Civ 4 | Better AI Mod | Game 03, Immortal | Kublai (Part 1)

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all right so I wanted to do something a bit different and we're actually going to play the better bug AI mod again on Immortal difficulty and we're going to try a bit of a different map script um yeah so welcome to a new video um this is Henrik if you're new to this channel I do C4 and various other stuff and today we're playing a slightly modded version of the game uh we're going to do hemisphere's map and here's a suggestion someone gave which is to do four continents and put one extra guy in this way you get two people on each continent essentially so everyone is kind of in a semi-isolation situation which is really unpredictable you might get some big monsters you might get some people that are vassel or a Duo of peaceful techers and you've also got your own um handful to deal with I suppose on your continent seems like a really interesting setup so I wanted to try this out um and yeah better so this mod I've played it before but essentially it is the same as vanilla seph for except it will um change the way the AI behaves essentially vanilla BTS that is not vanilla vanilla but uh it kind of upgrades the ai's behavior and stuff and we'll talk more about that in a bit let's go Islands I don't really understand the point of one tile Islands it's a bit boring and our leader today is going to be kublan cuz I like the Mongols now what the hell's going on here I think we'll do Tech trading we're going to allow vessels I was doing AI Survivor stuff just the normal settings I think tech training is pretty good especially for this mod oh definitely not Dei though we going to do Immortal um get a vessel you know vessels are better on this mod and um you want to trade with them and pump them up and stuff cuz they're actually useful they will build an army they will even ship units over and assault overseas with you so I think a map with some water on it would be pretty cool oh let's spice up the climb or rocky or something why not um yeah whole bunch of interesting stuff we've done a lot of standard DD fractal lately so let's spice it up a bit okay Kuan I love the Mongols the Mongolian Civ is probably one of my favorites um I just love the theme um and the history of Mongolia really cool and uh they're a lot of fun to play in this game as well think I've played jingus K ever since I was like six years old but um yeah aggressive is good in the early game creative is also good in the early game you get better Warriors cheaper Barracks that's never bad to have better rifles later on better infantry always good um always decent might not be great but it's never useless and creative has um a lot of power in the early game for your city placements um it also makes ocean fish much easier to access you don't have to whip a monument and then wait 10 turns you just plunk the city and you've got your fish in five turns essentially huge for yeah those water maps with ocean fish so good traits really good traits this one's definitely above average this one's maybe a bit below but it's really not that bad and sometimes it'll save your game Mongolia we have pretty okay starting techs um it can be awkward but really the wheel is good it's expensive and you need it for pottery and it gives Commerce when you Road your cities it gives your worker something to do and you can save turns on founding cities by building early roads when you have nothing else to do so it's not a bad thing at all to start with and hunting gives you a Scouts which is a little bit better for fog busting bit safer and gets you to archery and animal husbandry quicker so that's also potentially quite useful but it's also one of the cheapest ones so yeah and as molia we get the kesik which is a horse Archer with a first strike that's actually better than just being immune because you still do as good against archers you cancel out with the Archers first strike but you do better against melee units and chariots like you get 5% better odds or whatever so that's quite nice um and you do feel that it's a quite a strong unit and on top of that you are immune to terrain movement costs so you can move through forest and hills and stuff without slowing down that's quite nice as well cool the unit um hor touch is already great and this makes it just a little bit better in combat and a lot more versatile um the jur is a stable with an extra two experience points on it which isn't that um crazy but can get you to that third promotion quicker I suppose so that's nice um but not the most craziest thing ever but you will build a few of those and they do synergize nicely with the unit what is the start dude why one of these uh it's one of these no River clam and calendar crap starts we got some islands this start is screaming for me to build the Great Lighthouse uh we don't want to move it's two he's going to be enough okay well we mind that we mind that we don't chop that we chop everything else I'm immediately thinking about the great Lighthouse I could move one North to get another Hill but then I lose my fresh water and I lose several forests and destroy a forest so that's not worth it if it was a plan H maybe but it's not okay well yeah one of the hard starts for sure this is not what you want with these starting techs it's really not I had to even get a boat up yeah it's pretty bad it's [Music] awful all right well it is what it is we get fishing in Sea cuz we got these tires I think fishing in six more maybe may maybe not wait five turns and decide uh fishing first so I can put hammers into our boats make great greater size two and then slow build the boat I'm thinking yeah greater size two slow build the boat at size two working these two and then worker I'll have Commerce size two good Commerce two there an extra one here I'll get to Bruns working at a decent rate and then uh I can mine that and then chop stuff that's playable I suppose but it's got to be rough this is really not what you want at least give me like a plain cow man like this is terrible but okay here we go we'll see if we can do it with this terrible start oh M some misses in the game 2600 soldiers for [Music] Immortal usually the soldiers count would be less but 2600 means Manser for Immortal yeah 30,000 for DTI I'm waiting to select my starting Tech because I might find someone who starts with fishing and then maybe get a discount on it got 5% discount off the tech for each person who know the tech had requests to turn up the music cuz it's been too quiet apparently so there you go oh it's not quite one turn fast that damn okay there's Peak is there another bastard here what's going [Music] on I guess not we'll finish this Warrior as well oh it's just me by myself interesting give a man a fish Fe him for a day teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime a bust over here mining see what we can find in the south then in that case but oh oh gosh oh straight up isolated might need to scout with a workboat but not [Music] yet well the back and fog bust up there we'll go just try and cover the whole continent just about can get a lot of it the man who moves a mountain Begins by carrying away a small Stone need a scouting boat I think very possible someone is connected by Coast or something this map can be a bit unpredictable hemispheres can do a lot of weird stuff which is interesting so we've mostly taking care of the bubs I need to get a warrior over here looks like the Bears despawned uh do I want to mine I think I just chop these tiles are good enough really and they give me Commerce the production will be a bit low but that's okay we have a lot to chop I just want four forests for the great light out maybe these two or something see chop that chop that chop that M that maybe let's go with that for now oh copper well hold the phone I just moved away from copper Li mled by the in all things well I kind of got to go for it don't I it's too good of a tile okay I got a bastard Lon over there borders have popped go great ligh housing or what we got the wheel already anal husbandry maybe for the Second City I find horses too oh Alex my friend you're nearby on a boat okay good to [Music] know [Music] dude now we chop like a bastard he'll give me trade routes could go meet him right now settle this bastard do I still want a great Lighthouse game maybe I should go here be