RED DAWN (1984) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Patrick Swayze | Charlie Sheen | Lea Thompson

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s house what's up everyone we're watching Red Dawn let's jump in here we go okay bad times all right and the United States is going to save the world you know it as we always do we don't instigate anything ever ever World Police here we come Red Dawn thanks for the ride okay thanks Budd so what's the deal get going you don't have time for breakfast how young I know I'll be the station all day so U you're going to have to teach a ride home you got practice today after for that man we're a double time triple you should be ashamed of yourself oh no come on bud you lost football game once yourself what never no that was I think you're lying I know when to bleed your mouth like young whipper snappers a I love a young Patrick laaz oh he's dad he looks so young I know I was like is he dad or older brother right now the great hunt would always begin with the Army spread out in a semicircle I would say about the size of Rhode Island now the ends would kind of close in to form a shrinking circle is that a young Charlie Sheen they had worked themselves up into a pretty good frenzy and when this killing started it lasts for days weeks even months yeah they were brutal until the young son of aan asked his father that the last creature alive what what what what what oh paratroopers are they friends yeah that's what I'm like are they our paratroopers no no no that doesn't sound like English no no no no no Russians then be not friendly what oh [ __ ] out of school sir sir oh no children a you were shooting at children that's mess up oh got shot stay away from the windows oh I guess at this point oh they're not we're not prepared for this oh okay that's Brave this is [Music] crazy okay oh my God not drivable anymore yeah you're not driving that car Oh Daddy came back oh thank God all right guys let's go stay [Music] low no way no way oh they hit the school [Applause] [Music] bus oh my gosh oh my God what the hell why in this random ass town okay all right well let's see it you know what though at the oh that didn't really work out well for you I mean if this happened though I'd be glad to to be in a city where people were like armed I've b guns yeah otherwi I'd be like I have a kitchen knife and I'm willing to p a kettle a frying pan let's go let's go oh no oh oh God oh no oh God oh my God this is so distressing what's happening what's happening shooting at everybody oh God that's not a good sound we're going to the mountains we're getting out of here yeah smart I heard some of them speaking Spanish Mr Morris did you see any of them who are they come on man just relax oh they all joined forces arrows yes I like this somebody get some Lan oh man this is one I completely regret being a soft City girl I know doesn't know how to do any of this I mean I can cook that's about it see we're useful we're useful but yeah you brought Coke terrible idea hydration huh got to get liquid motivation right by I got nervous because I saw the gas pump and I was like oh my God they could just blow it up exactly why wouldn't they United States I think it said I love you Dad tell M I love wait why would you no don't leave your dad all right come on boys just get out of here I guess cuz Mom's behind oh Dad this might be the last one yeah if that was my kid I'd be like nope we're grabbing Mom let's go is it there yeah load it sweet you know how to do that all right it's already loaded give here oops Yeah put them in Pocket okay I love that they're showing the prep oh Jesus Christ oh my god oh Jesus oh Jesus okay reverse we're going to turn off quick oh my God yep I feel his Panic yep a oh SHO ooh wa man I feel sorry for the kids in the back oh he fell out okay it's a helicopter is it theirs oh no okay [Music] friends well they got there fast yeah it's ours yeah it's our boys okay we're just switching L languages oh check it out sto a bullet to would have hit somebody that's too bad yeah we've got no radio they cry I mean how long do you think we can survive up here on olives and Rice Krispies what else are we going to do hunt fish as Kelly met student body president and I I forward the motion that we give ourselves up okay calm down sir no you are fired you're not going anywhere it's too dangerous to go into town I say we vote on it no this isn't the big game Mr quarterback he can go whereever he wants no as the ranking adult really hey come on guys knock it off yeah I mean you go then it's going to go so bad here H ass take your [ __ ] yeah this is your chance get walking it it is World War II down there people are being killed what about your family huh good question my family would want me to stay alive your family would want you to stay alive true mhm when you think you're so smart man she's just a bunch of scared kids yeah facts Jesus I hope there's no landmines or anything o yeah there's no one here either scavenge anything you can it's like it's been here for a thousand years whoa hey those stores are open there's people everywhere maybe it's over wait wait wait wait wait who people hey you can't tell from here Jen Jesus Christ what is that all right yeah they're