Cisco SD-WAN 008 - Dual vEdge Site and MPLS Only vEdge Site Templates

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how's it going everybody in this video we're going to continue by setting up vh2 to be a v-managed device so we're going to go through that process i'm pretty much going to take the existing feature templates that we created in the single site video and i'm going to copy them edit them as necessary in order to get the vh2 squared away create a device template that for a dual site and dual v-edge site and then deploy it to vh2 so vh1 we're not going to be putting a template on because we're going to take advantage of the cli capabilities because we'll be using that down the road as we go so i'm gonna go ahead and get out of the way and pull up vmanage so as you can see we're we're all squared away i'm gonna bring this down just a little bit and um yeah that'll work let me go ahead and scrunch that down just a touch so we can see see what's going on so i'm gonna go back to feature templates excuse me okay let's it might have timed out so advanced there we go all right so we're going to go to uh templates there we go so and then feature templates here's all of our feature templates there's not a lot of them but um we're going to basically recreate um all the vpn 0 and vpn 512 templates but we're going to rename them um because the reason why we have again the reason why we have to recreate new ones and rename them is if we need to make an adjustment to any of the single sites uh single vh sites we don't want to affect the dual vh sites and stuff like that so if as long as you have a separation of the templates based off the sites then you'll be able to make adjustments based off the site type because it's a lot of times what customers will do is they will create a main platform and then or i should say templatize things and then they'll create copies of those templates edit them as they need to so that you're not affecting sites that you don't need to affect so let's go ahead and get that party started i'm going to leave the banner and the system template as it is because i don't need to mess with that i will start with the vpn 0 template we're going to go ahead and copy that and i'm going to name this to be um i'll say vpn of the edge i'll say v edge dual site vpn 0 template like that and copy and then i'm going to work my way down the role so i'll make everything dual site so i've got vpn 0 template let me go ahead and do the vpn 0 interface gig zero go ahead and copy that and it's going to be dual site like so and copy nice thing about it is once they're all copied i can go in there and edit them as i need to and then we're going to do gig001 copy that dual site copy and copy that okay that's there awesome so we've got vpn0 we'll do vpn 512 next so we'll do the vpn512 vpn the dual site and copy like so and copy that and then we're gonna go grab the we have 512 and we'll grab the interface right here we'll go ahead and copy that so this will be dual site and pay and copy that and then we're pretty much good to go so we're we've got the the dual site go organize those real quick there we go so we have vpn0 gig00 gig001 vpn 12 template the ethernet interface we also need to do the bgp template so let's go ahead and copy that one as well so dual site and like that and oops i meant to put a v there and a v here here we go copy all right so that now that's done i can start going in here and editing things as i need to so we'll go really to be honest with you a lot of the values in these templates can stay the same so for example here on the vpn 0 if we were to go in here and edit um we're not going to need to monkey with any of these values because we're going to just attach them to the to a device template and then push the configs down to the the devices themselves so there's really not much for me to go in here and manipulate because of the fact of what we're going to be doing with it so i'm going to go to device i'm going to create a device from a feature template and i'm going to call this vhcloud i'll type in the edge dual site device template copy and paste and then we're going to come in here and bh system template vpn 0 will be dual side vpn we'll grab dual site gig zero we'll add an interface we'll do dual site gig001 and then we'll add bgp we'll type in dual site vpn vpn 512 will be dual site vpn and then the dual site interface ethernet zero and the banner will be the veg banner so now we've got all that done let's go ahead and review our config we've got the system template ready to go we have our vpn dual site and it makes it easy to keep things correlated when you've got them named appropriately and keeps everything organized so i'm going to go ahead and click on create and then it's going to ask me what device i want to associate this to well actually i have to come over here and say attach devices and i'm going to choose vh2 click over here click attach and the nice thing about it is here will be edit device template and just be a matter of populating the fields so in this case here will be the gig zero zero interface will be one nine two dot one dot uh is it two the gig zero one interface will be one seven two what is that one seven two thirty one twelve dot two slash twenty four and then we have then the bgpas number is gonna be six five zero one two the prefix is gonna be the neighbor address is going to be 1 the time zone will be america and we'll choose uh let's see what's what's an option in here