on the coast got to decide that now I think it'd be good especially with Alex being on another is Island highly likely so in that case yes we'll go and do that in a bit we need writing to get open borders and he's not going to research writing for 5,000 years sove the boat can wait and we got to get sailing masonry this tile will be a good tile to work so let's just improve that for now um do I want to settler now think I'll get another guy out so I can fog bust the rest of this side I just need one guy oh no I of need two guys don't once I get the settler out I'll be okay but shop again think I'd like to mine the plains Hill I've got enough food with two food and we're going to get a lighthouse so they'll get stronger as well blessed shall be the fruit of thy cattle no horses no KS and the of sheep okay well we got in masonry now I think get the lighthouse great Lighthouse he got his second City pretty darn fast I think since we're got to go great louse we settle this one maybe I should yeah I'll move my Scout and check the coast actually in a moment yeah nice that'll be good can go Scout him with the work bird and then come back and improve that or whatever let's get a mine up that would be in our best interest I think so we don't need production urgently we need Commerce now more than anything so we can get to the text we desire fairly early on the Great Wall so yes we are on better to BTS a what is this dude you're not settling my are you dude we need to put a guy over there too so let's do that oh snap no looks like he's just exploring fair enough B okay go here and fortify if he lets [Music] me I think a Barracks is worth it for one [Music] guy there like no Tes work that's okay start on a workboat maybe could go slavery while we wait for this tile to improve should have done it while the settler was walking but it's okay I think we want to take this fight I might actually just do this real quick just s to die we also have copper but if I hooked that up I won't be able to build war is for happiness I got a pretty good shot here yeah he does it nice dude okay so now we want to push [Music] out let's go okay we can get sailing now I think I'll mine and chop this one [Music] there might be more guys here I can get that guy out if we need to maybe just improve this now why not or I could go for that that is six food to be honest I could like whip a worker or something or a settler [Music] even this should be connected the moment we get sailing into Commerce bam still got a couple turns good road four turns one two I could finish a road and then go I suppose or what chop let's chop the lighthouse I still got to get masonry oh that won't be too expensive six seven turns need production in here maybe I'll just mine this bastard what about the Pig kind of awkward positioning my worker and [Music] such yeah I got to go for the pig I think not sure if I need this guy though [Music] should only make one let get this guy out I don't know well you need to heal don't you [Music] dude I'll go with the Scout first uh aha all right we got to deal with these bastards worker another worker [Music] maybe yeah I think I fog bust everything like that that's good oh good he has to go through this one tile choke to get me HK oh or can go around here but he has to confront this guy one way or another I'm pretty sure about that all right gain beers that's good the wind but you can adjust your sail do that Bob free baby oh wait there's a tile there Alex my friend get masonry I will probably pay money moving that guy out so I'll wait until he comes up oh he's right here oh oh oh damn it's going to be invading my Island my Island by the way he will be invading how much Faith do I having this guy to win 4.2 versus three okay well we have a few turns to explore I think we should explore a bit I think we get the mine up sooner you do the mine the more it'll pay off I need a guy here in seven [Music] turns Oracle they're not wasting any time whale all right cool lots of violence now you decided to come or what bro no he's scared wuss okay well we can cotage here one day but the day is not today a lot of Vandy stuff up there I need to beat him to it otherwise he's going to settle it all he's also going to settle my stuff we got to pump the settlers also this is this is a spot we have to get that's really strong think you get two cities out of it but one here as well or here actually work some yeah yeah I think like that also Plains Hills settles quite nice not sure how you get this crap here maybe on the coast here I've got enough of the river maybe there's something here can do Lighthouse Lake kind of thing here but think I keep these two food for the capital it's not a lot uh so yeah I think we Rod here and then work our way over here getting nice value out of the wheel little bit of value at least yeah I'm going to explore W that's actually a big island huh interesting got some options for that okay we have to go back I just hope this guy can win it is from their foes not their friends that cities learn the lesson of building an eye wall it's in the ice but land is land so yeah he can attack us technically cuz he could be a basted it is Alexander okay go rioting and get open borders I think I should have access to his stuff maybe I don't know don't know how it works icely okay get this guy out I think just to be safe then we'll go worker two hammers it's not a big [Music] deal make sure I get he's actually fog busting these tiles I think I can move a guy back actually the great one let's [Music] go and we're going to go I think a settler we have two workers already go settler in here 15 really it's kind of ugly if you ask me he's fog busting this one so I think we just go back I'm not paying money yep cuz the boat wow this is a big island cool that's yeah interesting why you got to explore yeah start on it now start pumping four chops and that'll be six turns faster and we get it in six if we can up four times I think we can may want to get some metal units is a little bit dangerous okay this bastard's going to go for it no oh dudes okay well he's going to go through the forests yeah get some cities up there great Lighthouse gaming okay just walk away like nothing happens ch ch well he fixed my unit cost problem I guess thank you I might only get two chops that way I will save let's think about this three turns if i cho twice and I get it in seven but I get this guy out a bit faster let mebe do that okay lots of seafood yeah that's a good Island a very nice Island sad thing is settling too much here is going to cost me a lot could do something really funny or really strange make a vessel on the island colony and trade with them that could actually be really fun then know we'll see that could be a really fun way to play this that's bastards there need to get my copper Alex could attack pretty early he can be a psychopath now okay it's four turns out the way okay fine great work this bastard just walked away like nothing happens what a freck I think I need a guy here yeah promoted cover well I don't have archery you idiot so cover that chop here for later let's go Rod up the copper so we don't get Alexander let's try that again True Glory consists in doing what deserves to be written in writing what deserves to be read I do get [Music] it [Music] bringing this guy over cuz this guy might be a bastard although there something we should go Pottery screw agriculture yeah should be able to get that quite fast now I just need to spam settlers which we will do fortunately we were building one in here which speeds up progress I don't maybe I should just pump out the settlers no chop them out in the capital and here we get our Cottages up and get a library here and run dudes and chop a bit meanwhile maybe okay great the settlers settler pump need one here one here then we'll settle overseas I need to build units let's get that up okay let's get this guy out super fast then I'll jump up to four cities by th000 BC and I'll be okay settle this one and then work this guy could startop pre pasturing it Road doesn't really well won't be connected I haven't explored my side yet we're going to get a barbg nightmare on this map I'm going to have to go g soon which is really bad my production is so low start on a galley here maybe after that 26 gold per turn yeah nice trade routes holy it actually rounds them up which is kind of cool let chop