red that's the mayor's car they got Daryl's dad's car there's curfew yeah let's see talk to the NPCs yeah six toothbrushes please do you have a ration card where did you come from the mountains we've been hiding out are you crazy you got to get out of here we will but first we got to find out what's going they know who all of you are they're looking for you who oh [ __ ] kjb the Russians and Cubans oh no they took a lot of people away people that they thought were going to make trouble for them people that had guns or things they wanted they just took them away where re-education camps oh my God I heard they took a lot of people to Jad I pray for you thanks could you find my dad Tom record I'm J I'll go find your dad I know right where he is okay can you see if Mr Morris is in there too I'll look around for him too who oh Maris like the guy his dad from the shop the [Music] market yeah God guys stand boys get out of here don't talk don't say anything let me look at [Music] you yeah I knew I was right you're alive a I was tough on both of you oh maybe they are brothers yeah I did things that made you made you hate me some sometimes but you understand now don't you yeah why you hear what they do doesn't matter one reason or another we're all gone M remember when you used to go in the park and play I used to put you on the swings mhm damn little cut oh oh he's so good I remember I remember all of it well I ain't going to be around to pick you up when you fall now both of you got to take care of each other now okay never see you again Dad yes you will I don't want to hear that Maddie what happened to Mom D where she oh God did she die oh can't afford to be crying anymore now dang he's tough as Nails go get going now get out before they find you yeah don't come back I love you I know you do son I Stellar performance from the dad yeah Bravo yeah amazing oh jeez boys [Music] avenge me dang it 100% they will oh my God okay yeah so they're Brothers got that makes so much more sense it's like how is he so young I was like wait hold on the way they're relating to each other it's like brothers maybe we've been wrong and then yeah that that confirmed it so yeah goodness how are you doing good to see you doing what happed to the other boys can we trust them yeah I'm questioning question what the lady said cuz in this type of environment if you turn in people got Danny we got darl well we all figured you boys had headed for fa but now what's fa free America oh where we hell you boys is in occupied territory you're 40 Mi behind the enemy line dang we we we haven't even seen or talked to anybody since it all started yeah wait here just no yeah don't be making any phone calls I wish there was more I'm sorry it's lace don't do it oh my gosh here let's keep you board warm don't do it use it to see where you standing now radio well maybe we can trust them what happened to my dad and mom your dad's dead Robert a Russians found some guns missing so they shot him for Aiden gorillas oh I don't know where your mother is Rob I ain't got no money now oh no you got each other you need anything you come here oh need a hug I got a couple of heirlooms I want to hide with you hey Jack no okay so he's fully on their side that's cool okay I like this yeah oh oh oh we got girls okay take them with you sons of [ __ ] tried having their way with them oh this is Matt and Jed eer they're going to take care of you and I don't want to know where they're going oh they got horses okay nice nice yes we need to get back into horses in case anything happens yeah yeah good luck well I know how to ride a horse you do yes so I I have that going for me I've wanted to learn so bad going to run out of bullets soon they're coming up guys we have to head towards fa mhm don't go cutting any trees now I will make this my Palace all right God dang guys oh no don't down rock uh oh oh ID at a c oh my gosh I love that this guy is just so convinced of his story that he's like no no no so don't go down there oh no no girl you panicked no guys oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh oh gosh oh come on oh God we've been doing this so well until the girls arrived why why give us a bad name oh in the butt get him rock smash his head no comrade no [ __ ] drop a rock on him oh my goodness oh my goodness be careful stop stop stop oh okay okay you're not afraid to use the gun nope okay where's the other one oh all right aim dang he's still going oh my gosh please do canot do you cannot let him call this in you cannot let him go back no no no oh my gosh this they're dragging [Applause] the oh he's just a young guy too a oh that's rough [ __ ] it's good he's conserving his men yeah [Music] oh oh no why are they lining them up I don't like this yeah oh no let's go oh oh gosh oh oh hey hey what is it a bomb right no e all right see girls are useful that's right oh I'm sad she she's on foot now run run faster Tada oh surprise take that yeah a surprise nice well done that's team [Music] work oh no all right oh no ah [Music] surprise they learned how to shoot really well [Music] [Laughter] W is is sniper wow yeah they're literally being taken out by a group of teenagers that's awesome all right yes oo kick back [Music] wow another take that yeah nice