Civil War "The Blue and the Gray" Epic 1982 Mini-Series - Part 3

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I believe in your John you know that [Music] what do you do love I work for a newspaper you look fresh off of the farm I've only had the job a few days y'all green the truth now love you ever been with a woman I sentence you to be hanged in public on Friday the 2nd of December to Gettysburg I mean it could happen I'd like to come back Mary they make it happen come to us you're not to leave it's no time for you to be going up north there's gonna be a fight three of us side by side a nobody can lick us I'll never wear their uniform well that make you a traitor John [Music] what was the sentiment in your County as to see session or no well I don't know about the county but I have three brothers it can't wait to fight for the Confederacy sure to come to war where are you look Tama talent for the solution to your talent suggests the role of correspondent artist correspondent you see the stone bridge where the Turnpike crosses Bull Run if I were an artist looking for a battle I'd start looking right here I thought I'd make such a great soldier so far so good I wet my pants [Applause] get in you're healthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] signal lieutenant wells battery to fire on the highroad [Music] [Music] [Music] corporal they're coming and right down the main road our guns are dead on [Applause] [Music] all right rest up man it'll be a while before they can knock out them rap guns hey Sarge where are we where are we going yeah fill us in will you Sarge well you remember being seasick well that boat brought you from the Potomac through Chesapeake Bay right here to Virginia this shares a peninsula where on yonder is Richmond what do you got to do is March 50 miles take Richmond and the war is over any other questions what's your level of see the elephant a few times before you get there what else to see the elephant means to be in a battle have you seen the elephant once over my shoulder [Music] major this is Professor Thaddeus Lowe he'll go up in his balloon to direct your artillery fire I want those Reb gun silenced this civilian is going to direct my fire from that balloon sir that's what I said major what will you do point no no no major my balloon is equipped with Telegraph key air-to-ground Telegraph cable I send down the exact target location Thank You general do you know how to plot out to be targets I know little of guns and hate guns better low we'll be flying with an expert observer then all we need is in artillerymen crazy enough to go up in that contraption precisely why I sent for you major [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay here young man [Music] [Applause] take everything you've got a name in that sector what's the target made you the devil's work is afoot in that field my boy father what's a target a balloon balloon yes my son [Music] [Applause] [Music] break waters back home elevation [Applause] [ __ ] Oh yours [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our maximum elevation Oh guns they've seen little hope high number one one two feet don't you understand boy they directing fire from that balloon move your guns are they're gonna blow this battery apart [Music] [Applause] [Music] Homer put your trust in the Lord God Jehovah my boy [Music] did sir [Music] mr. John guys are calling good news Kathy Joan has finally got his leap so the wedding can take place this weekend hello senator I didn't expect you to be home as mr. Geiser I'm grateful that you rescued Kathy at Bull Run and because of that I permitted you to escort her several times that sir does not mean that you can drop in unannounced why being a father would you like a cup of tea John no thank you and what was this about a wedding my friend Captain Jones Steele's being married this weekend to my cousin Mary Hale of Gettysburg and since Kathy knows Jonas I thought you might like to attend I'd love it and where is this to take place in Gettysburg when you excuse us Kathy but father daddy now do I understand you want to travel to Pennsylvania for the weekend with my daughter alone yes sir she would stay with my aunt Evelyn and be properly chaperoned of course mm-hmm well it's quite impossible may I ask why mr. Geiser may I be frank my daughter has a social position to maintain and she cannot possibly do that if she has been intimate with an impecunious journalist intimate we haven't so much as kissed all I'm damn glad to hear that William will show you to the door [Music] now this is so you don't go away mad [Music] I'm still mad daddy [Music] [Music] [Applause] and meri wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband wilt thou love him and comfort him honor and obey him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live I do the ring please for as much as Jonas and Mary have consented together in holy wedlock I pronounce that they are husband and wife those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder amen thanks for cup sorry and I can just give you one George I drank that to the bride mr. Hale who must forget room I do in the China yes John I thought these would be for you know when a war keeps you far [Music] the beautiful John John you must have read my heart excuse me captain Steele among other things I sir am the society editor of the Gettysburg Chronicle it is my duty to write a story about this your gallant venture and the holy matrimony why George your tittle of course am I not losing my boss's daughter get us all a refill John the old goats cut me off excuse Mary now let's see where would you spend the honeymoon Hannah oh you must mean Hanover New Hampshire lovely in the spring no no a Hannover down the road we just bought a house there and it needs fixing it's been unoccupied for years these paintings and Jonah's only has seven