CJ's Character Development is TOP TEIR!!! DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004) FIRST TIME WATCHING!

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I'm so proud of myself today I'm so proud of myself you know all right y'all today we have Dawn of the Dead now I know it's not October don't be getting on me it's close y know October my birthday month too though I'm not pushing for October to get here fast I promise these are just horror movies to switch up The Vibes a little bit um I don't even know if this considered horror I know it's zombies in the movie guys Dawn of the Dead kind of dead giveaway um but I don't know what's about to happen so we're just about to get into it and check it out subscribe to the channel like the video if you're on YouTube um you know patreon what's up I know how we kick it over here man I ain't gotta say nothing y'all know the Vibes other than that man let's get into Dawn of the Dead let's get it am I missing something why did Dr CH order a head X-Ray when the man Was Bitten on the hand where's the patient now I'd like to see him we moved him I'm sure one of the night nurses can me when you find him I'll do that she's so ready to get up out of there aren't you off an hour ago here he is upstairs and I see you from a bite okay I'm going to get out of here can you do a favor can you page Dr dandor on M sure look like somebody else got bit [Applause] hey let's go it's starting early confirmed it is not an isolated she's skipping all the news on the radio I'm guilty I do it a lot too trying to get to my song and can go backwards let me see maybe tomorrow after work I'll do a few backward laps around the block with you okay how'd it go today not bad see why she was ready to leave work please stay tuned to the special News Bulletin we will return to our regularly scheduled programming immediately following this report Vivian's Here Vivian [Music] honey Vivian the call an ambulance D Vivian just bit a chunk out this guy's neck I don't even know if I can show that on YouTube y'all going to have to shoot Vivian it's over for her he turned into a zombie within 10 seconds unlock it and and Anna Anna don't go back to the D stick with the window LS came through the door on some shining help get back bro I'm asking for help what's going on dog this escalated quickly she was just chilling having sex in the shower and information walk but now you want to listen to the news on the radio doors and windows civil unrest is still being reported in the area of the River Walk talk about going from zero to 100 this movie is a perfect example [Music] is this International health hazard or military concern both are these people alive or dead we don't know is that true death and Hell fed by Zack s but Zack Snider be doing his thing I've watched a few movies I had no clue he directed I didn't know Zack Snider directed this say something hello please all right you doing come on he's a cop he probably been waiting to shoot at a cop too this my only chance thought you one of them yeah right you do not want to go that way what about Fort Pastor maybe if you had wings going to the mall they're going to the mall in the zombie p alypse how don't you would think it'd be more zombies that them all always full of people must be on the day it's [Music] closed these zombies different too these ain't no normal slow weird zombies they running Up On You full speed oh man lights I like how they got the Don't Worry Be Happy music going on in the background maybe off show you could go on that direction check for all right okay no no just stay right here okay stay right here sh shadowproof [ __ ] thank God for shadowproof glass at the mall nah I'd rather take the Crowbar No [Music] Lie he should have kept the crowbar he it would have stuck in his neck now Anna's just running with a shotgun like she's been doing this you know I like it an it looks gangsta [Music] I need to suure that oh no Top Flight Top Flight this is our place and you can't stay here he is a cop CJ just let us stay here for a little while and give your weapons to Bart and Terry don't do it you can take your ass on over the quality in if it's still there Shaq huh let's go guys get on more TV come on let's go we get it man you in charge around here you ain't got to swing your thing like that so then why don't you tell us what spot in here you'd like us to take a piss right it's R the corner that wayer K Hill they seem to go down permanently when you shoot them in the head then you got to burn them put another round of that woman over there look put another rounding that woman over there it's crazy I know some of these people that were putting down do it's got to be done talk about it's got to be done I even know some of the people we putting down so what she's pregnant too like they can't get to her we might need her to repopulate after all this bull what I would suggest that you come to forth Pastor my brother's there he's waiting for me and a whole world flipped upside down in 20 minutes she don't know what the hell going on sooner or later they're going to get in here like I hadn't thought of that hey no doubt you probably already thought about putting a sign up on the roof let him know we're alive good idea we get some pain from case Hardware CJ is it yeah everybody listen up I'm going to give everybody a job to do and I expect you to do all of it you start off by cleaning up that mesh you made a metropolis hey Ben look he's a twitcher they better blow his head off and get the hell out of [Music] there let get to work he did not signed up for this it was just supposed to be a security job at the mall now we're blowing heads off two why are they coming here memory maybe that to be if I'm zombified my memory is to go to the mall that's what I want to do no hell no poor guy what's he pointing at hey man talk about lucky hey I spoke too soon let me send somebody something I don't want anybody sneaking around and stealing CJ shut the up what the hell we gonna do with this stuff try to sell it to the zombies we're all in deep here bro we have to do something the helicopter's