Wolverines I love it the rebel group has been here hopefully they're getting other soldiers too [Applause] yeah what does that mean is that there people I just feel so cold yeah look all of that should have grabbed all the wool coats yeah American who are you no no no what's on your American red blooded what's capital of Texas nobody knows it's Houston complet darling I'm cold you seen too many movies okay well he's got the US flag on there but we got this dead Russian major major huh yeah well I guess it ought to fit on a colonel h how'd you get yourself shot down Colonel it was 5 to one I got four that's pretty good you can sit with us I'm J yeah how you doing Jed good as can be kid smoking now yeah jeez watch those Claymores in the trees [Music] oh Matt RPG woo yeah shot nice job all right now what do you think not bad for a bunch of kids huh yeah very well organized tag tag tag back here by the drive-in screen are your political prisoners all right we cause a diversion over here cut holes in the wire here fire on all these machine gun positions wow and a flank maneuver and when you reach this bunker you lay down grazing fire and this death La I think that's pretty [Music] simple uh-oh oh you would think maybe that at this point like the enemies would have like figured out that maybe they were targets and yeah reinforce themselves or maybe they're running out of like could be or they think they're not that gutsy to to like attack yeah their the main base that's nice oh nice yeah nice that's right we've got a pilot oh yeah all right me my little friend well good luck good luck wow that was their whole budget yeah do Dan [ __ ] bye wow should saved one all right I need coveralls so bad great play by yeah let's let off some steam have some fun come oh you come down here uhoh how old your wife huh no how old's your wife 80 what she like old like me I mean what she really like feisty like you oh love just so bad it hurt still love her like that you're asking a lot of questions oh are you planing or what no leave me alone [ __ ] Walker yeah shut up can you not see what we're trying to do here my gosh [Music] jealous it's ours okay yeah just one [Music] though Tri nice yeah uh-oh whoa oh just kidding that was their Bud yeah I was thinking the same I was like that was it no way there's got to be like some more big explosions coming later dang you got to cross that so this is Battlefield huh yeah it's real war kid say so get out down down down down down down oh my goodness didn't leave tracks or anything stay down he can't see us yeah okay oh my God take over he's looking for us what you think take him down sure is oh ow I can't get what no dude chill can't they storm them yeah all right R everybody get out of here what are you doing what God damn it Christ knock knock I'm coming up there uh-oh oh shoot kn I got it get out of here kid there's a world of hurt coming down get out I'm with you oh my [Music] gosh take him out with your RPG man hold on hurry up son of [ __ ] there you go oh jeez [Applause] oh man eat me W there we go oh oh no oh guys oh shoot oh no more trauma no no yeah come on buddies comeing down them shoot straight for once you Army PES dang wow rip colonel was not expecting him to go yeah I was kind of surprised they took out one of their crew as well it's about time I guess yeah never anybody again a if you didn't love anybody you'd never even be here that's true we going to bury him much left to bury yeah these were good friends take them away from here someplace safe where this world never happen please let them forget oh Lord so they can be little again oh amen amen well that was touching Jad what are you Whispering for it feels quiet just felt bright yeah it's kind of strange isn't it on the mountains pay us no attention at all you laugh or you cry the wind just keeps on blowing M it was bound to happen sooner or later you're getting pretty lean on feelings aren't you can't afford them I was talking to the group Jed doesn't look good they're all talking about quitt seem like they lost Stu for except for Robert of course well yeah and you I'm your brother is very annoying they nip at your heels uhoh name are you like he's like oh my God you guys just me listen yeah cuz that just makes them hate you would you kill your chicken very close yeah same same concept oh God yeah let's hear it you waste Manpower come a fox what like spies or yeah just start living in the forest looking for them yeah they've had months of living in the forest they're hard that's their Turf yeah I don't know what that machine does metal detector I'm sure they've set up traps too yeah is it a metal detector Welcome to our humble abone right okay open fire let's go snowball exploding one what what oh okay just going in with that one okay I got scared for yeah right like don't waste what you're doing weapons wow they took them all out spiny deut so what if he does you don't we we better get out of here shoot him what is this thing what is it who's coming after us yeah I hear a chopper and I'm going blow your brains out go die Yankee oh understood that yeah hey hey hey hey look this thing's got an arrow it's it's uh it's pointing where at you where where right here tracker do all of their tanks and stuff have [Music] trackers or no you've been a mole where is it oh hell no God damn it where's the butt they made me swallow it Daryl what have you done I knew it was going to be Daryl too cuz of his dad why cuz you said we couldn't you told him where we were didn't you wow my father turned me in oh God D things you can't imagine I would just wow yeah you son of a [ __ ] yeah you want blindfolds this is V at the J convention I never heard of it this isn't happening J let him go shut up Danny he was one of us shut up he told him where we were yeah say it to you our friend so I will not die alone what's the difference J huh I'll do it shut up of course you would he's like I got it don't worry we live here oh oh no he's Robert's got it oh just adding fuel to the fire damn does he feel anything anymore he's just nope dead inside surpris he's not like tick his boots man what a betrayal dude if my dad turned me in like that I would un alive myself oh I be like nope no point God we're done his dad's a piece of [Music] [ __ ] this movie really runs the gamut of like all the things that could possibly happen it's very realistic yeah okay it's looking warmer yeah we're in like a whole different terrain now all right we're not giving up it's a trap wait like a day yeah was too soon why would they just be okay with like some boxes falling off girl is she going to die is she going to die right away they're really hungry yeah [Music] [Applause] I'm dude I'm very nervous feels bad could it really be that we have food give your horse an apple yeah give the horse an apple no what are what why are you wasting one for the homies like what for yeah friendly or Foe holy [ __ ] get H oh no don't leave the weapon behind oh my god oh that would suck if you're injured yeah where do we go how do we hide so out in the open yeah yeah the RPG RPG yeah oh no a yeah I I mean I had a [Music] feeling the horse is like L buddy see [Music] you no [Music] please tell me our aim is good he's very calm he's like I'm am not afraid of killing you can you do Ito yep all [Music] right yeah the music was a dead giveaway I was like he's going to get it that's some triumphant music right there war oh my gosh are you going to die not even in range hold on ah yeah bye-bye how is this movie going to end is everyone going to die is that what it is is like everyone is a martyr like I don't want that ending no kill J and don't let him get me is don't make me talk where's she going what no I want you to do it no oh I can't tell you I can't it's okay give me a grenade pull a pin for me [Music] oh [Music] man dang yeah don't flirt with anyone in this movie cuz like it's not good keep it in the pants damn if I were her if like enemies came I would just be holding on until they arrived and then I'd be like surprise right well they'll they'll see her how did she hold on that long jeez like her grip must be like a vice all right everybody come here look at this body I would very much like to say something to you please come in close [Music] that's an overestimation wait for [Music] more ah she hid it under her body smart girl nice yeah I would want to take out some enemies with my death yeah they went back a new rock everywhere we go we remember of the Fallen it's like the longer they go on the more names all right now listen to me you two are going to wait up name on there I don't know when that happens when they do you can head off the planes so you're going to do some stupid stuff now we're going with you m going with you you listen to me we we are all that's left somebody's got to someone's got to live somebody's got to make it oh God me and Jet were all used up I'm never going to forget you know we couldn't make it Jed we been a lot tougher than this before we caus a diversion get out of here head back to the mountains I love you mie knew it oh he's going to do some stuff [Music] [Applause] yeah it's hard being Brothers isn't it yeah yeah love you bro let's go okay [Music] you're so poetic yeah who would have thought yeah [Music] regret oh well damn he's definitely perfected the art of letter writing right especially in war time oh oh I think it's too late bro I think today is the day to die maybe resigned way earlier wa wow all right that football training coming in clutch woo slippery eyes uh-oh oh ah where are you going yeah this guy gosh I hope he doesn't get the probably will that that is a those look like yeah important yeah what if we just like blow one up and then wait what get him surprise silently silently oh uh that was loud you lose oh he's like a cowboy [Music] oh yep yeah they recognize it recognize the resistance yep quietly take go go with God oh man oh my God they're at the swings daddy will be here soon man oh hang on [Music] man come on man daddy be here sir [Music] oh music's so sad to yeah long as can't me hold you long I [Music] can't bro I'm so tired oh I knew that line was coming yeah thank God is it spring yet if these guys don't make it would be so mad I might throw something at the TV how far have we walked we've got desert now guys we're free now free free okay where are the people okay our civilization borders just open like that I never saw the brothers again in time this war like every other war ended but I never forgot wow and