we'll say indianapolis indiana indiana indianapolis and the host name will be the edge 12 i'm sorry two the system ip will be and the site id will be 12. i'm going to go ahead and update that i'll click next and i'll click on here to generate the the config diff so we can see what that's going to look like now let's just verify our config config diff um indianapolis is our time zone that looks all good we're adding our banner we have our no shutting the bgp peering is coming up we have all that looks good then we have all that looks good awesome all right go ahead and configure devices we're going to go ahead and process this until it's complete and we'll go ahead and expand that out this is going to probably take a a few seconds to do we'll keep going at it until it's complete all right so the push is now done if we come back over here to devices you'll see that v vh2 has now got the dual site so i could come in here and name this single device or dual device but our single site device but that's okay it's at this point in time it's you understand what we're trying to push and if we look at the command line and we look at vh2 we go ahead and log in and we look at the show ip route we should see a bgp pairing you know which we do if we do a show and we can see the be managed device is squared away here which is what we want to see if we do a show run we have we have america in indianapolis so we know that it's sitting in indy and we're looking at the bgb period being up and everything looking pretty good so we're we're squared away there so at this point in time ladies and gentlemen we have added our dual site setup so if i wanted to add vh1 i would simply just need to add the edge1 to that device template populate its fields push the config and i'm in business so i wouldn't have to go through that process all over again now the next one i'm going to create is going to be the mpls one because it's gonna that one's gonna take a little bit it won't take a ton of time but we'll definitely have to spend a little bit of time getting it up and running because we want to have that to be managed as well and but we want to be able to again to keep logical separation between our templates and our device templates our feature templates so that when we update a feature template we're affecting only what we want to affect and not accidentally updating a device that doesn't need to get updated so let's go ahead and start with that process i'm going to go down here to templates click on a feature template and just like you saw a moment ago we are going to copy all of the vpn 0 ones off here so i'll start with the vpn 0 and here i will say copy and then i will just say mpls only and i will copy that and paste whoops that's not what i wanted to do uh copy and there we go mpls only so that'll be very very obvious you could also have an internet only and so on and so forth so click on copy again it's going to be a lot of the same stuff over and over and over again this time we're going to be doing vpn0 interface gig01 so this one will get copied and then we'll come in here and say mpls only and go something like that copy that and paste that in copy and then we need to grab we'll grab the bgp one as well since i'm right here we'll go ahead just knock that out copy and then this will be mpls only there we go and close and then the next one since we've got vpn0 gig interface bgp i'll do the vpn512 template copy adjust its name like so and then we're going to be good to go there mpls only yep copy there we go and then i'll copy that and the last one we have to do is the vpn 512 interface so we're going to go ahead and copy that and it'll be mpls only and do something like that there we go and copy that and then we're we should be good there's nothing more we really need to mess with beyond that so we have our mpls only let me go ahead and find those real quick so we have our uh vpn 0 template we have our vpn interface we have vpn 512 template vpn interface then we have vpn 0bgp so everything that we need to have is good to go there i'm going to go to device template now i'm going to create a template from feature template vhcloud and then it's going to be veg mpls only underscore device template and then there we go so then mpls only device template excellent so now i can come in here and system template come down here to vpn 0. mpls only vpn template and then we're going to grab the mpos only gig interface right there and then for vpn 512 and then the interface like nope sorry that's the wrong one i want this guy right here and then the additional templates the banner there we go and then we are square everything else we need that we need to have in place is where we need it i'm going to go ahead and click on create and we're going to go ahead and for mpls only we will grab this and attach devices we'll grab bh5 attach it and then i'm going to go ahead and edit the device template and then we're going to populate some fields so the gig zero so i know so the gig zero zero interface there is no gig zero interface so we so in this case here when we get to situations where we didn't remove a config that we need to have for the vpn 0 that's simple we can just click cancel cancel this yep that's fine then we'll go back to feature template and we will grab the vpn5 mpls vpn 0 template right here we'll go ahead and edit that so what we need to do is uh under ipv4 route just go ahead and trash the route update that and so we're a good chip this is why having