CITP - How to use it in MA2 & MA3D with Green Hippo media servers

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what up guys it's chris today i want to talk about citp uh in grand ma2 grandma 3d and how i use hippo servers hippo media servers to uh generate that citp and get it into my my previz or my desk so before we get into it i just wanted to show you guys a quick diagram of my two computers and the node um it's pretty simple everything's going into one network switch and you can see the ips of everything if there's any questions about that so first um we'll start out here in ma i just want to show you guys my settings really quick it's pretty simple show file i just have two layers patched and one mix of hippo we can take a quick look at the patch here again very straightforward universe one starting at one we're on uh hippo version 4.4 i believe and that's why we have these fixture types each layer is 146 channels the mix i think is like i don't know 30 somewhat channel something like that we are on ma2 on pc um and we are outputting maynet we do have let's say quickly we do have one dmx node uh hooked up in the mix that's how we're able to get parameters out of our computer and the last thing i want to show you guys if you come down to the citp network configuration tab and setup it's pretty straightforward we'll come back to this and take a quick look but all i've done is add present everything's on the same ma network and we'll take a look at the network settings on the hippo computer in a bit but all you want to do is just make sure that your media server is selected and it's green like everything else and you want to um enable citp that should be it on the ma side of things for now let's go over to hippo take a look at how we're set up and uh and yeah all right so here we are in hippo and i just wanted to show you guys my uh very basic setup here so the first thing we'll do is uh we'll work on the current show that i've been working on we'll just go ahead start hippo up and now that hippo's started we can take a quick look at our uh our mix here we have one mix and two layers just like we talked about in ma and uh you can see down here at the bottom in our in our media tab i've just imported my kind of test pattern and that's kind of what we're going to be using to test our citp output the way you would do that is you'd go into your media tab here i go into my i think i believe i dragged it into my cg folder and then just uploaded uh nope clearly not because it's not there i believe it was the root and we just uploaded the files you can upload from your desktop here and uh and yeah that's how i got it in so the last thing oh sorry before we get into that we'll go into our configuration tab we'll come down at the bottom here and into components we want to add our citp and dmx components so basically you go down here to add click what you want and now they're in your kind of show file here so we'll go into a new layout and i've already done it but let's just take a quick look here if we were to grab open this tab here grab our desktop then you would be able to drag in citp uh you know blocks or whatever whatever they are so now we have two i don't think that's really going to make the biggest difference um so we have our ethernet set we don't want to use wi-fi or anything like that this is um in the ma2 sorry this is the in the m8 net network so this is 192.168.5 um you can see in the diagram that i'll flash later in the video what the other ip addresses are and this is our dmx settings again we have the two layers and the uh one mix you can see that layer one starts at channel one layer two at 147 and layer three uh sorry and mix 1 at 293 the last thing you want to do is in your dmx tab here you just want to make sure that manet is chosen and you're not doing any art net or anything else like that so yeah for that we'll just go over to our universe click on universe a and from there you're able to change your protocol we'll just keep that on m a net for now um and we'll back out of that once we're all set we'll back out of that we'll go back into our mixes and then we'll go ahead and and uh grab layer one on our other computer on our ma machine and we should see this um well column right here go to 100 so let me do that really quick yep there it goes you can see that uh we have data let me just do the same thing for layer two to make sure that everything is patched correctly you clear that out it should go away layer two yep there it is clear that out yep all good so i'm just gonna store a uh quick fader here so that we can select our media so all i'm gonna do is grab a layer one i'm gonna bring that to full and um you're not gonna be able to see this but on the ma side of things we're gonna go into our gobo settings we're going to go to layer um input we want input 0 and we want the seventh folder in line and now we can see that our test pattern is selected and up we'll go ahead and store that to a fader in mma and boom there it is so now that we have that selected we're just going to leave that up our cit p settings we'll just triple check that they're enabled and yep they are so let's go back into ma and try to make something uh pop up all right so now we're back in ma and we're going to um make a window make a view where we can see our citb so let's just clear this view out for now we will go to other and click citp viewer window and nothing pops up immediately and that's because excuse me that's because you can have um you can look at different information for us it's pretty straightforward we're just outputting one kind of square 16x9 image but you might have you know some odd shapes and sizes and certain things like that that you might want to look at so we will grab the touch the yellow box up at the corner here and this will bring us our citp options and if if we've done everything correctly we should see our desktop hippo server which is the other computer we will choose that and once it kind of reads it at the bottom we can either look at the viewport or mix one now for us it's the same thing and after a while it should pop up now you're only going to get about 10 fps which you don't want much more than that um if you were on an actual console this is what would kind of slow it down a bit i'm sure you've seen people with the crazy image layout views and the copy images and all that stuff that's all well and good and if that makes you run your show better godspeed but it's very taxing on the console and same with the citp so use it sparingly um today for this example it's not a big deal because there's no pressure to be under and if you're using ma on pc you have a little more leeway because your computer specs might be a little more beefier than a grand ma2 console hardware is so now that we have our citp getting into ma from hippo let's go over into ma3d and see how we can kind of use it to maybe help us previz a little bit all right so we've opened up ma3d and um nothing's happening at the moment and we're gonna go figure out why so if we go back into ma we'll go into our setup our network configuration and uh it's pretty simple so it's because we are not a session member in our 3d session so what we're going to do is we're going to right click this into yes and wait for it yep there we go now we're going to send the uh objects to the network so now if we go back into ma3d you can see uh great um so i just have a little stage rendering here it's not the too fancy um but it's okay you know okay wow the screen is wow okay so uh let's just go ahead and delete this i'm going to show you guys just a very quick way to get the citp into our ma3d here so what we'll do is we'll just go ahead and duplicate this um our backdrop here we're gonna go ahead and duplicate it drag the other one forward and we'll just make this a bit smaller we'll make it about half size so 12 by six and we'll drag it back a little bit and up great so now that we have our you know led screen drawn what we'll do is we'll right click it and select this material this will bring up this panel over in the corner here in the texture row we'll click the three dots and this will prompt us to pick a texture for it this is where you would upload your own custom image you know you would pick maybe something in the show if you had you know something in the image pool for example but we want to use citp from our media server so we should see again if everything's done correctly we should see our desktop hippo there and once this refreshes we'll see great we have mix one and viewport one again for us they're the same thing so it shouldn't matter we'll go ahead and hit mix one hit okay and if everything works the way i think it is yep there we go um this is just a little backwards but that's okay um you kind of get the idea so there it is uh it's not the most high-res thing in the world this really um is just kind of to kind of help get your renderings you know a little more better and you know it's fun to have some video elements in your lighting previz especially because that's probably how your show in real life is gonna go so yeah i enjoy working on hippo servers um the last tour that i was on i was the lighting programmer and the video programmer i used the granite may 2 and hippos so i'm relatively familiar with them um so yeah so i hope people learned something from this and i hope it was enjoyable
Channel: CG Media
Views: 790
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Id: sut56RPGmY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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