coming back soon I hope so and it might not we don't know don't worry okay this guy he he doesn't know I he talking a lot you know you always saying something who the [ __ ] are you what the do you do I sell televisions at Best Buy I didn't expect that answer how do you like following a guy that sells TVs as much as I like following a guy who steals going a for pastor to get my brother they don't seem to have much of any reasoning power show me something I don't know I've just been informed that we are going off the air and Satan is sending his dead to us you have sex out of wedlock how do you think your gu will judge you now we know timers it's 8:00 go shut him off you're the trainee man what are you doing he don't know I can smell a zombie biting him clean and neck I see it happening the bathroom in here is fake it doesn't work he left it unlocked Zack Efron you screwing up what is this is this the end of times I've done some bad things in my life you saw hell yesterday now you scared of going to hell for all the bad things you've done go in the stall say five hell mares wipe your ass and you and God can call it even bro I'm sitting here trying to repent that you think I feel like I deserve to be here cuz I feel like I'm here for another reason bring that baby on this Earth and give it everything that I never [Music] had J what are we going to do about that truck we're not going to do anything there's people in it if we start letting people in here we're going to let the wrong ones in and then I'm dead and you know what I don't want to die look I just think we should I do not ask for your opinion lady put the damn gun down I'm not killing anybody you know what I'll you no no no stop CJ I'll kill you want you to stay alive you hear me got quite a mouth on you show her how to use it yeah like this ain't the time to be a perve there Hing cell in there back in the security room Trader I'm a Trader you just had a gun to my head CJ screw you go we got to go out there two don't do it man three shoot him in the head he sail TVs he got a good aim on him kill six more people inside the truck they br somebody to sick in CJ wouldn't have let her in I'm just going right there oh my help should be along soon did you hear that from the sa who told us to go to St verbina he was wrong is that why you picked him up no he plays the organ I was in the neighborhood so I picked him up excuse me when when you two fellas are done blowing each other maybe Davey Crockett can tell us the deal here dude Keys they're in the cab truck's not going to make it to Fork faster bloodbath city is everyone there dead his brother's there look for himself not going to make it please there's people here right now could use your help officer it's your duty to Serve and [Music] Protect so what's the bad news that is the bad news Andy lucky boy he at the top of his gun store chilling he probably got guns and ammo for days he's got a bite on his hand she's cold that guy's arm looks pretty bad over there you should probably check it out I hate the sound the bad guy but we need CJ at a time like this he wouldn't be allowing this man' can can I get you something like like a glass of water Anna Anna come here guys do you want to move into the other room y'all better move into the other room and shoot her in the head would you think was going to happen Anna Frank said she was walking on her own when she got in the truck 5 hours ago yesterday I saw the same thing happened to somebody else so who else in the group is bitten Frank for sure so we have to quarantine him right away we just got to take him out it might that sounds crazy it's too dangerous to keep him around here I'm sorry what are we talking about here we talking about killing him what else can we do he's got a daughter sorry I don't think there's any other choice he's he's right Michael's coming to shoot you and you've been bitten well she's gone go ahead do it Michael I'm sorry you going to do [Music] it it hurts well it's already starting to heal yeah it's moving I felt you had to come up with a name for this baby want Russian name an African name please come here give me a hug you can mix a Russian and African name that' be a first probably be hard to spell too I couldn't ask for anything more than daughter oh yeah he turning for sure I'm glad you didn't do it it's done it's done so what the heck some people just turn slower than others because her boyfriend turned like that dude took all day [Music] Frank he done find a new friend and Andy You Got a Friend in Me now come on [Music] down crazy song Get Ready To Die I'm not ready to a successful relationship he tells me he loves me and and number one it's trusty jayen Bert Reynolds tell him uh tell him to get Bert Reynold I guess they got to find some type of entertainment out of all this madness shoot Bert Reynolds in the head that'll be fun man he's good yeah Andy a beast over there you guys had really rough childhoods didn't you it's a little bit Rocky I ever turn into one of those things blow mying head off oh you can count on that I might blow your head off before you turn into one of those things keeping around the first time I knew I was gay this guy Todd please stop it said not while we're taking our shirts off hey what's that lemon stuff it's all gone try the vanilla stuff i' like to uh drop by and check on her just see how she's doing she's fine it's okay and we understand [Music] oh she going into labor why she she look like she turning that's why he ain't want nobody to see her like she good what the that's it you come with me or you go back in that cell I ain't going anywhere without a gun trust primary ingredient in any relationship he been reading too many damn magazines B get the chain CJ calling anybody [ __ ] is hilarious you ready to roll what the [ __ ] was that Jesus Christ dog told you I saw something I knew he was I I called it earlier I knew a zombie was going to fite him clean in the neck oh it's time to go CJ he stinks still on the attack she gone she coming back this is unreal the baby is still alive in oh the baby made it f you want to kill my family