Cisco SD WAN 001 - Welcome To Next Gen Networking!

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what's going on everybody i want to welcome you to our sd-wan course yeah i know it's a nerdy way of approaching it but hey you know what that's okay i'll be doing something a little bit different in this series of videos where we're going to be starting off on the uh with it already already working right i'm going to kind of give you an overview of what's what so you have a understanding of how things are configured what they do and that type of stuff and then we're going to walk step by step through the different scenarios and all the good stuff that makes sd-wan sd-wan now i've been spending about about a month playing with it so i'm pretty comfortable with the operations of v manage and v bond and all that type of stuff and how everything works so we're going to be walking through a bunch of those details and going through all that so i'm actually really excited about this because as soon as i passed my palo alto exam i immediately started jumping into this stuff and i've been going kind of gung-ho for about a month so i'm really looking forward to moving beyond this because about about a month and a half two months if you're still dwelling on the same technology you get a little it's like okay time to move on in this case here i've got a lot of things working and i'm gonna be walking you through a lot of the scenarios and how everything is set up so what i do want to do is i want to walk you guys through basically what the topology will look like what the flow is going to be all that type of stuff so you understand what we're going to be doing and that type of stuff so we're going to cover the topology help you understand how everything is laid out and that type of stuff so initially when i was testing this stuff out i had the intentions of doing a lot of really cool stuff and as i was going through i realized the version of code that i'm running i'm for those of you that are interested i'm running 18.4 yes i know is a little bit older i do have the intention of taking that version of code and doing an upgrade to bring me to like 19 3 and then see what that looks like so i have not done a code upgrade up to this point so we'll be taking a look at those details at a point in the future but right now where we're at is where we're at so um over here on the right hand side actually let me go ahead and pull up my pen tool because at the moment it is not present and then we will take a look at i'll white do some white boarding and help you guys understand what's what where things are laid out what you can expect to see throughout this series of videos and all that type of stuff so the first series uh first set of videos is going to be basically uh the the bring up process where we're going to get basically all of this working initially so we'll have to set up the ca then we'll have to get all the controller devices online working form the dtls tunnels between them all that type of stuff get the management interface squared away all that good stuff right we're gonna go through all that once we get that in play then we'll go to each one of the v edges and we will configure them so that they can all communicate back to the controllers over here so that they can come online get onboarded and all that good stuff once we have that in place and we're going to add mpls in here so all the v edges will form a bgb pairing with the mpls router right here so it's a simulated private lan in this case here we'll talk about how that comes into play and those details that go into it then once we get that all on play we'll get them all squared away we'll take a look at the different ways that you can work with stuff you'll notice that there's a subnet sitting between the mpls and the inet router and how you can do cross transport communications and things like that and then we'll talk about how you get the connectivity up and running for the control and the lan connectivity and all that good stuff then once we have all that squared away then we're going to transition into basic operations so that means we're going to set up the basically get all the internal stuff propagated right we're going to start off with vpn one which will be allow us to set up some basic communication we'll take a look at exactly how all the type of stuff works in the process of doing that one of the things that we're going to do is we're going to do the talk about the different templates that are out there we'll talk about the feature templates we'll talk about the device templates that are out there how we push them to the devices that are configured and all that type of stuff then as we transition from templates then we'll go ahead and take a look at how do you do route propagation how does omp work what does omp use in order to figure out the best way to get from point a to point b that type of stuff once we have all that laid out and we understand how omp works then we'll take a look at advertising connected and static routing and that will be a big deal then we'll focus on ospf and then we'll talk focus then on bgp we'll take a look at how all that stuff comes into play and then we're going to focus on the internal operations how does a v edge really become a v edge and what are some of the capabilities so we'll take a look at setting up dhcp we'll take a look at vrrp we'll take a look at setting up routing internally with ospf we'll take a look at authentication and some other stuff we'll take a look at bgb traffic engineering with some basic ideas and operations that will be happening and all of this is going to be taking taking place uh without relying on any type of policy well for the most part there will be a little bit of policy that we'll have to play with for the rap manipulation for bgp and stuff like that but for the most part we'll be in pretty good shape and then we'll then take a look at throwing nat into the process we'll take a look at throwing that in we'll take a look at failover high availability and how you can use different nat configurations in order to get the the job done and all that type of stuff once we have pretty much all