I come to this place often though no one else does gorillas mostly Children Place the names of their lost Upon This Rock they fought here alone and gave up their lives so that this nation shall not perish from the earth wow all right Bravo movie that's cool you recognize Charlie Sheen like that he and I go way back yeah oh no he used to come to the restaurant I worked at and I I used to serve him a lot and he like often request me to be his Servo but yeah no he was he's a really cool cool guy I think he's got such a distinctive face and there were definitely a lot of like 80s actors that I recognized from movies like I think the the girl was from Back to the Future right Leah Thompson definitely a lot of like very well-known faces from the'80s but I think I coming into this cuz I didn't really know what this movie was about I was like oh it's probably going to be like a really fun crazy 80s action flick and while there was a lot of action I was really surprised at just the the story the messaging and the Heart behind it all it was so real I think that's what I appreciated about the movie the most is it was really real there was no romanticizing it really it was just like this sucks it's doable but it's not like oh we're going to you know go up in arms to avenge it's like we're just surviving yeah that's it and yeah we are like fighting where we can but this sucks like it sucks so bad and they show you the cost of all of it as well and I thought you know like it definitely feels like a movie of its time right cuz it you know it came out in ' 84 and I imagine that you know at that time people were really afraid of like the Communists and like what might happen if there was a World War III and so FR yeah it it explores all of that really well and it's terrifying to watch because it's like maybe in an altern reality something like this could have played out where you know they come and then they just kind of take over and then there's different parts of America that are like safe or like run by the enemies and all of that and so yeah you like right away just put in the situation of like whoa what would I do like how do you survive in this world when all of a sudden look one day you're at school and it's like fun and games it's all nice and then the next minute it's like like wo people are like coming down and parachutes and and now my whole world is falling apart that yeah that's it and it could happen at any time still it's still relevant yeah so so relevant still and yeah what I appreciate too is that they humanized the Cuban guy yeah you know it wasn't all like black and white War just sucks for everyone and there's like a Humanity in it all like we all want the same thing like we all want we'll fight for what is Meaningful for us but you know that it's not just oh you're a bad guy you just want Power this and that like not everyone wants power they just want safety and peace freedom freedom you know just to enjoy the little things and it sucks that every little like nice moment we got in the movie was like immediately followed by someone going away or you know Peril but um I think it makes it more meaningful uh while they go through it and they had a lot of good onliners in this too yeah Didn't They I feel like they had a bunch of uh not overly corny on liners but they were just like oh impactful they were really impactful and and fun I mean there were still like fun moments and and you like it feels really patriotic and you're like yeah I'm really rooting for this rag tag band of rebels and they have a fantastic Arc you know where they're starting out as scared young children but then they quickly learn how to fight how to survive and they do what they have to do and you know they definitely deserve honor but also you know they show all the different sides to it as well you know cuz we had Robert who went from being that one kid who was like devastated at the death of his father but then he like takes that rage and like turns it all into hate and he becomes this killer who's just like doesn't care which is how Rebel armies start a lot of the times dud cuz someone important was taken away right and then they're like morals gone I make everyone you yeah H it was yeah and then I you know going back to the thing that you were talking about how they humanized the the Cuban guy I forgot which rank he is but clearly very high ranking but like I also enjoyed that they added the scene where I don't I can't remember which character it was but they were faced with the young Russian guy yeah and it was like on the mountain oh no it was it was Patrick SE wasn't it yeah on the mountain and then in the car they're just like looking at each other and the reality of like you're just a young guy I'm a young guy but like this is war yeah and decisions have to be made and the guy respected that he was like all right yeah he knew he wasn't trying to yeah it's just like oh bro though like in any other day any other situation maybe you could have been friends but this is war and so I know I watched so many war movies at this point like a part of me goes but maybe you can just let him go maybe no you can't though cuz like you let him go he tells his friends where you guys are you have to look out for your people