into the capital get a bit more pump and then past to that I think please don't win good eat that try and push out over there yeah go bus with two guys Cottages can wait we need production yeah let's do that put hammers into a gy I'm sure we will need it what about axman I can whip if we see something coming at us hath not the Potter power over the clay to make one vessel unto honor and another under dishonor it's a little early for Bob G I want that axe to be too pop whip aable though I might just whip him for t pop I don't need a granary I got enough food get the settler one turn faster yes please oh why do you do this to me okay well we're dead 90% chance St on the bright side he's badly winded but yeah do one Island settle up here up here I need a unit up there that's the thing maybe I should get some troops out you never know what Alex is capable of eat happiness I got nothing for happiness maybe there's silver up there maybe I should be exploring it let's get a freaking Galley so I can defend my Seafood we're going to need yeah I'm going to get two of them up I think yeah maybe working the hammer is not the worst idea ever although I do think we need workers what about a quick worker think a quick worker sounds good let's do the worker thing we got a cottage here we got a chop we got a farm got a road there's a lot to do just watching for an Alex if I see a gy coming toward me I'm just immediately going to whip whip this this bastard soon as I [Music] can keep chopping settle it immediately it's profit and also production Granary I think we a workboat here for this guy oh Farmers pray that your Summers be wet and your Winters clear and now we're getting our cities down that's a bit better think we go monarchy I've got no other way to get happiness be Mony I'm not going to rely on this idiot to trade with me just do everything myself I'm going to chop this Granary I'm going to take this tile as a matter of fact so Bic needs a warrior well okay here's what we'll do get you whip the [Music] X-Men can only be one Archer there if he stays over there he can stay over there it's all right safe for a while then we push monarchy confition ISM damn I was kind of hoping I could get that but that's okay oh that guy shouldn't win if I stay here put that guy there so I can take the warrior back for happiness essentially and we'll go gy and then settler okay we need to chop this boat or might even whip it maybe improve that and whip the boat yeah then this guy takes that after I whip yeah improving that'll still be good [Music] Cottage get some tiles to [Music] work need to get granaries up here so this model run um bug and bull along with the better btsa which is quite nice do I want a cottage no I want to run scientists I'm not sure where haven't really started that it's not too late I think I'll do it in this city so let's one of these two cities so let's get the stuff going if we want to run scientists we don't have time to Cottage we need to chop our stuff out okay there's a gy oh Bob City gross well I want to go [Music] here do I want to whip yeah let's do this and do [Music] this bring you back for [Music] happiness whip this guy again at size [Music] four start taking why hell not nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God I want to lose this guy just keep him close think I'm busting all this yeah oh that tile there we go want to fog Bu The Coast don't think he'll go Mony he's going to like beine construction cuz he's a bastard and [Music] yeah we need one of these axes to even get over there right crary boats can't really grow this place much oh it's going to get serious unhappy issues actually if I whip again oh that's bad it's got nothing but where are the happy resources is it just me and some silk or what that's crap silk and whale dude it doesn't get much worse than that huh ridiculous do I bother cottaging this or what well we have great Lighthouse and Island stuff so yeah get City here and here six cities on This Island Seven if I get I think I go that next actually before Alex does go on the plains Hill I think keep the forest and here get more long-term stuff and he's less likely to settle here but this is a lot quicker of a start Al so Great Library could be doable how the other bastards going anyway my GMP is not that impressive even with the great louse as Alex is oh Alex is not doing much he um yeah he's not going anywhere economically it looks like and Al will just keep getting better especially as we get monarchy kind of want to [Music] mine okay this is growing way too fast I think I'm going to do this because it's just growing way too fast and we'll whip a guy in a bit but not yet let's chop our stuff out develop these cities a bit faster that gy can do the transporting maybe this one I don't know explores fog busts or something it's going to be a nightmare with the Barb Gall unless I get scouts out and fog Bust or something and consider doing that I need a library yeah I should get a library up chop chop CH chop work that when we grow good smart meditation brings wisdom lack of meditation leaves ignorance know well what leads you forward and what holds you back yeah s can just walk up here and then jump in or whatever oh the bar G are going to be so bad G metal casting the Bob GES are going to be bad real bad the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace it'll get to size three then it's going to need to stop and build something so I need to settle this too sh okay well we whip the capital so what don't want to lose my good tiles though six turns I wait six turns am I ready to settle that maybe I'll settle land my axman or settle it a bit later we'll go over here first Alex gets any ideas and we'll need a work over there like this guy for [Music] [Music] example the up and run to guys in a these ones are taking a while after all do it in here we got double food or the hell not let save then in that case oh whoa I need to go there wait a second um huh well well that guy can go there all right so a few turns later I think I still want to grab that okay we need Scouts with the library at size four what I really need is Scouts to fck bust stuff nowhere to hide bro unlucky go here I'm busting a good amount and I can respond to uh maybe maybe respond if they Rock up like Pricks yeah I need to get this done I think what do I can I work guar I can work guar what's this who's doing that you're doing that let's scage the sharable crap this Archer is annoying maybe whip it at size four into an ax try and be efficient don't have much production to work with oh dude it's blockading me why me and not Alex why why me oh bobg are brutal they're going to yeah they blockade you dude I'm going to build Scouts just to help fog bust no other reason than to help fog [Music] bust I could go on the mble well actually it's not a dumbest idea ever these guys will be free actually yeah start that n I'll just go here I have to defend this city the city kind of like fog busts everything for me not this tiwer keep this guy there [Music] start taking [Music] that oh he wants to fight let's fight over here away from my Seafood so I can react a bit and this guy wants to fight too I'll put him here to delay him a turn if he wins yeah I think keep that guy there I got to get up there dude there's there's stuff up there please win good good good land up there and improve that the gold is actually going to help me a lot the sooner we get that gold the better oh you didn't attack the little punk cuz I actually have a good shot okay well in that case go bu that this guy's going to be coward I land a scout on the island as well just to fog bust the bars it's a good idea really I have to stay nearby to defend my stuff what do we got here we got copper here I see that's super dangerous I should go in the city to heal up ah damn I put too many hammers well we can one pop if we have to mean we don't want to whip anyway we're running scientists so just slowly put hammers into that guy no time for Granary sir no time for Library even we need to defend our coastl and pump out the GES uh who's not working the stuff this happiness oh we get this guy out though yeah probably be yeah much faster to heal there all right we need to get Workers over there two maybe I got to make sure nothing's popping up there so I can still help out with the fog busting with this guy the guy will'll go overseas it's