days leave so newlyweds to spend honeymoon painting house so it's back to duty in seven days I report back in the 14th hmm to general Mukul own right exclusive Army of the Potomac who March shortly after the 14 hmm come with me George you're under arrest as a Confederate spy was George write about the army moving out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] good thing mama start over the table and chairs in the bed upstairs is about all the furniture we have it's a good start [Music] [Applause] [Music] it sounds like somebody wants to come in somebody or something [Music] isn't this the bed where where you had the dream yes it is I'll close the window my last cut my finger it's nothing oh it's just blood for my finger rest I'm alright Jonas it's nothing but you've been hit Jonas look at me there's no wound I'm fine [Music] sorry the dream still haunts you [Applause] you'll never bring me harm my darling but you'll bring me is happiness [Music] is love [Music] Oh who goes there it's alright kids you let him through [Applause] evening captain campfire sergeant Rebs are on the other side of the creek they know we're here I'm Barbara Creek quarter mile that way tickets I got pickets posted every 50 yards along the bank of the stream that's work Foxfire you planning on going across the stream tonight cap good night sir oh my god taking movies drew picket duty tonight I'll look for [Applause] that's a shootin tomorrow if I read the signs right [Applause] morning [Music] wake up don't you know you [Music] Oh [Music] easy Jake easy John kind of quick on the trigger Ranger I'll show you why [Music] it's his own bayonet this girl's better split to looks like a saber wound Mooney was dead before he was pinned to the tree then the killer put his hat back on his head [Music] instead have much to do with the war Jake this is murder the killer wants us to know it's murder why would you do that [Music] report this tool tool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a few last-minute reminders y'all got 40 rounds caps now don't forget your rifle pulls up so aim low at their knees lady I want to be proud of every one of you y'all right Malachi I ain't planning on running away again if that's what you mean [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey Sarge did we win do I even say any elephant yet lady real battle is up ahead they built themselves a line of defense right along that crest we can't take that Sarge that's impossible levy let's go up and find out let's not be late for the bull boys woman right down here whoa with double quick time hold your fire [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] maybe you and me or the talk yank you was running away wouldn't you so was I got lost how'd you know my gun wasn't loaded if he was loaded you to kill me whose territory reckon we in ours I think your side was heading this way don't make no sense shooting each other I mean there's plenty of folks willing to do it for us guess they'd shoot us just for running away oh hell they'd be glad to shoot us just for not shooting each other and if we won't get shot real quick plays that battle over there where are you from Pennsylvania me I'm Mississippi what's it like living down there what's it like having slaves slaves and that bitty little shack hell we didn't have no slaves what didn't hardly even have shoes how are we gonna get out of this mess yank there is a way but I don't know if you'll like it I'm listening we just keep out of sight until the battles over and in one of us surrenders to the other which ones you have in mind yank that's gonna be decided by whoever wins a battle I mean come in today you grab ax hold his territory then I surrender to you and if the Damn Yankees win within his Spicer Percy seems fair is it a bargain it's a bargain message from Professor lo sir gentlemen we've taken the ridge congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] prisoner if I shouldn't know never to trust no white-livered blue-bellied yank why'd you say that when you loaded that gun I'm Aditya you made a bargain I [Applause] reckon I owe you an apology [Applause] [Music] Oh spit hey yank don't shoot me and my men we have to surrender he's a fighting a rearguard got surrounded at my squads gonna die unless I get him a doctor and then walk emma's can't we'll carry that help sergeant fall in gentlemen I give you an appropriate toast all enrichment hey will you look over there general lieutenant relieve that soldier of his prisoners I want to talk to him I'll take over here soldier they need medical attention I'll take care of them the general wants to see you get real what's your name Johnny what's yours Malachi or word art don't worry your son Ivan Malachi hail sir 23rd Pennsylvania follow me please general this is private hail how did you manage to take all those prisoners here well I would have jumped on the first one by mistake sir and I stumbled on the rest of them in the woods oh it's all right colonel it isn't loaded with you son gentlemen it's been like this win battles for us colonel right this boy up for a citation and give him a battlefield promotion congratulations corporal Hales you've done a good day's work [Music] thank you sir dismissed Dale [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey where the devil must have come from the red side sergeant said there's no one over there it's a swamp serginho he's right maybe it's some kind of bomb hey white everybody that they're spreading boat what are you walk from a threat all think we got plenty I'll get some Oh coffee coming over he's supposed to know that first decent smoking weeks you're gonna send Dan into Harper's why not I thought I'd call it all's well on the Chickahominy I hope my Kathleen don't see it she'll think I'm running around with a bunch of naked savages [Music] that's a rule please deliver to Malachi