and so it's like sorry guy 1917 ruined that for Christen like trust no one the movie that I was thinking of as well it's like no time you you can't I want to be that person yeah you hope you so hard you know like you want to be that person who's like I can trust you right like don't tell them where we are and it's like no you can't though cuz you don't know what's going to happen to him and there was so many twists and turns too like with Daryl I didn't see that one coming nope I mean I expected his dad to you know do something terrible but it never never crossed my mind that he would have turned on his son and just given him up my heart was just like shattered for him cuz just imagining that a you get caught and then B your dad's like go do this because bye you and then you have to turn on these people who went through the thick and thin with you just like that that's why I was like no I would just like off myself there's there's no way I could betray them like that exactly when your own father has betrayed you that's that's the one that really you just yeah what a movie I know in America Heroes aren't raised they're orphan what a oh my goodness but like such a cool movie for like for for what it is I'm just like wow I'm really glad I watched that they spaced their budget out really well too like I thought that one big like explosion would be it but they actually had a decent amount of bigness the whole movie not just all save it for the end yeah that that was really interesting for me cuz that's what we're used to right where it just kind of ramps up and then the whole finale exactly you have like one big crazy fight whereas this it was just kind of like okay we had that big crazy fight kind of 3/4s of the way in but we're going to do this like martyr moment yeah where Choppers those were were in and then I feel like just at the end the Watchtower was just the biggest yeah it was I think it was more just about the brothers at the end and that really got to me as well and it was just so nicely done too because you know we had that amazing scene with them where they got to see their dad and he's all like remember the swings and and then his performance his performance was so good for a for a guy who just comes in to play like a character in a few scenes he was amazing understood the assignment he totally did cuz you see him and you're like I understand this man I understand who this father is I understand how he raised these boys and so we see him in the boys and then later on to have that moment where they both die by the swings it's like dad's coming just hang on as long as you can and then there was like the lovely speech as well that was given when their friend died the guy was like something about like going I hope he gets to go back yeah let them forget let him be at a time where they're children again oh my gosh but it is like cuz they they are children but I did think about this when when the friend got shot on the on the tank the one the first one I've forgotten his name the one with the pilot terrible yeah with the pilot but I was like the only reason we can kind of watch this and and like feel slightly okay about it is because yes they're children but they're like older teenagers so they're kind of on the cusp of being adults because I feel like in a lot of American movies we're not comfortable with seeing child death no cuz like you watch Korean what stats are yeah you watch Korean films and stuff and it's like literally No One sav they'll take out a toddler if they want to and it's like that's what it is and so I with Korean Cinema I've come to expect the unexpected so while I'm horrified I'm kind of like yeah that's what they do though whereas in America it's like we love children we keep the children safe that's right and so I was kind of thinking I'm like w what what would it have been like if it had been like younger children it would have been an oh we'd be on the floor you couldn't split open just you couldn't even but like destroyed that's that's also another reality you know like it's so gross I find it so gross when when people Force children into armies into the lifestyle into lify but they're smart in the way of thinking that you mold them when they're young and then especially if their families are gone they have reason you know and children when they're motivated very motivated they get stuff done they get stuff done unfortunately this went dark yeah this went really dark but that that's great movie this was a great film though like super patriotic fun moving disturbing not cheesy at all which sometimes happens with 80s movies but like no matter how wholesome they are there's you know sometimes easy cheese but this is really quality yeah this was super quality really well written yeah executed Patrick sesy always delivers every time wow okay anyway I'm going to need to like therapy so much therapy calm down a little bit after this movie I don't know about you guys um let us know your thoughts in the comments below and we'll see you again soon I'm a char cook this isan day CIA
Channel: CinePals
Views: 26,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NLA9bk6cWTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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