faster to do this then come back and collect these idiots some of these idiots or maybe not but whatever uh get monarchy dude uh we really can't grow yet so just avoid growth for a moment there nothing that can be done about it and here we go it begins wonderful well we're building more so stop the breeding oh dude go on the hill might flip the Bob City actually yeah why not go Library first and flip that prick bastards he might smash one it's going to go here then he's going to go here and smash then this guy comes out and sits here here and here one turn go and smash I go here and then yeah all right well I don't know if it's worth taking two work cu maybe it is I drop off the Scout and then come back for that guy want to swap but I can't right now I can grow someone should work this stuff what are you doing you're building the library okay he's he's being a bastard uh yep or we could take the fire transports on this Galley that's in the city let's try that we take the fight maybe we can save our fish maybe he will pillage like a Bast but maybe he won't maybe he will fight us Chariot doesn't have Medal or what I didn't get monchy somehow uh it's not an issue I didn't grow into unhappiness anyway yeah the G are going to be a problem no doubt about that this guy not attacking me is a bit annoying let's get this guy out go kill him or something I need to go fog bust as much of this Coast as I can the more Coast we fog bust the less of these Pricks that are going to pop [Music] up let's go and do that we got an ax over there we'll be all right grow really quickly now he's going to go for it aha nice a multitude of rulers is not a good thing Let There Be One ruler one king yeah I'm going to put the Scout like right up here in fog buus this Tundra then I need another Scout he's going to go on the island okay so you need to Dock and heal you yeah drop off the workers and get the gold cool map though very cool map something different get alphabet maybe trade a bit of crap with Alex who knows actually he won't give me anything could build research though and then go fism and make a vessel here think it would be fun wey what else do you go for possibly currency first not really in a rush to make a vessel Pi go math currency first calendar gives us crapo yeah if I make a vassel though look at like alphabet run research get feudalism I could send my vassel to math while I go like metal casting that could be cool don't think he'll like it too much but you know he's got to deal with it I think [Applause] could get a granary teching is starting to slow down a bit maybe I need the warrior here we're going to get the gold in three turns so that'll really help this guy me like no maybe just yeah pump out a few axes in here who's running scientists you were you can and still grow fast do I want to go out there and bust and stuff can't move this axan away think a lot of you I need a boat in here who's going to make a boat maybe you make the boat how do I defend that actually H defending that is not going to happen uh that's funny that's it's a good joke so won't worry about the boat too much heal up dude okay you come back well we could use this guy too might be a bit quicker that shit's about the same no it's a bit one turn faster all right could also go Aesthetics and get the Great Library that would help me get to Optics or astronomy we want astronomy on this map cuz I don't know if peace is going to last with Alexander I need to be able to defend myself so I think I'll just make a bunch of axes I should really get like a Barracks for this realistically I think this guy we try and whip although I need more Cottages what about workers let's do the worker thing in here that's pretty fast I think it's about time we got some workers out so we'll go alph AET who knows maybe get a trade with him maybe not okay he's up to something this one can heal for a bit we'll try and put a scout on this island it's going to chase me around cuz he's a bastard just stay there find this prick alphabet not yet library in here we also need a granary but the library will get us Tech a bit faster 22 turns 11 turns I think we get alphabet then turn off the slider until we get the scientist could whip this guy maybe I will you work the stuff grow not grow that much really but grow a bit I think I want one here Capital needs some piles if I could get there bust even more okay it's a bit of a shame not to work this but I need to get that guy out it's more important grow on that later once we get the scientist out let's do that yeah cheap Barracks why not okay with that next turn that's fine to me good I think he's going to put a city over here yeah he's yeah okay fed can have that to the building got that crap as well maybe I should have done a lighthouse here work on it for [Music] now yeah it's a lot of [Music] busting H this [Music] Tower uh we can probably take back some workers and chop one worker should be enough there other guy can start caging bash bik for the future rary now may we just work the Hammers The Cottages later and we actually got cages of bit in three 98 come on yeah okay that area is routed of Bob G this area is routed I wonder if I can do that with only two units I reckon I could yeah save Scout Scouts are the cheapest fog Buster you can make because I can't build Warriors cuz got metal I need metal though for this bastard pretty sure about that I kind of wanted to get that a bit annoyed but what can you do we'll get this one next can take this that's pre- cotted yeah got Library what that is fog busted a fog bust with this gy maybe and my guy here can go up here and we're covering a lot I hope he doesn't go over here you know what I need to crank out the settlers arguably let's whip a guy here cuz I don't want to whip my Capital anymore yeah how do we irrigate [Music] this I don't think I need this guy here I don't send him overseas [Music] then let's check [Music] getting The Granary a bit faster is all the [Music] best oh they're building guys it's not good is it going to come in y words have the power to both destroy and heal when words are both true and kind well this is fairly safe to improve now I need another one over [Music] there that is a up fair enough well what are you going to do walk all the way around and I'll chop this down so if he Gods on this Tyler kill him Theory uh boats do another boat for that put one wait he didn't settle he sent them back that's really weird I want to try this vassel thing out I think it would be fun something different and it will be pretty decent with this mod yeah we'll do it what slow build or whip this or what could whip it into an axe next turn yeah I really need to get some units out this is a dangerous gamb but what is that dude he might be plooding if he send his guy back cuz that's kind of suspicious we need Lighthouse more than anything and well no we don't we just budage instead you're going for a Wonder fair enough dude go explore uh not with that guy what the hell chop The Granary settler with [Music] no Lighthouse whip Granary done four turns let's keep cottaging then probably one another axe over here it's a bit dangerous guys just going for actual Wonder dude this adventurous fell you see look at my amazing Road Network which doesn't exist that was the galley I moved not the work boat right good job me yep X-Men you know do I really need to chop if this is going to finish in four turns anyway I think I'll just oh I could chop chop an ax to defend the city I suppose and then start cottaging this prick I suppose he's got a lot of cities eight cities he has some land over there we should explore him or yeah explore his stuff scatter him he might go for an naal attack I'm kind of concerned oh I have units but not enough to really defend yet so we're going to pump out some guys this is unhappy at some point we'll be all right what are you working you're doing that oh you can do that then that's okay yeah about you you're okay for now we will need a guy in here soon yeah grab archery so I can make cheaper happy you guys might not be bad where did I want to go on the island let's go on the island go here grab the thing get that as well one day you not throw the arrow which will return against you what is he doing he like fortifying the position so he can settle a city there or what kind of what he's acting like bit of a weirdo MIM of mazos what about Aesthetics Great