Clash-A-Rama: Miner Problem (Clash of Clans)

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What were you's thinking? You poor saps really thought you could take down a level 12 wall. Well, looks aren't everything. One gold? That's an insult, dude! Hey, wanna play catch the Goblin? Sure! And after we'll play kick the Golem! Hey kid, I ain't running no puppet theater here. This is a boneyard. My puppet theater is on the other side. Aw, sorry. Hey kid, why are you talking to these bones anyway? It's weird. Where are your friends? I don't have any. Look who it is. Jeffrey the weirdo! Don't worry. We're just ribbing you. You gonna cry like a little baby, Jeffrey? Hey! You knuckleheads got no spines, how about I give you one! Too slow. Aw gee, thanks. Threatening kids is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. Hey, weird kid, c'mere! Listen, everybody deserves to have friends, so I made you some outta extra bones I was gonna throw out. Hi, Jeffrey. Want to do something? Something? Sure! Oh, that's nice. You dumb mosquito! I toldja before, I got no blood! Gold! Gold! - Ka-ching! - Ka-ching, indeed! All right, boys. Coast is clear. After this, we're all gonna be rich. Yeah, we'll have crystal walls, flags from every country and a bunch of torches that don't do anything. We're in! We did it! We did it! Okay. Don't panic, guys. At least we still got the gold. - The gold! - Our shovels! Okay. We may be trapped here, but we have enough food for weeks. Uh, sorry. I eat when I think I'm gonna die. "Crisis Watch: Day One." It's been eight hours since the ground opened up and swallowed three Miners and millions in victory gold. Order! Order in the Hall! We're doing everything to bring our gold... oh, yes, and our Miners, back home. I don't want to point fingers, but it was Lloyd! What? It wasn't my fault! Somebody moved my hut over Miner tunnels. Wow, I can't believe you grew that beard in one day. Very impressive. These walls are slicker than a Minion's lips. What? Everyone experiments in college. Hello, trapped Miners! We're working on a rescue plan but... in the meantime, we're throwing down supplies. Food, water, and some drawings from the local children. Use the drawings to make a fire. Send it down soft next time! Day 20 of "Blunder Down Under" and Town Hall may finally have a solution. I'm here with Zeke, who'll give us a breakdown of the plan. We'll take this rope, and throw it down the hole. Technology! What a wonderful time to be alive. - Peat, no! It's a rope. - I know! Okay, do we have another rope? Our rope budget was spent on the banner. I just have to save those jerks so these jerks won't think I'm a jerk. Hello, serendipity! Wait, I can use you! Good work, brave Goblins. Your Village salutes you. - Yeah! Someone order a hero? - No, not really. Oh, yeah, well. Either way, I'm here. Well, they're dead. Close up the hole. It's a tripping hazard. King, we're alive. I didn't cause the mine collapse. They did! When they were trying to steal all of our gold! Okay, let's all take a deep breath here and run! See? Tripping hazard. Look at that weirdo running around, playing. Weirdo. Yeah, him having fun makes me mad for no apparent reason! We'll handle this. I don't know you, but I'm about to clean your coccyx. Your arm. Something about it is familiar. It looks like... my Dad's arm. Nah. Your Dad had your Mom scrimshawed on his radius bone. Oh, man! It is his arm! - Whoa, your Mom is hot! - Shut up! That woman is a saint! I became a bully 'cause my Dad wasn't around to raise me! I bully because hurting weaker people makes me feel strong. We're sorry, Jeffrey. We're so sorry! Aw, Dad! I missed you. Here. You need your Dad's arm more than we do. Jeffrey, you're alright. Can I look at your mom again? Good job today, comrades. And great job to one warrior in particular. Me, Rick the Giant! Hey! When I laugh, you laugh. I bet I can throw these farther than you can even shoot them! That's it, you big bully! Let's test your toughness with something I've been experimenting with! What have you done? You better start changing your jerkish ways, because you're stuck at this size until you learn how to make friends. Being small, isn't being tall. No, it's not tall at all. No, it's not tall at all. In fact, it's just small. Shrunk down, and close to the ground, being itty-bitty can be a pity, because after all, small is small. I used to be the biggest and baddest, but now I can barely fight off a... fight off a, uh... My point is I want my old life back. Is it really your old life you want back, or just your old size? What do you mean? I mean, is that really who you want to be? A mean loner who doesn't have anyone to lean on when things get tough? Did you ever think that helping someone might be better than hurting them? Think about that. Being small isn't tall, but no matter your size, you can still surprise. Make improvements, with your tiny movements, because even the small can help us all. So I said, "Elixir? I hardly even know her!" And now, for my next trick, I need a nostril. I'd say someone small has learned a pretty big lesson. And I have to thank you for that. I think you've earned this. No! Wait! Not yet... I guess I should have waited for him to exit the nostril first. I want you all to know I'm a new Giant. No more bad attitude. Instead, I'm about peace, love, and friendship. We're under attack! Stomp them, Rick! I will stomp them... with kindness. Friends! Friends! You're all my friends! Gimme a hug! Gimme a hug. Everybody, gimme a hug. Come on. Gimme a hug. Finally, a size eight. Hyup!
Channel: Clash of Clans
Views: 11,166,331
Rating: 4.8723965 out of 5
Keywords: clash of clans, COC, Clash of Clans Gameplay, Clash of Clans Strategy, Clash of Clans Animation, Clash of Clans Commercial, Clash of Clans Attacks, Clash of Clans Town Hall, Hog Rider, PEKKA, Clan Wars, clash royale, supercell, goblins, wall breaker
Id: 91R6RCo0BOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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