Hippotizer V3.1 - Layer Control Window

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hi and welcome back to hippo school online in this section we're going to take a look at the layer control window the layer control window gives you access to every layer on the system via the layers preview at the top simply select the layer you wish to work on and the interface will update we also get a preview of the master and both the master intensity and master volume controls as well each layer has a number of controls starting with a reset button that will reset all values across the layer next you have a level intensity for the layer which is also accessible in the layers preview at the top we can also choose to synchronize the volume of the audio with the intensity of the layer should you want to there is also balance in order to decide the mix of your audio mixer modes are found at the bottom and they allow you to choose the mixing rules between multiple layers we also have a live mask feature for the layer but again this will be covered in a separate topic in the central window is where we select our inputs the media player currently selected shows us some information about the content including the name resolution and frame rate the length of the clip and also its DMX group and media or location in the media map we now have this docking section that allows you to open the media map and swap it for the effects and colors across the bottom you will find your play modes including play once look forward pause play backwards once Loup reverse bounce and last of all the random frame to adjust the in and our points of your clip simply drag the green cursors up and down the timeline if you wish to be even more accurate simply click on either the end point or the out point and type the values in manually in the middle section you will see the current point of playback however you can switch this to the remaining time by use of the 3 to 1 button again just double click the green faders to set them back to their default above you will find the speed control of the layer allowing you to speed up to 400% of the original or reduce it to much slower than the original speed Hypnotizer supports frame blending allowing you to drastically reduce the playback of the clip without sacrificing too much quality to the right of this you will find two options that deal with the intensity of the layer the first of which will automatically pause the clip whenever the intensity reaches zero you will then continue as soon as the intensity is brought back up again should you wish the clip to kick keep playing simply deselect this option and the clip will remain playing regardless of intensity we also have a rewind option that allows the clip to be reset automatically when the intensity reaches zero very useful when working with content with a distinct start middle and end the remaining inputs will be covered in a later topic in your geometry controls you will find all of the same controls from the master layer however additional controls include aspect ratio allowing you to stretch the content through the horizontal or vertical values we also have an aspect mode option to set the default aspect mode of the layer Auto scale will automatically scale the content to the size of the output without skewing or stretching the clip pixal one-to-one we'll play the clip in its native resolution very useful when working with cameras and other live inputs Phil will automatically stretch the content to meet that of the output resolution making sure that no black letterboxing appears on your output we also have a default four by three a default sixteen by nine and also a square aspect mode available as well moving on to color you will find brightness contrast invert and RGB controls from the master layer however within the layer controller we also have access to advanced color this allows us to break down our color control of the red green and blue values into low middle and high for example with this clip I can decrease the dark blues but increase the bright blues there are also two effects engines for your media layer but again covered in a later topic
Channel: Green Hippo
Views: 8,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Green Hippo, Hippotizer, HippoSchool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2012
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