Library they're pretty fast on the Wonders I don't know dude well no the pyramids went late barly early mosum though B this bar G I'd love to get on these tiles but there might be a guy waiting for me okay finally getting our scientist to we need a unit in here this guy has to go there temporarily but we're pumping out some guys for defense oh yeah well what can you do hey time to work the stuff [Music] and go here so he doesn't settle the islands and stuff don't think he'll do it once I pop borders all right no one there one of stop the Barb G I believe this Barb City stops Barb GES from appearing here with my Scout being here just about everything is completely covered it's really good actually what's this that's really bad don't do that yeah make some dudes we need archers just for happiness [Music] X-Men I want have a stack ready for Alex I don't trust him [Music] yeah he does have some tech actually has some other lot of tech he actually has more Tech than I do wow he didn't build anything but he's actually how is he taking all that I don't get it we'll give great Library a go I guess won't interfere with any astronomy bulbs anywhere else that was running scientists oh we got Merchant here we can run guys in there chop The Granary so I don't have to whip it [Music] rary need fism to make a vassel but it's kind of annoying I want to do it just for fun though make a colony and Tech together maybe I'll go for it now even Great Library I got marble let's use it haven't seen statue of Zeus It's usually the first one they build so we give it a shot we can build it pretty fast with the copper tile and all that yeah that Arch is annoying but it can't do anything he's harmless he's just annoying all right can we not work this crap we need to grow this place I need more Cottages I think we need workers and you mind this why did you mind this nobody knows but it's a questionable decision [Music] now good yeah I really need some tiles more Cottages think I'll just run guys in here again at size seven guys in here Art For Art's Sake is an empty phrase art for the sake of Truth art for the sake of the good and the Beautiful that is the faith that I am searching for oh have a lot of Happiness here all right let's do that yeah we got to cage this Capital up what car go to literature R guys [Music] there I think if he attacks it'll be over here I'm not too concerned if he takes that one let's get an Archer actually no just ship one of these guys over Cottage Cottage Cottage uh whip overflow into another axe literature not at all similar the of the immortal gods and the race of men almost hold on a second okay I got vision of this Punk he's not doing anything sus see if I can one turn this prick does he have currency no we push the research anymore just about yeah there we go one turn it I'd like to work this tile but I can do that okay if I want The Great Library you need to start shopping kill this loser no don't know what he wants man all right literature now we go fism some books are to be tasted others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed let's do that we might whip no maybe not B okay we need to be quick yeah we might whip into it we need to be quick we need to be real quick Hon's gone damn you can definitely feel better AI they're doing better usually marel pathon going in the ads on this difficulty n out of 10 times they're definitely doing better want a guy there what about this one guys do I actually have I need another guy here for happiness what are you doing that's not good that's not good at all uh you can take this one uh grow so it can whip into it dump some overflow whip Max overflow a galley I suppose wouldn't be bad okay now you're going to do this and you're going to do that and you're going to do that and we're going to chop that chop That Let's Farm this [Music] bastard P that bastard rather yeah okay that's that's going to get chopped in a moment we are going to have unhappiness we need to prepare the whip now 16 hammers that be a good chunk of overflow let's do that we might want a unit in here take that guy maybe get another we can get that guy when we need him don't need him yet oh look at him going Aesthetics a punk did he meet somebody no he's just spy points have leveled out sure what this is about that's oh okay well it's fine whip let's work all the Hammers we possibly can into the great one should be a a good chunk of overflow do I want to farm here maybe we got Hills maybe one Farm will do want Cottages Chop Chop yeah 26 overflow plus 16 should help he's actually pleased that was a nice guy still W trade of course but uhoh here it comes that's not good it's it's coming it's coming it is coming he's he's doing it I think he's doing it he's doing it bastard it's not many units I'll be able to hold the city I think so overflow into Archer TP whipped it oh that's going to screw my trade routes man and he's got his TRS the bastard to get tried oh man that's not good yeah we need to build build units need to build units can we beg no we cannot crap well yeah well what can you do a s coming so that's good yeah this won't be an easy game that's lost me 20 beers what got built didn't lose Great Library yet I could keep this tile a couple more turns because I'm going to lose Hammers If I chop it away so we got base production of 15 if I time it right this chop will save two turns I actually get it in four got to send axes to the front line archers stay for happiness oh unhappiness okay well what can you do get another guy out it's going to try blockade me oh the city's undefended that's not good should sort that out okay he's going to go for a Wonder got a good shot at some of these idiots good good good good get another axe if I lose this no I'm too winded I don't want to risk it not yet get these guys over there need better roads unhealthy now I lost my weight all kinds of problems cuz he's being a bastard of course man why do you have to make this game hard you bastard couldn't we just be friends why did you not want to work the Watching [Music] You the war is going badly for us indeed it is well then don't declare you dumb ass okay well they're going to run away now go through it eat that well maybe I can go and take this off him I'll teach him a [Music] lesson what got built cashish okay uh one more turn oh yeah one more turn just to make sure I don't know just yeah not optimized but I'm doing my best let's defend this it's probably a good idea to defend this one okay we need like a road here this is a bit ridiculous think we're done with this worker that City I'm in running away how 12 turns until border pop yeah no Great Library okay I think I got it then bam just barely oh look at that 66 plus 284 yeah if I chopped to that one turn earlier I would have had to like work a bunch of citizens or work plan tiles or whatever to get the Hammers no no no no no we did it right good let's go okay well let's get a road up and then we're going to a rush this bastard single City here I'm going to get him let's get the health up oh good Chase oh he's got a chariot I should be a bit careful actually rck pillaging my stuff the hell just do that it's fun cities with the barracks can build troops we one in here get my build up okay turn on the tech now [Music] bam let's do that keep our troops out of his sight might react if I flash my units around at him oh that was supposed to be too pop with Dam it that's okay did he blow this I think he blew my Granary up or did I just never buil one I might have never built one in that City maybe that's the case I need troops let's Tri up wher spear I need to take that there'll be good chunk of change if I actually take that it should be worth it what are we doing in here nothing good that is for sure what are you you could probably do that and then you could take that with the academy and Bam goes our research yeah this one keep running dudes maybe get a guy maybe not but seems pretty productive to me we have good Empire I still got two more spots to settle I might hold off though I'm not getting proper trade routes thanks to his prick and I need to settle I need to settle more on here to build up my civilization work on that slowly got to win this war first get roads up and continue our caging 200 be is at 200 ad it's not bad I'm not top but I'm not doing bad I've Got The Great Library and the great ladder so I think I'll be okay okay yep