of that done we'll take a look at acls and how acls can come into play and get things working and then we'll jump over to qos qos will be one of those things where we can deploy either through the local policy or through the centralized policy and when we do that this will allow us to propagate to where we need it to go and get everything up and running the way we need to now one of the key things that's interesting about this now remember i want to preface that this means that we're not doing any real anything fancy with viptela or with sd-wan we're doing just getting some of the basic operations up and running what we're doing may not look basic but and the reality of it is it's not too terribly complicated one of the things that sd-wan does out of the gate is it actually goes into a full mesh with all the edges so each v edge will automatically form an ipsec bpm with every other v-edge in the sd-wan fabric we'll talk about how that comes into play and all that type of stuff once you have all that stuff laid out and you have all these connections up and running you can then start to scale them so then you can look at the hub and spoke options you can take a look at how you can affect how the traffic is forwarded we'll take a look at looking at spoke to hub but no spoke this book communication how we can implement spoke to spoke through the hub things like that and go through some of those details the reality of it is there's a lot of ways that you can manipulate traffic in the sd-wan fabric we're going to be taking a look at a few of them but we're not going to look at every one of them and the reason why not well not everything i've tested works exactly the way that it's advertised that could just be on me but nevertheless i want to focus on some of the more widely publicized things like the being able to control traffic and be more of the omp the control plane aspect of it and things like that so that's basically where we're going to start and get everything up and running we'll do have some testing and stuff like that so a lot of cool stuff that's going to be going on as we progress through the course and stuff like that so let me go ahead and show you some of the behind the scenes stuff that i'll be doing and all that good stuff that goes along with it here i have v manage pulled up real quick let me go ahead and pull v manage up i'm going and jump out of the way i'll go ahead and log in and then i also have a number of not now i also have a number of devices inside working and operational as you can see it's a pretty full routing table in terms of what the connectivity looks like and all the stuff that goes into it so it's actually pretty cool what you can do so every once in a while i get some weirdness that populates like this you have to like literally come in here and re-synchronize it currently i have five v edges added to my network i have six control connections up and running i have full wind connectivity between four sites so a lot of really cool stuff one of the other ones that we'll look at at some point in the future i don't know when will be t-lock extension now that i think about it so this is basically how this what this looks like when it's all up and running and operational if we come over here to devices you can see that devices are working i've got them mapped to a template so that we have communication set up correctly the way we needed to if i come down here to templates i have a crapload of templates created as i've been playing around with this trying to get everything to work the way that i needed to and become operational because once you start getting into the the nuts and bolts and the meat and taters of how it all works there's a lot of stuff that we're going to be taking a look at in terms of how it works and how to get it operational and things like that then we have device templates which actually take a group of feature templates they bundle them together and then they push them to a particular device or devices in order for it to affect how the device will work so i have that type of stuff in play so for example here i have um vh3 if i look at vh3 i have uh if we do a show run you can see there's actually a lot going on here we have some banners going on we have the transport vpn we come down here to bpn1 we can see that we've got some um some acls working and some prefix lists working and stuff like that so it's actually pretty cool what you can do with it in terms of its operations and its capabilities so so it's actually really cool to play around with what it does if we come down here to uh let's say for example the mpls only template let's go ahead and edit that real quick if you want to go ahead and edit anything you have the ability of editing it right here i can sit there and take a policy that it's been deployed i can sit here and remove it if i want to or i can add another policy for snmp or add a policy for security i can add interfaces there's a lot of really cool stuff that it does but in this case here we're going to be taking a look at a lot of the operational pieces to it because at the end of the day whether you're studying for an exam or you're studying because you need to understand sd-wan better i've gotten it up and running i've played around with it quite a bit and i've have i taken it do i know every nook and cranny nut and bolt no i don't i'll be honest with you right there i don't know everything i'll be showing you a handful of different ways to do stuff and to understand some of the basics to do stuff and walking you through those details and from there you'll be able to hopefully take anything i'm showing you in these videos and then if you need to manipulate them in some way or some some fashion or form you'll be able to do that but beyond that for the most part what we're focusing on here is getting the solution up and running and then if we need to make some manipulations to the way that the traffic patterns work or how we can control access to a particular thing via vmanage or through the cli on a viptela device we're going to talk about that so there will be things we don't cover and if you guys put a request in there maybe or maybe not get