there's a a huge amount of resources to help you determine what you want to do with your car there's tons of aftermarket support for these cars and there's this general sense that it's okay to mod them and make them your own so that's reason number three you need to take a good hard look at buying your own classic porsche 911 reason number four you should buy a classic porsche 911 in spite of sky high market prices and this is a little bit tongue-in-cheek by the way but if you like your ego stroke then this is the right car for you what i mean is you can't take this car out to the gas station on a short drive on a long drive without getting thumbs up smiles looks picture requests and conversations my friends and i laugh about it right like every time we go out for a drive we know at least one person is going to give us a thumbs up there's just something so universally recognizable about these classic porsche 911s people just love them and even if somebody's not a car person they know what it is they're looking at it uh you know it's funny that they're like i get this all the time on the highway somebody will be behind me and then they drive around they drive by slowly they you can just see the passenger and the driver they're checking out the car and sometimes they're taking video of the car and so that's reason number four if you dig that kind of thing and frankly who doesn't if we're really uh you know honest with ourselves then then this is the right car for you reason number five it makes sense for you to buy a classic porsche 911 even though they're at historically high price points your money is generally safe in one of these cars so again i am not like an analyst of the porsche 911 depreciation curve and the appreciation outlook and all that there's some really good resources out there specifically through pca where they analyze the market and so forth does this as well but what i will say is this i have not come across a lot of cars that i've bought over the years that are able to retain their value like these classic porsche 911s that are so easily sellable especially in this market as these classic porsche 911s so for me i look at um these cars that sit in my garage as money in the bank let's say i could even get 80 or 90 of what i paid for the car out of it i feel good about that so you know there's something comfort comforting about that you can put miles on these cars they just don't depreciate and plummet um so you know there's that that's a very solid reason i think to to take a good hard look at buying one now i want to give you a little bit of a disclaimer or back away from this a little bit uh they are not cheap to maintain to get repaired to mod especially right after you buy them i've done some videos on this uh issue and that's part of what my channel's about is is the cost of ownership and sharing that with you guys uh right now i just picked up a 964. i bought it about two months ago now and i'm running into some pretty substantial expenses to get it where it needs to be so those are dollars i likely will not get back unless i keep the car for a long time and the appreciation absorbs that again i don't know if that's even realistic but the last point i'll make along these lines is that my love for these cars transcends the um the need to look that look at them as a dollar for dollar asset so anyway i think the key takeaway on this reason is that they retain their value and your money is safe in them okay reason number six to buy a classic porsche 911 in spite of sky-high market prices the simplicity of these cars so i shared this with you earlier i'm a driver i don't know about you but i really enjoy the act of controlling the car feeling like i'm really connected to the wheels which is which is why i love these 911s vintage porsche 911s don't have the technology that that modern cars have and i understand that you know engineering has come a long way in the automotive world and it's all about safety and all that good stuff but for me i just i really prefer an analog driving experience and that's what these classic porsche 911s give you uh i did a silly video a little while back it was a uh it was kind of a criticism piece of a 20 i think it was a 2020 bmw x5m sport my brother bought and kept for like just a few months and turned in early on lease because the technology was just so intrusive and so that was the point that i made in that video is that the technology was just way too much you you know the the the self-corrective steering and the lane departure warnings and the beeping and the the changing of the ambiance and the computer like what is that um i i did that video and criticized it i still get hatred to this day but the point i'm trying to make to you here is i don't want that i want to get into my car have a gear shift or a steering wheel some pedals and know that like that's what the experience is about and that's what these classic 911s give you so if that's something that you dig that's another reason that i think you really need to look hard at paying up and buying one of these classic 911s okay the seventh and final and most impactful reason you need to buy a classic porsche 911 in spite of the ridiculous prices the air-cooled porsche culture and community when i first picked up my 993 i really just didn't know how deep this part of the ownership experience ran when the car showed up i was very excited i was immediately sucked into the presence i had never really full transparency been around classic porsches i just knew that i i really wanted an air-cooled car and so i bought this 993 but it showed up i mean i was sucked in by the sound and the smell and jumping in the into the driver's seat and seeing how simple it was but after i started doing videos on the 993 i had a viewer reach out to me and long story short connected me with the organizer of a an air cooled pusher rally that takes place out in the mountains of north carolina and that's the point in time where i really got plugged into the community i realized how inclusive it is you know for me now like the guys that i run with that i stay in contact with are those people who i met directly through this community uh you know when we're not talking on the phone about these cars you know we're texting about the cars we're sharing auction results we're planning drives and you know this piece of the air cooled porsche 911 ownership experience really has touched much of my life and and it is about the cars man you know and you you um you know i think pca has some tagline you know it's not the cars it's the people something like that and at first that sounded kind of cheesy to me but it is really really true and so if you're on the fence about buying one of these cars just know that if you end up pulling the trigger on it you're gonna find it to be so much more rewarding than the first six things i shared with you the seventh thing creates relationships and connections with people and it's just so powerful so so yeah those are the seven reasons i think you should buy a classic porsche 911 in spite of these these high prices right now i mean could you wait could you hold your breath could you see if the values come down the prices come down i mean sure but you don't really have a crystal ball to know when that happens i'm 43 right now and i used to think that it was all about like you know making money and saving money and holding on to the money and and i think i've kind of gotten to a place now where you know life's short and i think you gotta grab experiences where you can and so maybe you pay 10 more than you want to and maybe the maintenance or deferred the deferred repairs and the maintenance cost you're more than more out of the gate than you want but at the end of the day you're going to have something an asset that is going to make you feel more like a caretaker than an owner it's it's weird but if you buy one of these you'll know what i'm talking about so look um i hope you got something out of this video this is the kind of thing that i do i interview owners i give you my own personal perspective i share with you transparently my experience so again if you're not already a subscriber please join me subscribe to the channel and if you already are a subscriber then i really appreciate you being along for the journey don't forget to give me the thumbs up on this video it helps with my ranking and yeah i hope to see you next time i'm outta here
Channel: Rennthusiast
Views: 99,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic Porsche 911, classic porsche 911, classic porsche 911 values, classic porsche 911 for sale, classic porsche 911 exhaust, classic porsche 911 sound, classic porsche 911 review, classic porsche 911 modified, classic porsche 911 drive, classic porsche 911 outlaw, classic porsche 911 build, porsche 993, porsche 964, porsche 911 carrera, impact bumper 911, buying an air cooled porsche, vintage porsche 911, rennthusiast porsche, rennthusiast tv
Id: 1IfLM6qJim8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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