we whip hi poop and send them up one spear for his stupid Chariot so it doesn't pick me up oh look look at this cheky road this bastard oh he might charry up my worker sh no he's decided to build a mine I should get out of there though while I can go fix the we oh here comes another one oh he's Landing more look at him go pumping the boys two TRS and three G check out that Naval Force dude cool very nice bro yeah well kind of fun I'm enjoying this send my vassel to calendar I think and I'll I want currency maybe I want currency what is the problem here cuz I whipped it like an idiot yeah well understandable but you're still bastards I hope you understand that I need to get Commerce do we want to farm we can Farm there quite a few Pricks in here wi had his next Invasion Force trying to land them in a strategic location it appears come at me bro I'm ready for you let's get that guy there and we'll take out this guy there we go need more axes than this uh a bit of a yeah t whip that's what I want to [Music] do I get there a hell of a lot faster if we rode this might be worth it no Gloria I will to my Lord be true and faithful and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns H man's dying for a sec [Music] Gloria give me something this Alexander theme sure appropriate I suppose oh catapult oh well damn he's going to get me good if he catapults me not going to lie I'll try my lock okay prob out two guys for this [Music] crap I like the Mongolian [Music] music yes dude aggressive gaming aggressive alone is change changing my odds from 50 to 68 what a great trait I mean what are you going to do [Music] now he's got a better spear we can Longbow the bastard all right well we Chop Chop along Longbow then that's that's fine by me that's good that the fight is happening over there though not in my core I need this guy how about you you're okay wonder if I should make a bunch of super guys yeah it's going to be tough he's stacking a lot of Pricks in here damn bastard it's annoying I don't think I can get him now can [Music] I how do I liberate stuff I think I have to have three cities overseas for it to work or what I need this Barb City to flip let settle more on that island that should be very [Music] doable where my horses I don't have [Music] horses make a medic in a bit if currency oh they're pumping the boys okay D bastards Bob City long B them that would be where I'd go yeah we can get two good cities up there once I'm finished with these idiots can we get a um yeah it don't [Music] grow oh well we can do that and wait we're making a scout in here no no that's fun so what do you make long bows it's time for the Longbow gaming that's it you bastard make use of my feudalism beine yeah you know what's you know what's pumping the TRS I don't care though we are the caveman continent officially I think okay nice that's one guy for astronomy it's all right we catch up with astronomy no worries [Music] oh leave me [Music] alone surely that it can't double whammy me there what's this idiot doing I don't like how many go no that's not very good odds maybe if I stack enough of them though we can pull it off who knows definitely fun though C man it out together yeah hit him with City radar axes and then clean him up with longbows or something his scores dropped a lot so he whipped his Empire to the ground I can ride this and then get his Chariot you're not choking me you bastard okay what what what what is this [Music] [Music] [Music] da Christ look at his economy what is he doing 24 turns at 0% I'm faster than that he's less than 28 beacons a turn what is he doing oh Alex span ouch that's kind of nasty that research holy that's pretty pretty bad you turn this guy let's do it Longbow Rush this bastard this game is kind of stupid but it's fun [Music] need to pop the [Music] borders I need a settler I just give up on the scientist here yeah maybe for now at least I need a settler so yeah I need it a bit faster than that I can't get it faster no okay it's all right I'm getting good use out of feudalism I'm uh saving a lot of unit cost here um yeah eat free units and get better units sure quite relevant in this situation in fact that's all right it's Immortal I can do fun stuff like this and not completely die for it it's it's nice actually have some fun I'm going to go kick his ass cuz I can I won't lose the game for doing it isn't that nice it's wonderful I'm glad that these guys have stopped being Freaks and they just coming in to Die the standing on my tiles is unacceptable but getting crunch crunch crunch every turn is really annoying where's my liberate button I think I need to put more cities down that's really dangerous with this long bowman this might help me go here and I put one here yeah that actually helped me it's kind of funny whip that send a work boat up there Bob G actually just can't spawn period with' like busted everything that's really nice right we're going to rush this bastard cuz I'm sick of it start getting ready for that get this long bowman out and we can overflow into an Archer here there another long bowman coming what if he gots what a few bastards I really wish he'd move some guys out let's build that cuz we're going to give that or liberated or whatever I need to get the tech how unhappy are you H you'll be how bad is this 11 we can actually do that and then do that trying turn this prick I can wait maybe [Music] I think I can get him I think I got enough we're going to put everyone here and then we're going to slowly March or I could go here and then boom boom [Music] boom here here here here here this might give me more of the jump yeah he doesn't have vision of this tile less likely to whip Defenders that might make difference now these guys might send a random Arro at me they're definitely the kind of Pricks to do that to me uh so can we one turn this what if [Music] I very close can we do anything at all in here no no no no yes one turning that's a big deal I think oh yeah 20 beers plus more actually everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for Archer for happiness Archer for happiness that's okay you can get whipped in a sec that's funny that's that's funny that's that's funny that's hilarious is he's a funny guy isn't he he's got no idea oh we need that guy there all right so is that liberate yes we can do that any time wait until this boat is out going to hurt my research a bit I don't know I want to try it just one time it'll probably hurt my research but I'll get trade routes I can get steal the gold off them hopefully I should wait until this flips Maybe maybe might be better um okay so we want to go here with everybody one Longbow coming a little bit too late that's all right we can get this guy out that guy will like defend the city on his own s there's the Archer and the long bow that should be fine and I put mines down I'll kill off my units and that'll save a lot of money oh it can build wealth oh that's nice oh that's nice oh that is nice oh yes nice aomy man he's not taking anything actually just completely trashed his economy I think I can get him maybe that's a lot of crap in there it's only 20% though there was cityor too I got a pretty decent shot I think oh we could follow up with two more just in case we have to round to one more TI of cottage uh how's happiness I reckon we yeah we need a guy here somehow uh that's not good I don't actually have a guy for that now oh that's annoying loaded a catapult yeah I work the cottages and put another city here later with State Property farm that for now okay this one is going to go over there bage unhappy well yeah just get that guy out I suppose like that okay you basted oh now he realizes well it's a bit late now maybe get math off him in the trade oh this is yeah well there one shock sword okay well we need a city ra two guys 50% all right that's what I'm talking about sadly it didn't work out 27 that's bull that's barely scratching that guy that's more like it okay here we go 65 a not the best rolles 73 come on dude should have gone City ra oops 73 let's go still a catapult 80% thank you 73 good Chariot all right combat two 80 more chariots [Music] Ed oh good I think I got I got him woo eat that you bastard yeah that's right oh what okay a load of nonsense I need another boat actually you could build a boat oh yeah it's for my vessel okay go that way where are you who's you okay you're you