Oh Jake hey [Music] Jake Malakai Brett sent us over who could it be I brewed up find out that's from Luke my youngest brother who else you know in the Rebbe army sent my brother's even so there's three of them now a childish handwriting that's Luke your cousins meet me at 10:00 tonight at Munson's Landing most gosh awful important new Kaiser jump into Jake I was just thinking about the night when I found the moon murdered there it is yeah it's funny that way army life don't get you down wing talk now yes slow down loop can't slow down we're late Luke Rebs don't fight Yanks soldiers on their side of the river well my friends wall object I already told him you can what's up Luke where you taking us the dance of course if you say dance he did see we found this big old barn miles from nowhere we got some good musicians in the outfit so I figured what else could we do the throw barn dance you're taking us behind Confederate lines to a barn dance right our cousins please don't worry about it I'll get you to your side of the river before sunup it's a little risky loop posing it is look what you get for a little risk music whiskey women women where do you meet them bells from Richmond local girls pick of the crop beauties everyone up let's take a little rest let me row look how long you been in the Army all about a month never had so much fun in all my life war is not a game you're serious it's deadly well not tonight it ain't come on rub em I can smell them women over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] Luke done from his kin funk move to Madison Bach chair Jacob Ellicott now Mattie Yanks where y'all from Gettysburg Pennsylvania that's southern Pennsylvania this here is my brother John yeah who's already here a nobodies I'm corresponding let's go flick-right fans and women [Music] needles yank uniforms I didn't see no Yankee uniform stay set my mistake be fair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm saving a special gal for you John you just wait right here John me Mandy sweet as sugar can [Music] I want you to meet wandamae hey one thing this here is Francine you seeking Francine is all mine [Music] you're kind of Purdy I was just gonna say the same thing about you wanted a sweet-talker too ain't you Johnny do you want to dance sure help yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take me outside Johnny sweat like a bull [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] better out here more air less people you said you would have said I'm pretty if and I didn't say it first to you you think I'm pretty if you knew was to kiss me and be mighty obliged [Music] bounce burn shucks I'm sorry Johnny it's my child I'll make you don't cha the backer D yeah this will fix it good stuff the hell are you cat got his tongue no it's Pepe's moon shared step inside [Music] [Music] what the hell are these Yankees doing here who's responsible for this outrage step forward there McKean sir these two my cousins and that there's my brother John I brought them you invited the enemy behind our lives don't you know you could be shot for that it was just for a bit of fun sir just for a bit of fun sergeant arrest these two Yanks they're prisoners of war don't do that sir why not friend I gave him my word honor I'd get him to their side of the river safe and sound sir bring the prisoners sergeant me sir I'm just a farm boy captain but I'm a southern farm boy and I was raised to believe that a southerners word of honor can't never be broke the Virginians word of honor don't mean nothin in the army but what the hell are we fighting for sir sergeant you know this boy do come looks just a lad a little fun man love him you're asking my advice sir I am Boggs won't you moon behind you I'd back down you two will be taken care of in the morning and may God help you in the meantime these Damn Yankees back to where they belong yes sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's a dangerous war Luke please take it seriously sure John see John's face there's nothing in the book about inviting the enemy to a barn dance that meets the punishment up to me 30 days fatigue duty toting garbage digging latrines however I have a request from major fair bear it seems the major needs two volunteers the due day is unique to say the least and very risky now if you two see fit to volunteer why I'll suspend the 30-day sentence what kind of Duty is it sir major Fairburn which of you is private Grundy I've been totally you know the peninsula like the back of your hand born and raised here major good do either of you know anything about blooms seen a couple of fed balloons that's all well the Fed balloons have given the enemy an edge we've been working on a countermeasure I'm asking you to volunteer with a Confederate balloon Corps we all have a balloon Corps well we have a start we have one balloon it was made in Savanna inflated at the Richmond Gas Works and transported here by rail we get to go up in it more than likely volunteers reporting for duty sir I'm glad to have it is our balloon a big son of a gun like the Yankee one bigger thing and much much prettier [Music] [Applause] where's major fare back upstairs sir I'm gonna look seed the battle [Music] [Applause] calling me yank calorie retreat toy bosun swamp yeah infantry running through fields away from Gaines mill show me like [Music] Thank You supply wag on this road heading east [Music] should look like - you look like we're pinning their ears back sir exactly orders retreat same signal that's down just can't wait get down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peaceful up here you kind of hate to go back down all right now we're above enemy artillery 500 feet on downs a danger zone they'll make it plenty hot boss there were no shooting on the way up and they weren't ready for us you can bet your boots they'll be waiting for us now [Music] [Music] who told y'all you could show [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you'll find everything you need on that map general excellent excellent work major Luke you did fine you're a good man Thank You major you too sir judging this map I'd say the porters in retreat what's your impression look to me like a big skedaddle thank you sir General Lee's headquarters and tell him that from here it looks like a big skedaddle I am delighted delighted this is Colonel Barker from cavalry headquarters the balloon has to make another observation flight immediately the strategic situation is this McClellan has fallen back probably to the James River if we can pinpoint the enemy we may be able to destroy the whole Union force I'll go tell major Fairbairn he's um had to be amputated it's up to you to make the flight you're the only experienced men available experience sir yesterday was my first time up and major fabin sent you these release the guide ropes unlock the windlass [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we broke free somehow we drifted yeah what do we do how should I know you're the man with experience tell me which way we're drifting bears coming up on savage stations we're heading for the James River look the major told me in case of emergency pulling the rope the red handle pull that for me what does it do let's call the gas we gotta get down to food and recheck territory pull it [Music] it's a James [Music] if we can just get across before we can't we're coming back boom for picking up a breeze off a rhythm [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Music] they can't help me now I'm good shot you run run [Music] the eggs won't find us I'll get you back get well have fun again bear-bear what happened [Music] your friends judge get up soldier [Music] what were you doing flying over this section I was watching yank skedaddle cocky little red isn't he they'll beat that audience on in prison caps [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just two months ago mr. Seward you were advising the president not to proclaim the freedom of the slave not until after who gained a military victory I stand on that advice sir it would have seemed like a defeated government appealing to the Negroes for help now we have what we've waited for the victory at Antietam mr. Seward I'm afraid it's hardly a victory for either side when almost 12,000 men from each army fall Lee has retreated across the Potomac the public perceives it as a victory the time is now mr. president times like this I'm reminded of the story that two young boys Trump and through the wood they run across the wild hog hog kind of took a dislike to him and set out after the boy running lickety-split one time she knit up an LMG just before the hog took out the seat of his pants and the other one to save his skin managed to grab the hose but the tail and hang on for dear life and as they chased round and round the tree he hollered up to his friend come on down bill help me leave go with this mr. Stewart did you make the changes that we discussed this morning this is the altered paragraph mr. president but on the first day of January in the year of our Lord 1863 all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of the state people were of shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then thenceforward and forever free and executive government of the United States including the military and naval authority thereof will recognize and maintain the freedom a such person [Applause] bear me witness gentlemen I hereby fulfilled my promise to my country and to my maker [Music] it is done gentlemen did my hope they didn't given freedom to the slaves reassure freedom to the free hasten the day when once more we shall be one nation [Music] you remember the last time we're in this foyer indeed I do the interrupted kiss we're alone in the house if you'd like to finish what we started [Music] you look tired yeah I just got in from Sharpsburg sharps oh of course that battle at Antietam I heard terrible things it must have been awful when it was over I walked across the battlefield I saw things they're so awful that my mind rejects him even though I looked right at him so you're all alone where's the senator he's back in Boston for a few weeks I don't travel with him anymore because of your work that is a nurse's uniform isn't it yes I signed up I'm a full-time nurse at Georgetown Hospital and I dress wounds empty bedpans give the men's sponge baths all the things young ladies are not supposed to do my friends are in state of shock except for you well I saw you at Bull Run I like to think I gave you your start you did and I'm really grateful yeah I'm surprised the senator permitted you I don't let dad tell me what to do not anymore you 21 years old hello I'm sorry I'm exhausted do you have a place to stay no I'll find someplace well you found it I'm gonna take you upstairs and put you to bed in the guest bedroom you need to sleep and tomorrow over breakfast we could talk yes nurse [Applause] [Music] it's alright [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we just after a little loving honey nice you you won't get hurt I don't get ornery I'm just gonna put the cigar out on the old black carry-on man I just want to get a quick little sketch not gonna rape her what about my drawing who are you mister I'm a correspondent for Harper's Weekly it's funny we were just discussing rape last evening the dinner and general oak said general Oaks yes sir he said his troops wouldn't dare commit rape he's gonna have to eat his words when I tell him about this [Applause] janay LuAnn what are you doing out here alone we're running out of clothes so I sneaked back found somebody hello dirty figured out washing water in the swamps all muddy you hiding in the swamps why are you hiding Nagin soldiers could get mean