Air Cooled Porsche Ownership Mistakes I've Made...and How You Can Avoid Making Them Too

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what's up guys in this video i'm going to share with you the top seven mistakes i've made during the course of my aircool porsche 911 ownership experience so if you're somebody who's in the market and you're looking for your first classic 911 or maybe you're a newer owner or maybe you're a seasoned owner who's made a few of these mistakes or you consider yourself to be a genius and you've never made any mistakes with your 911s you're going to want to stick around because i'm going to tell you the mistakes that i've made [Music] first of all i want to thank the viewer who suggested this topic to me i put a post out in my community tab on my channel asking for ideas and a guy i can't remember his name off the top of my head suggested this one and i love it because i want these videos to help people who are enthusiastic about these cars and so maybe you can take something away from this video to help you not make the same mistakes i have before i jump into that i'd like to invite you to subscribe to my channel i cover air cool porsche 911 owner interviews i cover events that i go to rallies i share insights product reviews mod ideas cost of ownership all that stuff with subscribers so if you're not yet a subscriber click the subscribe button and do me a favor too like this video it helps me share the good word about classic 911 ownership experience now let's get into the mistakes all right the first mistake i made and really this was early on in my classic 911 ownership time it was this i underestimated the amount of time energy effort patience psychic effort uh that it takes to get these cars sorted after you buy one okay so this was three years ago it was right after i bought uh my first air cooled porsche this 993 right here i naively believed that the car would show up and it wouldn't need anything except maybe an oil change and maybe some new brake pads and uh you know when it showed up it needed a lot more than that and by the way this is not a slam against the previous owner he was very transparent still friends to this day so i don't fault him for it but it's just now since i've owned several of these cars i now realize that there's just always a decent amount of work that needs to go into them once you get them right so you're going you may want to mod them but there just tends to be deferred maintenance and things that you need to do in order to get them bulletproof and by the way an insider tip if you will and i've talked about this in previous videos is especially if you're shopping for your first air cooled porsche it has been my experience that it will cost you anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of what you paid for the car to get it sorted to handle deferred maintenance and you know hopefully cover some mods that you might want to do so that's just something for you to think about but that was the first mistake i made was thinking that hey car's going to show up it's going to be fine to drive and it really won't need much so think about it the second mistake i made over the course of my aircool porsche 911 ownership experience and this is really kind of about my personality and how and how i do things and if you've been around the channel then you'll you'll know that this is true i have been too hasty and maybe a little haphazard and impatient around how i have handled mods and projects i wanted to do i can just get really really enthusiastic about something that's new to me or an idea that i have and maybe i don't think through all of the all of the potential ramifications of my decisions and so you know i've been a little hasty in thinking through and executing mods or changes that i wanted to make to my cars and i end up regretting it and then i have to go back and change it and so you know my suggestion to you would be to really think through what you want don't just do the latest and greatest thing you see guys including myself uh doing in facebook groups or online you know think about what you want out of your car and think about the vibe you're going for think about what's period correct for your car all that kind of stuff just be thoughtful before you jump into it that brings me to mistake number three and i'm going to get more specific about uh how mistake number two played out so mistake number three has to do with my 95 993 that i'm driving right now um if you have been watching my channel then you know maybe a year a year and a half ago now i decided to embark on what i was calling an outlaw project on this 993 and um you know i gotta say that was a pretty big mistake to just dive in headfirst and make a ton of haphazard changes to this car just to kind of make it funky so i you know by the way i'll i'll put a card up to that playlist that entire project at the end of this video so stick around and check it out if you're interested in learning how all that played out but what happened was i got really excited about the changes that i could make to the car and i was looking for a way to refresh it and i was a little bit bored with how the car sat and so i just i kind of just dove into it and spent a fair amount of money and time and effort and energy on making the car my own only to find out a couple months after getting it back that maybe i didn't like some of the decisions that i had made and i ended up having to undo some of them and i've kept others and so on and so forth so i guess what i'm saying to you is like i i just wish i had taken a little bit more time and been a little bit more intentional about the changes i made to this specific 993. the story goes though that at least there's a happy ending i love this car as it sits now several of the changes i made to it are still in place and i have kind of changed some out and i and i love what i've done i will be doing by the way it occurred to me this is unbelievable i have not done a full