it's not a family anymore I he shot her sh normal with the G said son of a [ __ ] shot me no if she was one of them she'd be up right [Music] now God what little zombie baby Anna oh man it had to be done dude the this movie Crazy somebody should say something been to a lot of funerals in the back of my mind I was always saying better them than me cuz now I realize that there are some things worse than death and one of them is sitting here waiting to die I don't want to die here dying at the mall would be horrible I saw a couple of buses in the garage fix them up we could reinforce them and then what while we're at it why don't we swing by the marina hop in my boat that's a good idea there's Islands out in those Lakes there's not a lot of people on them you're serious I think it's a damn good idea we have to pick up Andy he's part of the group definitely got to go grab Andy You're suggesting that we take some parking shuttles and reinforce them then we're going to drive across a ruined City through a welcome Committee of a few hundred, dead cannibals and head for some Island that for all we know doesn't even exist you can stay here CJ pretty much yeah I'm in let's do it let's do it note to self have a reinforced bus just in case of zombie apocalypse plenty of shotguns just you know thinking of things that work give me a flamethrower got to have one of those during the zomi apocalypse what is she spray painting the plow for I'm pretty sure going to get painted in blood guys where' chips go chips where'd you go honey come on boy where the heck is chips owners he just came out of nowhere well I'm pretty sure owner is probably dead that was a silly question crap Andy over there hungry so those things are on the side of the bus this will get them off the most romantic thing anyone's everever shown me your boyfriend just died all right we need a solution we we need to get some food over there shut up I have an idea stop it's hurting him no it's not safe Nicole they're not Chip's like hey lift me back up oh look he he's walking right by them and they're not even paying attention to him okay he's there he's in oh they got him Andy do copy I'm ding up pretty bad God damn those bastards bite hard he got bit oh no I just yeah it's me brother hey man good to hear your voice you just hang in there see my God it's Nicole idiot going after them dog dude Nicole is a dog lover for real you made it she's in how's Andy looking I don't know there's a lot of blood in here what's it say that's crazy his memory was to you know use that sign and lip it up no tell her get out Nicole listen to me Nicole was not playing over chips ain't no plumber but I'd say we're pretty much the in line here ni I'm sorry brother I didn't want to have to meet like this Andy you got a plan how about a barbecue light him up CJ over here hurry up over here I got to talk to Tucker saves CJ CJ having a change of heart trying to save Tucker Tucker got accuracy head shots shoot me shoot [Applause] me they going to shoot Steve when they find him so much for the all being a safe [Music] ground the elevator music is so crazy right now what the hell happen St I shoot you in the [Music] head I'll take the gun oh my goodness TR to tr and hit him with the on give me a shotgun like a baby nuke oh no we got one on back it up back it up back up he's still alive K are you [Music] okay hopefully they got the keys to his boat Steve took off what I got him and i' been waiting to do that [ __ ] look at him get the keys to the boat girl there we go get in get in damn zombes got unlimited stamina they out there running like you same bat damn imagine you same bat that's a zombie ain't nobody getting away from him here get out the end of the dock CJ went from a [ __ ] to he's solid he's saving everybody else damn on CJ went out solid he saved the crew that's crazy wouldn't expected that one downtown when they jumped on us stay on the boat it's going to be all right everybody Anna you know loves turn into a damn zombie wouldn't want to be an boyriend you sure you want to do this yeah okay they drive off into the sunset happy ending for some people you know now we could use Anna to repopulate we got the little guy the two young people over there they can be getting it on helping repopulate we got the black brother on the boat he could get the mix kids going we good where did you get that I found Steve's camera what the oh what is chips no get back on the boat dude are they all dying you're not telling me nobody [Music] survived this song Crazy sick come on get down with the sickness I'm not trying to get down with no sickness hell no I sit down and stay down with the healthiness what the hell wait a minute nobody survived my bad wow I'm sitting here thinking we got hope that was why they let them few survive you know for repopulation purposes after the whole world get zombified nobody survived so basically you're telling me in the zombie apocalypse guy we're all [ __ ] we're done you can ride off into the sunset and think you're cool if you want you get to the island you screwed there where do we go you know what we about just get down with the sickness and buy out see I'm trying to get down with the sickness that at Le oh what if I can perfect acting like a zombie so when they trying to pull up on me I'm just they gonna be like okay he's zombified roll with us we know what some press me that it's two alive [ __ ] over there they got gold chains let's go eat and that's where we go I'm just I'mma be scared as hell but I'mma be walking with him no see they run fast see they gonna know CU I can't run that damn fast so as they running I'm G be behind him like trying to keep up and they gon be like this dude is not fast hey he a human get him and I'm done for so all to get down with the sickness for me just fell I don't know where I just went how did I get into that bit um yeah dude we're done until the next to the next movie
Channel: IT'S MR. VIDEO
Views: 26,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pPK7pujchoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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