ESCAPING The FATTEST GUY In The Gym in Roblox!

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hey what's up dudes it's pan welcome back to another rOBLOX video and i'm Craner and I'm ready to get bird what do I mean I'm already fit I'm already the fittest person alive alright well we're gonna find out today because we are gonna be escaping a gym and Craner has barely done any hobbies ever in Rome you Bob to say that I've never worked out of my life and I was like okay true but also hurtful pet you didn't have to bring that up on video but now I did it so I don't know what to do at this point honestly I was gonna say that next so thank you for getting that out of the way really appreciate it really yes watch you in your buff face if you don't if you ever say that again you don't even work out okay well you know what I won't do it cuz you're kind of big and scary I love that like huge guy that you're on that's lifting the dumbbells right now yeah he's working out dude be sure to smash that subscribe button also hit the like button as well but the most important thing is to hit that little bear I'm so good at it now mate that was good man I gotta talk to you okay so that one is this is going to be a race me against you what do I win who's the best at Arby's okay no we have to put something on the line ten thousand robots alright fine okay I'll give you ten thousand robots can you beat me give me ten thousand if I go oh gee Mel won't eat all right stand on this stand on this right here three any two what go no and I had no idea how good you are at these either okay I think I'll try to hurry up too much okay I'm not gonna give you 10,000 bucks if you win okay it was only by weight oh I died again are you flipping my bender's they've met all kinds of snacks and stuff over here okay I don't want those legs moving don't touch the floor or you're out oh so this is like a cool obstacle course this is actually really smart is this actually difficult where are you I'm at the snacks oh you made it over the snacks by the way I'm just like chilling right I'm just kind of enjoying them you know my journey oh hey Pat hey what's up dude hey what's up dude this is actually pretty awesome dude this is like such a cool obstacle course are you nervous I'm nervous at all I'm right but I do I can smell your smelly feet to be I smell really good I just put don't lay down you put the take a shower pad oh hi this is madness madness man wait so you instead of taking a shower Yukie odor and spray your freaking feet no I don't spray the rub on yeah that's even more weird because you use that in your armpit - no I'm separate one for each obviously that would you have a second dedicated the owner and roll out for your feet but you don't know what if you don't smell that bad oh there's a boxing ring over here just saying hey pet have you seen what I have oh are you behind me oh god no oh oh do you just I know I didn't I chose to take Everest oh my goodness you spawn all the way back to the jungle monkey ball thingies are you sure that you didn't forget to check mics that only happens when you forget one of the checkpoints I didn't oh wait this is dangerous how am I ever gonna catch up to you at this point I don't know this is moving like mechanisms over here that I have to avoid so if I mess up a bunch you could probably catch up how huh but why did I spawn all the way back over here now I must climb up I'm crushing it right now I just want you to know I'm awesome - turn red they have to change color when you step on I don't even know what you're talking I got this poop go to checkpoint it will pop what yeah you have to step on them yeah I'm inside them do you get eaten yet what do you mean wait you haven't been eaten yet okay Pat this is really bad by the fat guy here's anemia no because I spawned all the way back and I'm at the boxing ring I just like jumped over his poop yeah yeah I came out of toilet maybe you should roll some deodorant on your feet after that one I literally came out of this toilet and there's like just inch stench coming out of it I will punch roblox in the face alright no excuses let's get swimming I'm honestly feeling bad you I'm gonna wait for you well at this point no because I feel like I'm so far ahead right now I kinda want to see you come out of the toilet to be honest there's another girl over here like waiting at the toilet I don't know if she's like has to go or what I think I might be stepping on his poop now - oh okay I'm waiting for you on the toilet no I'm at the I'm at the hotdogs all right no that's not Pope that there's literal poop in this are you really yeah wait that's pretty gross should I buy in the shop while I wait for you all this like lasers going up and down oh yeah that's what I was that before what is his crown it's 800 to get VIP probably see me do anything oh my goodness this is really nerve-racking ah Peas I know I really was hoping that you didn't but um you kind of do and I'm waiting at the toilet for you there are worse than Jenn um maybe no she's not bad IV she's only bad at parkour in Minecraft now you have made me upset I'm climbing up a spine I'm gonna go slow over here cuz I really you know I want to keep moving but I'm also it was my fault I forgot to checkpoint so that's why I'll poop you you've the job Joker in that part oh my goodness did you make it so gross if you make it past the poop no I died and then I saw my dead body in four just I what the heck do you mean I thought again oh man you're gonna die on over there okay you know what poop do I've never been defeated round I'm watching all right I'm at the swimming pool this air is getting really cool by the way ah I suck I did dude dude dude what a tip do you want to tip apparently I'm really really bad at dodging poop which honestly I thought I'd be good at no this is what you have to do constantly hit the spacebar so you're always jumping and it's really easy to maneuver your character away from it I did it aa-are you did it I better roll some deodorant oh I'm sorry about that I'm at the toilet oh you're at the toilet I'm gonna wait for you on the other side of the pool because I do want to see you again cuz I'm crushing you right now I feel bad why do they want me to go swimming when I've literally just been swimming in poop do they last know that that's very unsanitary hey you made it hey nice to see you again man I thought I'd never see you again yeah I got like five minutes ahead of you did you just run again oh you gotta wait for me I waited for you pretty much there's a cool slide over here though head is really gonna win those robots isn't he yeah get out of here wait I don't know so I'm climbing up ooh the slide okay not sure what I'm supposed to do