Classic Chicken Stock - Chef Jean-Pierre

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okay friends chicken stock i'm gonna show you how to make the most beautiful chicken stock amazing a child could do it stay tuned you're gonna love it well hello there friends once again a fabulous video finally finally i'm doing a chicken stock video boy if you guys didn't ask a million times you didn't ask once well i'm so happy to do it you know i went to the store yesterday and i said we got some chicken bones chicken bones have you ever tried to buy chicken bones yeah you get three little necks like that for three dollar or five dollar and you get nothing so the best way to make a chicken stock friends is to buy a whole chicken and say oh i don't know how to do a whole chicken don't worry about it a monkey could do it okay there's nothing easier in the world than to debone a chicken and if you're gonna make a stock you're gonna need a lot of but you don't need just three little necks okay you need bones okay and and well i'll tell you the mathematic is gonna blow your mind okay so first thing we're gonna do is i got a bunch of bones in here and i got them and put them in a pot so here it is bones in the pot now we got a whole chicken i did them already i got them already uh uh cleaned up i want to show you how to do it okay and let me tell you you're going to say oh why do i have to clean the whole chicken i just want to make a little stock stay with me okay have you ever bought a boneless and skinless chicken breast probably about five six dollars a pound depends where you buy it's very expensive one breast could be about a pound depends how big your chicken is if you get a five six pound one breast is almost a pound so it's about five six bucks one breast five dollar you know how much is a whole chicken five dollar so not only do i get two breasts but i get my bones i got legs i got wings i got the whole thing for five dollars so is it better to buy a boneless chicken breast or is it better to buy the whole chicken you see what i'm saying so here's my point now what do we do with this chicken a child could do this okay look all we're going to do is we're going to remove the legs all right how do you remove the leg you pull them on there don't worry it's not going to hurt him he's already dead so look look all i got to do is make a little incision right here in the skin look and now i can see i can see where the leg is where the joint is so all i got to do look what i gotta do is pop it don't worry you're not hurting him he's dead all right you pop it boom one leg all right we'll do the same thing on the other side you take it you pop it and you cut it well of course this one's got stuck there you go another leg now we got two legs we're gonna make stock so we're gonna save everything but the breast all right so how do we remove the breast well you can keep the skin if you want to but i'll show you how easy it is to remove it most of the time you don't need the skin unless you're going to grill the chicken unless you're going to roast the chicken you really don't need the skin okay so get rid of the skin you're going to put it in your stock don't worry so now what do we do here we want to remove the breast take your knife there's a bone here on the top okay and what you're going to do you're going to follow the bone you're going to follow the bone what that means follow the bone that means your knife is on the bone you're following the bone you're scraping the bone and look look look look look at that look at that a child could do this boom five dollar right now let's go to the other one very simple you go in there like this remember follow the bone meaning your knife is on the bone okay look follow the bone follow the bone make sure your knife is on the bone cut around the wing boom five more dollar now what do you got here you go stock material five dollar five dollar and look at this i got all that all that bone in there then we're gonna make stock with okay so this is another video but i'll show you really quick oh okay you're cleaning my friends you take this um the law in the tenderloin now right there okay look five dollar i'm telling you guys this is the way to go the tenderloin they don't know and i keep cleaning it up a little nicely okay i don't have the time right now put everything in the stock okay this is another video where i show you how to make beautiful chicken breast calapini you know if you go to my chicken milanese that you can parmesan chicken francaise i'll show you how to make this beautiful scallopini right there right so look right there now this right there of course we can de-bone this and we can make a a braised chicken it'd be wonderful to do but this is not this video okay so we'll do that later friends what do we do now well the number one thing we're gonna do we gotta sanitize this cutting board friend and right there you know i got my bleach water here and everybody says you're gonna kill us i'm not going to kill anybody i promise you first of all you're not going to eat my food but if you did in my food i've been doing this 50 years friends i promise you i haven't killed anybody at least i don't think so clean i have this bleach water right i i always do this i always do this i want everybody to do this this is like you your new goal friends a got on the water with a cup full of bleach cup not a cup a cup like a a quarter of an ounce maximum it barely smells more than a pool water right clean it up clean up your knife clean up your hand get it off your tool you sanitize what is the window with the pot friends celery roughly cut celeries i'll give you the exact measurement when we do the um well do it give you the exact measurement when i print the recipe some onion cut rough onion rough rough roughly cut onion all right leeks licks make sure you buy some white leeks if you can get them friends wider it is sweeter it is remember that okay you're gonna cut the green on when you make them when you make a beef stock and you cook it for a long time it's okay to leave the green but when you do the chicken stock you're only going to cook it for three hours okay four hours maybe you don't want to use the green pot if you can help it right so cut this cut it in half cut it like this and clean them up really good in water right licks leaks are wonderful those are still wet they just came out of the water really important you wash them really good right carrots roughly cut you peel them and make sure you try to get some sweet carrots yeah good luck not easy right sweet carrots what else are we doing i got a mess in here i'll clean it up for you guys so you can see all right now let's talk a little bit about uh seasoning we don't season stock really time fresh time because the time is very floral time goes with everything i put it in beef stock matter of fact the same seasoning i use now i used in the bee stock we got the video on b stock also i don't know if it's out yet but it's got to be out because we're filming it uh 14 peppercorn i don't know how many don't count them okay not that big of a deal and then three or four bare leaves okay that's all you need my friends and then you're going to put cold water all right cold not colder with just the stop water right fill up the pot fill up the pot friends going to need more water i'll put it in when i'm off camera right i'm going to fill it up with water you're going to bring it to the boiler and then a second is boiling you're going to reduce it down to a very very slow bloop bloop bloop bloop very slow now don't be out there move because if you keep it boiling it's going to get all cloudy we want it to be nice and and and soft cooking and four or five hours five hours later you're gonna drain the whole thing everything don't worry about saving the chicken okay and not more flavor in there i promise you vegetables are gonna be all soft nothing has flavor anymore you drain the whole thing you take the whole stock you put it in the refrigerator all night then the next morning you're gonna scoop up all the fat out of there all the fat that i will uh rise to the top 100 will rise to the top scoop it out put it in small container freezer for 17 years i don't know exactly 17 years but a lot of time okay in the fridge no more than four five days so okay why don't we put any salt everybody's asking why don't you put any salt in your stock this is not a chicken soup this is a chicken stock this is what you use to make a chicken soup you put your salt in your chicken soup you'll put your salt in the dish you're making chicken you're using your stock with this is not a finished product that's why you don't put salt you're gonna put salt when you need it with whatever it is you're cooking all right friends this is the best chicken stock and look it cost us nothing we got the two chicks we got the money right there in the breast okay we got our money back right there so it didn't cost us anything besides the vegetables it's the only way to do it don't go out there and buy three chicken neck it's gonna give you no flavor i promise you all those bones are going to give you an amazing chicken stock go ahead and make it and let me know how you like it all right [Music] enjoy
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 113,052
Rating: 4.9667754 out of 5
Keywords: chef jean pierre onion, chef jean pierre, chef jean-pierre, onion chef, how to, chef jeanpierre, gourmet cooking, french chef, cooking video, most entertaining chef on youtube, homemade chicken stock, chicken stock, easy recipes, cooking shows on youtube, cooking show, onyon chef, chef jean pierre onion meme, how to cook, how to make, best chef on youtube, funny chef, chicken recipes, fun cooking, easy gourmet recipes, chicken stock recipe, dinner recipes
Id: 6x0Jo78q2rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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