okay [Music] great hey I can bus without unit Supply load of [Music] put the price up I don't think I lost that much I lost five axemen but what did he Lo lose he lost four Swords of fouling no he lost what did he lose three swords fanks catapults chariots Archer I think that's more hammers than yeah I don't know he's he's being a prick I mean my economy is better than yours you idiot this might take a long time to flip by the way so I don't know I might just sign peace and bring my units to flip to capture it or something it's like 5% per turn so what's that like yeah a lot of turns oh oh oh it's so bustard oh my good it's [Music] fine that should be enough defense we'll victoriously go home bastard do he met anyone else oh he's met other people can't go less than four okay so maybe he'll actually trade me TCH no oh next turn I might [Music] change that might change in a moment is there warness no there's not war weariness that might change in a moment though I think he's met other people so some bastards be Optics essentially we should start thinking about the rest of our expansion [Music] they might give me stuff though with any luck yes he will holy okay yeah it's nothing personal man yeah understandable we all have those bad days you know I take it all or what I maybe take that let him slowly crawl to that and I'm going to do a trick with this to trade with my vessel I'm going to take this after I create the vessel I think and then trade it to my use it to trade with my vessel that's helpful thank you so he's met somebody else should arri at C should go and Scout him then we got our trade routes back our econom is actually like fine now oh wow yeah they've picked up the tech on the other continent well that was a nice bit of action though good fun very inefficient way to attack but hey it's Immortal can get away with it let me see here yeah these two settlers are going to go for these spots let's get this guy out now that guy out in a moment I should just get him out now I'm sick of the whip anger and we'll need a boat there and a boat there I keep these ones I liberate these two these three this is not going to flip so yeah I'll liberate The Vessel after I put that last City down just to make sure I think I'm okay now and all I got to Tech is Machinery Compass Optics then I got my bulb astronomy lined up pretty well so I'll be fine I'll be fine 1,000 ad astronomy that's fine I'll get some stuff with it and then yeah we'll go after Alex with our buddy need calendar it's got construction and that's about it the freaking idiot didn't have monarchy by the way he went like yeah you can see what that did to his economy like he's literally at 20 beers a [Music] turn much worse during the war before I gave him his trade routs back actually but yeah pretty embarrassing if you ask me do I have a sp Scout anywhere oh I should yeah kind of can I get a scout two turns that's worth it I put it on a boat and yeah put on on a boat and walk around on Alex's land meet the other guys the sooner the better no you craw to that buddy I don't want to help him oh I got iron here I took the IR that was his unlucky got math chops now baby okay so where are we going here and [Music] [Music] here few more turns no unhappiness I'll Whip that into an Archer me slow build this guy and just chop him not whip away my stuff [Music] [Music] now one turn of healing before we ship him over to get this this is not going to flip someone needs to go uh yeah let's head down that way National epic I don't know just run wealth well we could ship away at it um yeah saving up money to to go for Optics yeah the colonial expense is um going to kick in the moment I settle that yeah yeah yeah we don't need to do that yet don't need to do it yet I've got tons of infrastructure for the guy gets this city that'll be a good capital for them and give them my units too I don't think V colonies are really good but I've never done it in a video before I think it would be fun do it at least once oh why not okay so yeah Alex is probably going to get annoyed with me that's okay he's got nothing uh metal casting these guys are healing yep that's fine we can take him out City rad two ax should have like 90% think next turn we do the colony we settle that improve the oh the fish W oh the boat needs to go here for that one oh gosh I thought I had another boat up there yeah you need to go up here need to get them their Seafood going yeah uh what are the chances I get a creative leader do I just do it now I guess so the sooner the better we're going to try it I don't know whatever once in a lifetime actually no no no no the Hammers will be lost wait for that to finish yeah let that finish it's chin what's up chin my friend I kind of need this bro chin bro how you doing man good calendar man look at him go 1210 it's not [Applause] bad there's a boat we'll gift him some work boats to help the man out good he kept a culture in here which means he could actually flip this if he doesn't I'll just take it but what's good is he he kept the culture so he's got the fish in his border that City yeah now what's really cool is on this mod you can actually tell your vassels to plot start pumping the boys out uh we'll use these guys to take the bar City actually I keep F busting oh yeah he's busting [Music] that all right I need to get over here soon this is kind of a piece of crap maybe the creative Library Thing can help a bit but I don't know uh we need to farm over stuff Civil Service don't we oh yeah let's go explore Alex hey Alex will like chin I think yeah that's actually a good role we got a low piece way a that's [Music] good now I take metal casting and I can trade that to him for calendar ha you know what's funny he's probably out teing Alex right now I want to check that but it's probably out taking Alex that the sword Shall Perish by the sword right guys over there are kind of getting a bit out of control that didn't hurt my research too bad and I'm getting trade routes from it and those trade routes are going to go up because they're foreign ever so slightly the sustained peace bonus all right you Grizzly bastard what's cooking great artist oh really he's going to culture bombb this one is he okay see wants his City [Music] back we need W boats my micro is really beginning to drop because I've been playing a very long time now micro is yeah um should stop they're actually on Pace for a good astronomy date I just don't have Machinery in crap yet with old caveman over here you know we kind afford to go for forges we need to get to Optics and meet people but this is kind of fun I don't know if this is really going to help but it's fun big chin oh he flipped it what he immediately flipped it what what cool go chin they just joined him immediately what the hell yeah take take that one you can have a scout for your troubles to Men I'm paying way too much money wow it's just flipped it just like that wow all right wellow I We complain fair enough nice dude congrats man you deserve it yeah I think Alex is going to be doing much now let's have a look at the power graph how did that war go for him H not too well as you can see ouchy yeah look at his holy his economy so bad that's turned zero is only like yeah not much better than turn zero at 600 AD but currency is going to help him a lot sadly he's going to get a big jumping GMP from that oh he's stacking his boys where did that arst go don't know oh he's bombing this one is he yeah he'll 20 40 60 he's he's going to culture this waste a great person just to get your own City back all right [Music] dude don't think I need all these axmen so we gift them to bro can we get this any faster yeah well we we can do that for a bitay the scientist I'm paying so much money do I need this extra workboat one two that's only two things I think chin can improve his own stuff you know what uh he'll like me and well oh yeah we can do that bro sounds good already have fish but you know that's okay [Music] he probably needs this help our boy out he probably needs the health yeah oh what a fun game no he's wandering off it's Moz Moz doesn't know what to do with himself so did he meet somebody he must have met someone else cuz he only put three points on me one he's not putting points on me this he's met somebody else want to keep playing and meet this bastard need to see what's going on we need to go Tech mode the wisest men okay har