review on this 993. i've done like over 100 videos on my channel about my classic 911s and i've never done a full review on the 993 so i'm going to do that one subscribe if you're not already a subscriber if you're interested in being notified when that comes out so anyway all's well that ends well with this 993. the fourth mistake that i made when it comes to my air-cooled porsche 911 ownership experience in retrospect i would not have bought the 964 that i bought so let me kind of rehash it in a very simple way i really wanted to experience owning a 964 through a series of very cool kind of circumstances i was able to get my hands on a 1992 c2964 in manual beautiful amazon green metallic color light gray interior i mean just gorgeous the one everybody wants and by the way i have a whole playlist on that experience as well that i'll i'll put a link up to at the end of this video also uh but i bought the car um definitely a very cool car bought it out of california and showed up had a lot of mechanical issues that i had to deal with and you know i learned a lot of good lessons from that ownership experience that i won't get into now but after all that energy that i put into buying it and sorting it i just found that it wasn't exactly what i wanted i learned that i'm a driver i want to experience the movement of these cars i want to be able to work on them hard on back roads when i say that what i mean is just rip back roads without care and so that car was just too special too nice too immaculate for for my user intent if you will and so that was a mistake i made it just kind of um i don't know just it took a lot of time energy and effort that didn't show up in the form of joy for me so i just i wouldn't have done that wouldn't have made that move all right the fifth mistake i made over the course of my aircool porsche 911 ownership experience has to do with my 1986 porsche 911 carrera i wish i had been a little more patient surprise surprise when i was looking for a g body so in my heart of hearts i really love the blues that are available in the g bodies like venetian petrol baltic you know blue metallic sorry it kind of slipped my mind there for a moment that's what i really wanted but i got impatient i came across my 86 and i ended up buying that and that 86 is great don't get me wrong it takes so many of the boxes around being mechanically sorted and having a good solid documented ownership history and i've had a lot of great fun in that car but as i look back on it guards red just isn't really my favorite color in a g body and you can change a lot of things but to change the colors in expensive endeavor and i really don't think it's really ever a good idea to do just that's my personal opinion if you think by the way that you know a full color change is not a problem on a classic 911 would love to hear your opinion in the comments but anyway that's the fifth mistake i i kind of wish i i had waited a little longer and searched a little more thoroughly for a g body and one of my preferred colors not guards red the sixth mistake i've made during the course of my air cooled porsche 911 ownership is this it's not a huge deal and it's certainly fixable but i i haven't put in any track time in my air cooled porsches and i really think that if you're gonna drive these cars in a spirited fashion you need to get some some track time under your belt so um you know if you have been hanging around you know that one of my personal greatest joys and what my buddies and i love doing is ripping back roads in these cars and i'm not saying that we're reckless i'm not saying that we take unnecessary risks but i do think that track time shows you what the limitations of a car are and so that's just a regret i have or a mistake that i've made is over the past three three and a half years or whatever i've not gotten any of these cars on the track okay the seventh and final mistake i made as it relates to my aircool porsche 911 ownership experience and this might sound a little bit corny but i just wish i had gotten into these cars a little bit sooner i have been a car guy really my entire life especially my adult life and i have owned too many cars to even tell you with a straight face how many i've owned and been in and out of but uh you know i only found these air cooled cars really over the past three years and you know i just feel like i wasted a lot of time on brands that did not excite me as much as these cars do um these air cooled portions have gotten into my soul the friends i've made in this community are second to none so there you have it the top seven mistakes i don't know if you can relate to any of these i just hope that this video has helped you in some way shape or form and again i'd love for you to subscribe to this channel another porsche 911 resource i will share with you too is i've got a facebook group for enthusiast aircool porsche fans and that group is not about me it's about the community tons of interactions in there between guys sharing pictures technical advice organizing drives sharing auctions uh selling parts and and cars and so forth and so if you're on facebook and i know some of you aren't please join us there here are the cards to the 993 outlaw project as well as the uh 964 ownership playlist and i do hope you've got something out of this video and i hope to see you next time
Channel: Rennthusiast
Views: 37,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air cooled Porsche ownership mistakes, air cooled porsche 911, air cooled porsche, air cooled porsche engine, air cooled porsche lesson, air cooled Porsche lessons, porsche 911, rennthusiast tv, rennthusiast porsche, classic porsche 911, rennthusiast youtube, porsche 993, classic porsche 911 pov, porsche 911 964 carrera 2, Porsche 911 carrera, vintage porsche, rennthusiast will, porsche 911 buyers guide, best air cooled porsche 911 to buy
Id: oQ76eee_rUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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