what do we do Craner I'm actually lost this way I literally didn't see that somehow I'm ahead of you say waited for you ah I jumped over that pad I'm coming for you pain Oh God that was really crazy you're in a dive air I can feel it no I'm not ah how's that Oh Whitney you're really blind I honestly am ahead of you I waited for three minutes for you to catch up well it doesn't matter now your own rule get in the helicopter where's this gonna be cool oh we both made it pretty much the same exact second where what's that in wait is that is that the end I think that was we literally our feet hit the ground at like the same time so we both win 10,000 roll bucks from ourselves oh did you get the badge cuz that probably would have been the win no I didn't I can't get it did you get it I mean I stepped on it it would say then like the bottom right of the screen when you get it I didn't pay attention do you think I pay attention I'm ball red you know what though the thing is the MIDI it was actually too short we have to run into one of these which one do you want to do with Ram the race continues in one of these right now okay not school and yeah I want to do school alright school okay let's do it because I don't like school but stay in school I'm going already it was honestly too close to decide a winner so it's better that we just continue on in this one well I'm already going we're not on the same server dude oh we're not yeah we have to get on the same server hold on oh no okay dudes were on the same server are you ready for this trainer I am ready to escape school three two one go I'm ahead of you I might smell mad at you just so you know follow my screen you're stupid I'm gonna find out right now would you escaping it though it makes no sense what you just said no I'm good at it because I'm so talented at it just so you know it all makes sense okay it makes sense I get it now except you showed me the wrong way yeah you followed my way to we're like literally right next to each other what's that hit in the map all right I'm ahead of you I'm at your mind oh dang it oh man this is like stressful at this point isn't it wait what there's a vent oh maybe wait for me Patrick oh god oh it's one of these but oh you got to remember the way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right you go first dude I'm waiting for this guy because I don't want to make this mistake and be behind dang it you cheater Oh what was roblox treated Oh God okay it's asking questions Google oh this is bad n this is this is bad I'm answering questions as quick as I can I got it I got it - all right here we go this is intense right now this is very intense I don't actually like this right now pet I'm pooping him on DS okay yeah me too oh god it's one of these ones where you don't know if it's like the right thing or not again oh gosh no what do you kills me I literally touch nothing goodbye Patrick I have you are cheating game I'm gonna cry alright I wasn't I'm telling you not even close nice what is this good this is so good what's this so good so we'll tell me I am not even close to these bottles you haven't even gotten to the toilet yet oh there's another toilet what is that like a thing in this tray this maps I guess he really likes poop I'm not judging okay you threw me off here I almost went try to go into the bathroom where's the way to go oh I never go here we go I knew you got this actually pooping this one to pet like this exact same poop now I'll set the other map is it really okay so you're inside right now basically something in the toilet oh yeah did I just give you info on where I am yeah I mean I'm in the same kind of areas you now okay oh no that's a mace okay so that could actually be my chance to catch up that right yeah unless you don't ain't not don't able to do it yeah I found the exit right away I literally just spawned in and died instantly I'm gonna win Oh Hugo I think you got this all right I'm going um where's the stupid me quick into the van I can taste the roll box all right here we go sweet you got through the maze like instantly you said yeah I'm in a school bus it's that good did I win it's a huge maze by the way hey I won because up that fast all right I actually made it through the maze pretty quickly too oh my goodness I can't believe yeah the mace was just keep right and you'll win I didn't go that way but I still made it there must have been a lot of ways to get over there really yeah oh I thought there was only gonna be one where are you bad are you you made it through all of this as soon as you see the school bus you'll know it's over I just hit the school bus I'm waiting for you here bro oh where are you buddy I'm pooping did you uh did you get the thing the winner yeah yeah I did that first yup and I will see you like 10 minutes ago okay I you know I always this is happened to me so many times where I've waited for Jen and then lost because I waited for and I did the same thing to you yeah you know what in my in my eyes pet you won this one okay I'll give you that I don't think so I don't think so did I win you won you're the winner wait what you are walk on this wait where are you look you can walk on the path wait how did you get up there though oh my goodness this is sick okay so go go get one of these and you can basically like write it oh yeah yeah yeah I've seen those before but it didn't look like you had any color on you this is really cool man yeah you can actually go over to like the map and stuff too it's pretty cool this is just sick I like this all be a lot man we should do ball ah bees yeah I know I actually do enjoy the Abhi's the only thing is a lot of them are pretty short like this one obviously it was pretty short - we did I just want to know Nick game Nick game 50 fall what's your obsession with poop yeah every map every map there's a toilet involved in this poop in every single one uh you know I just have a few questions Nick game like what's up with that bro you know just curious that's all we're just asking so if you can tell us that would be great right dudes hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash that subscribe but also smash the like button as well and don't forget to hit that little pool house perfect dude oh yeah guys have an amazing day and we will see you next time bye guys
Channel: Pat & Crainer
Views: 346,719
Rating: 4.9088812 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, family friendly, child friendly, roblox, funny, moments, roleplay, obby, escape, escaping, escape the gym, roblox games, games, game, minigames, mini-games, mini games, simulator, parkour, jump
Id: SZz5TlQJQtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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