like you saw South Scott Raiders they steal and murder we more than your place we care what for being Runaways how many with you Beautif if T I want you to take me swamp I've some important news I don't know look I'm on your side see this is the only weapon I care [Applause] I'd be happy with this basket whoo Luanne how come you brought that white man he got news for his ideas all right news [Applause] what's to see he emancipation it means to set someone free that's your wife no she's a friend close friend I can see that mm-hmm how do I know that this here is true it says so in the newspaper doesn't it Abe Lincoln signed that himself in a White House Abe Lincoln did discuss letter from the White House of the United States hey Lincoln now it's in Irbid language I'm going to translate come next January all the slaves in the South we're gonna be free [Applause] see is after that whole United States government with all the sailors and soldiers they gonna help us stay free [Applause] please Aldi blinkin set a stake freedom now we've been slaves in Chains you've seen our people bruised and whipped seen our wives and daughters soul and I found this busted apart God gave the president wisdom made us free yes day of Jubilee is a [Applause] No what do you think my friend what's this emancipation really me you understand it doesn't mean thing to Lincoln's armies win the war and I don't know how long it'll be till you people are treated it's free but by law they are free I think it's a turning point [Music] this until there's one thing for sure he got something now that they didn't have this morning they got hope [Music] [Applause] [Applause] excuse me miss Bedell a soldier you say your brother Matthew you must be doing a minute tell them all week the doctor says bad ah I've been picturing you in Virginia what are you doing in Mississippi v got transferred I mean it I'll tell her down here military position being good hit me we've been taking some shells from across the river this talk of a siege it's Morden talk could I fetch something for mr. Matthew oh are you hungry starving top bunnies fixin food soon as IV I have to go on cuz all I've gots 12 hour past when I've used up most of it here from the folks letter from MA about a month ago she's fine pause fine farms getting by just looks in a prison camp in Maryland marks Ariana saw him for let Virginia well that's it Ben so far so good family surviving and we forgetting someone John's a traitor I don't count him as part of his family house West busiest man in Vicksburg he's up River right now business trip I thought the war at this trade hmm nothing stops Lester not for long anyway he's doing just fine together Emme saves upriver you know my train with upriver except Yankees that's wrong feds are buying up all the cotton they can get he's trading with feds he's a smuggler son Paul in that you left your husband trade with the enemy you big patriotic acting dumb at let's the smuggles boatloads of cotton past the gunboats he sell daddy yankee wagon trains up Memphis way the money's used to buy medicines and stuff which he smuggles back into Vicksburg can you imagine this whole city without medicines Lester's doing plenty for our cars making herself a nice profit Lester takes the wrists why shouldn't get paid for me lesser man no you go I'll be right in what their gun bought Sheldon kelpy Sanka the boss was that - we already caught some Yankee medal on his chest the Cal fees gone gone forever lady thank you for bringing my husband home drink it slow he's a bad you chest wounds bear baby bleeding to death inside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please be gentle [Music] miss Bedell there's nothing you can do now except wave of rain come on I'll take you to the wait up on second thought maybe you'd better come in here [Music] [Music] remarkable really remarkable you're a very fortunate man mr. Bedell here you operated on two days ago you just have a slight post-operative fever and everything else seems alright you can expect a complete recovery how long will it take a week more here and a month at home loafing the nurses have a surprise for you and since you're doing so well I've given my permission a few weeks you'll be completely well again get back to work no no more Train why not for one thing I lost the kelpie you could chop another boat huh it's gotten too risky girls smile just for me have you forgotten our plans Lester remember what you said we're gonna have it all and next you want it all you want it all just as much as I do all right there's gonna be a siege it's already started seeds mean shortages people be desperate for food and medicine one cargo could be worth a fortune I just had a mighty close call Emma money's not that important it isn't just the money you'll be helping people to resist you'll be a hero [Applause] I'll have to take you back to Maternity miss Benet I will talk to you I'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] they all did Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're eager to see more of our historical documentaries please like share and subscribe
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 425,653
Rating: 4.7698975 out of 5
Keywords: abraham lincoln, american civil war, american civil war battle scene, american civil war fantasy, american civil war game, american civil war music, american civil war songs, blue & the grey, blue and the grey, blue and the grey full movie, bull run, civil war, civil war movie, civil war music, complete original, epic history tv, gettysburg, the blue & the gray, the blue and the gray, the blue and the gray full movie, the blue and the gray movie, tv mini-series, tv movie
Id: MimUl_I5mHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 48sec (5688 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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