here for sure National epic can screw us let's get the harbor up that's going to really help us where's the other guys oh fre what a freaking idiot he has silver and he didn't settle it he settled on the horses these are some terrible City placements by the way holy cow dude at least you didn't ruin the seafood but still jez I'm still paying a lot take it still paying a lot it'll get better when I settle the cities so much silk dude wh a library here so into a boat for the whale Machinery that's calendar he's in Anarchy is he slavery vessel heriditary yeah good decision probably help you bro where the hell well I can't get through there I can only go down here you won't flip the city with that kind of tripage in there no iron yeah I think you got to irrigate this cage that one though this is actually hurting more economy more than it's helping sadly don't know why I'm just not getting enough trade routes I need to meet others and get astronomy there's my wonder he's he's doing it he's taking his way there I think he's matching Alex okay he got Islam where where oh you bastards you damn punks where are you damn it don't have money yeah it's the best we can do there [Music] Buble let's grow one more in here first W my economy is dying oh we're getting trade routes with the chiner at least oh my God he's coming [Laughter] back no dudes you don't give up oh and I can't reinforce in time no no no no why did I only leave one guy in here what's wrong with me always going to do this to me why what is wrong with you can't you just accept your lost freaking idiots ready to get astronomy 760 ad like not even that bad I'll get teleported up there freaking pick up my Scout and run away with [Music] it to the damn bastard I think he's going to get it too oh my God I should have moved [Music] up [Music] wow [Music] dude wow he doesn't have the balls to do it what a wuss what a wuss leave my weight [Music] alone pillage they didn't even bombard the freaking idiot oh wipe him out he had one chance to take the city I thought he would have actually just slammed everything into it because it's better Ai and they're actually supposed to do that but too much of a wuss supposed to do that if they have overwhelming odds but to be fair the two he long bows could have just creamed him so maybe he was afraid of that that's ridiculous so what a [Music] punk oh my trade routes man oh why do you do this to me [Music] Alex I'm going to hit him oh yeah twice at 75% thanks game thanks it's just wonderful thank you Game twice at 75% that's one in 16 chance of Happening by the way just my luck average luck 1 and 16% one and 16 chance for that to happen yeah yeah great abs absolutely just what we need wonderful that's fantastic brilliant huge [Music] insane like it's not even bombarding sitting there with his stupid killer catapult being a prick his swordsman's ran off oh thank you for that got one win allay kill this prick combat Longbow time you bastard oh you got [Music] a oh fortifier oh I see wonderful 68 then okay stupid catapults if I hit him with everything I kill him I think do it a bit better luck now it's [Music] nice okay bastard it's the black shot and your lucky bastard catapult Now kill your swordsman in theory oh 84% of course not wow horrible luck unbelievable that was so bad how many rolls was that in one turn oh dude try and get to [Music] Optics yeah go for that I got to get to Optics [Music] what 83 of course you wi 83 why why wouldn't you cuz I don't got my heroic epic let's go hey chin got something look at chin dude this game even has some money for us what a good guy oops the hell did I do okay well let's tell you [Music] to uh how many times did I click that or everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under eight turns yeah he's he's taken faster than Alex that's not a safe place to be [Music] Buddy save the promotion on that well on the BR side that killed off all our unit [Music] cost [Music] yeah run this here I'm at 250 beers I mean it's not bad it's just maintenance is what's killing me what is wrong with you oh is that something over there went do the trium thing I think we just called with [Music] caraval do you need a worker bro I give you a worker man he doesn't have any workers oh my God he's going to go for my Island and I can't stop [Music] him oh no [Music] dude how annoying see they're a lot more competent at Naval attacks than normal actually have to respect and respond to it oh this is so annoying though they're definitely making it hard what a prak even gave him her free tich when he wanted help and I get this for that freaking complete and utter bastard hate this guy there's a worker for you dude I can't chop your forest for you can I no just take the worker then man oh oh god oh [Music] hey yo aha I'm not going to get freaking trade routes cuz I'm at war with the idiot otherwise I would actually get trade routes from these guys you know how annoying that is okay okay okay we can get stuff wow man's Advance here has nationalism but they don't have astronomy yet I can just get [Music] Optics okay I think I know how to do do this try and get uh Machinery off this idiot and a map for Compass and try and trade feudalism for Optics we might be good yes this expedition was worth it that's amazing we get a Caravel out of somewhere from here and go this way then we're good whip caraval here go left get ccum navigation this scout can hop on the boat and get circum naav from going there no I'll just take the map five City ahoka yeah we got man Musa with 13 freaking cities that is oh I can't get a map monotheism yeah sure why not I have a vassel when man's double my score dude like what the hell just wait one turn minut I need to get this trade with you Lord thy God Thou shalt guards before me go education or whatever bro just let me let me get this trade bro please one more turn I have oh what do I do about this I'm not sure there's much you can do about this crap be honest now he's landed here o gross okay he really wants his City maner yes yes yes yes yes yes W one doesn't Discover new lands without losing sight of the shore bam astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and Le us from this world to another oh he punk you got no idea what's coming I'm going to bully the hell out of him with TRS oh we got calendar I should be improving my crap um [Music] whoops chariots okay let's get this up where are my workers I gifted one okay why are we farming the PLS what's wrong with you why would you do that go here yeah I need to take a break I'm playing really sloppily this what happens when you play for like two hours I'm just having so much fun this is so cool this game uh right holy oh yeah they're a big problem these two they're a big problem I need to take out Alex but with astronomy he just got astronomy the bastard no men oh okay in that case get Civil Service uh we can meman this bastard and Bully him with gallion oh yeah you know what this will fix him no WIP out his bastard ships try and trade optics for civil service maybe maybe maybe where's the great where's the hero epic going to be don't really have a good spot for that this is like three mines I mean it's something this is two mines and a river this is three [Music] mines this is three m i gu an ear cuz it has a lot of food can kind of work with that yeah let's leave this for next time need a break wow that was fun cool very interesting game we got some big monsters to deal with longterm yeah this is going to be hard this is going to be hard I thought I got astronomy where's my trade routes oh because Alex's stupid double chin is in the way that's why there's no route because Alex isn't in the way I need a map oh that's all he hasn't used his Optics yet oh hey don't think I can make that with my gy now we go with the caraval right caraval that's right yeah worry we have to deal with Alex cuz he's being a bastard yeah we save that for next time all right thanks for watching and I'll see you next time yeah
Channel: Henrik
Views: 2,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civ 4, civ iv, civilization 4, civilization iv, civ 4 modded, civ 4 better ai, game 01, game 1, immortal, catherine, henrik, henrik civ 4, part 1
Id: 9Hexeb2MtoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 40sec (10180 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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