Chord Wheel, Circle of 5ths, I IV V I,

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we're doing a lesson on the chord wheel we have moved everything so that we are in the key of c so this arrow moves we want to put it so it's in the key of c and now we're going to learn how inside of this black fence how they all relate to the family of the key of c so what we did was we wrote the c scale c d e f g a b c we wrote the numbers underneath now we're going to build chords from this scale so think of this scale like the alphabet and now we're going to make three letter words so how do we build a c chord what are the three letters in a c chord c major chord 1 3 5 or what are the letters c e g right so every other one moves up so follow me and write your e on top c e and then the five like you said very good g so c e g move your board over just a little bit please thank you so if i play a c major chord it's happy right yeah okay so happy means we're going to write roman numerals okay happy and sad are written in roman numerals and music differently than in math so don't think math which is a good thing yeah okay if we have a major chord we will write a capital roman numeral if we have a minor sad chord we write a baby lowercase roman numeral so c is major right because it was happy right so we're going to make a this one into a capital roman numeral one can you write that on your paper it's okay just leave it on there you're good now look on the cord wheel what is in this tiny tiny little box a capital one because that c says that c chord you have to know what's inside of that c chord that c is this c which really means c-e-g now we're going to build a chord off of d what is every other letter from our d scale d f a because we have to use this alphabet only no sharps no flats so we're going to write the f and we're going to write the a dfa now if we play dfa is that happy or sad it sounds more sad it is sad so that's actually d minor look on here your d is d minor and it is a baby two so this two is actually going to be a baby roman numeral too so it's a baby two little eye okay now we're going to e how do we build an e chord from the key of c every other one e e g b e g b e g b and if we play egb [Music] happy or sad yes very good ear so egb is sad so that's e minor which is in the family which is what baby three right so you're getting the idea okay now we're going to build the f chord what's how do we build it h f um every other one honey look look look it's right here the answer is right here f f a c yes good job now if we play an f chord happy or sad happy it is happy so it's a large four so it's a big i a big v because it's a major chord and a big v because that's hap so and look does that match on the chord wheel yes okay now we're gonna go to g now we're gonna erase this extra c because it's just going to confuse us we're going to go every other one so g g b d d g b d build it build it okay now we play g chord and it's happy sorry if i just wrote on you with the green marker i think i did g major good so it's a large five yes see what's happening yes okay now how do we build the a chord out of c a c e yay you're getting the idea so this is the sixth chord a c e a c [Music] which is six right because you know v means five and then you add another one to six okay last one b every other one b d f b d f [Music] is really sad it's not only sad it's evil it's called diminished oh i remember that and look at this b with a little fahrenheit means diminished so we look at it it's a baby viii with diminished so all this work that we did on this paper is all answered right here already all the answers are right there [Music] so now you don't have to think through when you're trying to play all your chords in your key of c or write a song in the key of c this inner circle is all major chords this next circle is all the minor chords and the outer circle is all the diminished chords so instead of going through this whole process to figure out in the color of c what's major and what's minor the answers are already there okay that's actually cool so if you were to play a song in the key of c let's move this now you would pick different chords have you ever heard of one four five one like that that's a chord progression so it's like writing a sentence you'd play c major so play a c major chord and keep turning our piano see now go to four which is f major and then f is um yeah good good go to g five and then it should be good and i go back to one i just wrote a song that's it so that's what all of this means cool and if we went to the key of g we're not going to do it all but if we wrote out a g scale yeah that would have one sharp one sharp is f sharp so now look one sharp in the key of g you're going to have one sharp these are all the chords in the family of g and then this one has two sharps so it's so that would be a deterrent so now that would be the key of d so now you have chords that have two sharps father charles and then this one has three sharps and this one has four sharps yes but what about this seven flat so this says five sharps you see it five sharps oh right you see it and then seven flats but if you go around the wheel this way clockwise you have all sharps one two three four five six seven if you go this way you have flats so this is the same seven flats and five sharps is the same thing and this is six and six because it's both at six o'clock right that's where sixes and seven is seven sharps because you came around one two three four five six seven sharps but this way is shorter is five flats those are n harmonic remember n harmonic is c sharp or d flat two notes to one note two names
Channel: Susan Niekamp Studios Inc.
Views: 46,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BtCFRqynUM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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