it operational and working but at the end of the day the goal is to test the features out and get everything test out what i can and stuff like that but it's been a lot of fun to play with and get up and running so hopefully all of you will follow along in this video and under help me you know help spread the word of this sd-wan course because at the end of the day that's the reason i do it is to try to help other people out that might be struggling with it at first there was some issues that i ran into it ran into with it and it was like okay what's going on so what i'm gonna do in this the rest of this video is i'm actually going to show you guys how to take an existing topology existing design and we're actually going to start wiping it so how do you take an existing deployment and get rid of it you might say well why do you want to get rid of it well number one reason is to properly demonstrate an sd-wan solution especially like viptela you need to in my opinion you need to know it from day one week one day one minute one all the way through to as far as you can take it right so i'm going to show you how to wipe a device on i'm going to wipe all the controllers i'm going to wipe the the ios ca so the router that's acting as our certificate authority and i'm also going to wipe um the the asa here at the hq i'm going to wipe the config in here on the switches and bring it basically back to a blank config again without having to shut everything off and stuff like that but i will have to do some reboots but the point here is i want to take what's already working when i know is a known good setup and then i can just wipe it and then start it over again and then walk you guys through okay this is how you set this up this is how you set this up this is how you set that up and go through all those steps so by the time we're done with the the basically bringing things online and starting to deploy some internal land services and things like that that were you're getting comfortable with the operations so that's basically what it is that i'm going to be going through and playing with so with that being said let's go ahead and talk about how we get this started so there's a couple of commands that you would need to know and we'll start on vh1 we'll log in real quick so if you want to basically reset the the v edge device it's really really easy to do that and what you do is you type in request software reset and then you hit the enter key it says do you want are you sure you want to reset to factory defaults yes it's kind of a once you've made that decision there's really no turning back right i wish there was a like type in the password again type deal but there isn't so just be cognizant of that so vh2 same thing admin and then admin we're going to go ahead and type in request software reset yes okay do this across the board and continue that processes process across the board until we're all the way done and then lastly on vh5 all right so now we have to go do the the controllers so i'll click on the controllers go ahead and log in we'll type in request software and reset same with this guy yes that's going to reset the b uh b manage v bond will be the exact same way so we're typing log in real quick request software reset so by the time i'm done with this it'll be a blank sd-wan solution that will have to build back up so request software reset okay now that that's all squared away yes i'll leave some of the other devices to um i'll play with those like the dc switch let me go ahead and do this real quick we'll type in um right erase and we'll go ahead and reload that'll take that device down i'm going to leave the internet router and the mpls router intact because we're not too concerned about that because by default those will be working when you plug them into the internet plug your viptela devices into the internet but on switch uh 16 and 17 respectively i'm going to go ahead and wipe them out as well go ahead and get rid of that guy because he's not necessary anymore so it's going to be enable write erase reload uh no and switch 17 same thing so enable uh right erase reload no okay so that's pretty much everything and then on the asa i'll type in clear configure configuration configure all so it's literally going to reset itself and then i'm going to go ahead and just reload it reload there goes so it's going to go ahead and reboot that so everything else that's configured i'm going to leave it alone because at the most for the most part that's basically where we want to start now now that everything has been reset and i'm showing you this you know in not real time well pretty much real time when we bring everything back up did i do the ca server i think i did no the ca server is gonna get reset as well so i'll type in uh write erase because i'll show you guys how to bring up the ca server as well because we have to take down the um we go ahead and reload nope there we go okay so now we've got that done that will reload as well it'll take some time for the ios devices to come back online but um once all that's good to go then in the next video i'm going to walk you guys through what it is that we'll be doing initially initially what we're going to do is we're going to start off with bringing up the controllers we'll talk about why we need a certificate you know what the purpose of the certificate authority is for then how does that process work what the devices you know what are the devices that need to talk to each other why do they need to talk to each other things like that so um really looking forward to this i don't know about you guys but i'm like i'm kind of geek in here a little bit not a little bit a lot so with that being said thanks so much for stopping by if you have any questions please leave a question comment in the comment section below please like share and subscribe and i will see all of you in the next video
Channel: Rob Riker's Tech Channel
Views: 108,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, sd, wan, sdwan, software define wide area network, viptela, network
Id: AFDpSvH7Fj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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