different templates for different site types and deployments is beneficial because i would have been kind of like okay well could i just create a default route yes but if you've already got a bgb peering and you're learning routes and stuff like that i mean the riding piece probably wouldn't have been that big of a deal but the bigger factor at a larger scale is if i would have had another variable that would have been tied to mpls that wasn't required to be there it would have been extraneous configuration if you have extraneous configuration that could potentially make things more complicated and if somebody's not aware of that being the case and they get in there and they're like i shouldn't be there and accidentally remove it that could cause problems if you're not careful so it's easier to just manipulate if you have the appropriate templates tied and created then it makes it easier to manipulate things when you're in a production environment the whole idea here is to ease the burden on the engineers and the administrators long term rather than having somebody that knows this stuff inside and out they can be like okay well this is specific to mpls only sites so i could potentially pass a deployment off to a junior level guy or gal so they can get experience with this instead of me having to always go in there and do it for them so you're always trying to coach up the the people that are working on getting stronger but you're also trying to make your job easier long term because the last thing you want to do is have stress to deal with right i sure don't so let's go ahead and um now that we've done that we'll go ahead and go to device template and then right here we'll go ahead and attach device we'll grab vpn 512 attach it and then we will go ahead and populate the the details so okay awesome okay so i made another mistake so i'm going i didn't attach bgp so that's my fault i wasn't paying attention to too busy he happened so we're going to go ahead and edit this guy and then under vpn 512 or vpn 0 i will add bgp so this will be mpls only vpn0 bgp update that and then we're going to go ahead and mpls only attach devices give this one more try there we go attach and then we'll go ahead and there we go that's a little better so the ipv4 address in this case here will be the as number is going to be 65005. the prefix is the neighbor address is going to be time zone let's let's find a time zone america let's find something that we have not used um i don't see milwaukee in here but you know what i don't need milwaukee because chicago is due north of me but that's okay let's say phoenix this is something we haven't done before we'll say uh v edge five the system ip will be and the site id will be 5. we're going to go ahead and say update and then push that config we'll click on the config itself and we'll let that load up here that'll take a couple seconds look at the config diff we can see that we are site id is right we're going to be america phoenix we can see that we have the banners getting added the name to the vpns is getting added we're removing gig zero zero because we don't need it there at all on plus interface we have vpn 512 bgp is not getting messed with at all which is awesome so anything in white is not getting bothered anything in green is being added anything in red is being removed so we're going to click on configure devices and now it's going to be a hurry up and wait type of scenario so this is going to take a couple of minutes to push and once it's been pushed we'll be able to validate the configs and then go from there so that's basically where we are at okay so our configs are pushed we're going to go to devices and we can see what we've got associated which is exactly the way that i wanted the lab to be set up i'm going to go over here to bh5 and we're going to log in and we're going to do a show ip route we have some routes in the routing table which is awesome we're going to do a show control connections all the control connections are up we're going to show bfd sessions we should have only sessions over mpls because that's the only transport we have which is what we've got and we're in good shape so at this point in time ladies and gentlemen we are good all of our templates have been pushed and created was it a little bit of overhead trying to get that done yes it was but the nice thing about it is once it's been once it's done you can quickly associate what you need to associate you know and add a new site associate a template to it push the configs you're in good shape makes it very very easy to scale the solution so what we're gonna do in the next video set of videos is focus on the service vpn so we talked about that in the command line we're gonna focus on actually deploying it we're to go it's going to be a combination of cli and templates so for example i'll configure the cli aspects of it on the cli 4bh1 and then i'll show you how to do the configs in vmanage via templates and all that good stuff that goes along with it so we have a lot to uh cover in that respect with that being said i want to thank you guys for hanging out with me and until next time guys take it easy
Channel: Rob Riker's Tech Channel
Views: 2,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, sd-wan, sd, wan, software defined wide area network, templates, vmanage, deploy, configure, automate, centralize, setup
Id: iNHwXo1nN6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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