Circle of 5ths Decoded | This Tool Makes Music Theory Easy!!

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this video is sponsored by noisy Clan the company noisy Clan reached out to me recently to see if I could have a look at one of their products specifically the circle of fifths decoder let's explore what makes this decoder so useful and why you should consider getting one for yourself so what is the circle of fifths decoder the circle of fifths decoder does precisely what it says it decodes the circle of fifths and extracts some of the most vital pieces of information in a very clear and easy to understand way for example if you wanted to find the cords in the key of G major you would simply turn the wheel of the decoder until G appears at the top of the Wheel from here you will instantly be able to find the seven available chords in the key of G the 1 four and five chords being g c and d appear at the top of the decoder and the two three and six chords at the bottom the seventh chord in this case f diminished will be shown in the center of the wheel this of course makes writing chord progressions Easy by selecting any of these chords in whichever order your ear guide you if you're new to writing core progressions you'll also find a very helpful guide on the back of the decoder which will show you the 12 most common chord progressions for example a 1465 progression turning the decoder around again would show you that the 146 and five chords in the key of G would be g c e minor and D now say for example you wanted to play this same chord progression in a different key all you would need to do is turn the decoder's wheel to your desired key Center and play the same 14 65 progression now you may have also noticed two extra chords slightly frosted over displayed at either side of the decoder this is an interesting feature showing you two chords that you could borrow from another key to add to any of your progressions while neither of these chords fit precisely in the key they can be exciting chords to bring into the mix to spice up a chord progression for example take a simple 154 progression in the key of D major and now add the borrowed chord in this case C inside the Frosted window to the left of the [Music] decoder in this video I won't go into depth regarding the theory behind these chords you could however call the chord on the left a secondary subdominant and the chord on the right a secondary dominant this is explained very clearly in the accompanying booklet now we also have a small window on the front face of the decoder that as you turn the wheel tells you how many sharps or flat are in each key signature complete with the order of flats and Sharps displayed underneath this is especially useful if you're relatively new to site reading and identifying key signatures from standard notation a brilliantly Innovative feature of the circle of fifth decoda is the built-in pop out stand that simply pulls out and connects with two studs this allows you to place the stand on any flat surface without the need to balance it in an awkward position this cleverly designed stand can then be flat packed and placed in a gig bag or a music folder the circle of fifths decoder comes complete with a very well put together accompanying book that not only goes into far more depth about how to use the decoder but also has chapters on intervals chord building songwriting scale building soloing modes and much more if you are relatively new to the world of songwriting and theory and don't quite yet understand how to play certain chord shapes displayed on the circle of fifth decoder then a handy guitar chord chart reference is also included showing each chord in every key so whether you're a music teacher hobbyist songwriter or simply a musician interested in gaining a deeper understanding of Music Theory and the circle of fifths I highly recommend picking up a circle of fist decoder for yourself follow the link in the description and use the code Sam jam2 to get 20% off your order thanks again to noisy clan for sponsoring this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Samjamguitar
Views: 29,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samjamguitar, circle of 5ths decoder, Circle of 5ths - Decoded, circle of fifths decoder, music theory tool, circle of 5ths easy, circle of 5ths changing key, circle of 5ths explained, circle of fifths chord progression, circle of 5ths guitar, music theory easy, guitar music theory, circle of fifths explained for guitar, circle of 5ths and 4ths, circle of 5ths adn 4ths, How to use circle of fifths for chord progressions guitar, How to make chord progressions without music theory
Id: PMQpepi7MIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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